Preparing For The Great Mutation by Chef JeM .....

To everything there is a "season" including a time for your personal transformation!

Date:   1/20/2017 9:21:06 AM ( 7 y ago)

May 30, 2022 - "We are heading out beyond - In a cascade of cosmic consciousness -

There are many ways we can express and experience love. This week they all collide, creating a new reality.

... With Jupiter and Chiron sitting in the Channel of Initiation this week, we have to trust in love as we leap into a whole new version of ourselves. We might not know where we are headed, but we can feel the intention for change and the commitment to action clearly forming within us.

This channel takes the old dutiful comfortable version of love and sets it alight into a fiery blaze of possible new worlds. We self-immolate, and arise phoenix-like from the ashes of who we thought we were. Our imagination struggles back to life and finds future pathways previously obscured by soul injury and pain. Our love, in all it's manifestations, has brought us to this place.


Dancing off domestication -

On 2 June, Jupiter shifts into gate 17 - Following. Mars is already there. This is the gate where we formulate new ideas for the future and go test them out. It's also the gate where we can hold rigid ideas about who we are, holding the future at arms length lest our sense of self be threatened. Dionysus joins Jupiter, in gate 62.

... We create huge transformative change one small practical step at a time. It's the butterfly effect. You take one small step, then you wait, watch to see how the universe rearranges itself. Then you take your next small step.

Everything you do changes everything forever, both past and future. To create new sustainable patterns of living we engage with what is here in the small ways of each moment, weaving the future into reality stitch by stitch. Dionysus asks you to bring your wild self to the process of practical daily living. You will notice his effect particularly on 3 June, when the Moon passes over gate 62.


Your connection with the primal forces of creation -

On 4 June Venus moves up into gate 24, triggering a cascade of cosmic consciousness. You might be accustomed to the usual 13 planetary activations in your Human Design, and perhaps you know about the asteroids. But there is another powerful force at play in our solar system and that's the minor planets - Trans-Neptunian Objects, dwarf planets, centaurs. Their discovery, around 2006, revealed a new stellar map to the future.

This week they are out in force. ... Arrokoth (in 61) brings our attention to a world beyond what we've known, to reconnect with the role of human consciousness in the origin of the universe, and our celestial emanations.

There's more here, with Sedna and Mors-Sumnus in gate 8, and Typhon in gate 1. Typhon carries a fear of our greater purpose because of the primal forces they unleash. Typhon is a overwhelming prelude to a new phase of life that arises from curiosity, creativity, daring and originality.

Orcus is in gate 64, the gate of mental pressure that triggers the current effects of the Sensing Circuit and what Ra called The Experiential Way. You might say Orcus represents our original soul purpose, the commitment we made when we incarnated. Gate 64 is a space of being ready to step into the new. In that circuit we also find Metis (in 41) -  wisdom to choose only those experiences that create a greater sense of self. Saturn (in 30) - breaking down old Neptune (in 36) you can't do this if you are still motivated by the experience of injury Sun (in 35 this week).

The huge shift here is from healing into a new fractal of creative collaboration and transformation. No more healing experiences (okay we'll still have a few of those!), our focus now is on noticing the experiences that give us an opportunity to express who we are becoming.” - Kim Gould[5]*

January 20, 2017 -

Both the Human Design System and Gene Keys reveal that we are in the midst of a great mutation that will complete itself in 2027 (only ten years from today)! These two systems also speak of the need for personal transformation (in preparation for and simultaneous to societal transformations) and that personal transformation requires a whole seven-year cycle. I personally have reason to say the seven-year cycle is a minimum time-frame and that this could just as well be a nine-year cycle. If we think in terms of nine years then those who wish to prepare have about one year or less to start their nine-year commitment to their own personal transformation. But why wait when we now have certain support in terms of specific planetary frequencies that are available to us now.[1]

In addition to these frequencies there is individualized transformational support from this writer/consultant who has nine years under the first two systems (mentioned above) in addition to over thirty-three years under several other transformational systems.

July 11, 2018 - Sparks From Rudolf Steiner - Founder of One of The "Several Other Transformational Systems" -

"(Rudolf) Steiner seems to have believed (or at least told others) up until very close to the end, that he would prevail over the illness. He died on the morning of March 30th 1925 without having been able to resume any of the lectures or overseas visits he had planned. Two weeks or so before his death, he wrote the following verse:

I want with cosmic spirit
To enthuse each human being
That a flame they may become
And fiery will unfold
The essence of their being.

The other ones, they strive
To take from cosmic waters
What will extinguish flames
And pour paralysis
Into all inner being.

O joy, when human being’s flame
Is blazing, even when at rest.
O bitter pain, when the human thing
Is put in bonds, when it wants to stir.

(Ich möchte jeden Menschen

Aus des Kosmos Geist entzünden

Daß er Flamme werde

Und feurig seines Wesens Wesen


Die Anderen, sie möchten

Aus des Kosmos Wasser nehmen

Was die Flammen verlöscht,

Und wässrig alles Wesen

Im Innern lähmt.

O Freude, wenn die Menschenflamme

Lodert, auch da wo sie ruht.

O Bitternis, wenn das Menschending

Gebunden wird, da wo es regsam sein möchte.)

I find it intensely moving that Steiner’s last year of life was spent in working harder and harder, despite all his physical ailments, to get across to people the magnificence of what it is to be a human being and to help each person to find that spiritual flame of the true self. For those of us who love Steiner, one way we can express that is to try to help others to see the choice they have between unfolding the essence of their true being or becoming the 'human thing' chained down by materialistic illusions.

Christian Morgenstern expressed it beautifully:

I have seen THE HUMAN BEING in his deepest aspect,
I know the world, down to its foundation stones.

Its meaning, I have learned is love alone,
And I am here to love, and ever love again.

I spread out my arms, as HE spread HIS,
To embrace the whole wide world as HE has done. ..."[2]

"... Rudolf Steiner expressed in letters written to Marie Steiner in the days following the onset of his final illness, i.e., September 28, 1924, that it all could be traced back to the fire that burned down the Goetheanum. This is when his etheric body substantively went up with the flames, and he had to withdraw for a time during the fire in order to conduct an act of will to remain on earth in order to complete his full mission.

Thus, from 1923 onward, he lived largely in his astral body, with a much diminished etheric body because of the fire. ...

Sergei Prokofieff in the fifth supplement of his book: May Human Beings Hear It!, explains 'The Tragedy of 1 January 1924' in full detail, and its underlying cause going back to the burning of the Goetheanum in the morning hours of 1 January 1923. As a Vorstand member, and recognized esoteric leader of the GAS, his book is the fully approved authority today about Steiner’s illness, ..."[3]

Another "Spark" -

"(Anthroposophist) Alice (Sprengel) wrote:

'Nothing in my own soul or in any single soul could ever help me over this abyss. Only the spark leaping from soul to soul, the spark that is so weak now, so very weak, can make the miracle happen now . . . '

What is significant here is that she doesn't believe Steiner as a 'single soul' is any more capable than she is of getting over the abyss. Between soul and soul she is seeing a third element--the relationship of the two. The spark. This miracle of 'the spark leaping from soul to soul' is the invoking of Christ's presence. 'Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, I am with you.'"[4]


[1] See "How You Can Thrive in 2017":


[3] IBID - See: "... Responses".

[4] "Work On What Has Been Spoiled" - By: Catherine MacCoun:



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