Pyramid/Vibration by Lapis .....

This article is two part. The first aspect talks about the significance of a pyramid in the context of sacred geometry. The second part delves into what vibration is.

Date:   8/26/2005 4:39:08 AM ( 19 y ago)

More Spiritual/Consciousness Articles

The Sacred Geometry of the Pyramid
Messages Received on Friday, September 17, 2004

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Sacred Geometry Basics
Gates McKibbin.


We would like to comment today on the sacred geometry of the pyramid, and how it links and integrates with All That Is. Consider this: To manifest Divine Love in material form, it is necessary to encode the vibration of the Void in such a way that there is minimal differentiation and optimal interconnectedness. For to create something separate from and yet fully integrated with All That Is requires a geometry that can include everything and metamorphose into nothing. The pyramid does just that.

You know the fundamental geometry of the pyramid. It is elegant in its simplicity: a perfect square at its base, with sides composed of four equilateral triangles that join at the top to create an apex. Slice it horizontally at any point, and it becomes another smaller pyramid.

The genius of the pyramid is related not to its design, but to its vibrational aspects. It vibrates at a slower frequency at the bottom than it does at the top. The base of the pyramid vibrates in harmony with matter on Earth. The tip of the pyramid merges with the Void, its vibration is so inconceivably high. Thus the pyramid is both something and nothing, all within one geometric form. It is formless and form, being and non-being, material and immaterial. It is the Tao.

When you stop seeing the pyramid with your physical eyes and begin experiencing it from a metaphysical perspective, you will find yourself returning to the final stages of your initiation in the Mystery Schools. That will convey to your spirit your ultimate readiness to merge with the Divine and emerge from your materially limited cocoon. Parallel

The base of the pyramid is composed of two sets of parallel lines intersecting each other at ninety-degree angles. Each side of the base is of equal length, forming a square. The square is the most grounding shape in Creation. It is grounding because of the nature of the angles at each corner and the equidistance of the corners. The energy of the square is secure because of the double intersecting parallels, reiterative.

A line in two-dimensional perspective is composed of two points and energy connecting them. Suppose that one point is the Creator, and the other is the Created. The latter could not exist without the former. Their being would be considered sequential in the context of time and space. The energy connecting the two points is the vibration of love. The dots are the vibration of love. As you might anticipate, there is no distinction between one dot and the other. But for the sake of explanation, suppose that in the beginning – at the birth of your spirit – there was your Source, which created your spirit not as an autonomous, disconnected entity but as an aspect of the Divine, inexorably and inevitably, ineffably and infallibly, integrated with itself.

Now suppose, for the sake of argument, that a similar arrangement were possible in the higher realms – that you were experiencing a parallel existence in the dimensions of timelessness and spacelessness. Suppose that this were both independent of and integral to your current lifetime. Now you have two parallel modes of being, occurring simultaneously in apparently distinct realities. In each one you are an aspect of the Divine, a differentiated spirit at one with your Source. The result is two points connected by two parallel energies.

But what if these four points were connected in the opposite direction as well? They would create point/counterpoint, yin/yang, masculine/feminine – the fundamental complementarity of Creation. Two parallel lines in the context of absolute complementarity create a square – the base of the pyramid.

Thus we return to the square. Absolute complementarity flows at 90-degree angles, whereas opposition moves at 180 degrees. Your own parallel essences, coupled with complementarity, create two additional parallel lines of energy. One set of parallels without the other would not represent the dynamic harmony of Divinity. One set without the other would be so incomplete as to render both parallel existences meaningless.


What if you recognized that all that is before you is vibration? You see it as matter, but that is just an illusion. All that you are, all that you see, is magnetic – not material. Thus you can understand that what you perceive to be a material pyramid, for instance, is really a reflection of the infinite variability of vibratory Divine Essence.

Infinitely variable vibration. That is the beginning and the end of the Divine, which has no beginning and end. All of Creation, then, is vibration. To perceive it to be otherwise is to forget your own divinity.

But what is vibration? It is love. The variability of vibration may be infinite, but the love that constitutes it is unchanging. It is the only aspect of being that is real. It is the singular component of Creation.

Even what appears to be the opposite of love is nothing more than a particular degree of variability. All is love. Something apparently devoid of love has a great deal of it. You simply cannot recognize it.

What if these vibratory variations were made available to you so that you could recognize not their differences, but the one characteristic they share? Love. What if all of the ado, lifetime after lifetime, were for no purpose but to help you achieve such vibratory resonance with the Divine, that ultimately you recognized that you had indeed been blind?

A new technology makes it possible for an entire movie to be shot in front of a blue screen, after which the setting and action for the scene are added with computers. The actors pretend to see what is actually not there. A similar principle is at work during your daily life. You believe that what you see is actually there. But if you saw everything as the equivalent of a blue screen – and if you recognized the screen to be composed of the vibration of divinity – you would be living something closer to “real life” than before.

Then if you saw yourself as being no different from the blue screen – if you recognized that you are the blue screen as well, that everything is the blue screen onto which the setting for the experiment on Earth is overlaid, you would be closer to the vibrational essence of your Source than ever before.

When you become comfortable with this perspective, you will notice that your ability to surrender to Divine will has expanded. For if everything is vibration, your typical approaches to control are rendered impotent. You cannot alter or control a vibration through the force of your will. If anything, you will lower its frequency to a more base level. If, on the other hand, you simply love, you contribute to the heightening of your own and the collective vibrational frequency to a degree that is even closer to grace.

So you see, the principles of spirit are really quite simple. Everything is Divine. The Divine is love. Everything that appears to consist of a departure from that love is an illusion. Thus the material world, apparently composed of such departures, is not what it seems.

Divine Love is the building block of All That Is. It is the only aspect of All That Is. Divine Love is the unadulterated vibration of the Creator. All of Creation consists of this vibration. All that is before you is the love of the Creator. All that you are is love. All is love.

What do you do with this information? Allow yourself to be released from burdens and worries. They are taking up space where love and joy could reside within you instead. Exchange seriousness for humor, concern for light-heartedness, fear for courage. You have nothing to fear if you see your Earthly existence for what it is – a stage on which the experiment of the human condition is being played out – a blue screen on which human choice is being recorded in the context of divinity.

Love yourself. Love all. Forgive yourself; forgive all. Be compassionate toward yourself; be compassionate toward all.

Love. Forgiveness. Compassion. These are the manifestations of your own divinity within and between lifetimes. They vibrate in harmony with the Divine, as do you. Honor your spirit with the immensity of your ability to be a vessel of love. The more you do so, the higher the vibration within and around you. The more you do so, the more pristine the alignment between your higher consciousness and your Earthly role.

That is good.


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