Pyramids ピラミッド by UtsU .....

How were the pyramids made? ピラミッドはどうやって作られた?

Date:   7/1/2015 9:36:39 AM ( 9 y ago)

Below was quoted from the website of  "The True SKY(SORA) Info" ( by Takashi-san) .Many articles that translated "Solving the Enigma of the Earth" of Japanese (by Ms.Taeko Shiraki)"are put on this web site.


By Takashi

This info is translated into English from Let's solve the enigma of the earth

Dec, 13, 2003


Dec. 12, 2003

When I was viewing the TV program which told pyramids of Giza were made by humans, both I and the other beside me felt the abnormality of the tooth.
As I thought it was the signal from some being I asked what the sender of the abnormality want to tell.
The channeling was started.

"I hate it.
I heard a distorted interpretation about what Stone gods made.
I feel I absolutely seething when I hear the explanation which tell humans made pyramids by piling the small stones up after they cut the small ones.

(I have never used the word 'I feel I absolutely seething'.)

I have often told pyramids were made by Stone gods.・・・
Men at the time were in the too low level that had evolved only a little from monkey.
I'm the giant of Mount Sinai who did the work of making pyramids."

(A poor doll which I saw at the Metropolitan Museum in New York as if it had been made by middle school students came to mind. )

1)The pyramid of Giza is the grave of the child of Stone god and it was made by the giant of alter ego of Stone god.
The giants kept living several generations as there were much food in Egypt.
Colossi of Memnon was left to show there were giants in Egypt.

2)Pyramids was made by piling up the cubic mass which was made by the body of Stone gods.
The cubic mass was made while it was still soft when it was taken from the dead body of the child of Stone god.
The giant made the cubes as if they had made rice balls by covering them with the thin cloth.

3) As it was made to form the shape of the pyramid and it was formed firmly from above, it was assembled so that even a piece razor couldn't be entered between the cubes.

4)The internal oblique steep slope was made by inserting a square rod diagonally while pyramid was still soft.
It was made as small humans wanted to see inside of the pyramid and it was made for putting the air.

5)The top of the pyramid is slippery without peeling off, because that was carefully slicked over many times while it was soft in order to form the firm triangles.
The whole top was slippery and shining in the old days.

6) The pyramids are lined in the form of Orion(three) because beings of Sagittarius=Stone gods asked Orion for help and asked to send energy.

7) The stone box in the room for the king was made so that the giant could put the ring of Stone god.

8) The room for the king was completed after they made most of the room and the top part was covered as if it had been the lid.
Scholars haven't explained how that heavy box was carried into the room.

9) They explain the pyramid was made by cutting the small stones and piling them up.
However was it possible by the technology in those days to pile up stones as heavy as 240 kg without a little error?
It is regarded impossible even by the current technology.

10) All the pyramids that were made by imitating pyramids of Giza later years have been broken.

11)The work diaries have been remained but they were not written for making the pyramids but for the plastering to make the surface beautiful on the pyramids which had already made by the giants of Stone gods.

12)The hieroglyphs were written on the buildings later years but nothing was written on the pyramid of Giza.
When the giants of Stone gods was gone later years, human Khufu made his name write.

13) Khufu means the sky (in Japanese) and Khufu claimed his name in order to tell as he had been taught that Stone gods came from the sky.

Japanese character is the first one made on the earth and Stone gods knew them through telepathy.[by Takashi]

Khufu was the first human king and the last king of descendants of Stone gods claimed his name as Khufu(=the being from the sky).

14) Sphinx had the face of a cat at first but later the face was changed into the human face.
Cats were the animal which were sent to the earth by Pleiades, the Ruler's Stars.

15) The village for the worker is said to be the one for decorating the pyramids or for the remaking the face of Sphinx (cat) to the human face.
Those work was asked to do it to Khufu who was the small human and was given the name from the last king Khufu of the descendant of Stone gods.

(There have remained very small statues in Egypt and Mesopotami.
Those statues were made in order to compare the big descendants of Stone gods and small humans.)
I have been told by Stone gods that pyramids were made as explained above.
Megalithic ruins all over the world were made artificially and some of them are made so that even a piece razor couldn't be inserted between stones.
It has been the mystery and it has not been sold as it is impossible to make such stone work even by current technology.



2003年12月12日 ギザのピラミッドは人間が作ったという番組を見ていると、私ともう一人が同時に歯の異常を感じる。聞くと「嫌なのです。イシカミが作ったものを、あのようにこじつけて言っているのが、、、。小さな石を削ってあたかも人間が積み上げた、と説明しているのを見ると、はらわたが煮えくりかえる思いです。 (この言葉は私は使った事が無い)ピラミッドはイシカミが作ったと何度も言っているのに、、。当時の人間は、猿を少し進化させただけの人間だったのです。あの程度の能力しかありませんでした。お仕事をしたシナイ山の巨人でした」(ニューヨークのメトロポリタン博物館で見た、中学生が作ったようなお粗末な土人形が思い出される)
1) ギザのピラミッドは、イシカミの子供のお墓であり、イシカミの分身の巨人が作った。エジプトには食料が多かったので、巨人は何代か続いてメムノンの巨像は遺体として自ら残した。2) イシカミの子供の遺体の柔らかい内に、それを巨人が薄い布でオニギリを作るようにして四角にして積み上げていった。3) ピラミッド型にしてしっかり上から形を整えたので、かみそり一枚入らないように組み立てられている。4) 内部の斜めの急な坂は、まだ柔らかい内に四角い棒を斜めに差し込んで作った。小さな人間が中を見たいと思っていたので、人間用に作ったのと、空気を入れるために作った。5) 頂上が剥がれずにつるつるで残っているのは、しっかりと三角にするために柔らかいうちに何度もていねいに上から撫でつけたためで、昔は全体がつるつるで光っていた。6) オリオンの形 (3つ) になっているのは、オリオンに、エネルギーを送って欲しいと、いて座の宇宙人=イシカミが応援を求めたため。7) 王の間の石の入れ物は、イシカミの指輪入れの為に作った。8) 王の間は、部屋を作ってから蓋のようにして頂上部分を乗せた。あの重い箱がどうしてあの部屋に運び込まれた説明がされていない。9) 小さな石を削ったり、積み上げたりして、説明されていたが、240kgもの石を少しの狂いも無くあのような大きさに積み上げる事は、当時の技術では到底不可能であるし、現在の技術でさえ不可能とされている。10) ギザのピラミッドを真似して、後年人間が作ったものは全て壊れている。11) 作業日記が残っているのは、ピラミッドを作るためでは無く、イシカミの巨人によって既に作られていたピラミッドの上に、漆喰を塗りきれいにするための作業であった。12) 後年の建築物にはヒエログリフが書かれているが、ギザのピラミッドは何も書かれていなく、後年イシカミの巨人がいなくなってから、人間のクフ王が自分の名前を書かせた。13) クフとは空、クウ、すなわちイシカミがソラから来た事を知らせる為に、イシカミに教えられて名前を名乗った。クフ王は始めての人間の王でもあり、イシカミの子孫の最後の王もクフ (クウ=空の者) と言った。14) フインクスは、(支配星プレアデナイが降ろした) ネコの顔を、人間の顔に作り替えたもの。15) 作業者の村は、ピラミットを装飾したり、スフィンクス (ネコ) の顔を、人間の顔に作り替える為の村と言われた。それらは、イシカミの子孫の最後の王(クフ)にその名前を貰った小さな人間のクフ王が頼まれたから。



先日関西の方から知らされた 写真 ↓ (12月9日の地震雲らしきもの) は、ピラミッドのTVが放映される事を知ったロボットがイシカミに伝えた為に、怒りをあらわした雲だと伝えられました。
縦向きな途切れた雲はソラのものが、巨大地震を起こす事を反対した事(あまり大きくなかった) をあらわした雲だという事を先ほどのビジョンで知らされました。

1) “横向きに5mmくらいの細い線が何本も左から右に流れていく”
2) “極細かい縦向きの点が、斜め上から雨のように降り注ぐ”
3) “太くてグレーっぽい光の柱が下から上に向かって突き上げてくる”
横向きがイシカミの意識、斜め上から降りてくるのがソラのものの意識で、両方の意識が地震としてのエネルギーとなって、播磨灘の地震として (イシカミが作ったピラミッドを認めない事に) 抗議したと知らされました。


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