Al Walaa wal Baraa - an easy version: by kerminator .....

** It's all so simple, from one perspective: Islam is against just about everything the West is for. But we all know that millions upon millions of people in the West won't recognize this, push away information with comments like, well, I know nice Muslims, or, there's good and bad in all religions. **

Date:   10/6/2019 1:41:40 AM ( 5 y ago)

** From a Blogger in Canada


Al Walaa wal Baraa - an easy version:

Al Walaa wal Baraa is the doctrine of adherence and dis-association. It's the best-supported doctrine within the Quran (and, for those who look further, in the Hadiths and the Sira).

Exactly what is this?

It is the doctrine of Islamic apartheid. Muslims are to have their separate socializing, free from the contamination of kafirs (a very negative word for non-Islamics) who tend to weaken their faith and make them adopt the lifestyle of disbelievers. In other words, Muslims are to have a separate, parallel society.

If it were only separation, it would be one thing. But it is not enough for Islamics just to hate kafirs, they must - according to this core aspect of Islam - show disdain, and humiliate kafirs. This is established in the Quran, Hadiths, Sira, and the Tafsirs
(Islamic 'canonical commentaries').

It is important to note that al Walaa wal Baraa is an essential doctrine - literally "essential of the faith"
(usul ud-deen). This means that Muslims who do not believe and practice it cannot go to paradise. They are called hypocrites (murtad) in the Quran.

This doctrine is the opposite of the Golden Rule.

Al Walaa wal Baraa is also the reverse of the modern Western concepts of tolerance, and of celebration of diversity.

So Islam is inherently intolerant of any ideology other than its own. Islam celebrates uniformity and compliance.

Here is an explanation for children who play "I'm the king of the castle, you're the dirty rascal." The king of the castle: that is Islamics. The dirty rascals: that's everyone else. A difference between the game and Islam is that, in Islam, it's not fun and games, with sometimes one child and sometimes another being the king. Islamics are always to be on top. Everyone else is always to be hated, ridiculed, humiliated, etc.

OFFICIAL version:.

‘Al Walaa wal Baraa’ – (Allegiance and Disassociation) is an Islamic doctrine that is very similar to apartheid.

‘Al Walaa wal Baraa’ is an 'essential doctrine' (usul ud-deen). ‘Essential’ means that all Muslims must believe and practice al Walaa wal Baraa as a condition of being admitted to paradise.

‘Al Walaa wal Baraa’ is a highly developed, well-supported and canonical part of Islam approved by the consensus of Islamic jurists.

‘Al Walaa wal Baraa’ is legally binding and obligatory upon all Muslims.

‘Al Walaa wal Baraa’ is precisely defined by Islamic jurists and is not a nebulous idea

‘Al Walaa wal Baraa’ is an official Islamic doctrine and considered the second most important doctrine in Islam.

Definition of ‘Al Walaa wal Baraa’ from Islamic sources:

from The Islamic Concept of al-Walaa' wal-Baraa' by Khalid El-Gharib: "to show enmity to those who show enmity to Allaah and His Messenger.”
(i.e. Muslims are to visibly demonstrate their enmity towards the kufaar - non-Muslims)
from a lecture given by Sheikh Abdullah al-Faisal (H.A.):
"The implication of al-Baraa is that one HATES for the sake of Allah

(SWT)…Al-Baraa means to recognize who your enemies are and to HATE them and EXTERMINATE them in their Endeavour to get rid of your Deen, al-Islam…Al-Baraa is to HATE the people who propagate Baatil (falsehood)—the Muslim should HATE them and (at least desire to) KILL them when the time comes."
(i.e. the hatred of Muslims toward the kufaar is for the purpose of ethnic cleansing)

Examples of Baraa from historic Islamic leaders:

from Ahmad Sirhindi (1564-1624): "The honour of Islam lies in insulting kufr and kafirs. One who respects the kafirs dishonours the Muslims...

The real purpose of levying jiziya on them is to humiliate them to such an extent that they may not be able to dress well and to live in grandeur.
They should constantly remain terrified and trembling. It is intended to hold them under contempt and to uphold the honour and might of Islam."

from Book of Emaan, by ibn Taymiyya,: "... true believers show animosity and hatred towards disbelievers and never support them.”

from Abd-Allaah al-Ashqar,
"Belief in Allah," by Umar Sulayman,: "The Muslim should regard the Kuffaar as enemies and hate them because of their kufr, just as he hates their kufr (disbelief) itself."

from Al Walaa wal Baraa According to the Aqeedah of the Salaf, by Sheikh Muhammad Saeed al Qatani, authoritative Saudi Sharia lawyer and imam at the Abu Bakr and Al Furqan Mosques in Mecca:

"The doctrine of al Wala wal Baraa is the real image for the actual practice of this faith."


The 3 Key Concepts of Islam

by Robert Frankling

There are three essential doctrines of Islam ('usul-ud-deen' -
'essential of the faith').

They come in pairs:

1) Singleness of God and; Final Prophet;

2) Al Walaa wal Baraa;

3) Jihad and; Hegira.

The first essential doctrine is the premise of Islam.

The second is the 'emotion' of Islam. This has been dealt with above.

The third is the 'method' of Islam.

The third doctrine is how to implement the 'emotion' of Islam, through battling the kafirs (non-Islamics - lowest of the low).
The 'method' of Islam proceeds by a 'swing' of advance & retreat. It is fighting & emigration, or fighting & withdrawal to fight another day.

Hegira is the insertion period, followed by jihad against the 'near enemy'.
We are seeing the hegira in Europe, Australia and North America at this moment.

We are also seeing the 'near enemy' jihad in Europe, Australia and North America, but it is only the beginning of this war.

Jihad takes four forms:
1) military fighting (the sword)
2) fighting with the tongue
3) fighting with the pen
4) fighting with money
(financing military or other jihads).

Muslims must obligatorily participate in jihad, since it is an 'usul-ud-deen',' an 'essential of the faith' that is 'essential for salvation' and admission to the Islamic paradise.
A Muslim who does not participate in the 4 forms of jihad will die a 'hypocrite' and go to hell.


Note: no Islamic has put forward a motion, in any Western country, that would mandate making known these 3 concepts to all non-Islamics.
The second and third concept certainly don't make it into school texts aimed at non-Islamics.

Instead, throughout the West, there's attention to stopping so-called Islamophobia and criminalizing freedom of speech about Islam.

It may be more than high time for non-Islamics to put more effort into popularizing knowledge of Islam.


a Live "Energy" Mini-Workshop (15 min) on Undoing Islamo-catatonia.

I've long been interested in this thing called "energy." Energy balancing. Energy blockages. Energy healing. Most of the people paying attention focus on the individual.
For me, when I think of the West and Islam, I have the sense of huge blockages.

It's all so simple, from one perspective: Islam is against just about everything the West is for. But we all know that millions upon millions of people in the West won't recognize this, push away information with comments like, well, I know nice Muslims, or, there's good and bad in all religions.

How to undo the blockages?
We get out facts. Yes.
We appeal to the emotions. Yes.

I have a third suggestion.
If it interests you, I suggest we try "energy work" on the blockages.

Note: this is entirely secular.
It doesn't go against any religious tradition, but it's just as accessible to atheists. Why?
As all of us have probably heard many times, "everything is energy."

Might any of you be interested in this somewhat strange approach to, for instance, dealing with Islamo-catatonia? I don't know.

Some people were interested when, more than a year ago, I had an "energy circle" to go with the prayer circles that Heidi Mund was organizing around the border of Germany, to raise awareness of the dangers Islam poses to Germany.

I'm going to be starting next Sunday,
11 am Eastern time, 8 am Pacific time (All the rest of you will have to look up what time it is, wherever you are.)
I expect to do this at least 4 times, and to make it ongoing if there is interest.

It will be around 15 minutes.
It will be audio only. Afterwards you will be able to listen at any time.

This will be the link:

If you know this interests you, please press reply and add ENERGY STUFF to the subject line. I'll send you a reminder.

And now, an interview.
Last week I wrote about, Are You Brainwaished? and I mentioned al Walaa wal Baraa. This week I was interviewed on these things by C.V. Berton.
Here's the interview:

And with that, all the best to all of us who care deeply, and dare to do what we can,


PS. You're welcome to post any of this on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Please include the link:

PPS. If you want to write to Canadian MPs about this - or about anything, here is contact information:

World Truth Summit - Updates

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Are You Brainwashed?


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