Perfect Eyesight 3 by Lapis .....

Part 3 of the perfect eyesight article

Date:   7/18/2005 3:20:46 AM ( 19 y ago)

Alternative Health(a-z)

Perfect Eysight (part 3)

Health Key Number Three: Eat mostly whole, natural foods in season, 8t in pour climate
The optimum diet for Perfect Eyesight, health and longevity is one that includes plenty of whole grains (rice, barley, millet. rye. wheat. oats, buckwheat. spelt, amaranth, kamut and pasta made from them), vegetables (lightly steamed in winter and more raw fruits and vegetables in summer). Supplement this basic Whole Foods Diet with some raw fruits eaten mostly in warm summer months. Nuts and seeds should be soaked in water overnight to revive their life-force, or use them in soups and cooking: almonds, walnuts, cashews, sesame seeds. sunflower and pumpkin seeds: beans (green and yellow split peas, aduki, navy, kidney. black. garbanzo. lentils, lima etc. If you are not a vegetarian, eat only small amounts of animal foods to maintain good health. Organic dairy products and organic eggs are better than commercial ones, which are laced with synthetic hormones, antibiotics and chemicals. Alaskan, Australian or New Zealand fish is virtually mercury and chemical free. All other fish from large coastal cities are highly contaminated. Organic chicken and turkey are better than commercial brands. If you want to feel and look your best, consume foods that are grown within a 500 mile radius of where you live, and eat them in their proper season. That means eat seasonal fruits and vegetables when they are harvested in your area. In Michigan, asparagus comes out in May. Early leafy greens come out in June. Berries in June and July. Melons and corn in August & September. Apples in September and October etc. Tender fresh raw fruits and vegetables come out in the Spring and Summer for a reason. They cleanse the liver of toxins that have accumulated during the winter months. Berries, especially blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries help to detox the liver, cleanse the blood and increase iron and oxygen in the system. Cooked grains, beans, soups, pasta, steamed root vegetables are more suitable for cold winter months to impart strength and maintain heat in the body, hands and feet. Remember: Raw food is loaded with potassium--a cooling mineral, which cools the blood and body during hot summer months. Cooked whole foods on the other hand are higher in sodium, phosphorus, nitrogen--warming minerals to warm-up the blood and body in cold winter months. If you listen to your intuition (body intelligence), it will lead you to the right foods for the right climate and season. Stay away from extreme one-sided diets. They only cause poor health and weak eyesight.

Health Key Number Four: Super-Nutrient-Rich Foods for Perfect Eyesight
Seeds contain the life-giving force of nature bundled-up in a tiny package. Seeds are the beginning of another life. They come from life and they give us life when we eat them. Sunflower seeds are a supreme food for the eyes. They contain Vitamin B-2, which helps to prevent and overcome photo-phobia (fear of light). They are also high in Vitamin D. the sunshine vitamin. The sunflower seed plant turns its head to the Sun, thereby absorbing the glorious life-giving Solar Orb. Eat a tablespoon of sunflowers daily in your cereal or soaked overnight and notice how you can easily take sunlight or headlight glare. Carrots or carrot juice works wonders for night vision. Carrots are high in vitamin A. The body does not require a high intake of Vitamin A daily, because it is stored in the liver for future use. So. a 6 ounce glass of carrot juice, or five carrots a week is enough to give you plenty of beta-carotene and vitamin A for sparkling clear vision. Commercial un-organic chemical foods can weaken the liver and other organs, leading to poor vision. We recommend eating only organic carrots. Unlike the commercial, chemicalized variety, organic carrots are naturally sweet and delicious. They are loaded with over four times the vitamins, minerals, trace elements and healing power as the anemic chemical brand. Carrots are noted for soaking up whatever is in the soil. Guess what? You guessed it. Commercial carrots are packed full of health-destroying chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and the latest brand of devastating immune-system-destroying chemical/pesticide sprays. However, our gracious Mother Earth will have the last word on this. Make wise choices when buying food for yourself or your family. Eat organic vegetables and carrots and be on the safe side. Mother Nature and Mother Earth will place you in Her protective arms if you follow Her Natural Laws of Food and Health.

Herbs to Heal and Protect the Liver
Blueberries, bilberry and raspberry herb teas are all good for night vision. Parsley contains Vitamin B-2, which helps to improve day vision. Eyebright herb tea has been used for centuries for improving the eyesight. Steep a teaspoon of eyebright in hot water for 20 minutes and drink one cup a day. Dandelion mot tea improves distant vision (nearsightedness). Dandelion leaf tea helps you to see better close (farsightedness). Chinese Lychi berries and Chrysanthemum are highly acclaimed in the orient for promoting better vision and reducing liver toxicity. Use the Chinese herbs--lychi berry and chrysanthemum for a month, then change to the Western herbs-- eyebright and dandelion the following month. Licorice root is an excellent herb to reduce inflammation, mucous and to improve vision. Use no more than a 1 /4 teaspoon of licorice powder with water daily. Or chew on a small piece of licorice stick. Ayurvedic physician. Dr. Vinod Verma, recommends to: " Take [licorice] as a preventative measure after age 35, as many people tend to get problems with their vision around that age." Licorice is said to increase one's memory and mental clarity.

Foods that Heal, Cleanse and Strengthen the Liver and Eyes
Here is a list of vegetables, fruits and seeds to strengthen and heal your liver. eyes and immune system: Yams, squash, potatoes carrots, beets, dandelion greens, celery, cabbage, broccoli, chard, kale, collards, green beans, fresh snow peas & green peas, blueberries, raspberries, mangos, grapefruit, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, all radishes, mushrooms kombucha tea. Blue Green Algae, Green Kamut, Spirulina. Green Barley, also, include all the other vegetables in your diet for variety. Green vegetables help to clear the eyes and prevent eye inflammation. Whole grain foods contain Vitamin complex which strengthens eye nerves and the entire nemous system. Whole grain foods, i.e.. rice, wheat, rye, oats etc, gives us steady nerves and steady eyes. Buckwheat contains rutin to repair and heal cells and tissues. Barley helps to heal tumors and inflammations. Oatmeal is rich in silicon for sparkling eyes, lustrous hair and strong nails.

Health Key Number Five - Toxic Foods that Cause Ill Health and Vision Problems
Did you know that the average "American diet" is costing us over 900 billion dollars yearly in medical bills! We are consuming 150 pounds of refined white sugar. 85 pounds of processed oils and fats, 150 pounds of white flour, 15 pounds of white rice, cases of alcohol and thousands of cigarettes per person annually! In the early 1900s. Americans ate only 5 pounds of white sugar per person. Today that statistic is 125 pounds per person yearly. Disease is on the rise. Hospitals are 8lled to capacity. Jails and mental institutions are over-crowded. Three-fourths of the population suffer from poor health, poor vision, require eye glasses and eventually eye surgery! This is a tragic statistic. As a nation, we should be ashamed of ourselves. This shows the power of mass hypnotism, via the media--TV, papers, radio--concerning our health or lack thereof. Junk foods, medicines, alcohol and fast living are all promoted by large corporations, with little regard for our health, sanity or well-being. Many people are walking around today in a "somnambulistic trance." (as Gurdjieil' once said), addicted to material things. Power, greed, fast foods, sugared drinks, drugs, coffee, cigarettes and alcohol! Where it will end, no one knows. Only y0U can take charge of your life, health and eyesight. If you practice these vision and health teachings, you will enjoy your life in peace, health and happiness. We can only set an example for others who are ready to follow. Medical doctors are now finding a close link between dietary habits and disease causation. Holistic doctors have known that for centuries. In the early 1900s only six-percent of the population were nearsighted. Today, over 65 percent have eye problems. Good health and good eyesight go hand in hand. Avoid junk foods and poisons: chemical drug medications, antibiotics, white sugar, pops, candy, cakes etc. commercial milk (loaded with bovine growth hormones. steroids etc.), white table salt, white refined flour [bread. pastries etc.), solid fats (lard) cheap supermarket vegetable oils (extremely rancid. canola oil, soy oil, vegetable margarine (made from hydrogenated oils). high salt foods. commercial butter, dairy, yogurt, milk and cheese. These are all loaded with growth hormones and antibiotics. Soy products and tofu are also difficult to digest, and weaken the liver. Shop at your local health store for higher quality products. They usually stock organic dairy products. However, read the labels; not everything in a health store is healthy or low-fat or good fat. Buyers beware.

Sugar Blues, Depression and Myopia (Nearsightedness)
Sugar is clearly the most deadly food for your eyesight! This also includes raw brown sugar, which is just white sugar with molasses added for coloring. Don't be fooled by this gimmick. Sugar robs all the bones and teeth of calcium and the all important B vitamins; it destroys the pancreas--uses up insulin and causes diabetes, obesity, heart disease, skin diseases, poor memory, kidney and liver disorders and poor eyesight. Sugar forms a "crystalline lens" on the eyes, causing cataracts. It is the main cause of inflamed eyes. Dr. Jin. Otsuka, a leading Japanese authority on nearsightedness says "If you feed sugar to a rabbit, the rabbit becomes myopic (nearsighted). Even so called natural sugars, like honey, maple syrup, rice syrup, barley malt etc., eaten in excess, can weaken the organs and cause poor vision. The human body only produces one tablespoon of insulin daily. If you drink a large glass of carrot juice or fruit juice, and two tablespoons of honey, you have just used-up your supply of insulin for the day. Consume four or five times more than this every day for years, and you create hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and finally diabetes (no insulin produced in the pancreas). Simple mathematics! Weaken the organs with excess sugars, fats, refined flour. drugs. alcohol etc., and you're left with zero health. Nothing in the balance. Hormones dry up and disappear. No hormones, no health. No health, no life--period! Got it! So, if you want to have zestful energy everyday, then you'll have to cut out white sugar and products with white sugar in them, and limit your intake of natural sweets too--like honey, maple syrup. Two or three teaspoons daily-no more. Limit your intake of juices also. Fruit juices are concentrated sugars, extracted from the whole fruit if you drink juice, dilute it half with water and a little lemon juice. You'll save your organs from overworking. Excess sweets further weakens the adrenal glands, which give us energy during the day. Eat some fruit, especially in warm summer weather. Fruits are good organ cleansers and contain oxygen and iron for blood building. Fruit is high in potassium (a cooling mineral), so reduce its consumption in cold winter weather. The body doesn't need a lot of potassium in the winter. You can, however, occasionally stew or cook some fruit in cool weather if you are healthy. Just don't over-do it with fruit

Salt and Weak Vision
Excessive salt consumption leads to hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, obesity etc. Hardened arteries causes poor circulation to the eyes and weak vision. Excess salt congests the kidneys and eventually creates edema (waterlogged body). Use kelp or powdered vegetable seasoning instead of salt.

White Flour and Poor Vision
White flour when mixed with the digestive juices becomes a paste, like 'Plaster of Paris. We become glued-up inside. Literally, blocked-up or constipated from these "refined foods." Many people walk around with 15 to 20 pounds of dried-up fecal matter pasted up against their colon walls. Not a happy camper! You see these type of angry people driving down the road giving out "middle-finger hand signals" to other 'slow' motorists! Ayurvedic Health Science from India teaches that constipation must be overcome in order to improve the eyesight. Constipation is a direct cause of blurred, dim vision, and many major diseases.

Fats and Oils in the Blood
You'll feel great if you keep your fat intake around 5% to 10% of your diet Go easy on these high fat foods: Milk, cheese, butter, dairy, oils, meats. Eat them sparingly and they will spare your life. Excess consumption of fats cannot be digested, assimilated and absorbed completely, which results in higher blood cholesterol and blocked arteries, liver and gall bladder stones. This slows down the circulation to the eyes, as well as to the heart and other major internal organs. Fats are also implicated in diabetes, obesity and liver disease. The liver and gall bladder metabolize fats. Gall stones are caused from an excess of animal fats in the diet. In the Chinese Five Element System, the liver rules the eyes. So, a fatty liver causes many eye disorders, i.e., jaundice, dark spots, yellow eyes, red eyes. blindness. Astigmatism, crossed eyes and poor vision etc. Junk foods are causing many degenerative diseases throughout the world. You can avoid eye problems completely by eating plenty of whole foods and herbs, along with performing your eye exercise routine, yoga stretching, chi kung etc., consistently.

Dangerous Oils that Destroy Vision
Some vegetable oils are better than others for health and longevity. First, the bad news oils.
HEALTH WARMNG: If you desire good vision and super health avoid, like the plague, all these oils, foods with these oils in them and their by-products: All vegetable margarine: cotton seed oil, oleo-margarine, margarine made from corn oil, safflower, soy oil and canola oil. Soy and Canola are industrial oils and extremely toxic in the human body! Use these oils to grease your car only!

All margarine is hydrogenated and solid at room temperature, which makes it saturated. Oils are boiled at extremely high temperatures through a nickel alloy, which makes it hard at room temperature on your dinner table! Margarine will harden your arteries in a jiffy, and cut your life in half. We call it "plastic fat." Avoid it and live healthy and long!

Soybean Products Cause Toxic Blood and Weak Vision
Soy is a poisonous weed grown for human and animal consumption. Bugs will not eat soy plants, because they detect poison in the plant. People and animals get sick on the stuff. Animals that eat a lot of soy products live only half their normal age. We experienced poor health and weak vision when we ate soy products and tofu. You can feel the difference in energy by cutting out soy products.

Soy and canola are considered negative or left-spin energy plants. They can live on "diseased" soil and air. They take in and store the toxic environment (chemical-laden dead soils and polluted air) inside the beans. Hard salt fertilizers and poisonous sprays are used to produce the toxic soy bean. Unbelievable, but true! Other healthy natural foods such as grains, beans, vegetables, fruit organic dairy, seeds, nuts, are called "positive" or right-spin energy plant foods. Positive energy plant foods do not disrupt or damage health and vitality. In the mid-50s soy beans were "irradiated" to increase their oil content. This in-turn produced more oil on "negative energy soils." "Soy oil is an 'industrial' oil, not a food oil!" This is a serious matter. Don't take it lightly.

Oils, Vision Defects, Balding and Immune System Deficiencies
Balding, eye problems, liver problems, yeast infections, poor digestion, fatigue etc., are closely linked with the use of these dangerous oils. Tofu, soy 'hot dogs', soy tempe, soy burgers fall into the same disease-causing category. These products all cause premature old age! How is that, you say? Cows that graze on soy die quickly. Hair quickly "falls out" on sheep that graze on soy plants. Dr. Carry Reams found "a link between the soybean, balding, and deterioration in the blood." Soy oil, soy products and tofu contain a poisonous chemical called "phyto-hema-glutinin" or PHG. It is a large protein molecule that causes the blood to clot or stick together like glue, forming plaques on the arterioles, that clog the capillaries in the eyes, ears and scalp, causing eye problems, ear infections and hair loss. Soy and canola oil products weaken the immune system's T cells, weakening the nervous and hormonal systems. PHG in soy and canola kills small rodents fast. These products are systemic toxins causing many disease conditions.

Vegetarians Beware!
Vegetarians must especially be wary of eating soy foods, canola oil and products with these toxic products in them. i.e., chips, cakes, pies, candy, pizza, ice cream etc. If you want improved health and vision, use other cultural and traditional foods such as, beans, peas and legumes that are high in protein and 8ber, easy to cook and delicious to eat.

Remember: Soy products have to be "doctored-up" heavily to make them almost tolerable to eat. Soybeans undergo hours and hours of 'processing, cooking and preparing to make them ready for the market.
The Ill-Effects of Canola Oil (Rapeseed Oil), and Soy Oil on Liver, Blood, Eyes and Health by John Thomas,

Author of "Young Again!"
The name Canola is a "coined" word. Canola oil comes from the rape seed, which is part of the Mustard family of plants. Rape is the MOST toxic of all food oil plants. It is not listed in anything but the most recent reference sources. It is a word that appeared out of nowhere. Canola oil is a semi-drying oil that is used as a lubricant, fuel, soap, rubber products and magazine covers. Canola forms latex-like substances that cause agglutination of the red blood corpuscles, as does soy oil only MUCH more pronounced.

Loss of vision is a known characteristic side effect of of rape oil. Rape (Canola) antagonizes the central and peripheral nervous systems--like soy oil, only worse. Rape (Canola) oil causes pulmonary emnphysema, respiratory distress, anemia, constipation, irritability and blindness in the bodies of animals--and humans. Rape oil was in widespread use in animal feeds in England and Europe between 1986 and 1991 when it was thrown out. Do you remember reading about the cows, pigs, and sheep that went blind, lost their minds, and attacked people? They had to be shot! ...the "experts" blamed the erratic behavior on a viral disease called "scrapie." However. When rape oil was removed from animal feed, "Scrapie" disappeared. Now we are growing rape seed and using rape (canola) oil in the USA! Canola off is now our problem. It is widely used in thousands of processed foods in the USA--with the blessings of government watchdog agencies, of course! Officially, canola oil is known as "LEAR" oil. The acronym stands for low ureic acid rape. The experts tell us it is "safe" to use. Through genetic engineering i.e. irradiation, it is no longer rape, but instead "canola!" The experts talk about canola's "qualities"--like its unsaturated structure, omega 3. 6 and 12, it's wonderful digestibility, and its fatty acid makeup. They turn us against naturally saturated oils and fats...The term canola provided the perfect cover for commercial interests who wanted to make billions in the USA. The name "canola" is still in use, but it is no longer needed...look at the peanut butter ingredient labels. The peanut oil has been removed and replaced with rape oil. Rape oil is used to produce the chemical warfare agent, "MUSTARD GAS," used in all wars, including the Gulf War. Canola oil contains large amounts of "iso-thio-cyanstes' , which are cyanide compounds. Cyanide INHIBITS mitochondrial production of ATP. ATP powers the body & keeps us healthy and YOUNG! Notice the tremendous increase in disorders like systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, myelinoma, pulmonary hypertension, and neuropathy in recent years. Soy and canola oils are players in the development of these disease conditions. Canola oil is rich in glycosides which cause serious problems in the human body by blocking enzyme function and depriving us of our life force. Soy and canola oil glycosides depress the immune system. They cause the white blood cell defense system--the T-cells--to go into a stupor and fall asleep on the job. These oils alter the bio-electric "terrain' and promote disease. The alcohols and glycosides in canola and soy oils shut down our protective grid--the immune system. In the Movie "Lorenzo's Oil"...the dying boy had a chronically low total body pH! So low that his body fluids were dissolving the myelin sheath that protects the nerve fibers...causing his nervous system to disintegrate. The boy was given Lorenzo's oil to boost energy output and act as a detoxifier of metabolic poisons. The oil shocked his body into a LESS acid condition. Lorenzo's oil is OLIVE OIL! when given in large quantities, olive oil SHOCKS the body and causes it to adjust its pH. It will also SAFELY purge the body of gall and liver stones, thus avoiding the need for gallbladder surgery (Yucca extract and PAC's must precede the "flush." ...On a TV talk show, an "expert" claimed that Lorenzo's oil was rape oil. THIS WAS A LIE! Give rape oil to a sick person and you will seal their doom. Here is another example of "disinformation" in the public domain. These falsehoods should cause every thinking person to question the molding of public opinion by powerful commercial interests behind the scenes the astronomical increase in the use of processed foods that contain canola oil, soy oil, and chemical additives CONFUSES the body and weakens the immune system. The "health care" industry is an OXYMORON. It protects its own economic interests. If you want peak health and longevity you MUST take control of your life, and be responsible for your health. There is NO other way! Order "Young Again" ($19.95) from Promotion Publishing 3368 F Governor Dr. Ste 144. San Diego. CA 92121, or call 1-800-231-1776. Soybeans cause weak digestion, gas and a deranged body chemistry in many vegetarians and sensitive people. Peanuts contain only a small amount of PHG in comparison to soybeans and some people cannot digest peanut butter. Use of these products can speed-up mental deterioration in young or old people, ultimately causing Alzheimer's. "Phyto-hema-glutinin" or PHG is contained in the oil of soybeans or tofu. If you use fat-free or oil-free soy products, the health-destroying effects are greatly reduced, i.e., tamari sauce and miso. These three products are ok to use, just don't overindulge in them! What about soy protein powder or tofu? Tofu is difficult to digest for most people. Eaten excessively, soy products weaken the gastro-intestinal and immune systems. Liver and kidney function are also greatly impaired. If you are sick, weak, fatigued or cancerous, avoid soy and tofu completely. If you have poor digestion, gas or bloating, forget about soy products altogether.

Soy Protein is Not a Growth Protein
The Net Protein Utilization (NPU) of soy products is a low 10-15 percent. Far too low to maintain good digestion and overall health. The raw soy protein is almost indigestible. Animals fed raw soy plants become ill and die. Dogs, cats and other household pets fed a steady diet of soy tofu and soy products develop illnesses and live only four to six years old. "Free" amino acid soy proteins are a positive right spin energy product and is acceptable to eat. because their "negative" vibration is neutralized--their oil is removed completely. Bragg's Liquid Aminos is a safe positive amino acid to use in your food or cooking.

Important Health Note on Oils--Caution!: Read labels and watch for soy, canola, cotton-seed oil in thousands of food products! These toxic oils do not belong in the human blood system. They get sticky inside the body, cause clotting, blocked arterie9 and untold damage to health. Peanut oil is better on the skin then inside the body. Cotton seed oil is known to lower testosterone and sperm count in males! Men beware of cotton seed oil, soy and canola oils in many snacks, chips, health candies, corn chips etc. Read labels. Get informed. Take charge of your own health and also, avoid oils that deteriorate and become rancid quickly, i.e., almond, corn, safflower, avocado, peanut, (peanut oil and peanut butter is also loaded with PHG. and will make your blood clot and become gluey if eaten daily. Instead, use the healthy oils listed next.
Use Healthy Oils Moderately for Good Vision and Health The Best Health Oils: Olive, Sesame. Sunflower.

Olive is the Rolls Royce of oils! It comes from a fruit--the olive. Other 'right spin positive energy oils are sesame, sunflower and flax. Ghee (clarified butter) is excellent for cooking or on food. Vegans can use these healthful vegetable oils. These oils are more stable and do not break down as fast as the "bad oils." Keep all oils refrigerated after opening. It maintains their freshness. Do not consume excessive oils, even the good ones. A tablespoon or two in cooking or on salads is enough to lubricate your glands, hormones and joints. Remember: You are not a car--you do not need five quarts of oil to run smoothly! Detox your liver with green vegetables, lemon and the following herbs: yucca. dandelion, milk thistle, barberry, Oregon grape root and bilberry. These herbs and foods help to detox the fats and toxic chemical offs out of the liver and gall bladder, thus improving vision. Make a valiant attempt to discontinue the use of these devitalized foodless foods, toxic oils and their by-products. Your eyes will thank you for it with improved vision. And your energy will zoom like never before! "If we eat wrongly, no doctor can cure us. If we eat rightly, no doctor is needed." --Victor Rocine
In the next Chapter, we will discuss the importance of eating the proper foods. Herbs, vitamins and supplements for your Individual Constitution, using the Ayurvedic Health System from India and the Chinese Taoist Five Element System. If you want high-level health and energy, and crystal clear vision, turn the page to Chapter Seven for your Complete Protocol and Analysis of Nutritional Body Types for Optimum Health and Perfect Eyesight, and read on.

A Complete Protocol and Analysis of Nutritional Body Types
Ayurvedic Nutritional Body Typing Program& the Chinese Five-Element Health System
The health wisdom from India, known as Ayurveda = Life Wisdom, addresses the three Constitutional Body Types, or governing qualities within the body. The Chinese Five-Element Health System addresses the five pairs of internal organs, their relationship to each other, the correct 8ve food tastes for each organ, and the condition of each organ system--is it want, hot, neutral, cold or cool? We will just touch on the Five Element System, in relation to the three Body Type Humors. We will cover both Body Typing Systems thoroughly in a future book. Knowing your individual body type, i.e., what foods, herbs and health protocol you require is vitally important, and a prerequisite to improving health, longevity and attaining perfect eyesight. Do not take this subject lightly. It can make the difference between high-level health and energy or weakness, fatigue and constant illness. Each person was given at birth, a specific individual constitution. The three main Body Types are: l. Vata(Air/Ether-Ectomorph-Mental Type: Thin Body Structure). 2. Pitta (Fire/Water. Mesomorph-Motive Type: Muscular Body Structure). 3. Hapha(Water/Earth-Endomorph-Vital Type: Heavy Body Structure) . The Vata Body Type operates through the nervous system, colon, bones, and movement. Vata's are prone to dry, itchy eyes.

The Pitta Body Type operates through the small intestines, digestion, enzymatic and metabolic functions. Pitta's are prone to hot, inflamed or red eyes.
The Kapha Body Type operates through the respiratory system, lungs. body structure, nutritive and hormonal system. Kapha's are prone to watery, crusty or expanded eyes.

Discovering your Personal Body Type is your first step to restore internal balance for good health and perfect eyesight. A person can also be g combination of these main body types, Le., exhibit symptoms and characteristics of two body types, i.e., Kapha/Pitta, Pitta/Vata, Vata/Pitta and Vata/Kapha In rare circumstances a person can be a combination of all three body types, and enjoy excellent health and longevity.

A Complete Analysis and Protocol for the (Kapha) Water Body Type (Watery, Crusty, Expanded Eyes)
If you manifest conditions of mucus or watering of the eyes; or your eyes tear, drip and drain; if you discharge a lot of mucous from the nose and mouth, especially during cold weather if you have colds and flu often; if you have chest and head congestion often, you are a Kapha-Water Body Type, and you will manifest the following Body Type Characteristics and symptoms...

Characteristics of a Kapha-Water Body Type
Large chest or breasts and stomach; large bones; overweight, strong physique; smooth, cold, thick skin; gain weight easy--hard to lose weight; thick, wavy hair; large forehead; thick eyebrows and eyelashes; large, wide nose; moist, oily lips; white, even teeth; pink, oily gums; wide, thick shoulders; thick, strong arms; big, moist, calm hands; large calves, feet and joints; hard, thick, smooth, pale nails; milky, whitish urine; firm, mucus-8lled feces o day; medium, cool sweat and body odor moderate to low appetite--ca~ easily without hunger round, deep, low voice; long term memory; sentimental emotions; conservative faith; slow, relaxed body movement heavy, deep sleep; seldom dreams or has watery, romantic dreams; endurance; enduring sexua| energy--likes children; strong immune system--heals quickly; prone to develop colds, flu, edema, diabetes, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia etc.; slow digestion; Pulse: 60-70--slow, even. Steady, swan-beat; large, round, watery, calm eyes; cold, damp, bloated stomach-feeling; low hunger; dull, heavy pain; low grade fever swollen, watery, expanded throat; sleepy after eating; anal itch; excess urine, but less frequent. Healthy Kapha-Water Types may only experience these symptoms occasionally or not at all. The healthier you are, the less watery symptoms you will experience. Follow the Protocol suggestions for reducing water, and you delighted with the results.

Water Types usually have expanded watery kidneys and liver, which causes myopia or nearsightedness. They have excess mucous and crust in their eyes, especially in the morning. Drink less water daily, especially d cold. Wet, damp weather. Less water is required when there is high humid the air. High humidity actually causes water retention in cells, tissues an eyes, Kapha's need to dry out in a "dry sauna" during damp, high-humidity days. Or get out into the sunshine whenever possible.

Kapha-Water Body Types Need Less Water, Not More!
Just drink enough liquids when you are thirsty. Over-drinking juice or other liquids water logs the body and causes bloating, weight-gain fatigue. Excess water in the body manifests in Water Body Types as a crusty eyes, edema and obesity. The kidneys, bladder and adrenals are weakened by excess liquid in this can cause incontinence (weak bladder), poor eyesight, water-logging o brain, mental confusion. Excessive water drinking reduces stomach acid: which results in stomach bloating, Water-weight-gain and yin expanded kidneys, which can cause cold hands and feet. Excess water drinking to "flush-out" the body is a fallacy! Precious adrenal (energy hormones) are urinated out when the body is loaded with water. The body is a self- regulating self healing natural organism. You need rest, proper sleep, exercise, natural foods and pure oxygen to heal and keep your body healthy. Too much water only weakens the system and causes weak internal organs and illness! Do fall for the 'half a-gallon-a-day-water-drinking-delusion, or you will become sadly deluded. Drink when thirsty and stop! There is no health benefits from trying to force-flush the kidneys and lymph system. The kidneys, bladder lymph require the proper balance of food, water, exercise and rest. Overdo any one of these natural requirements can cause sickness and disease in the long run. Moderation end balance is the key to good health and improved vision.

The Potato Juice Eye Bath for Watery Eyes
Eyes that water easily, and form crusts overnight can benefit tremendously from a daily three minute Potato Juice Bath. Grate a raw potato and squeeze the juice out through a cheese-cloth or strainer. Squeeze enough juice to fill an eye-cup, about 2-3 teaspoons. Place the eye-cup, filled with potato juice, over each eye and hold it there for three minutes. Try to keep your eye open and the 'cup' held 8rmly around the eye. Tilt head back or lie down on your back.

Kapha-Water Body Type Avoid These Foods If You Have Watery Eyes
If you have many of the above characteristics, you are a Water Body Type and prone to Watery eyes. For optimum health. Kapha-Water Body Types should avoid the following watery, damp, moist foods: Fruit. Juices, milk, yogurt, soy oil, canola oil, safflower oil, peppermint, wintergreen, spearmint, licorice, zucchini, banana, beef, salt (one-half ounce of salt holds four pounds of water in the body for weeks); sweets. melons. Cucumber, tofu, coconut, grapes, dates, figs, tomato Avoid any foods, liquids. supplements or condiments that tend to create water or mucus in your eyes and body. If you are living in a hot dry climate, some of these raw watery foods will be acceptable. Just watch eating them in cold, damp, wet or wintry weather.

Foods That Reduce Water and Mucus for the Water Body Type
Kapha-Water Types need foods that reduce water, dry-up mucus and balance and harmonize the body. For best results, foods must be cooked, baked, broiled, steamed or saut?ed.' They give the body the necessary warmth and dryness to reduce weight and fat. The foods listed below are loaded with vitamins and minerals, and will 8re-up your metabolism, control your weight, improve your digestion, and strengthen your eyesight. Eat light spiced vegetable broth soups and lots of steamed green vegetables daily. Here is your personal list of foods that will warm-up your body, boost your metabolic fire, dry-up mucus; harmonize and balance your Water Body Type and reduce watery, mucous-filled eyes. Ninety-percent of your food should be baked, saut?ed', broiled or cooked, spiced, i.e., grains, green vegetables, whole grain breads. Crackers, popcorn and rice cakes. Light spiced soups are warming, low calorie, and drying. They nourish and reduce fat, mucous and water in the cells, tissues and brain--allowing the eyes to function at their best--without excess water or mucous. Eat plenty of these drying foods regularly. To reduce water and mucous in the eyes and body: Eat more dry foods, i.e., baked potatoes, yams, squash, popcorn, toasted bread, low fat and low salt corn, potato or rice chips, baked casseroles. Avoid raw fruit in cold weather, especially melons. Dried fruit helps to reduce water. Fruit is high in water, which is the main cause of eye mucous and tissue water-logging. Fruits for
Kapha Body Types: berries--(raspberries. blueberries. blackberries and cherries; peaches, grapefruit. mangoes, kiwi You can also cook or stew these fruits occasionally for variety. Especially avoid: watermelon, cucumbers, strawberries, all melons. Consume more cooked vegetables, whole grains, pastas, soups, root vegetables and spices in the winter and eat a little more raw salads and fruit in the summer. Grapes are also good for strengthening and cleansing the liver. Eat them during Summer and Fall seasons, but not in Winter. Many children develop vision problems as a result of excess mucus in the body. To remedy this condition. use one clove of garlic every day, or take one or two Kyolic garlic capsules, especially during late winter and early spring--February through May--a damp, wet and mucus-causing season for Water Body Types. Kaphas' need to eat a bit more spicy foods during this time of year. Just eat "enough" spices to reduce mucous and water. Too many spices in the diet can cause eye inflammation or red eyes in any body type. Observe your body reactions and symptoms, and adjust your food intake accordingly.

Complete Dietary Requirements: Foods, Herbs, Vitamins, Minerals and Supplement for Kapha-Water Body Type
Vegetables: artichoke, arrowroot, asparagus, beets, beet greens, bitter melon, broccoli. Brussels sprouts, burdock, cabbage, carrots, celery, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, cilantro, corn, collard greens, dandelion greens, eggplant, endive, fennel, anise, potatoes, green beans, green peppers, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lotus root. Mushrooms, mustard greens, onions, okra, parsley, pumpkin, parsnips, pas, red pepper, scallions, turnips, spinach, sprouts, swiss chard, baked squash and sweet potato (yams), cooked tomatoes, watercress, seaweed.
Fruit: apples, apricots, blueberries, cherries, currants, grapefruit, kiwi, papaya, peaches, pineapple, pomegranate, cranberries, prunes, raspberries, blackberries, huckleberries, lemons, limes.
Grains: corn, millet, oats, rice, rye, wheat, sago, spelt, kamut, amaranth, muesli, cous cous, quinoa, oat bran, tapioca, whole grain pasta, rice cakes, dry cereals, basmati rice, wild rice, polenta.
Dairy: low fat cottage cheese or organic cheese, ghee, goat milk, non-fat yogurt. Use dairy infrequently or during hot weather or in dry hot climate or in Autumn (dry hot season).
Sweeteners: raw honey, molasses, rice syrup
Legumes-Beans: These are perfect protein foods for Kapha-Water Body Types: black-eyed peas, lentils, yellow or green split peas, dried green peas, chick peas, kidney beans, lima beans, navy beans, pinto beans. (Eat beans for protein if you are a vegetarian). "Natureade" Company sells an excellent soyfree "Vegetarian Protein Powder." It's made from pea, rice, potato protein etc. You can add it to your soups, dressings and sauces.
Animal Foods: chicken, turkey, eggs, freshwater fish; (protein foods for non-vegetarians). Use these foods moderately.
Seeds: sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, chia, flax.
Nuts: (Only eat nuts in small quantities. and only if they are dry roasted or soaked in water overnight). Almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, filberts, hazelnuts.
Condiments: basil, black pepper, ginger(dry powder), garlic, chili peppers, bay leaf, caraway, chives, cloves, cinnamon, cress, cumin, dill, fennel, mustard, marjoram, parsley, nutmeg, oregano, pumpkin pie spice, rosemary, sage, savory, thyme, tarragon, apple cider vinegar.
Beverages: dry wines, apple cider, apple juice, apricot juice, berry juice, black tea (spiced), cherry juice, cranberry juice, grain coffee. Dacopa(delicious coffee substitute), mango juice, vegetable juice, peach juice, pomegranate juice, prune juice, rice milk, almond milk. (Consume juices sparingly and mostly during hot weather).

Herbal Teas: alfalfa, blackberry, borage, burdock, catnip, chamomile, chicory, clove, chrysanthemum, cinnamon, corn silk, dandelion, eyebright tea(for all eye conditions)" bilberry(for nearsightedness and night vision), elder flower, eucalyptus, fennel, fenugreek, juniper berry, oat straw, nettle, orange peel, raspberry, red clover, saffron, sage, sassafras, yerba mate', Good Earth Tea, "Traditionals"--Cinnamon Spice and Vanilla Spice are excellent packaged teas you can purchase in your local health food store.
Spices: allspice, anise, asafetida, turmeric, poppy seeds, mace, cayenne, neem leaves. (See Condiments' for more spices).

Oils: Flax, sesame, olive, sunflower, ghee.
Food Supplements: bee pollen, honey, royal jelly, spiralina, alfalfa seed tablets. green kamut, spiralina.
Vitamins: A. B. B 12, C. D. E. F.
Minerals: sulfur, carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, iron, chromium, selenium.
Protein: 10-20% daily intake.
Carbohydrates: 70-80% daily intake. (Grains, vegetables).
Fats: 10-15% daily intake.
Exercise: 45-60 minutes daily. Walking, running, biking, low impact weight-bearing aerobic activity, high repetition-low weight resistance barbells, dumbbells or machines, stair climbers, treadmills, mountain climbing, stair climbing, step-ups, Yoga deep breathing through your right nostril to speed-up metabolism.

Special Therapies to Reduce Kapha-Water Body Type
- Hot dry heat. Dry saunas are excellent to dry-up water and mucous in the body. Up to 45 minutes, three to 4 times a week. Or live in a dry climate, like Arizona.
- Emetic therapy to clear mucous out of the stomach.
- Diet emphasizing the three water-reducing tastes: pungent, bitter, astringent.
- Dry, deep massage with lotions made up of hot herbs like ginger, mustard oil, onion and asafetida(East Indian herb).
- Plenty of vigorous aerobic exercise daily.
- Herbal wine elixirs.
- Breathing exercises that create heat in the body.
- Right nostril breathing: 5 to 10 minutes daily. Close your left nostril and begin to breath through your right nostril; this heats up body.
- Chi Kung moving and breathing exercises. Periodic fasting from food and too much liquid.
- Reduced sleep time. Avoid over-sleeping--it causes weight it gain.

A Complete Analysis and Protocol for the vata-Air Body Type [Dry, Twitching, Itchy and Contracted Eyes]
If you suffer from problems manifested by dryness and tremors (twitching) eyes; dry, dull, flaky skin, thin or underweight body, dry hair; dry cough; if you have constant digestive problems, you are a Air Body Type as follows...

Characteristics of a Vata-Air Body Type
Small, narrow shoulders and sunken chest; thin, dry, rough, jittery, nervous hands; dry feet; cracking joints; dry, brittle, thin, rough. Discolored, nails and deep ridges in the nails; dry, hard, scant bowel movements; gas, painful constipation; inconsistent, irregular or no appetite for days; low, frail, rasping voice; fast, shifting, rambling, weak voice; changeable, fast, uncertain, indecisive and easily excitable; poor memory; hyperactive, accident prone; ungrounded gait; irregular eating & sleeping patterns; insomnia; weak muscles; tires easily; low immune response; constant fatigue; bone aches, arthritis; spinal abnormalities; schizophrenia (paranoid); paralysis; Parkinson's disease; rheumatism; ear ring; 8ssures of anus, nipple; tics, tremors, twitches; heart palpitations; congenital giantess or dwarfism; bow-legged or knock-kneed; impatient, restless; vacillation and indecisiveness; poor self image; intolerance to cold weather and cold drinks; undue dependence on others; enthusiasm followed by depression; weak digestion; pulse: 80 or over-narrow and slithery; restless nature; dry mouth, throat; fearful, apathetic, loner. If there are excess toxins in the body, Vata's then suffer with: Foul breath, foul smelling feces, slow pulse(50-60 beats per minute) constipation, coated tongue. A healthy Vata person will have few or none of the above problems.

Vata-Air Body Type Avoid These Foods if You Have Dry Eyes
If you have many of the above characteristics, you are a Air Body Type and prone to dry eyes. Dry Air Body Types must avoid the following dry foods: dry toast, breads (unless steamed soft), crackers, chips, corn chips, dried fruits, baked foods, hot condiments. i.e., dry ginger powder, curry, hot peppers, cayenne pepper. Avoid any foods or condiments that tend to create dryness in your system. This is especially true if you are a Pitta/Vata Body Type, in which case you may exhibit heat or fire symptoms (Pitta) with dryness, and a thin Body Type (Vata). If you exhibit signs of coldness and dampness with a Vata Body Type, you must avoid cold, damp food in cold weather. and eat more dry and warming foods and spices to balance out your body. If you have more heat symptoms, you have a Pitta/Vata (Fire/Air) System. If you have more cold, damp symptoms, you have a Vata/Kapha (Air/Water System.

Warming, Moisturizing, Grounding Foods to Balance the Vata-Air Body Type
Here is your personal list of foods that moisturize and harmonize your Dry Air Body Type: These foods must be cooked, steamed or saut?ed' to give your body the necessary warming moisture, vitamins and minerals, which in turn, boost your hormones, digestion, strength and eyesight. Eat thick soups and natural puddings such as, rice pudding, squash or yam puddings etc. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables in warm/hot weather, and more cooked grains, soups, pasta, beans and root vegetables in cool/cold weather.

In general, if you are a Cold Vata, eat more warming cooked foods. In general, if you are a Hot Vata, eat more raw foods in warm or hot weather, and cooked and raw foods in cold weather. Eat more soups, steamed and cooked vegetables, grains and beans in cold weather. Eat a little more oils and sour foods such as, yogurt, apple cider vinegar, lemons, thick cabbage soups, beets and goat milk in Autumn to counteract the dryness of the season. Reduce oils and fats in hot summer months. Eat a bit more raw fruits and vegetables in hot summer weather. Eat more protein in winter and less in summer. Grapes are excellent for strengthening and cleansing the liver. They help to improve eyesight. Eat them mainly during the Summer and Fall months. They are too cooling to eat during Winter in the North. If you are cold, with gas, bloating and indigestion, stay away from fruit altogether in cold weather. Raw fruits and vegetables, eaten in cold weather, make the stomach cold; this creates a stomach pH over 7.5, much too alkaline and cold to generate heat, digestive juices and overall grounding and warmth. Cold Vata's stomach or Central Energy needs to be warmed with cooked grains, thick soups and root vegetables to maintain balance. Vata-Air Body Types need to eat more sour, sweet and moisturizing foods during October. November. December and January--when the weather has a drying effect on the body and eyes. Important Note: Too many dried foods will cause dry eyes. Choose your foods wisely and 'see' your vision improve daily. Here is your personal list of foods that warm, moistures, harmonize and balance your Air Body Type and reduce Dry Itchy Eyes. If you are a Cold Vata, ninety-percent of your food should be steamed, broiled or cooked during cold weather, i.e., grains, root vegetables, soups. These are warming, moisturizing and nurturing to build and nourish your hormones, cells, tissues, brain and eyes. Eat plenty of these foods regularly.

Complete Dietary Requirements: Foods, Herbs, Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements for Vata-Air Body Type
Vegetables: Beets, carrots, parsnips, peas, seaweed, sweet potato(yams), pumpkin, onions, green beans, squash(winter), asparagus, green vegetables.
Grains: oats, wheat, rice, spelt and amaranth.
Legumes: Make soups from these foods: lentils, lima beans, yellow and green split peas, chick peas, black-eyed peas, green peas, navy beans and kidney beans.
Seeds: pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, flax seeds, tahini butter.
Nuts: Almonds, cashews, coconut, pecans, walnuts--all soaked overnight or cooked in food.
Seasonings: Bragg's Liquid Aminos, Dr. Bronner's Mineral Seasoning. Beverages: Almond milk, rice milk, Dacopa or Grain 'coffee,' lemonade, mango juice, peach juice.
Herbal Teas: licorice, orange peel; saffron. sarsaparilla, Good Earth Tea(original), Yogi teas, Chamomile.
Mild Spices: Almond extract, anise, basil, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, cumiri, dill, fennel, marjoram, parsley, poppy seeds, rosemary, savory, tarragon. Oils: sesame, ghee (clarified butter), olive, sunflower, flax.
Food Supplements: Aloe vera juice internally and externally(a few drops in the eyes morning and night).
Minerals: calcium, copper, iron, zinc, magnesium.
Protein: 25-30% daily intake.
Carbohydrates: grains, vegetables, pasta--50% daily intake.
Fats: 15-20% daily intake
Best Vegetable Oils: olive, sesame, sunflower. Flax
Dairy: Non-fat yogurt, butter (ghee), raw milk organic low salt cheese
Sweeteners: maple syrup, rice syrup, fruit juice.
Fruits: apricots, blueberries, cherries, dates, figs, kiwi, lemons, limes, oranges, currants, pineapple, prunes, mangoes, peaches, coconut, apples and apple sauce. Eat fruit mainly in warm summer weather, otherwise you may over-cleanse your body, lose weight, thin your blood and get cold hands and feet in the winter.
Animal and Vegetarian Protein: Non-vegetarian Cold Vata's can eat Amish chicken, eggs, fish, lamb. Hot Vata's should avoid lamb and chicken. and eat some fish and eggs. Vegetarians use Soy-Free Vegetarian Protein Powder by Naturade, Imported Nutritional Yeast grown on Beet Molasses by Kal; Goat milk, beans, organic low fat cheese and yogurt.
Exercise: Yoga Stretching, Chi Kung Breathing movements, outdoor walking, light weightlifting--10-20 minutes, 3 times a week

Special Therapies to Increase Moisture and Warmth in Vata-Air Body Types
- Oil enema. More oil in diet. Sesame oil on skin.
- Massage feet with mustard oil during Fall and Winter to improve eyesight; warms the body; Massage at night before bed to sleep soundly
- Small, frequent meals--never over-eat or over-stuff stomach.
- Diet emphasizing the three tastes to increase moisture and warmth in your body: sweet, sour, salty.
- Warm moist steam baths or water.
- Gentle oil massage.
- Herbal teas that warm and strengthen the body: Rosemary tea for Vata eyes and hair, ginseng, ashwangandha, licorice, marshmallow, ginger, cinnamon, Good Earth Tea, Cinnamon Spice, Vanilla Spice.
- Soft relaxing music.
- Healing, warming and strengthening colors: red, yellow, orange, green, magenta, scarlet.
- Knee, ankle, wrist wraps or lifting belt for injured or prolapsed limbs and organs
- Herbal wines: Dracsha, Restora, Chavranprash and Dashmula are all good for Vata conditions, i.e., nerves, kidneys and eyesight; imparts strength, energy, endurance, rejuvenation.
- Soft, gentle movements, i.e., yoga, tai chi, chi kung, walking outdoors, in the forest, lake or countryside.
- Calm meditation that calms the nervous system.
- Yoga alternate nostril breathing, performed slowly and smoothly.
A Complete Analysis and Protocol for the Pitta-Fire Body Type (Hot, Stinging, Red Inflamed Eyes, or Conjunctivitis)

Whether you are a watery-eyed Water Body Type or a dried-eyed Air Body Type, you can still suffer from inflamed, red eyes if you eat too many sweets, fats and hot spicy foods. However, the Fire Body Type is more prone to hot, red, inflamed eyes then the first two body types. If you have the following body characteristics, you are a Fire Body Type, and prone to Inflamed Eyes:

Muscular toned body; red stinging eyes; flushed or red face; acne, freckles and moles; early graying and balding, piercing eyes with red lines; soft, pink, bleeding gums; soft, pink; yellow/red, profuse or burning urine--strong odor; diarrhea, loose stools; excess, hardy, sharp appetite; can eat large quantities of food, but stays muscular and toned; sharp, piercing voice; critical, forceful bearing, stubborn; short, clear memory; anger, jealous, edgy emotions; fiery leader colorful dreams; motivated, driven; strong passions, obsessions; dislikes heat, tends to infections, inflammations, tumors, rashes, fevers, skin disorders; yellow coated tongue; reacts strongly to medicine; pulse (70-80 beats per minute)--strong, jumpy; hot, strong stomach energy, fast digestion; feels burning and heat in chest, stomach and head after eating hot, spicy, pungent foods; experiences burning, inflamed throat; emotions can go from extreme joy and laughter to extreme despair and depression

Pitta-Fire Body Type Avoid These Foods if You Have Inflamed Red, Stinging Eyes

If you have many of the above characteristics, you are a Fire Body Type and prone to Red Stinging Eyes. Hot Fire Body Types must avoid the following dry and hot foods. Hot spicy and dry foods aggravate Fire Types the most. Avoid: garlic, hot peppers, onions, cayenne pepper, curry, egg yolk, nuts(unless soaked overnight and small amount; millet, corn. rye. chicken and turkey, lentils. goat milk, wheat, black pepper, cloves, chives. ginger. nutmeg, corn oil, soy oil, canola oil, safflower off, almond oil, bee pollen and royal jelly.

Foods to Cool and Balance the Pitta-Fire Body Type
Here is your personal list of foods that cool, harmonize and balance your Fire Body Type, and reduce Red Inflamed Eyes. Forty to sixty percent of your food should be raw, i.e., fruits and vegetables contain cooling minerals vitamins, enzymes, fiber and water to keep your hormones, cells, tissues, brain and eyes cool, and functioning at their best. June, July, August and September is the fiery hot season for most of the country. In the Southwest United States dry hot weather prevails most of the time, and you will need to consume more cooling, raw and moistening foods and liquids if you live there. Eat the foods grown in your own area, and climate, and you can't go too far wrong. If the weather is hot and dry, eat more cooling fruits, vegetables and cooling fresh juice drinks or pure water with added electrolytes. Sour and sweet foods are beneficial moistening foods. See your personal Body Type Food List below. Grapes are an excellent food for the liver and should be eaten mainly during the Summer and Fall months. They are too cooling to eat during Northern Winter months. Stay away from hot, dry and pungent foods (spices, garlic, ginger, hot peppers, onions, chips of all kinds etc.), otherwise your body and eyes may become inflamed and overly heated.

Complete Dietary Requirements: Foods, Herbs, Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements for Pitta Fire Body Type
Fruits: Avocado, blackberries, cantaloupe, sweet apples, apple sauce, soaked currants, grapes, melons. papaya, peaches, pears, persimmons, pomegranates, soaked raisins, rhubarb, raspberries, strawberries, coconut, soaked dates, watermelon, sweet cherries, flesh and soaked dried figs, limes, mangoes, sweet oranges, sweet pineapple, sweet plums, soaked prunes.

Vegetables: arrowroot, artichoke, asparagus, beets, beet greens, bitter melon, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, okra, cilantro, cucumber, dandelion greens, fennel, anise, green beans, kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, lettuce--bib, Boston, romaine, leaf lettuce. Avoid head lettuce--contains very little nutritional value; olives, mushrooms, Chinese cabbage, book choy, endive, radish, parsley, peas, rutabaga, tomatoes, turnips, watercress, squash, sweet potato.

Grains: barley, buckwheat, oats, rice, spelt, oat bran, sago, tapioca, amaranth. kamut.

Daity: soft cheese,butter, ghee, cottage cheese, yogurt, skim milk.

Sweeteness: barley malt, fruit juice, rice syrup.

Legumes: aduki beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, green peas, lima beans, mung beans and sprouts, navy beans, chick peas, kidney beans, pinto beans.

Animal foods: Egg whites, shrimp, fish, tuna, halibut, white fish, salmon. These foods all have neutral to cooling energy.

Seeds: pumpkin, sunflower, sesame [preferably soaked overnight in water, or added to cooking].

Condiments: coriander, seaweed [hijiki, kombu], basil, cress, dill, marjoram. Peppermint, spearmint, wintergreen, miso, parsley, gray, moist sea salt, savory, tarragon, thyme.

Beverages: Almond milk, aloe vera juice, apple juice, apricot juice, blueberry juice. blackbeny juice, black tea, carob drink, cherry juice, grain coffee, grape juice, mango juice, vegetable juice, peach juice, pear juice, pomegranate juice, cranberry juice, prune juice, rice milk, Dacopa.

Herbal teas: alfalfa, barley, burdock, chamomile, [chrysanthemum and honeysuckle are used internally and externally for inflamed eyes), jasmine, hibiscus, rehmania(raw), lavender, lemon balm, licorice, oat straw, peppermint, red clover,

Oils: sesame, olive, flax, sunflower, Ghee (clarified butter).

Food Supplements: spirulina, blue green algae, green kamut, green chlorella, alfalfa tablets. Chavranprash with saffron is a good Ayurvedic tonic paste for Pitta conditions.

Vitamins: A. B, B-12, C. K, U, bioflaviniods.

Minerals: copper, iron, potassium, magnesium.

Protein: 20% daily intake.

Carbohydrates: 60-70% daily intake.

Fats: 15-20% daily intake.

Eat a little more soups, steamed and cooked vegetables, grains and beans in cold weather. Eat oils or dairy more in Autumn to counteract the dry heat of the season. Less oils and fats in hot summer months. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables in hot summer weather. Eat more protein in winter and less in summer.
Important Note for Pitta-Fire Types: Too many hot spicy foods can cause red inflamed eyes and hot blood. Make wise choices of foods, for your Fire Body Type, and you will 'see' your vision improve quickly!
Exercise: Lots of outdoor activity and oxygen. Swimming, walking, running, sports, mountain climbing, biking, calming Yoga and Chi Kung breathing movements, calming and quiet meditation. Light weightlifting--do not strain or over-train while lifting weights. Non-impact aerobic exercises are also beneficial. Remember not to get too overheated when exercising, as it could raise blood pressure and heart rate.

Special Therapies to Reduce Heat and Inflammation in Pitta-Fire Body Types
- Purgation therapy. Use aloe vera, dandelion, senna, yellow dock, cascara sagrada.
- The foods emphasizing the four tastes to reduce heat and inflammation in the body are: sweet, bitter, astringent, salty.
- Ghee (clarified butter) internally and applied externally on body.
- Avoid excess heat. Apply cool lotions, pastes and oils made from sandalwood, rose petals, aloe vera etc.
- Use herbal perfumes, sprays and incense to reduce heat: lavender spray, sandalwood, rose, aloe etc.
- Practice slow breathing techniques, especially left nostril breathing. to cool and calm the body.
- Exercise during the cool part of the day.
- Perform Yoga bending movements, and abdominal exercises that tonify the small intestines.
- Healing, cooling and calming colors: blue, purple, turquoise, magenta.
- Meditation by lakes, oceans, trees, mountains--brings peace and calmness to mind and body.
Follow these Dietary Suggestion as best you can. If you fall off the program for a day or a week, get right back on it. After eating the correct foods for your individual body type, you will feel a new surge of energy, power and focus. Your body and mind become balanced and grounded. Study these Body Typing Principles in other books on Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine. When you study, learn and practice this way of eating and living, you will develop intuition and insight. You know automatically what foods you require on any given season, month, day or hour. You'll know also when to eat, when to fast or cleanse, how much to exercise, rest and sleep. Above all, your vision, health and energy will increase by leaps and bounds.

Part 4 of Perfect Eyesight


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