Gospel Truth Part 2 by kerminator .....

** What is the so called " Saparation of Church & State " ? Separation of Church and State? From a post by Dan R. Smedra Copyright 2005 @ Renewing Minds.net **

Date:   11/10/2013 8:26:25 AM ( 11 y ago)

Separation of Church and State?

Are conservative Christians violating of the principle of “separation of church and state” by participating in politics?

ABSOLUTELY NOT! Secular elites, atheistic liberals, and the political left are at war with America’s heartland. They are involved in a hypocritical and double-standard campaign to defraud society and progressively separate all things Judeo-Christian from the public sphere. Their relentless two-column attack is a hate-filled assault on the civil rights of conservative religious Americans.

Column #1: Using their protest mantra of “separation of church and state,” they hope to progressively disenfranchise religious conservatives from the political process--reestablish a second-class citizenship, short-circuit democracy, and thereby seize ultimate power and control for themselves and allied interest groups.

The liberals' campaign to keep conservatives from voting or holding political office has little to do with the establishment clause of the First Amendment or the meaning behind Thomas Jefferson’s 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptists, wherein he used the phrase “wall of separation.” This is why liberal's eyes glaze over when you begin talking about the Founder's original intention and America's early history. They don't really care about historical meaning or truth; for postmodernists it's all about power.

Column #2: The liberal and secularist stratagem for social and political victory is to subjugate all of society to their atheistic worldview using the “principle of the lowest common denominator”—a corrosive concept at work in public schools for decades. Here's how the principle works.

According to Princeton founding professor A. A. Hodge, both early organizers and subsequent supporters of public schools believe…
“…that an education provided by the common government should be entirely emptied of all religious character. The Protestants object to the government schools being used for the purpose of inculcating the doctrines of the Catholic Church, and the Catholics object to the use of the Protestant version of the Bible and to the inculcation of the peculiar doctrines of the Protestant churches. The Jews protest against the schools being used to inculcate Christianity in any form, and the atheists and agnostics protest against any teaching that implies the existence and moral government of God.

“It is capable of exact demonstration that if every party in the Nation has the right of excluding from the public schools whatever he does not believe to be true, then...

he that believes most must give way to him that believes least, and then...

he that believes least must give way to him that believes absolutely nothing, no matter in how small a minority the atheists or the agnostics may be.

“It is self-evident that on this scheme, if it is consistently and persistently carried out in all parts of the country, the United States system of national popular education will be the most efficient and wide instrument for the propagation of Atheism which the world has ever seen.”

Professor Hodge labored to expose the radically false double-standard--that secular opinions and approaches to education were religiously neutral, while religious (sectarian) approaches were partial and prejudiced. Because of this false assumption, Hodge insisted that government-funded approaches to education were as fully committed and sectarian as any other and he foresaw a future day when all religious expression would be banned from the public school classroom. That day arrived long ago.

Today, with the aid of the radical ACLU and activist courts, a modified “principle of the lowest common denominator” is being forced upon all realms of society—again under the false banner of “separation of church and state.” Most often the courts’ insidious rulings as well as a growing number of public and private policies are in direct conflict with the religious liberty clause of the First Amendment, and religious conservative must litigate to regain their Constitutional rights.

All things Christian (public prayer, symbols, references, etc.) are now be excluded from the public square based on objections from even the smallest of minorities-- a tyranny of one. Postmodernists are claiming that public references to religion must be modified to meet certain standards for politically-correct inclusiveness; atheists/agnostics are claiming that any and all public references to religion in public are 'offensive' to them and thus must be erased. Why? The answer is the now universally applicable principle of the lowest common denominator together with the principle of separation of church and state. Of course!

In short, these attacks are expressions of anti-religious and anti-Christian bigotry--an ongoing effort of tyranny by an atheistic and secular minority over the majority.


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