***Profound Healing*** by Lapis .....

"The key to "healing" anything is by recreating ourselves so that our energy is coherent. Out of the direction of coherent energy we create coherent physicality. They are inseparable."

Date:   5/16/2005 3:05:45 AM ( 19 y ago)

Life Purpose Is Key

Let me start off with a little story to demonstrate something very important.

There are two young boys. One boy is shown videos of friendly bears raised in captivity. He sees them as playful creatures, enjoyable, loveable animals. He sees them around children who pet them. They are like living, breathing teddy bears.

Another boy is shown videos of bears. Only these depict the bears as mean and vicious. This boy sees them devouring fish and other creatures. He hears them growl and sees them as fierce.

These two boys are brought together in the same room and are allowed to play together. As they are deeply involved in their play, a real live (tame) bear is brought into the room where they are. Can you predict what happens?

The boy who saw bears as friendly, excitedly ran towards the bear, pet it and enjoyed its presence. The boy who observed bears only as predators, ran in the opposite direction and cowered in the corner.

The story demonstrates that realities can be very different depending on what thought forms we are running with. We have the ability to change our thought forms at any moment, thus changing our reality. We are creators after all, so it behooves us to create magnificence and joy. When you match a vibration of perfection with your thoughts, you create it.

The universe is neutral. It places no judgment on you. You need not either. You are perfect and beautiful already. Try starting from that vantage point. Now lets look at what blocks source energy vibration and thus the creations that you may not be happy about.

Out of our egoic nature, we make comparisons. Many of these comparisons cause needless pain and hardship. Out of these comparisons or judgments, we pin an unreal expectation or idea on an otherwise neutral thing or idea. They are nothing more than a construct; ideas about a neutral thing. For instance, we compare ourselves to others. What we think we should look like, act like, sound like, talk like another person (envy). We get so bogged down in worrying about this that we give our power away in the process. There are many other examples but similar in essence. We choose and thus control our thought about things. We give meaning to otherwise benign situations. We create our own reality.

Social conditioning fills our consciousness if we don't choose what to place in it ourselves. It gets filled with random noise by default if we allow it. This noise or incoherent energy causes all kinds of trouble in our thinking, feeling and experiencing. It creates what is known as a pain body that attracts painful experience. The experience is far removed from the truth that can be experienced when one's connection to source energy is pure and clean. A pain body experience is quite a different experience than choosing to run coherent source energy. In a painbody experience, the link to source is "dirty," so the projected experience out of that state is incoherent and unstable.

An interesting thing happens when we worry (a major aspect of painbody consciousness). To engage in worrying we must time travel either into the future or the past and in doing so we lose contact with the moment. This is an important distinction because it is in the moment that our connection to source has its most power. If we choose to place our minds other than in the moment (at least most of the time) then we lose our power, our effect.

The key to "healing" anything is by recreating ourselves so that our energy is coherent. Out of the direction of coherent energy we create coherent physicality. They are inseparable. We do this by examining our thoughts as they occur. This practice is called being mindful. It is a very powerful practice that leads us to deeper examination of ourselves. In this practice the observer (higher self) observes the lower mind or fragmented self. Through this process of mindful observation, we can begin to gently discard the thought forms that don't serve us, retain the ones that do and choose new distinctions that fit with our new empowering and expanding belief system.

There is one very important aspect to creating a coherent belief system. In fact it is the most important distinction in this post. That is life purpose. Without a realized life purpose we don't have anything to pin our thoughts to. Without life purpose the thoughts and ideas we gather are loose, unstable and incoherent. Once we realize our life purpose and allow it to become a dominant force in our consciousness, it becomes a powerful magnet that attracts all the correct thought forms, circumstances, etc to it and in a harmonious fashion. Knowing our life purpose, and filtering our thoughts through this, brings about coherency of thought and also a powerful resonation of the gathered thought forms. When the collected thought forums are coherent in this manner, and resonate with each other, to say that the sum of the parts is greater than the whole, would be an understatement. It's like an energized beacon of purposeful attraction and creation.

You know you are in the zone when you feel great joy and synchronicity as part of your common experience. Great and lasting healing, stems out of this place. Not just physical healing but mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.

I would suggest a couple things to get your higher, "vibrational" ball rolling. Choose situations that allow much joy. Music, dancing, enjoyable hobbies, etc will raise your vibration and allow joy to fill you. Also situations that you think aren't joyful; turn them around so they are. You can reframe most situations, if not all pf them so they become empowering. An example of this may be, if a person you work with is irritating, focus on something you like about them. In other words, shift your focus. Center on a strong character trait they have, or results they get; something. The importance of this is that it raises your vibration and in doing so begins the process of attracting people and events that match that higher, joyful vibration.

The more time you spend with your vibration at higher levels, the more attraction power you have. This can take some time depending on one's current level of coherency, so for the momentum to kick in, one must be patient. From a joyful vantage point you can begin to hone in on your life purpose. Once you have that figured out magic occurs. Healing at all levels begins to fully manifest.

So to recap, utilizing law of attraction or any of the universal laws effectively, one must start with a strong energetic foundation. That foundation is your life purpose. From there you can engage in choosing thoughts and activities that resonate with your life purpose. This will ensure a strong connection to source energy and a high vibration giving you great power to create your world that matches your intentions. It is a holistic endeavor, a spiritual endeavor bringing your vibrations to a coherent level that unblocks divine abundance and perfection. Once you arebringing about the necessary changes within your consciousness, things will feel different at this level of vibration and your world will be experienced very differently. You will have created "heaven."


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