Enemas by propaul .....

Various enemas and how to

Date:   1/20/2014 9:08:39 PM ( 10 y ago)

Some info on enemas

Date:   5/4/2009 6:34:24 PM   ( 5 y ) ... viewed 10867 times

The Enema
This document is derived partly from the writer own experience also from various other sources over a number of years.Rev.8/22/03  9/13/03 2/11/04 3/28/04 5/1/06 1/19/07 7/20/07

Cleansing Enemas in general:       
Enemas are an effective and rapid way of emptying your bowels and should be used before, during and after fasting.

Procedure for cleansing enemas
(for retention enemas see below):
Pour the solution into the enema bag or bucket. Release any air from the enema tube, lubricate the tip of the enema nozzle and the insert the nozzle into your rectum.. The best position to assume when receiving an enema is "shoulders lower than the anus." After the liquid has been inserted, roll onto your back, and finally roll over and lie on your right side. As you are doing this, massage your colon to help loosen any fecal matter. Start on your right side and gradually move your fingers up toward the bottom of your rib cage, then across your abdomen and down the left side. Expel.

For a more complete and deeper cleansing of the bowels, you can use a colon tube instead of the usual enema nozzle, The colon tube is a flexible tube usually made of rubber with a diameter from approximately 1/4" to 1/2" that is inserted through the anus into the colon going through the rectum and the sigmoid section. It usually ends either in the transverse section or the ascending section depending of its length, usually 20" to 50".

This is the general procedure unless otherwise stated.

Small enema
This enema is a fast way to move any fecal matter out of the lower portion of your bowels. This enema can also be used while fasting to relieve the headaches sometimes caused by a fast-induced release of  toxins.

Preparation of solution.
This enema should consist of 1 quart warm water with one teaspoon of liquid Castile soap.

Follow procedure above. Try to retain for 2 to 5 minutes then expel. Repeat until you use the whole quart. End with a 1 quart plain water enema to rinse out any soap left in your bowels.

Cleansing Soapsuds Enema
Also called SSE. This enema is for a general cleansing and is probably the most commonly  administered enema.  It may be taken any time without prior cleansing.

Preparation of solution

For easiest procedure use liquid Castile soap, 1 teaspoon per quart of very warm water.  Prepare 2 bags of  2 quarts. You can also use solid bar of Castile soap or plain, unscented, Ivory soap bar.

Start by flowing the enema into the bowels. Note that 2 quarts is a lot of liquid. If you experience any pain during the injection, stop the flow, remain in the same position, take deep breath and hold for a few seconds, expel your breath, hold for a few seconds and repeat  until the pain subsides. Then resume the enema flow. If you expel the liquid before all of it has been injected, simply begin the process over again. Hold the solution in your body for three or four minutes before allowing it to be expelled. After two or three sessions, you will find it easier to hold the liquid. You need to take the whole 2 quarts in the last session.

Repeat the above procedure until you have used up all 2 enemas of 2 quarts each. This may take 5 or more sessions. Expel and rest for 20 minutes.

If this enema is to be  a deep cleansing enema, take additional soapsuds enemas until the fluid expelled is clear of  any solid material. My recommendation is to use a minimum of 3 bags of 2 quarts.

End the session by taking a 2 quarts of  warm saline solution and follow above procedure to rinse the soapsuds solution out of your bowels. See Salt Water enema.

Lemon juice cleansing enema
This cleansing enema can cause severe cramps in some people.

The lemon juice enema is an excellent means of cleansing the colon of fecal matter and other impurities and of detoxifying the system. This enema also balances the pH of the colon and is useful whenever cleansing of the colon is desired, as well as for colon disorders, such as constipation and diarrhea.

Preparation of solution.
To make the solution for the 1st and 2nd lemon enemas, add the juice of 1/2 lemon to 2 quarts of lukewarm water. (Be sure to avoid using either very cold or very warm water). Make sure that you strain all the pulp and seeds out of the juice. For the 3rd enema you need to add the juice of 1 lemon to 2 quart of water. You will have prepared 3 enemas of 2 quarts each. If the instructions call for 2 bags of 2 quarts, omit the 2nd bags.

Place 2 quarts of solution in an enema bag. Follow the general procedure.

 Note that 2 quarts is a lot of liquid. If you experience any pain during insertion, stop the flow of the enema bag and, remaining in the same position, take deep breaths and hold for a few seconds, expel your breath and repeat a few times until the pain subsides. Then resume the enema flow. If you expel the liquid before all of it has been inserted, simply begin the process over again. Hold the solution in your body for three or four minutes before allowing it to be expelled. After two or three sessions, you will find it easier to insert and hold the liquid. You need to take the whole 2 quarts in the last session. If you cannot insert and retain the whole 2 quarts it is an indication that you are not completely cleansed and need to repeat the lemon juice cleansing enema at a later time.

If you have trouble with constipation, use  once a week the lemon juice cleansing enema followed by the coffee retention enema. The bowels will shortly move on their own, the colon will be clean, and the stool will not be foul-smelling. If you suffer from colitis, use the lemon juice enema once a week. Any time pain from colitis is experienced, this enema will quickly relieve the discomfort.

Salt Water enema
This enema is a very soothing, very gentle enema. It is not good for relieving bad constipation or for deep cleansing. After using cleansing enemas, taking a saline solution enema to reduce the trauma of the cleansing process. If you have taken soapsuds enemas then this enema will clean out the soap residue from your colon.

Preparation of solution
Use either natural sea salt or non-iodized table salt. Do not use any iodized salt. Dissolve 4 teaspoons of salt into 2 quarts of warm water.

Follow the procedure for cleansing soapsuds enema.
Salt Water Baking Soda enema
This is a modification of the salt water enema. Because plain salt water enemas do not cleanse well, the addition of baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) to the salt water makes this enema very suitable for a moderate cleansing enema. Add two teaspoons of baking soda to each quart of salt water. For general cleansing take 2 bags of 2 quarts, Follow procedure for soapsuds enema. This enema is quite mild and allows for longer retention.

High garlic enema
This is an attempt to have the garlic solution absorbed by your body. Repeating this procedure for 3 consecutive days  usually does a good job of cleansing your colon too. This same routine is used in my 5 day and my 7 day fast. This enema should always be preceded with one or two days of preparation consisting of reducing solid food intake and taking cleansing enemas and laxatives. .

Preparation of solution.

Prepare 1 cup of garlic concentrate. Crush 5 or 6 garlic buds in 1 cup of cold water. You can use a small food processor or a blender or a pestle and mortar.  When garlic is well blended into the liquid, strain the mixture and add enough water to make 2 quarts.

Prepare a total of 3 enemas of 2 quarts each. The first two enemas should be made using very  warm water; the third should be made with cool (not cold) water to stimulate the colon.

Start by slowly flowing the enema into your bowels until you have a strong urge to expel then stop the flow. Without changing position, take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds, expel your breath.  Repeat a few times. The urge should subside and you can continue to insert more fluid. Do this process every time you have an urge to expel. When the urge to expel does not go away it is time to expel. Try to retain the liquid for 3 - 4 minutes before expelling.  After 2 or 3 sessions you can use a 20" colon tube. Try to insert it deep into your bowels (do not force) while the water is flowing.

Repeat the above procedure until you have used up all 3 enemas of 2 quarts each. This may take 5 or more sessions. On the last session you should insert the full 2 quarts. Do not cheat, use all 3 bags of enema completely.

Rest after expelling last enema. Note that on the first day of fast this is the most difficult enema to take. On the second and subsequent days as your bowels get cleaned out, it gets easier to take and retain this enema. Note: it is a good idea between the end of the 2nd bag and before starting the 3rd bag to talk a short walk for relaxation.

Retention enemas

In general
A retention enema - an enema that is held in the body for a specified period of time - This type of enema is not hard to retain, since it is usually only 1 or 2 cups of liquid. To maximize the benefits of a retention  enema, use a cleansing enema first.

Retention coffee enema (small volume)

When used as a retention enema, coffee does not go through your digestive system and does not affect your body as a coffee beverage does. Instead, the coffee solution stimulates both your liver and your gallbladder to release toxins, which are then flushed from your body. This enema is most effective if repeated daily for several days. For a single time use, take the large volume retention coffee enema.
A coffee retention enema is quite helpful during a serious illness, after hospitalization, and after exposure to toxic chemicals.

Preparation of solution.
To make the coffee enema solution, place 2 quarts of water in a pan, and add 6 tablespoons of ground coffee (do not use instant or decaffeinated). Boil the mixture for fifteen minutes, cool to a comfortable temperature, and strain. Use only 1 pint of the strained coffee at a time, and refrigerate the remainder in a closed jar. It will keep for a week.

Place 1 pint of  the enema solution in an enema bag. The best position to assume when receiving the enema is to lay on your left side. After you have inserted the liquid hold the solution in your body for 15 to
20 minutes before allowing the fluid be expelled. Do not roll from side to side.

Do not be concerned if the liquid is not expelled after 15 to 20 minutes. Simply stand up and move around as usual until you feel the urge to expel the liquid. To maximize the benefits of this or any other retention  enema, always take a cleansing enema first. It is also advisable to take a cleansing enema after the coffee retention enema to clear out all the toxins released by the liver.

Whey retention enema
This remedy may be beneficial if you have used high colonics or taken antibiotics over a long period of time - practices that can kill the body's "friendly" bacteria. It is also indicated after a long fast. The whey enema helps the body fight yeast infections and improves digestion and the assimilation of nutrients. Before you try to take this enema, make sure that your bowels are completely emptied out. Take a 3 bag cleansing soap suds enema. This retention enema, unlike most, consist of a large volume of fluid to retain.

Preparation of solution.
To make the enema solution, mix 2 quarts of lukewarm water and 5 tablespoons of  whey powder.

Pour the mixture into the enema bag. Release any air from the enema tube before insertion, and lubricate the tip. For best results, use several cleansing enemas before using the whey enema, as this makes it easier to retain the solution for the necessary period of time. Flow in the whey enema. Stop the flow when the retention gets to be painful. Take deep breaths with mouth closed and hold it for 5 or 6 second then exhale with mouth open. Hold it again for 5 or 6 seconds and repeat. When the urge to expel subsides you need to continue inserting more fluid until you have used up the full 2 quarts, hold the fluid in for 5 to 10 minutes. Then expel.

Acidophilus retention enema
To replace the friendly bacteria in the colon, do an acidophilus retention enema.

Preparation of solution.
Use 1/8 teaspoon of acidophilus powder to 1 cup of lukewarm (body-temperature) water. Shake vigorously to dissolve.

The best position to assume when receiving the enema is "shoulders lower than the anus." This implant will restore healthy bacteria so that constipation will be eliminated. After the liquid has been inserted, roll onto your right side and hold the solution in your body for fifteen minutes before allowing the fluid to be expelled. Do not roll from side to side.

Do not be concerned if the liquid is not expelled after fifteen minutes. Simply stand up and move around as usual until you feel the urge to expel the liquid.

.Large volume Coffee Retention enema:

This enema is used to detoxify the liver and gallbladder. It is to be used only once in a while and is not recommended for regular use such as daily or weekly. This enema requires a deep cleansing enema beforehand. I highly recommend that you do a deep cleansing soapsuds enema using a minimum 3 bags of 2 quarts of soapsuds,

The large volume coffee retention enema may causes a reaction to coffee, You may get a “buzz” or get “strung up” and nervous. Since this enema has sufficient volume to reach, besides the rectum and the Sigmoid section, the transverse column. This allows for this coffee enema to somewhat produce the same reaction as if you drank several cups of coffee. If drinking coffee does not affect you then there is no need to worry.

Preparation of solution.
Boil for 15 minutes, 3 heaping tablespoons of organic coffee in 1 quart of water. Let cool. Strain using a fine strainer. Add sufficient water to make 1 quart. You can dissolve 1 to 3 teaspoons of Epsom salts in the coffee solution for a more complete liver cleanse.

When cool, fill the enema bag. Lay on your right side. Try taking the whole 1 quart. If the urge to expel is strong then stop the flow, and without changing position take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds, expel it and repeat a few times. The urge should subside and you can continue to inject more fluid. Repeat this process every time you have an urge to expel. In this manner you should be able to take the full 1 quart. You need to retain this enema for 15 minutes.

Expel and rest. It is also advisable to take a cleansing enema after the coffee retention enema to clear out all the toxins released by the liver.


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