EcoArt: Easter/Resurrection Festival by Mayah .....

"Easter/Resurrection Festival & Three Ages of Festivals"

Date:   4/21/2019 11:09:32 PM ( 5 y ago)
"Eternal Flame" Eco Art by mayah(c)2019 Created Easter Sunday 4/21/2019 from cardboard, paper, burlap scraps, newspaper image,hand embroidery. Approx 12" x 7" placard

"April 19, 2019

We have entered a most important week of multiple festivals. Three festivals this week representing three religions and three Ages (Aries, Pisces & Aquarius) – stages for humanity’s development – are occurring simultaneously. Aries (Age of Laws), Pisces (Age of Faith & Love) & Aquarian (Age of Science, Humanity & Community). All three – Jewish, Christian & Esoteric teachings, recognized and honored.

Friday is the 2nd Aries Festival – 2nd full moon during Aries. This is most unusual. Friday is Good Friday, historical day of the Crucifixion (Sacrifice Initiation). Friday night begins Jewish Passover, observing the celestial passage from the Age of Taurus to the Age of Aries, symbolized by the Hebrew people’s forty years’ walk from Egypt through the Sinai Desert to Canaan (land of milk & honey), culminating with Moses given the 10 Commandments, which began the Age of Aries (Age of Laws). Laws that directed humanity through the Aries Age and continue to direct humanity today. Passover celebrates the Hebrew people’s safe passage out of Egypt and 'the Angel passing over the Jewish homes, safeguarding their first born.'

Sunday is Easter (Christian ritual, Resurrection festival) representing the restoration of humanity’s hope, life and well-being. During Easter, the Spirit of Resurrection, under the new life of Aries, uplifts humanity into a new Light. Guidance is given to the New Group of World Servers as to the new education and training humanity needs.

The three religious festivals, occurring simultaneously, signal that the coming new world religion (Aquarian) is at hand – a synthesis & integration of all religions. We stand with our brothers and sisters of all faiths everywhere in celebration. We see what has created separations between us disappear. We step forward together in the new light, the Spirit of Resurrection and the Forces of Restoration directing us. Hosanna!"

--Risa, Founder & Director…The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute

"Risa's Esoteric Astrology

Easter, Resurrection Festival.

The tomb is empty.
Meaning, there is no death.
Only the passing away of the physical sheath - the personality. After our work is complete (our lessons, learnings, service) here on Earth (a Mystery School), the Soul takes us home again.

The Great Task of the Christ was to open the door (rent the veil) that hindered humanity from returning home again to the Father (our Spirit origins, stepping upon the Evolutionary Arc, the ladder upward to spirit).

And so we see everywhere a spring time, reflecting this resurrection event. There is an uprising of flowers, an unfurling of leaves, birds chattering.

And the Essenes who knew of these mysteries continued with their vigil during the night hours of Holy Saturday & at sunrise sang sacred prayers & hymns of praise. And Mary Magdeline was the first to see the Christ, risen from the tomb in His Etheric body. Mary met Christ in the Garden. And they walked together to join the other Disciples in a small village near Jerusalem and He broke bread for them & they recognized him and His radiant Life Force was shed upon them. And on Easter Evening they met in the Upper Room (where the Last Supper had taken place) & He said to them "Peace be with you." And he continue to teach them through the day & the days that followed.

Happy Easter, Resurrection Festival, everyone.
Happy Passover - the journey from Taurus to Aries.
Happy Easter, the Piscean great cosmic event.
Happy Full moon days - 2nd Aries Festival, moving towards Wesak (esoteric).
Gathering all of these, we now journey towards Aquarius.
love to everyone, Risa"


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