The mail from the man who was involved in the inner world, by Takashi .....

Atoms have consciousness

Date:   2/8/2017 4:04:48 PM ( 7 y ago)

The mail from the man who was involved in the inner world, the meditation, the Monroe Institute, Hemi-Sync, and so on.

By Takashi

This info is translated into English from Let's solve the enigma of the earth

Feb. 7, 2012

The mail from the man who was involved in the inner world, the meditation, the Monroe Institute, Hemi-Sync, and so on.

NO 1) From a man

I knew Hemi-Sync of The Monroe Institute after I had read Near Death Experience by Masamichi Sakamoto published in 2003.
I bought the book, which I read.
I remember that I went to see the doctor as I suffered Sudden Deafness(SD) at that time.
I thought I would not be able to practice Hemi-Sync at that time.
Though I didn't know the cause of it, it was owing to the Hemi-Sync when I think of it now.
I remember that I came not to be able to practice Hemi-Sync owing to the difficulty in hearing.
However I was healed by degrees.
I remember I came not to hear it after that without knowing why.

(Hemi-Sync seems to be related to BASHAR, and so on and it seemed I was made not to be able to hear as subconsciousness of me hated it.
When I was reading the HP of The Monroe Institute, I felt as if my head had been oppressed strongly.
It was such powerful experience after a long time.
The name Mon-roe(Marilyn Monroe,Kiyo Sasaki,Monroe)seems to have the meaning.
BASHAR is the mailman in the universe and is very influential.

Please search him on of "Let's solve the enigma of the earth". By Taeko)


The Monroe Institute

NO 2) From a woman

I had always read the book about the inner world which I borrowed at the Library until the spring of 2005.
It was from 2002 to spring of 2005 when I came across the information from "THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA".
Among those books there was the book about Near Death Experience by Masamichi Sakamoto which I remember I read several times.
I think it was the affair which took place around that time.
Joseph McMoneagle, FBI police investigator with supernatural power who was given the drill of Hemi-Sync, was introduced by Masamichi Sakamoto.
I came to know the information from "THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA" in which it told that the persons who can see the scene of the crime is in the low dimension.
That is why it is dangerous to depend on the information given by such persons.
I consented to it a lot then.
As I was drawn into pretty lower dimension around that time,the spirits who wanted to be worshiped drew near me and must have showed such scenes.
After I came to be connected with the HP of the SKY (SORA), the universe, and I came to exchange mails with Ms Taeko Shiraki I was not able to see unpleasant things while I opened my eyes even if I was too sleepy.

From warning representation of "Let's solve the enigma of the earth".

*)TV usually claims that it is good to be able to see through but the troubles have the different meaning between they are seen from the world of spirits and the world of reality.
To be able to see only the miserable scenes of the incidents means that the person who can see through step down to the lower dimension.
Such ability which can see only the miserable scenes is not the enjoyable matter for the real lives.

When I kept reading on the books about the inner world(I was reading of the book by Sakamoto Masamichi,too) there came about the arson incident of shutting himself in the house in Higashi ward of Nagoya.
Immediately right after viewing the TV about the moment of blast, I was forced to sleep all of a sudden,
Just before being aroused, the face of the unknown man approached before my very eyes.
I was aroused while I tried to avoid the face with my hand.
Immediately right after that time, the picture of the face of the criminal was projected by the prompt report of TV which was just the same as the man that I saw while I was sleeping.
I was much surprised even the frame of TV was completely the same as the one which I saw in the dream while I was sleeping.

The incident of shutting himself in the building was the one happened in Higashi ward of Nagyoya, Aichi Prefecture on Sep.16, 2003.

---The police kept persuading him,but the criminal blew up himself by setting the gasoline afire by the lighter.
After the beginning of the program, it was halted after several minutes and the televised scene began to be sent from the newsroom,
That is why the moment of the explosion was relayed by TV.

I might have attracted the negative energy body when I was reading the books about inner world and I experienced lots of undesirable experiences.
At one time, I had a furious headache, felt uneasiness and called up Mother and acquaintances in the neighborhood.
Even though I might inform my experience to them, my headache was not healed.
Consequently I went out about half an hour and returned home.
Thereafter I fell asleep about two hours.
I was woken up by the phone thereafter and was told the woman who was irrelevant with residents of floor above the upper stairs, suicided by jumping down from the passage.
And I was told lots of people of police and fire fighting gathered together and were making a fus.
I didn't notice at all about the outside disturbance in my deep sleep.
When I look back on the times, it was my first experience during my stay there in around ten years.
I felt I had been warned by the incident.
I felt the uneasiness when something took place.
At that time I went out into the passage of the housing complex in haste when something took place and felt uneasiness.
I was looking down the road from the passages of the housing complex.
I witnessed the car driven by the resident of the housing complex collide with the telegraph pole heavily.
I thought what the incident meant?
Though there were no injured people, the policemen came and an inspection of the scene was started.
I was tied down several times.
I was surprised most was that my head was tightened and the siren was sounded while I was tied down .
At that time I saw red all around and I was really surprised by the too big sound which sounded in my head.
I thought my spirit and body was warning me about what I was doing.
I remember another thing.
When I was napping while turning the television on in my house at night, big sound of the drum, Don, Don, Don was heard in a deep sound as if it had sounded at the bottom of my belly.
What was more, I was tied down.
I was surprised to find my grandpa who died more than twenty years ago was sitting in the mourning dress with a little younger figure than the one when he died.
I was released from the magic when I managed to vocalize.
The song of "a thousand winds" was heard from the TV which was left on.
The song was sung by Mituru Arai and I listened attentively to it.
I thought it was not heard by chance and I felt my grandfather came to me to inform that he was not in the grave.
When I searched on theinternet, the date of that TV program was projected on Nov.21, 2003.

From the corner of the announcements from the stars

I'm sure that subconsciousness is more involved in our lives than conscious mind according to the information from "THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA" or the experiences as ex-nurse, ex-therapist in which I have met many people.
I'm happy now that subconsciousness(=spirit) has come to be recognized at last because we have come to know Near-death experience, and the song named "a thousand winds" which sang "Do not stand at my grave and weep" .became the million seller.
However I think regretful as many people don't notice it, and they think only the world which can be seen by our eyes is the truth.

As inexplicable affairs took place one after another around me and visions started to be seen, I talked to my classmate who lived in N-city.
As she used to go to the psychic with her mother, she gave me the purified salt and the amulet which had be given by the psychic.
I used the purified salt as the piled salt and for the meal and I hanged the amulet which had been prayed by the psychic on the wall.
Though I went to T-city just on that day, I had a dream after I came home.
The dream showed me the scene in which I encountered with the group of people in the mourning dresses who looked back at me and I found their eyes popped out.
I woke up as I was surprised in the dream.
I remember the dream might show me the influence of the purified salt and the amulet which had been made by psychic.
The psychic might belong to a certain religious group but I didn't ask about him at length .
I read the book which was translated by Yamakawa married couple who lived Machida-city and I practiced meditation in accordance with the instruction of the book.
When I tried it, I always came to be able to see the purple color and thereafter the color became choppy.
And various things began to be seen thereafter.
As inexplicable affairs took place one after another and visions started to be seen, I talked it to my classmate who lived in N-city.
As she used to go to the psychic with her mother, she gave me the purified salt and the amulet which had been given by the psychic.
I used the purified salt as the piled salt and for the meal and on the wall I hanged the amulet which had been prayed by the psychic.
Though I went to T-city just on that day, I had a dream after I came home.
The dream showed me the scene in which I encountered with the group of people in the mourning dresses who looked back at me and I found their eyes pop out.
I woke up as I was surprised in the dream.
I remember the dream might show me the influence of the purified salt and amulet which had been made by psychic.
The psychic might belong to a certain religious group but I didn't ask about him at length.
I read the book which was translated by Yamakawa married couple who lived at Machida-city in Tokyo and I practiced meditation in accordance with the book.
Thereafter purple color became to be seen, the purple color began to choppy and various colors began to be seen.
The purple color was the one of Pleiades, though I came to know after I was connected with the SKY (SORA), the universe.
(This mail was sent on Feb. 7,2012
On the very same day with the sending of my mail, the earthquake took place in Machida-city, Tokyo.
The scale of the earthquake was M 4.0 and Seismic intensity was 2.
I thought occurrence of the earthquake is connected with our subconsciousness(=spirit) in the unseen world.)
Though I have forgotten other things, once I saw the things just like shadow pictures of lots of people, moreover a big single eye in the purplish red and long eyelashes were able to be seen clearly when I was practicing meditation-like thing.
I felt the meditation pretty dangerous and I stopped doing it thereafter.
Though it was the affair in the library to which I often went, when I went to the corner of the inner world as usual, the big sound with a rattling noise was heard all of a sudden.
It might be heard as the window was being opened.
I felt the strong wind blew around there and the people around there were surprised a lot.
I remember the rattling noise was given to show reading the book of the inner world was dangerous.

From the corner of the announcements from the stars

---The meditation is the behavior by which the practitioners vacate their bodies for other spirits.
Consequently it is dangerous because the practitioners might be hacked by other spirits.
Until 1998 I had seen several people who became abnormally(went mad) during meditation.

---"When you practice the meditation or do the behavior which look like the meditation, you come to vacate your bodies for spiritual beings.
The beings who want to rule the human, try to enter into the body from certain parts of your body (what we call chakra?).
Though it is the good behavior to be aware of your body, you are required not to practice meditation in a group.
You don't have to have the director.
All you have to do is to take a deep breath, relax and talk to your body while you put your hand on your body.
You don't have to pay much money.
If you have the director, you will be ruled by the director."

According to the information from "THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA", the meditation is the dangerous behavior because the practitioners vacate their bodies for other beings.
I consent to the description completely.
As I was able to understand the information from "THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA" I thought I was able to part from the information about the inner world as I came to understand the one from "THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA".
I remember the mourning dress and Out of Body Experience, when I was writing now while reaching back into my memory.
I had a high fever at the end of 2003 or at the beginning of 2004 and all my joints were aching with the symptoms like influenza.
I woke up every hour with the high fever.
Consequently I was lying with the thought to go to the hospital when morning would come.
At that time I found I jumped up from the earth, passed through stratosphere(?) and I was in the interplanetary space.
The sense of it was very real and one star which was able to be seen far away glowed in a moment.
I was looking at it while thinking I might become the star when I die.
Thereafter I felt the impact in the lower back or the back as if I had been smitten.
Next when I found with the pain I had returned to my body which was lying on the bed.
To my surprise more than anything, the fever had returned to the normal temperature though I had 39 degree Celsius fever at first.
However I had the intense pain in the lower back.
At that time I remembered that Father had once experienced Out of Body Experience but he told he had the sharp pain in his lower back, too.
Though Father had been in Hokuriku district on his business trip, he told he had gone to bed early at night.
Then his body flew in the sky and went to his mother, he told.
I was told later by Father that Mother had been walking with her two friends along the road in N-city, and Father looked Mother and her friends clearly from the above.
And he saw the man like the god of death with the big sickle.
He was beckoned by him but he shaked him off.
Then he found himself lying on the bed in his house.
However I was told he suffered the intense backache.
As Father remembered Mother's clothes clearly, he asked Mother when he returned from the business trip.
Mother responded that she had been wearing the clothes seen by Father.
According to him she had been walking with her friends in the clothes told by Father.
I had a dream around the same time in which I was surprised to see a woman in the mourning dress who fell to pieces.
I was wondering who she was, her face drew near me and I was surprised the face was the very woman of just myself.
Thereafter I had an experience in which my spirit popped out into the interplanetary space and seemed to see around while sleeping, when I felt this is the second time of popping out into the interplanetary space.
However I found I had returned to my body later.
I might have been affected a lot as I had been reading the books related to Out of Body Experience .

(I think the things which I'm writing now is the same as the contents which I had written previously.

Lots of unexpected things are connected with one another in the invisible world.
Consequently there happens what we call affairs of synchronicity.
I intensely feel it.
I often come to hear the rap sound.
This phenomena show that atoms with subconsciousness(=spirit)are watching us attentively even in the invisible world after they turned into the chunk of subconsciousness.
Consequently they are informing us with the rap sound.
They inform us with the obstacle when we are heading for the wrong way.
I think it is important to be aware of the subconsciousness(=spirit)humbly when some obstacle takes place.
By Taeko)


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