Vesta & "The Astrology of Your Design" by Chef JeM .....

Adding astroids to the understanding of our astrological activations.

Date:   2/4/2015 8:05:52 AM ( 9 y ago)

Kim Gould of Love Your Design includes the astroids in her Human Design readings and in her return communique this past day she placed a certain emphasis on the astroid Vesta: "your Vesta position (is) probably THE best indicator of purpose I have ever seen". That got me doing my due-diligence for a quick study on Vesta including locating her in my natal chart (at just about 15 degrees Leo in my 10th House). Apparently she has no natal aspects, however - she's conjunct both my Design Venus and Design Pluto! Now that's really got my attention.

Although I am consistently up late each night - now at 5:48 AM I can see I will need at least another night to get my Vesta right! Nevertheless I already can clearly see this triune conjunction at my Self Gate 7 with its "Role of The Self in Interaction" and the two hexagram Lines that are activated here: 2 and 6 with Vesta at Line 2.

In looking at the Gene Keys with my Vesta in mind I am recognizing my "Gift of Guidance". Richard says: "Sometimes simply by being listened to in the right way, a person finds the answer to their problem with out the direct input from the guide." Earlier today I wrote a note with the intention of writing further on the idea of "understanding problems" as the foundation for problem solving that serendipitously directly relates to this!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015 (as of my inspiration at 5:33 AM PST) -

The following is protected by common law copyright as of this posting @ 6:00 AM PST

After a very late dinner this night I got inspired with a thought that I originally noted as "astrology by your design". The idea is a four-fold perspective as follows.

Firstly (and according to the Human Design System) we were each of us all born with not only the astrological imprint at the moment of our physical separation (not counting umbilical cord) from our birth mother we were also born with an earlier astrological activation that constituted our "Design" imprint. The term "Human Design" refers to both the prenatal and the natal activations (both of these are combined and represented in the Human Design Body-graph chart). In other words astrologically there is twice as much planetary imprinting (that deserves to be accounted for) than the typical astrological profile has to offer!

Secondly, based on the additional set of planetary activations that represent the imprinting at the moment of one's incarnation (three months prior to their being born) that fact of life offers "justification" for the idea that we have all chosen to be here. Therefore it is "our design" by choice!

The third perspective for "astrology by your design" is the interests of individual themselves and the idea that they can know their astrological profile according to their "design" for learning, etc.

The fourth perspective is essentially my own in regards to the individual however based on their Human Design and my reading of that.

"The Astrology By Your Design"/"The Astrology of Your Design" is an in depth astrological understanding based on the individual's Human Design (three- dimensionally portrayed in the individual's Body-graph chart) that is presented to the individual in ways that work best with their preferred learning style.

I searched "astrology by your design" and was attracted to the second result: Cosmic Navigator: Design Your Destiny With Astrology and Kabbalah‎
and that led me to the author's site Cosmic Navigator where I just sent a message to introduce myself and offered him my introduction to his Human Design.

July 23, 2016 -

In a newsletter from Carol Barbeau[1] she presented Vesta in terms of "Sacred Connection" in an upcoming Vesta transit. The "Sacred Connection" really got my attention! It inspired me to write her for more information! It also motivated me to review my natal Vesta in Leo and the corresponding Sabian Symbol:


KEYNOTE: The more or less sensational release of energies in a form dramatizing the unconscious aspirations of man's primitive and instinctual nature.

This last picture of the series dealing with the ninth scene, "Combustion," recalls in a collective sense the dramatic event represented by the first (Leo 1°). The street pageant, perhaps a tumultuous carnival, brings men and women to a peak of emotional excitement, and perhaps incandescence. But the pageant had to be planned carefully by individual minds that sought to express themselves in the process of giving a concrete form to the desires and expectations of the collective crowd. The theatricality of the Leo type is fully expressed here.

This is the fifth stage of the twenty-seventh five-fold sequence of phases. At this stage the mind of the individual is able to give a public DEMONSTRATION of his ability to sway the multitudes by a dramatic presentation of popularized ideals. This leads to a new scene on the cyclic journey around one's own universe, symbolized by the signs of the zodiac.[2]

"The theatricality of the Leo type is fully expressed here" stands out for me in this symbol!

the 24th -

"VESTA REPRESENTS YOUR capacity to integrate and FOCUS your energy and bring wholeness to yourself. This energy is the sacred feminine creative energy which allows us to regenerate and dedicate ourselves to aspirations, plans and goals."[3]

I don't know about anyone else but "Vesta" seems to me to be one of the greatest representatives for what I believe really matters.

May 24, 2017 -

The Science Behind Astrology And Human Design

Sub-atomic physics provides the science that explains how Human Design and astrology work. The mechanism that underlies both astrology and Human Design explains how the sun, moon and planets influence our lives. If you have ever asked, "How does astrology work?" Human Design can explain it.

Neutrinos and Superstrings

The physical agent that implements the characteristics described by the Human Design System is a sub-atomic particle called the neutrino. The neutrino was predicted in 1930 on purely theoretical grounds. Although its existence was proven in 1953, scientists thought that it had no mass. In 1987, when the Human Design System came into being, it stated that neutrinos imparted changes to our DNA, but it wasn't until ten years later that scientists confirmed that the neutrino does actually have a very small mass. The discovery that the neutrino has mass is important, because it lends credence to Human Design's assertion that neutrinos interact with our DNA.

According to superstring theory, neutrinos (and all other sub-atomic particles) are themselves composed of vibrating strings. These strings are unimaginably small, and their differing vibrations create all of the particles and energy that make up the universe. Needless to say, sub-atomic physics is a very difficult subject, but all we need to understand for this discussion is that neutrinos have a small mass. In other words, even though they are incredibly small, they aren't weightless and they do interact with other objects in our three-dimensional world.

The universe is filled with billions and billions of neutrinos traveling through space at nearly the speed of light. They are so small that they pass through planets and people with ease. There is no "neutrino shield." They pass through everything. One source of neutrinos is stars. The intense nuclear fusion reactions that power the stars create all kinds of sub-atomic particles, including neutrinos. These neutrinos race out in all directions bound for the edge of the universe.

We are constantly bombarded by these neutrinos. To get an idea of how many neutrinos pass through us each second, imagine that a neutrino is a molecule of water. Now imagine that you are standing at the bottom of Niagara Falls. The shower of neutrinos is immense. Unlike standing under a waterfall, the shower of neutrinos comes from all directions so that we are soaked in their flow.

According to Human Design, these neutrinos have properties or characteristics. These properties may be caused by the vibrating superstrings that compose neutrinos, and the properties may be shaped by the stars that create them. When neutrinos pass through an object, their properties are modified, and the objects through which they pass are also changed. Large objects, like planets, have a significant effect on the properties of the neutrinos that pass through them.

Planetary Influence on Neutrinos

Some of the neutrinos that reach the earth have passed through the moon or one of the planets taking on characteristics unique to these heavenly bodies. As these neutrinos pass through our bodies, they impart characteristics to us. Some stages in our development, such as birth, are extra sensitive to the influence of neutrinos. That is why the positions of the sun, moon and planets are important at the time of our birth.

This explanation of the mechanism that underlies the Human Design System, also explains astrology. The sun and moon are very important in astrology. The sun is very large and is a source of neutrinos. The moon is very close to the earth and a significant percentage of the neutrinos that hit the earth have passed through the moon. The more distant and smaller planets will have a smaller number of neutrinos passing through them to the earth.

The sun, moon and planets influence us through the stream of neutrinos that pass through them and into our bodies. In Human Design, the earth is also very important, because a large percentage of the neutrinos that pass through us have passed through the earth. Neutrinos come from all directions, not just the sky.

Throughout history, things that were once considered to be magic have become science after discovering the mechanism underlying the phenomenon. Things that were once thought to be superstition have become science as human knowledge expands. In the past, metaphysical concepts were required to explain things that seemed beyond the range of human understanding, but as human understanding grows, metaphysics becomes physics.[4]





This article may be distributed freely, but only in its entirety. It is published by Human Design Northwest at


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