Perfect Eyesight 4 by Lapis .....

Part 4 of the Perfect Eyesight article.

Date:   7/18/2005 3:21:34 AM ( 19 y ago)

Alternative Health(a-z)

Perfect Eyesight (part 4)

Three Extraordinary "Ten Minute" Eye Improvement Techniques

Sunning, Palming and the Long Swing'

These three amazing Ten Minute Eye Improvement Techniques--"Sunning" "Palming" and the "Long Swing"--were developed by Dr. William Bates and Margaret Corbett. Dr. Bates based his methods on the principle of relaxation. Margaret Corbett wrote two eye books, "How to Improve Your Eyes" in 1938 and "Help Yourself to Better Sight" in 1949. Margaret Corbett organized a school of visual education in Los Angeles, California for students and teachers. Many of the teachers she instructed are still teaching today throughout the world. I was instructed in natural eye training by Helen Tolmich for three years. Mrs. Tolmich was a student-teacher under Margaret Corbett. Margaret Corbett's eyesight was so clear when she was past 90 years of age, that she could see the stars during daylight hours. During the odd moments of the day, practice this short program of Sunning, palming and the Long Swing. When you learn to totally relax with these three exceptional mind-eye-body relaxation exercises, you will see dramatic improvement in your vision.

Eye Technique Number One The "Sunning" Technique
Sunlight is the food of the eyes. Eyes' function only in light. Without the Sun, the earth and all life on it would cease to exist! Mules kept in a coal mine, without sunshine, go blind in a few days. Many nervous people dread the sunlight, and unwittingly, cover their eyes with dark sunglasses, creating photo-phobia [fear of sunlight). Wearing dark shades does not overcome the fear of light or improve ones' vision. Constant use of sunglasses and hanging out in dark places make the eyes dull and unable to take even the smallest amount of sunlight or brightness. Bright light makes the eye-pupil smaller. The bad habit of wearing dark sunglasses makes the pupil remain in an enlarged position. Continued use of 'eye shades' over time, actually paralyses the pupil of the eye. Living indoors all day long does the same thing. The pupil of the eye must become larger in order to 'see' inside or at night When the pupil is stuck in this enlarged position, the bright daylight seems even brighter to ones' eyes. Photo-phobia, or light sensitivity can be easily overcome by practicing the Sunning Technique. The sun improves the eyes and pupils in many wonderful ways. For instance, it loosens tight muscles. The nerves and muscles just naturally let go' of stress and tension, a leading cause of weakened eyesight. Well sunned eyes sparkle and retain their beauty and luster. If you want shinning, magnetic eyes, give up the habit of wearing sun glasses. They deprive the eyes of needed light, weaken eye function and can lead to blindness! The eyes require outdoor light--give plenty of it to them. Millions of sun glasses are sold year around, throughout the world, with no consideration given to their damaging effect upon the eyes. There are a few good opthamologists who are against the use of sunglasses, and are frustrated to do anything about this world-wide 'sunglass epidemic.' Photo-phobia can only be 'cured' or overcome by light' itself. eye exercises and good dietary habits.

How to perform the "Sunning Eye Technique": The Sunning Technique is an excellent exercise to relax the eyes and help to overcome the fear of light. 'Sun' your eyes regularly in this manner: Sit down, relax your mind and body; loosen your neck and shoulders. Next. close your eyes and swing your head side to side slowly, with the sun shining directly on your face and eyes. Turn your head gently, past the solar orb, toward your left shoulder, then swing it back easily, through the sun, to your right shoulder. Continue this movement and you will soon feel a sense of peace and relaxation. Your eyes may also start to "tear" or "water." Let it happen. This is good to release eye tension and stress. With practice, you start to notice an 'optical illusion'--the sun itself seems to move to the right as you swing your head to the left and vice versa. Continue this for five minutes and enjoy the warm feeling of the sun bathing your eyes. Note: Remember to keep your eyes closed throughout the exercise. After you finish Sunning, 'Palm' for 5 or 10 minutes. The sun feeds the nerves and 'Palming' creates darkness, allowing the eye to REST. The sun feeds the nerves, brain and muscles of the eyes. Palming rests and heals the eyes and brain. On sunless days, use a 150 or 250 watt reflector spotlight bulb. Sit six feet away from the bulb. The sun is a wonderful eye restorer. Make use of this heaven-sent miracle, and experience the miracle of Perfect Eyesight in your life!

Eye Technique Number Two The "Palming" Technique
After Sunning, 'Palm' for five or ten minutes. Place your 'cupped' palms over your closed eye lids without touching them. Do not place undue pressure on your face. Any pressure on the lids or face stops nerve and blood circulation to the eyes. You want 'free' circulation to your eyes at all times. Also, make sure you can breathe easily and deeply through your nose. Inhale, exhale, relax and" let go" of tension in the eyes, face, forehead, jaws, teeth and neck. How to perform the "Palming" Technique: Perform the 'Palming Technique' with your elbows on your thighs or on a table. You can also place a cushion under your elbows for both positions. Place palms over eyes. Next, imagine something pleasant and let blackness come into your field of vision. If you see 'lights' and 'colors' while palming, it means that you are not totally relaxed--it's a sign of anxiety and mental activity. You will be relaxed when you can experience and see total blackness while palming. Blackness equals healing, rest and relaxation for the eyes. The positive benefit is improved vision, clarity of mind and sharp focusing eye muscles.

Eye Technique Number Three The 'Long Swing" Technique
The natural holistic health view of disease says: "There is but one disease, toxemia or congestion; there is but one cure, good blood and nerve circulation." Wherever there is a blockage or congestion in the body, energy and healing cannot take place. We need to unblock the blockage, then energy and healing flow with ease, instead of disease. Relaxing the body also relaxes the mind and eyes. A tense body causes tension in the mind and eyes. Illness, toxemia, poor digestion and a toxic, congested colon are prime causes of eye problems. Dr. Bates and Margaret Corbett emphasized the fact that tension causes congestion--its' cure is relaxation, permitting circulation to flow naturally. Deep relaxation is also the secret of the Taoist Chi Kung exercise movements. Taoist Masters' teach us to attain deep relaxation while performing the exercises, thereby, allowing a great surge and inflow of chi [spiritual and physical healing energy] to circulate throughout the body. With healing chi energy flowing smoothly in your body, you can enjoy super health, a tranquil mind, and clear vision.

There are two types of 'relaxation.' One, is the 'Rag Doll Limp' or passive relaxation technique; the other is known as 'Dynamic Relaxation," or exercising, working and moving about while being relaxed. The Long Swing Technique, sometimes called the Elephant Swing, was practiced and taught by the Taoist Chi Kung schools in China for centuries. Dr. Bates discovered the Long Swing in the early 1900s. He discovered that when the Long Swing is performed correctly, the eyesight improved quicker than any other method he taught. This is a "Dynamic Relaxation Technique." In most physical exercises from the west (weightlifting, weight machines, etc.), the muscles become tense or tighten up in order to lift the weight. This tightness is the opposite of relaxation. However, if you do perform weight resistance exercises, never strain or force the weight to move. Exercise without straining the muscles or tendons. Strength, tone, and muscularity come naturally, without straining with the weight. Remember: Train, don't strain. And that goes for the eyes too. Over training the eyes can lead to tense eyes and strained vision. Always finish off your resistance exercise routine with yoga, stretching, the Long Swing and other loosening Chi Kung exercises. This is the best of both worlds--toning exercises and relaxation exercises--Yang and Yin (hard and soft). You'll see great improvement in your vision if you follow this program. Chi Kung movements, such as the Long Swing are performed in a relaxed manner. You receive much more benet from the movement when you are totally relaxed, mentally and physically. How does one relax? First loosen the nerves and muscles, then relax the mind. This is accomplished by shaking your arms and legs, rolling your neck, relaxing your jaw; then empty your mind- just put your attention on the movement and breathing. The Long Swing is one of the easiest ways to relax the mind, body and spirit. Children 'swing' and move their bodies in all different ways. They are happy and have not a care in the world. They are relaxed and flexible--nothing bothers them for very long. We need to become like little children in this respect--not be so uptight and hard in our attitudes. The Long Swing helps to release the energy in the nerves and muscles; it loosens every vertebra in the spinal column; and relaxes the internal organs, thus improving the eyesight, health and energy of the body. How to perform the Long Swing: Figure 1-7. Stand with your feet parallel, about ten inches apart. Shift your weight from one foot to the other, by lifting the heel of each foot as you turn in a swaying motion. As you sway gently from one side to the other, turn your head and shoulders while swinging, and let your arms hang loosely--let them swing freely as you turn. Move as if you are dancing! Move with an easy rhythm. Always remember that your head moves with your body, not by itself.

Your chest, shoulders, face, legs and neck must be soft and relaxed. Count each swing aloud; this stops you from holding your breath. Never hold your breath during relaxation exercises. Holding the breath causes tension. Easy relaxed breathing is necessary to let go of body tension and mental stress. Perform 60 to 100 swinging movements, one or two sessions a day. Notice the room 'moving' past you in the opposite direction. When you notice this 'illusion.' the eyes begin to shift naturally. To achieve this illusion, let your eyes allow the room to pass by without becoming fixed on the "passing room". Let the room swing by, or as Dr. Bates said, "Let the world go by." Keep your mind on this illusion of the moving room; if not, you'll start to 'stare' and ruin the benefit of this movement. SWING, RELAX and SEE! This 'swinging illusion' tricks the eyes to loosen and relax, and also breaks the fixed-eye 'staring' habit. This now allows the eyes to shift seventy times per second, a natural occurrence in good healthy eyesight. Practice the Long Swing for a few minutes before going to bed, upon arising mornings, or after 'Palming.' Dr. Bates says: "The Long Swing relieves pain, fatigue, dizziness and other symptoms because the swing brings about relief from the effort of trying to see." It relaxes the entire body-mind-eye complex. Practice Sunning, Palming and Swinging regularly. They are the cornerstones, and the basic foundation of your eye improvement practice. If you practice these wonderful exercises regularly, your vision will soar like the sharp vision of the eagle.

The "Black Period" Eye-Gazing Technique For Sharpening Close and Distant Vision
The "Black Period" Technique has been used for years in the Dr. Bate's Eye Training System. I feel that it is a premier technique, along with the Sunning, Palming and Long Swing techniques, to sharpen both close and distant vision.

How to Perform the "Black Period" Eye-Gazing Technique: Pick out a "Period" in a book from a distance that you can see clearly and sharply. Make sure you have lots of light shining on the page. To improve Close Vision (Farsightedness), place the "Period" ten inches or less away from your eyes. To improve Distant Vision (Nearsightedness), place the period two feet or more away from your eyes. Gazing at the smallest period you can see will sharpen your vision quicker! Choose a period you can see easily, and gaze at it for 15 seconds trace the period (look inside the period with your eye) and edge the period (look around the "edge" of the period.

This Black Period Eye Gazing Technique can be done any time during the day, or during your eye training sessions. This is an excellent exercise for keeping good vision, because it enables the eyes to focus directly on the macula--the center of eyesight. Practice with one eye at a time, then both eyes together. Remember to close your eyes for ten seconds after each "Black Period Gazing Technique." Relax your eyes and gaze lightly at the "Period." Be consistent with this technique and you will have the results.

Do You Really Want Perfect Eyesight?
Some people think about improving their eyesight, but no one ever improved their vision just by thinking. Thinking and reading about eyesight improvement is merely the first step on the road to perfect eyesight. Many like to talk about improving their vision, but you can talk until you're "blue in the face" with zero results. Others' haphazardly practice the exercises. Of course they receive little or no results. Vision improvement comes only from regular consistent practice, correctly performed. Because of our busy schedules, trying to make a living, raising children or going to school, we have less time for eye exercises. Did you know it only takes about fifteen minutes, three times a week to see results in vision improvement. How much time do you spend in front of the "Brain-Washing Device" [BWD-TV]. Surely, you can find forty-five minutes a week to maintain healthy eyes and prevent eye problems in the future. This is my special 'Short Eye Routine.' If you have more time, perform two eye sessions a week, at least forty minutes each. Set a regular time for pour eye sessions and stick to it!

Here is a Short and Medium Eye Routine for Those with Busy Schedules:
The Short Eye Exercise Routine
Fifteen minutes, three times a week
Step l: Five minutes: Black Dot Exercise
Step 2: Five minutes: Tai Chi Rocker Exercise
Step 3: Five minutes: Eye Palming Technique
Step 4: Lift the Sky Exercise every morning: Six times
Step 5: Tracking Exercise: Practice at odd moments throughout day
Step 6: Use your peripheral vision throughout the day, i.e., driving, walking, working
Step 7: Use your distant vision--look up from your close work regularly

The Medium Eye Exercise Routine Forty minutes, two times a week
Step l: Warm-up exercises: Neck rolls, eye massages; two-three minutes
Step 2: Black Dot Exercise: Five minutes
Step 3: Stretch Your Vision Exercise for Myopia: Fifteen minutes, or perform Close Vision Exercises: Fifteen minutes
Step 4: Tai Chi Rocker Eye Exercise for Close or Distant Vision: Five minutes
Step 5: Eye Palming Technique: Five minutes
Step 6: Peripheral Vision Exercise: Five minutes
Step 7: Chi Kung Exercises: Five Minutes

Woman Does Eye Routine Only Once a Week and Improves Her Vision Dramatically!
Even with a one-time-a-week eye routine your vision can be improved substantially! Kaye Gowman of Royal Oak, Michigan performs eye exercises only once a week with excellent results. She improved her eyesight from 20400 (advanced myopia), to better than 20-20 in a few years on this limited eye routine. She really enjoys her eye routine because of the satisfaction of clear sight and the fact she no longer needs the burden of eye glasses or contacts. There is no excuse for not doing eye exercises, because even one eye routine a week can give you good results. Get started. What are you waiting for?

Lady Throws Glasses Away After Only One Vision Training Session
Stephanie Peterson, of Ferndale, Michigan was absolutely delighted after just one private eye training session with Robert Zuraw. She wore contacts and glasses to correct her 20/ 100 vision, before she came to the 'eye session.' After an hour of performing specific eye exercises, she no longer required eye wear to read or drive her car home. She was totally amazed at the results of just one hour of eye training.

Perform the Eye Routines with Fun, Joy and Relaxation
Eye exercise performed mechanically, without focused attention, will not improve your vision. Be "in the moment" and be aware of each movement. Perfect eyesight requires total relaxation of the body, mind and eye muscles. Relax the eye muscles, let go of mouth and facial muscles, hands and shoulders. Let go of tightness in these areas. Become soft and relaxed--let go of hardness and rigidity. Eyesight improves more quickly and easily with relaxation and focused attention. Practice Yoga with a good teacher and learn to feel what it's like to be totally relaxed, grounded and centered. You can also relax with a Shiatsu massage, Rolfing treatment or any type of good deep massage technique. When both body, eye muscles and tendons are relaxed, vision improves more favorably during vision training exercises.

Avoid ' Squinting' as Much as Possible
Learn to see without muscular effort. The eyes naturally 'squint' in bright light, snow or water reflection. Other than that, squinting to read or see an object only weakens one's eyesight. Avoid squinting by consciously relaxing the eye brows. Soften and relax your eyebrows and "see" without effort. Let outer objects come to your vision with ease. Avoid looking with a hard gaze.
Some people tense the muscles below the brow, just above the eyeball, at the inside of the nose bridge. Myopics develop this bad habit from too much close work. These muscles need to become soft and relaxed in order to see in the distance clearly. Here is an easy exercise to relax the eyebrows...

Arching the Eyebrows
Raise the eyebrows and consciously open the eyes wider, while maintaining a relaxed look. This allows you to see more comfortably and easily into the distance without squinting. When the vision is perfect (40-10 or better), squinting will not occur, even in bright light or snow reflections.
Important Health-Eye Note: Symptoms of disease, illness or eye defects are only the effects of deeper causes. Find out what is causing these symptomatic effects. Get rid of the causes, and the effects shall not come. The Holy Book says: "The curse causeless, shall not come." "Healthy body, healthy eyes; unhealthy body, unhealthy eyes." Follow the instructions in the diet section and throughout the book to improve your health, which will in turn improve your vision and mind.

Sinus Problems, Dry or Watery Eyes
The sinuses must be cleared for proper circulation to the eyes. Either dry or watery eyes are signs of excessive dryness or water in the organs. The liver, colon or kidneys may not be functioning properly, which may cause dry or watery eyes. The eyes are not "the" cause of eye defects. The eyes only show the effects of what is going on in the internal organs. Pay close attention to your diet. Are you eating too much meat, sugar, fat and oils or dry baked foods; too much water, pop, juice, raw food? Always look for "causes" that create "effects" in the body. Get rid of the cause and the problem or effect will vanish.

Too Much Close Work - Use Your Distant Vision
If you sit in front of a computer, read or perform other close work, be sure to look up from your close work every 8ve to ten minutes. In addition, practice "distant seeing" while walking and driving. Look out the window frequently when performing close indoor work. This reduces eye stress and relaxes the mind and body, thereby improving vision.

A Stressful Life and its Effect Upon Vision
When problems overwhelm us, we tend not to look at objects or the world, but instead, we try to "block out life". As a result, we stop using our focusing muscles, therefore, our vision weakens. A stressful situation that lasts for months or years is bound to weaken our vision drastically. When we practice the eye exercises and eye habits, the eyes continue to focus, regardless of how much stress we have. We can handle more stress without it harming our vision. This is an important point to burn into your memory. Never forget it. The more relaxed we are, the better our vision becomes. We can handle stress easier, without breaking down completely. Relaxation creates poise under stress. It's only when we 'stop looking' (using our eye focusing muscles), that we lose our eyesight. Then, when our life gets back to a normal relaxed state, it becomes much easier to improve our vision.

Eye Exercises and Moderation: How Much is Enough?
Eye exercises practiced in moderation improves vision faster then over exercising or under-exercising the eyes. Never perform the eye routine if your eyes are sore or aching from the previous eye routine. Let them rest a few days before performing another eye routine. Do not exercise your eyes when you are sleepy, tired, fatigue or when your eyes are red, itchy, watery or inflamed. The greatest cause of poor eyesight is reading when tired, sleepy and fatigued, especially at night before bedtime. The best time to perform your eye routine. The eyes and body heal during rest periods. That's why I recommend one, two or three days of rest between eye sessions, depending on how quickly your eyes respond after the routine. If you have the energy and vitality to perform eye exercises three times a week, by all means do so. One or two days a week is also good, if you are pressed for time. Deep undisturbed sleep allows the body to heal the eyes. If you are refreshed and "jump" out of bed after five or six hours of deep sleep, then that is all your body needs to function properly. If you need eight hours to wake-up refreshed, then make sure you get eight hours of solid, undisturbed sleep. Remember: Fatigue, lethargy, mental confusion, low blood sugar and depression are all precursor symptoms to chronic, degenerative disease, including debilitating eye problems.

Think on the Things You Want
The man who has inspired millions of people in the early and mid-1900s-Dr. Frederick Tilney--constantly emphasized that "Action always follows the thoughts you think--so think on the things you want" Too many people think they are worthless--will never amount to anything in life--can never be happy--feel no one loves them. Is that you talking? It is much better to think that you will be successful, healthy, attain perfect eyesight--reach inner peace and happiness--plus achieve the love you want in a harmonious relationship or marriage. To achieve all these 'positive' things, we are taught by Dr. Tilney to "burn these positive ideas into your mind." See the beautiful and goodness in people and life. Look for the good in all situations. If you look for goodness, you'll find it. Conversely, if you look for bad only, you'll find that tool Be thankful for your life, your health, your possessions, your family and friends. Take nothing for granted. Be grateful for what you have, and you will get more with less struggle and strain. We have to kill the 'monster-giant' in the ego that wants to be admired-wants everything to go our way at all costs. Get into the habit of forgiving others--give out words of encouragement and inspiration to yourself and others. We all feel uplifted by an occasional inspirational boost of confidence from a friend, or family member at the right time. Depression, moodiness and melancholy are epidemic in the world today. In Chinese Medicine, the liver and gall bladder rule our moods and vision. A congested, toxic liver can cause anger, frustration, depression, and suicidal tendencies. Anger is stored in the gall bladder. A healthy liver instills kindness, calmness and perfect eyesight. If anger is present, kindness disappears. Kindness dispels anger. A clean liver gives us clear discernment, good health and spiritual inspiration. So, start on your liver cleansing program is when you are full of energy and rested in body and mind, usually before noon. You'll get the best eye improvement results when you are refreshed, energetic and look forward to your next eye routine today! Keep the fats, oils and concentrated sugars down in your diet. Eat plenty of green vegetables (steamed and raw, in season), root vegetables and whole grains. Your liver will thank you for it.

How to Overcome Discouragement
There is much confusion and negativity in the world today. Over the radio, television, movies and in the newspapers, we hear and see nothing but the evils of the world. Rarely do we ever hear truthful answers on solving these problems. And when a good answer is given, it is 'knocked down' b the so-called "experts." If the media doesn't discourage us, our relatives and friends tell us we will not amount to anything, "It's no use trying to improve your eyesight. It can't be done." "Just wear glasses like everyone else." "It takes too much work to improve my vision..." And on and on. Even our own thoughts tell us "it's impossible, perfect eyesight cannot be achieved." Nothing can ever be accomplished with this negative attitude. The ancient sages teach us not to dwell on the negative side of life. Look for the good in everyone and every situation. Be positive in whatever you do. Stop listening to those who discourage you from performing your eye exercises. They will say "you cannot attain perfect eyesight." Instead, in a calm positive manner set out to practice the eye and health teachings in this book. Each day discover new ways to improve your eyesight. Use your intuition or inner vision to give you answers for improved health and clear eyesight. Superior health and clear vision give you clear insight and intuition about your life, career and future goals. Lighten up your life, and your life will be full of light. Read spiritual, health and positive psychology books to help you understand meditation, energy, the mind, body and spirit. Follow the example of those who have accomplished great spiritual deeds to help the world understand the nature of existence.

The Magic Formula for Success
If there is a "magic formula" for success and happiness, it is the "Thankful Attitude of Mind." Being thankful can lift you out of depression. Success in any endeavor is much easier with a thankful attitude. In fact, thankfulness is considered 'prayer' in the truest sense of the word. If we are thankful all day long, we are in touch with Divine Order--we are aware, mindful and respectful of others, nature and God. We are thankful for our life--our very existence. Everyone loves to associate with people who are bright, positive, appreciative and thankful. An attitude of self pity and depression is a curse; it paralyses your thoughts and actions. It stops you from attaining perfect eyesight and inner happiness. Begin today to be a positive person. Look for the truth. Be thankful for all the wonderful people and possessions in your life. See the beautiful in everyone and everything. Give yourself words of encouragement. Feel strength, courage and confidence flowing in your life. This is the real "Magic Formula for Success." Real success is not about money or material possessions or power over others. Real success and fulfillment in life comes from getting in harmony with the forces of nature and God or Tao. It is about being grounded, centered and balanced. Real success is deep inner contentment and happiness for just being in the moment during your daily work and activities. Every moment is a celebration of your eternal existence. Make your life constructive and creative. Your Divine Purpose will then be achieved.

The Empty Mind Technique
Zen and Taoist Masters speak about the "Empty Mind." This is a quiet mind--a rested mind, free from anxiety. The Scriptures tell us to "Be still and know that I AM." And. "The kingdom of heaven is within." The answers to our questions lie within us when we learn how to quiet the mind and thoughts. We continually pressure and push ourselves to figure out life and its problems. We eventually exhaust our energy and we end-up in suffering, frustration and misery. When we learn to let go of the stress in our mind, body and emotions, and become internally quiet and peaceful, that's when the answers to the riddle of life come to us. It is in this 'rested' state of no-mind-an awareness of the NOW MOMENT--observing and giving attention to what is right in front of you, that gives true inner peace and happiness. Being anxious about the past or future pushes us further away from doing the things we need to do RIGHT NOW in front of us. If you can "let go" and just watch your breath flowing to and fro from your nostrils, your life will unfold in a harmonious manner. The ancients called this true meditation. We can call this "eternal meditation" or "Be Here Now Meditation." You are focused. Balanced, centered and grounded between Heaven and Earth. This is also the secret formula to a calm mind and clear, sharp vision. Remember: Vision is a brain-mind (psycho-spiritual) phenomena.

Persian Sufi Mind-Eye Breathing Technique
This Sufi Breathing Technique is known in the mid-East to prevent hair loss, improve vision and overcome wrinkles. It also helps to stimulate and maintain the thyroid and pituitary glands in perfect working order.
How to Perform the Breathing Technique: Place your feet about shoulder width apart. Close the right nostril with your right thumb and inhale deepy from the left nostril until the chest expands fully. Next, close both nostrils with thumb and forefinger, while bending over from the waist, head lowered, knees slightly bent. Hold your breath in this position for 20 to 45 seconds, or as long as comfortable. While in this lowered position, a strong pulsation of blood will be felt in the head, eyes, mouth, tongue and brain--a flushed feeling from the chest to the top of the head. Next, slowly straighten up, and let the breath out from the right nostril. If you are ill or have high blood pressure, perform this exercise sitting straight up without bending over. If you are in good health, and a little dizziness or lightheadedness is felt during or after this movement, cut back to only 5 or 10 seconds total of breath holding with head lowered. Build up to 40 seconds over several weeks. However, be persistent, and after a few sessions the dizziness will disappear, and you will begin to feel elated and energized. This exercise is designed to burn up toxins and poisons in the body and purify the blood stream, thus imparting a glowing complexion and clear, sharp vision. Always remember to inhale from the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril. Perform this breath no more than 3 times per session for its full value, and 3 to 4 times per week.

The Tranquil Meditation Technique
When the mind is tranquil, mental clarity and vision automatically improves. How to Perform the Tranquil Meditation Technique: Sit straight in a chair. Relax body and mind totally. Just let go. Close eyes. Next, count a set of 10 slow deep breaths in and out of the nose. Keep going in this manner for 5 or 10 minutes. Visualize tranquility; go beyond the body into serene tranquility. If your mind starts drifting and thinking about things, simply place your attention and intention on your breath until tranquility is attained. It helps to gaze at the tip of your nose while breathing in and out. The mind is coaxed to focus at a single point of attention--on the breath coming in and out. Eventually, a point is reached where the breath becomes automatic and continues on involuntarily. Thus, once the breathing technique is initiated and tranquility is reached. the breath or spiritual essence that sustains the physical body takes over. In this state, physical and spiritual healings take place. One is now in touch with a higher power. Miracles happen in this state, including visual improvement and disappearance of disease conditions.

Vision wisdom from Holistic Health and Natural Eye Specialists Eye Reflect the Health of the Body
The whites of the eyes reflect the condition of internal health. If there is yellow in the eye-whites, liver jaundice is indicated. Constant red eyes reflect a toxic or inflamed liver. A toxic, inflamed liver, according to Chinese Medicine, causes one to become angry, upset, depressed and impatient easily. Professor Chee Soo, a Taoist teacher and writer says: "A gray or blue eye-white' color means that the person is losing their eyesight and may, if these symptoms are ignored, eventually go blind." Purplish-red eye-whites could be a sign of color blindness. Black indicates kidney problems, green is cancer, and brown denotes the presence of stones or cysts. Healthy eyes are clear, steady and sparkling, without redness, whether they are brown, blue, green or gray. Very little eye white should be visible. A healthy, vibrant person has more iris than eye whites showing.

Clean Out Your Bloodstream and Improve Your Vision
Dr. Benedict Lust, MD., an early 1900s Naturopathic and Medical Doctor states: "If your eyesight was nearly normal in your youth, there is no sensible reason why it should not continue in that condition all through your life. Bad eyesight---comes from abuse of the eyes through neglect, strain or the eating of improper foods. All of these causes can be corrected at any time through the utilization of common-sense health methods. The first step is to clean out your bloodstream."

Get Fitted for Weaker Lenses
Dr. Lowell Rehner and Dr. John Ross, natural eye specialists and graduates from the Northern Illinois College of Optometry. Dr. Ross later taught Practical Optometry. They taught natural eyesight training to Army and Navy recruits with great success. They recommended to, "Never wear glasses while doing the eye training exercises. If your eyes show but a small amount of error, leave glasses off entirely once you start this treatment If you must wear glasses in order to pursue your everyday life put them on again after each session of exercising, but when, in a week or two your sight has markedly improved, visit your eye doctor and get fitted with weaker lenses. "It may be necessary, in extremely bad cases to do this several times over an extended period of time, before your eyes reach their highest point of recovery or until you can dispense with glasses entirely. This however, is infinitely better than changing to stronger and stronger lenses every few years as would otherwise be the case."

The Day Dreamer: "The day-dreamer has the pernicious habit of staring out into empty space, blocking out all vision. They usually hold their breath. They prefer not to see reality; fixing their gaze upon an immovable object, which in turn, fixes the eye muscles and weakens the sight and eye accommodation. This is a bad habit of nearsighted people. Cut out daydreaming! If you must day dream, then close your eyes." -Robert Zuraw

Vision is Your Most Precious Possession
Dr. William H. Bates. a great pioneer in Natural Eye Training says this about perfecting vision: "Vision is the most vital of the five senses. The fullest enjoyment of life comes through the eyes--the color of a flower, the form of beauty, the smile of a friend. At work, at home and at play--most of the things we do lose much of their pleasure without normal vision. You can learn to have good vision throughout life when you learn to use your eyes properly under the conditions modern life imposes upon them."

Comb Your Hair and Improve Your Eyesight!
Yan Shou Shu, a Chinese Health Specialist says. "Frequent combing or brushing the hair can improve vision and dispel bad internal wind or gas. Brushing hair while bent over is helpful for deafness and blurred vision." Try it and see what happens. You might even grow thicker, longer hair.

Distant Vision Exercise: See Like a Telescope With Your Naked Eye
Edmund Shaftsbury, an early 1900s writer on health and human magnetism, writes about the early American Indians: "The American Indians are known to have the strongest eyes in the world. They have the closest thing to 'telescopic vision.' They can see objects in the far distance that the average person would need a telescope to see. Here is an exercise that 1s similar to the ones the Indians practiced for clear, sharp telescopic vision. How to Perform the "Distant Vision Exercise: Focus your eyes on the tip of your nose for six seconds. Next, look at a nearby object, then glance twenty feet further, then fifty feet, a hundred feet, a thousand feet, and finish by looking into the horizon. Gently try to see an object as clearly as possible. Repeat this exercise several times for 3-5 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week. Eventually, your vision will become perfectly clear."

Strengthen Your Stomach and Improve Your Vision
Jethro Kloss, a famous herbalist and author of the classic book "Back to Eden," states: "Eye troubles are caused mainly from a deranged stomach, for they receive their nourishment from the food taken into the stomach, and naturally the eating of unhealthful foods and drinks such as tea, coffee, salt, alcoholic drinks, tobacco etc., weakens the nerves and hinders the free circulation to the eyes. Unhealthful foods and drinks cause impure blood and when the circulation carries impure blood to the eyes, it weakens them. The all important thing is to eat food that will give you a pure blood stream."
How to Prevent Eye Strain and Defective Eyes With the "Alternate Gaze Technique"

W. L. Woodruff, was a writer, lecturer and Physical Culturist in the 1930s-40s. Mr. Woodruff, who had a full head of hair and sharp eyesight into his 80s, says: "Of course there are several reasons for defective eyes, but the chief cause is strain of the fine little muscles which change the focus or size of the pupil (aperture or iris) on the same principle as in a camera. Also, they cause headaches in some cases. While doing tedious work, like accounting or reading, the eye aperture is larger than when looking away at a distance in good light, the aperture changes and becomes smaller. Now, if you keep the eyes in one focus too long, STRAIN results. The remedy is to ALTERNATE YOUR GAZE! Here is a good habit to follow on a daily basis: How to perform the "Alternate Gaze Technique": When doing tedious close work or reading, look away into the distance occasionally--the farther away the better. Do this every 8ve or ten minutes. This a simple, but extremely effective technique. Too much tension in any one position can weaken any muscle in the body, especially delicate eye muscles, nerves and tiny blood vessels. Just try standing in one position too long. It is easier to walk around a long time and benefit the muscles and nervous system because you are alternating the position of the muscles involved. In reading or other close eye work, alternate your focus by looking at something distant every five to ten minutes or so. This helps rest the little muscles that regulate the eye aperture. The result is improved vision and prevention of eye problems.

Look Up From Your Close Work
Drs. Ross and Rehner, along with Mr. Woodruffs "Alternaste Gaze Technique," also places great emphasis on the importance of looking up and away from our close work to avoid eye strain and tension. It is important to emphasize this important habit of alternating your gaze or looking up from your close work, especially from two medically trained eye doctors. Ross and Rehner taught their clients and students to: "Look up and away from your close work at frequent intervals. No matter how fascinating or important your reading, drawing, computer work, or sewing may be, glance away from it for a second or two every few minutes. This is just as important, as it is simple to do. "If these muscles are kept in a state of contraction for long periods of time without relaxation, they tend to remain cramped when we do finally order them to relax by looking up and away. This is especially true of the eye muscles of accommodation. "If you have ever carried a heavy suitcase quite a distance before setting it down, you have noticed how long it takes for your fingers to uncurl. This is because the flexor muscles tend to remain in a state of contraction. The same thing can happen to the accommodative eye muscles when they contracted for long periods of time. "By looking up and away from our close work at frequent intervals we can minimize this muscle cramping which causes the eyes to remain focused for near objects when we wish to see farther away."

Discover Dr. Peppard's Secret to Prevent "Nearsightedness"
Dr. Harold M. Peppard wrote "Sight Without Glasses" in 1940. He gives us instructions on how to 'read' properly without straining and weakening the eyes. "When the print is held too close, in (nearsightedness) will be the result."
Step 1: "Sit up properly. Spine straight Hold the head balanced over the body--not leaning forward.
Step 2: "Hold the book up toward the eyes, not lazily place it in the lap. Fourteen to sixteen inches is the proper distance for reading.
Step 3: "Arrange the light. Have plenty of light without glare.
Step 4: "Read easily and deliberately, word by word. Do not scan and skim. In this fashion, you train your eyes to act normally when they read, and so avoid acquiring abnormal activities.
Step 5: "Read only when you feel able. When you are sick or tired, the eyes too, are sick and weary, and need your consideration.
Step 6: "Do not read while eating, or after eating for at least one hour."

Strengthen Your Eye Muscles for Perfect Eyesight
Again. Drs. Ross and Rehner advocate eye muscle exercises to improve eye-focusing power:
"The eye muscles, which have so much to do with the focusing power of the eyes, are the same as other muscles of the body. Disuse weakens them, allows the sight to become stale--proper use strengthens them. Eye muscles need the variety of "pulls" of diversified focusing intensities. A constant sameness of use is deadening to eye muscles. "It is only when they are all used properly and enough, that they each exert the amount of pull or pressure on the eye-ball required to keep it which stimulates fresh blood flow to and around the eyeballs." Practice the exercises in this book for focusing power.

The "Exhaling Bull Technique" for Eye Power and Rejuvenation
All animals know instinctively the value of exhalation. You have often heard the horse blowing through its nostrils or a dog panting or coughing with vigor. Professor Godfrey Rodrigues says in his book "Key to Life," "What animal has more strength for its size than a bull? When he blows air through his nostrils, it reacts like a fountain of force. The bull knows that the more he exhales, the stronger and stronger he becomes. Continually "blowing" or exhaling, the larger his chest grows, the smaller his waist becomes, and the more poisonous waste is eliminated from his lungs." Here is an excellent exercise given by Dr. George Clements, a Natural Health Doctor and author of many health books. How to perform the "Exhaling Bull Technique": "Exhale to the limit blowing your breath out as long as possible; increase the exhalation by hard coughing; then hold your breath for a few seconds. This creates a suction in the lungs that draws more poison from the body; finally blow out the last bit of air. In removing the stale air, we make more room for fresh air to come in. After exhaling as much air out of the lungs as possible, inhalation will be deep and effortless." Foul air lowers our vitality, while fresh air gives us more vim and vigor. You will notice that after a session of this "Exhaling Bull Technique", your eyesight will be clearer and sharper. This encourages you to perform it every day. You finally get the idea of how important this exhaling technique is for relaxing and rejuvenating your eyes, lungs and health.

To "Blink" or Not to "Blink" that is the Question!
Michio Kushi, the leading exponent of macrobiotics in the world, the founder of the East West Foundation and the Kushi Institute, and author of many books on health and diet, has some interesting things to say about eye blinking and health: "The standard speed of blinking is three times per minute, or once every twenty seconds. The less blinking the better. Blinking is closing the eyes more, which is a sign of excess yin [water in the body]. "A healthy person's eyes can go without blinking for many minutes; a baby hardly blinks at all. A person who blinks less is currently in a more active sharp condition, in both physical and mental character. "A person who blinks more than three times per minute is in a state of declining health, due to the consumption of excessive liquid, fruit and sugar.
"If blinking is abnormally frequent, a person is suffering from nervous disorders and is experiencing extreme sensitivity, fear and irritability. If we blink more and more we finally close our eyes and die."

Eye-Blinking Relative to Inner Health, Energy and Personal Magnetism
"We have our best health as babies and young children, provided our parent's diet was good before our birth. Babies are relatively clean and contracted internally. Did you ever notice that babies rarely blink their eyes while awake, babies also do not show much 'whites' around the iris. Why? Because their cells, tissues, nervous system and brain is not expanded with yin foods: excess water, sugar, fruit, pop, sugars, coffee, alcohol, drugs etc. "I have observed drug addicts and some people on high yin diets (exclusive raw foods: fruit, vegetables, juices, sprouts etc.), blinking fifteen to twenty times or more per minute. They are high-strung, nervous, oversensitive, super-critical, negative, paranoid and fearful. One can sense an uneasy tension surrounding them. They show a lot of eye-whites, which indicates an expanded nervous system and excess water retention. "A healthy magnetic man or woman is calm and peaceful. They hardly blink at all. Their face glows and they have magnetic eyes, with very little eye whites showing. You don't feel nervous or tense around them. They are positive, creative and courageous, without paranoia or fear. They see reality, people and the world with clear insight. "Excess water or other liquid intake expands the kidneys and bladder, which can lead to water on the brain. The brain, like a camera, records pictures taken in through the eyes. Our eyes are like the aperture of a camera. "Excess water in the body cells and brain causes one to blink involuntarily in an effort to rid the body of excess water (yin). Contrary to the "modern experts," blinking more does not lubricate the eyes, the eye muscles, eye nerves, or tear duct glands. Excess blinking is the result of excess mucous and watery lubrication in the eyes and body tissues. "When you are healthy, fit, rested, calm and peaceful, you need not worry about blinking--your body will take care of that task for you. A healthy person blinks two or three times a minute. More blinking only shows internal imbalance and poor health. Chinese Natural Medicine teaches us that excess blinking also indicates a weak expanded (yin) liver, a major cause of nearsightedness (myopia). Observe people in your surroundings. Put this knowledge to the acid test. Watch for signs, symptoms and characteristics in yourself and others. Knowledge without practical experience is useless. Above all, observe yourself. Are you blinking excessively? Are you myopic or farsighted? Is your health below par? Energy low? Do you get fatigued easily? Why? Keep digging and probing for the answers, and they will eventually be given to you. "Knock and the door shall be opened. Ask and you shall receive." After all, it is your own health and vision! Why not do something to improve your health and vision .

Diet and Do-In Health Diagnosis Through the Eyes
Jean Rofidal, writing in "DO IN (Doe-Inn): Eastern Massage and Yoga Techniques" draws a close link between the health of the body organs and eye health: 'The eyes have a close connection with the liver and when the liver is functioning badly the eyes ache. When a person has eaten too much or had a meal that is Yin (sweets. alcohol) the eyes are tired and have circles around them and do not bear the light very well. "The eyes of a person in good health bear everything: blinding light, cold and wind. onions etc., without crying. The brilliancy of the eyes depends on what is eaten. A person in good health does not need sunglasses. "Our eyes betray our thoughts, good or bad, or kindness and our unkindness etc. Frequent blinking (more than three times a minute) is a sign of organic weakness. "In women the eyes are linked with the ovaries and in men with the testicles. sexua| excess is revealed by black circles around the eyes. In men, the eyes should be small and almond-shaped. In women. they should be bigger and rounder (Yin). "If the kidneys are overworked by too much drink, especially alcohol, the eyes become tired and sensitive and the puffy lower eyelids form 'bags' under the eyes. A further pouch can form under the first; it hangs down beside the nose and indicates a degeneration of the intestines. It is often seen in the elderly."
Heed the Warning: Soybeans, Soy Oil, Tofu Linked to Thyroid Problems, Protruding Eyes, Liver Disease and Weak Immunity

Naboru Muramoto, a leading Macrobiotic teacher and author of "Healing Ourselves" states: "Soybeans are not recommended as a bean dish, despite their protein content. [Soybeans are not a building protein--at best they are a low maintenance protein and very difficult to digest]. 'The soy protein contains a certain harmful acid which can be eliminated only by elaborate [and long] cooking methods. This is why Orientals usually eat soybeans in the form of tofu, a sort of "soybean cheese." But, to make it less harmful and digestible, tofu must be baked or saut?ed until it is hard. This takes out the sticky substance in the fat. Soy products make the blood sticky and weaken liver function, which lowers red blood cell count and depresses the immune system. "However, tofu is NOT desirable either. Protruding eyes [thyroid malfunction] are often a sign of a large consumption of soybeans." This also goes for tempeh, soy dogs, soy oil, soy burgers and soy margarine. Obtain your protein from a variety of other beans and legumes. They are easier and quicker to prepare and taste better too, without all the health damaging side-effects.

Ancient Zen-Taoist Technique to Reduce Swollen Eyes
Taoist Master Da Liu wrote in his 'Taoist Health Exercise Book": "If blood circulation is poor, your feet will be cold, since this area is farthest away from the center of the body. A great Confucian scholar believed strongly in rubbing the feet (bottom and top of feet). He proved that swelling of the eyelids could be completely relieved by rubbing the feet every day two hundred times. If you do this exercise everyday, it can prevent fever of the inner organs.

Part 5 of Perfect Eyesight


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