Building Strength for #HeirloomExpo by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Building Strength for #HeirloomExpo,

Date:   8/11/2016 10:41:50 AM ( 8 y ago)


This was made last year as I started by journey north to #heirloomexpo from San Diego to Santa Rosa, about 700 miles.

My current revised departure date is Sunday August 21.

This morning I am waking up with a dark cloud in my head.

This has been an overwhelming year that has felt like an uphill climb of unexpected roadblocks and challenges. I have had my bell rung so to speak, and I felt defeated in the ring of life more times than I can count.

I have made this journey four years in a row. Each year has felt like an initiation and a cleansing of the doorways of perception. Each year I have met the challenge against physical limits.

Last year was an incredible testing of faith. At the same time I was writing an article where I was declaring and putting in print my intention to take the trip, I was physically unable to drive. I had undiagnosed shooting pains into my feet that lasted 17 weeks. On the day I left, I somehow found the right combination of the natural anti-inflammatory I take (AminoActiv) and Arnica Montana and was able to make the drive.

Numbers of other challenges were overcome including a curious death of my IPhone as my inner electrical calibration seemed to shift, ten days of severe flu symptoms arriving in Santa Rosa, and then a spider bite
In the middle of my back that sent me to ER a day before set up of the #heirloomExpo. Antibiotics were recommended but they would have interfered with my ability to be in the sunshine. I used natural remedies instead.

How did the event turn out?

On the final day, of the. #HeirloomExpo, the previous year, I met two women Within a matter of minutes Who I hadn't seen in 30 years. They both had the same response: They said I didn't look a day over the last time they saw me .

I attributes this to the Heirloom Expo itself and what it feels like to be in an atmosphere where I feel fully supported. It youthens me!

I also had the experience of leading the opening and closing ceremonies .

The opening ceremony was dedicated to launching our peer food Revolution to new levels .

Vandana Shiva Planted seeds from the winning back our sacred seed starter kit . Rainwater was used to water the seeds.. It was High temperatures throughout Santa Rosa as well as southern California during those days , And yet when my close friend who had ceremonially decorated the rain container watch the opening ceremony online , A rain cloud came over her house there was intense rain and lightning for 10 minutes, enough time for her to uncover her rain barrel and gather fresh rain,

In spite of the intense heat during the expo I was voicing that we had it in our ability to end the drought through ending the drought in our own relationships to one another .

Healthy coexistence and Love are the keys to Ending the Driught in Our Lives.

In all during 2015, I had more than I had more than experiences Having rainfall when I planted heirloom seeds in a ceremonial mindset .

I want to testify that it is important for each of us to hold the national heirloom expo in a reverent state of mind for the important work that it does each year to preserve are indigenous #SacredSeed nature.

The Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Collection Is holding the inheritance spiritually of the essence of @Rareseeds intended to survive and thrive in the face of all opposition to birth again our world as an Enchanted Garden.

We are at a special time in the history of humanity where women are holding the sacred space as #Sacredseeds.

The seven love Cures are currently available as an iBook on the Apple site and other formats will be available, including laminated plaques.


See page where The Seven Live Cures can be bought. There is also a sample. You can only be read on an iPhone or an iPad or a iMac. I will work on a kindle edition when I can. D6A34C12-CD1B-40B2-904E-65A2A6A97E8D

Leslie Goldman Your enchanted gardener 6008 Arosa st San Diego,

In the late 80's The words for a poem called my Goddess prayer for you , Came through me .

Those words were used in women circles .

They are part of an Oral Tradition of very accessible sacred words intended to be read out loud again now to create better understanding between men and women .

The series of poems are called the seven love Cures,
Words that men need to know and women want to hear .

One day there will be a wedding, a wedding between Uncle Sam and auntie GMO.

Organically grown food grown by biodynamic principles will honor sacred soil building principles and will sustain simple living men and women questing to live out their rightful relationship on the earth .

Commercial agriculture as we know it today and politics as we know it today will be composted.

We will see a movement rise called #OurRevolution That goes far beyond politics or political parties as they exist today .

The practice of government will be redeemed .

The original vision of what is known as the United States will again leads the world with principles of fair and just treatment of all people .

Children at the forthcoming heirloom expo will experience three days out of time in the atmosphere of this country fair reverently blessed .

In the midst of hardship, self-doubt, a knee hurting and ribs pain, In the midst of dizziness at times when I get out of bed and energy that seems to dissipate and makes me want to lay down, in the midst of persistent hip pain, in the midst of a feeling of emptiness in my personal male female bonding inherent nature I declare that my soul will rise me up to again serve and make this journey that is symbolically represented as the quest to arrive safely at the national Heirloom Expo .

I declare

I will receive the support I desire from a Circle of Goddesd Women and Enlightened Men that will support my Journey as Members of the #EnchantedGardenClub.

I declare

I am committed to create peace and grow a grassroots movement between divergent forces representing different points of view in our Pure food revolution

I declare

I am on the Enchanted Garden Mobile's Journey to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds Grow our Grassroots movement with the Baker Creek Enchanted Garden Winning Back Sacred Seed Starter Kit

This was made last year as I started my journey north to #heirloomexpo from San Diego to Santa Rosa, about 700 miles. The whole trip was about 1700.

My current revised departure date is Sunday August 21.

This morning I am waking up with a dark cloud in my head.

This has been an overwhelming year that has felt like an uphill climb of unexpected roadblocks and challenges. I have had my bell rung so to speak, and I felt defeated in the ring of life more times than I can count.

I have made this journey four years in a row. Each year has felt like an initiation and a cleansing of the doorways of perception. Each year I have met the challenge against physical limits.

Last year was an incredible testing of faith. At the same time I was writing an article where I was declaring and putting in print my intention to take the trip, I was physically unable to drive. I had undiagnosed shooting pains into my feet that lasted 17 weeks. On the day I left, I somehow found the right combination of the natural anti-inflammatory I take (AminoActiv) and Arnica Montana and was able to make the drive.

Numbers of other challenges were overcome including a curious death of my IPhone as my inner electrical calibration seemed to shift, ten days of severe flu symptoms arriving in Santa Rosa, and then a spider bite
In the middle of my back that sent me to ER a day before set up of the #heirloomExpo. Antibiotics were recommended but they would have interfered with my ability to be in the sunshine. I used natural remedies instead.

How did the event turn out?


Building Strength for #HeirloomExpo


PUT #HeirloomExpo on your Calendar:

Please explore the website of the national heirloom expo tues-wed-thurs Sept 6,7,8 in Santa Rosa at the Sonoma Fairgrounds Support the the embodiment of your #SacredSeed nature through growing heirloom seeds.

Join the staff of Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company and its team of volunteers. Help make the 2016 event a peak moment in Seed Freedom history. Join the Pure Food Revolution now to Outgrow #TheMonsantoYears.



Carry on, #SacredSeed Kerem Brulé Through my eyes I'm recording a history of peace on earth, a history of the earth, and it's human flowering. Our renewed earth is the Enchanted Garden, and you and I, it's Gardeners. --Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener @YourEG #PlantYourDreamBlog Curezone and Wordpress.


Sacred Seed! Sacred Plant! I hold you in my hands, and I hold you as my future. Thank you for representing wishes i am planting! As you grow, so will my Seed Dreams. growing you will help me celebrate the harvest in my life. Thank thou for reminding me I am a Sacred Seed. Thank you for reminding me that the Universe thrives as I thrive. Today we Grow a new Enchanted Garden, a renewed Earth! Written for the Enchanted Garden Club Members by © 1990 Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener #PlantYourDreamBlog


I am on the Enchanted Garden Mobiles Journey to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds Grow our Grassroots movement with the Baker Creek Enchanted Garden Winning Back Sacred Seed Starter Kit


Enchanted Garden Member's Pledge: Oh patient Mother Earth, let us walk together more closely. My own fertile, flowering seed dreams are your fulfillment and renewal. Remind me that all natural things on Earth grow from seeds that touch soil, as do I. Open in me the wisdom contained in a tiny seed that I might experience how my dreams grow naturally. The Enchanted Garden, a name for the new Earth growing through me, starts here and now! Signed: _____________________________________

JOIN THE ENCHANTED GARDEN CLUB HERE LINK TO ENCHANTED GARDEN CLUB MEMBERS ON FACEBOOK JOIN THE ENCHANTED GARDEN Enchanted Garden Club ON FACEBOOK I am on the Enchanted Garden Mobiles Journey to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds Grow our Grassroots movement with Planting the Baker Creek Enchanted Garden Winning Back Sacred Seed Starter Kit



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