Life is #22 " How I Know God Answers Prayer " (1921) by kerminator .....

** This is just a preview of this great book - if you really want to know how God answers prayers ; read the account in: " How I Know God Answers Prayer " (1921) The Personal Testimony of One Lifetime - by Rosalind Goforth **

Date:   3/15/2017 10:09:15 PM ( 7 y ago)

** This is an excerpt and brief overview of a excellent book as follows:

" How I Know God Answers Prayer "

-- by Rosalind Goforth


She starts with answers to questions made of her in early 1900's -

** {There will be a follow up on her book in a following blog: check back!}

"How could you write such personal and sacred incidents in your life?"

I could not have written them but for a very clear, God-given leading.

* - I had to write them down or disobey God.

Yet: A Christian minister once said to me:

"Is it possible that the great God of the universe, the Maker and Ruler of mankind, could or would, as you would make out, take interest in such a trifle as the trimming of a hat!

To me it is preposterous!"

* Here we find the example of the failure of Faith by a minister; who reads the Holy Scriptures and does not fully understand the message of the God!

Because Bible Scripture shows:

Yet did not our Lord Jesus Christ say: "The very hairs of your head are all numbered"; and "not one sparrow is forgotten before God"; and again, "Your heavenly Father knows what ye have need of before ye ask him"?

It is true that "there is nothing too great for God's power"; and it is just as true that "there is nothing too small for his love!"

The Bible clearly shows that; it is possible that the great God of the universe, the Maker and Ruler of mankind, would or could, take interest in such a trifle suggestion?

I know God answers prayer.

He answers prayer; so sweetly that I stand

Amid the blessings of His wondrous hand

And marvel at the miracle I see,

The favors that His love hath wrought in me.

Pray on for the impossible, and dare

Upon thy banner this brave motto bear,

"My Father answers prayer."

This is just a preview of this great book - if you really want to know how God answers prayers ; read the account in:

" How I Know God Answers Prayer " (1921)

The Personal Testimony of One Lifetime

-- by Rosalind Goforth

Rosalind Goforth (1864-1942) and her husband Jonathan (1859-1936) were Canadian Presbyterian missionaries to China and Manchuria (1888-1934). Rosalind lost five of her ten children during her missionary service. Surviving the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, Rosalind and Jonathan were also greatly affected by the Revival Lectures of Charles G. Finney in 1904, and went on to experience a Chinese extension of the Korean revivals after Jonathan visited Korea in 1907. Those Chinese revivals were documented in Jonathan Goforth's book, By My Spirit. Both took part in the Keswick meetings (1910), following their participation at the World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Troubled by the liberal tendencies of the Presbytery, i.e., the fundamentalist-modernist controversy, the Goforths left the Home Board (1917). Free to evangelize where they chose, the Chinese Christian warlord, General Feng Yu-hsiang, invited Jonathan to minister to his troops (1919). Jonathan became totally blind in 1933, and when Rosalind became ill in 1934, they decided to return to Canada for good. Rosalind authored a biography of her husband, Goforth of China (1937), and an autobographical sketch of her own experiences, Climbing -- Memories of a Missionary's Wife (1940).

Though Chapter 5 ("Our Deliverance from the Boxers" [1900]) would be considered one of the most riveting narrations of this book, it is the last two chapters ("To His Praise" and "Victory Found") that Mrs. Goforth details the Scriptural foundation for prayer and joyful Christian living: (1) a Bible study on prayer (Chapter 9), and (2) the realization of victory in Christ through resting in His indwelling presence (Chapter 10).


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