Toxemia Explained by Dr. John H Tilden by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Toxemia Explained by Dr. John H Tilden

Date:   1/27/2013 7:56:27 AM ( 11 y ago)


Toxicity The Underlying Cause of Disease
The Wisdom of J.H. Tilden, M.D.
By Consuelo Reyes

Dr. Tilden's conclusion that toxemia is the cause of all disease is based on the following thinking: in the daily course of living our bodies produce waste products or toxins which in the healthy individual are eliminated through the normal channels of elimination, kidneys, colon, skin,etc. These toxins can be the residues of food metabolism, discarded cells and tissues from normal wear and tear, foreign contaminants (today these would include pesticides and other chemical residues), etc. Ordinarily, the amount of waste does not exceed what the body can 'eliminate on a daily basis. However, if for some reason the "housecleaning" gets sluggish or rundown or the amount of waste is more than the system can adequately remove, the body in its wisdom removes the toxins from circulation to avoid pollution of the bloodstream and places them temporarily in storage in the cells for elimination later. But if the build-up continues over a longer period usually from lack of energy ("enervation" was Tilden's term) due to poor habits of living (e.g. deficient diet, lack of sleep, stress, or in today's world more than in Tilden's time, toxic effects of medicines, chemical pollution from food, air and water, etc.), then a vicious cycle develops: the body continues to store the excess, but the toxic material accumulates to a point of exhausting organ and gland function. Normal activity becomes impaired. Eventually somewhere along the line the system breaks down, and then we give it a name of a particular disease such as "cancer" or "chronic fatigue" or whatever. But the underlying cause is the same toxic overload. If the system cannot relieve the body of the excess, it becomes trapped in a cycle of increasing toxicity and decreasing of energy to remove it and the downward spiral continues.
Throughout his long life, Tilden was severely criticized by the medical establishment. The fact that for 50 years he had prescribed no medicine to his patients, that he raged against the increasing denaturing of foods and chemical pollution and talked about trusting nature as the ultimate healer, was in those days blasphemous. But Tilden was steadfast in his belief that current medical thinking had lost the forest for the trees, a point he makes quite succinctly in Toxemia Explained:
"There is but one remote cause of disease...These remarks are of extensive application, and, if duly attended to, would deliver us from a mass of error which has been accumulating for ages in medicine; I mean the nomenclature of disease from their remote causes. It is the most offensive and injurious part of the rubbish of our science.
"The physician who can cure one disease by a knowledge of its principles may by the same means cure all the diseases of the human body; for their causes are the same."
"There is the same difference between the knowledge of a physician who prescribes for diseases as limited by genera and species, and of one who prescribes under the direction of just principles, that there is between the knowledge we obtain of the nature and extent of the sky, by viewing a few feet of it from the bottom of a well, and viewing from the top of a mountain the whole canopy of heaven."--

Toxicity The Underlying Cause of Disease
The Wisdom of J.H. Tilden, M.D.
By Consuelo Reyes

This Book was original published in 1926.



Nature returns to normal when enervating habits are given up. There are no cures in the sense generally understood. If one has a tobacco heart, what is the remedy? Stop the use of tobacco, of course. If the heart is worn out from shock, as we see it among gamblers, or among men who are plunging in the stock market, what will cure? Drugs? No! Removing the cause.

Every so-called disease is built within the mind and body by enervating habits. The food and dietetic insanity that constitutes the headliner on the medical stage just now is causing the people to demand a diet that will cure them of their peculiar maladies. The idea prevails that some peculiar diet will cure rheumatism or any other disease. Diet or food will not cure any disease.

A fast, rest in bed, and the giving-up of enervating habits, mental and physical, will allow nature to eliminate the accumulated toxin; then, if enervating habits are given up, and rational living habits adopted, health will come back to stay, if the one CURED will "stay put." This applies to any so-called disease. Yes, it fits your disease--you who write to find out if the Tilden system of cure applies to your case. Yes; cannot you realize that law and order pervades the universe? And it is the same from nebula to stone, from stone to plant, from plant to animal, from animal to man, from man to mind, and from mind to super-mind--God. To use a blanket expression: Law and order pervades the universe, the same yesterday, today and forever, and is the same from star-dust to mind--from electron to mind. Toxemia explains how the universal law operates in health and disease. One disease is the same as another; one man the same as another; one flower the same as another; the carbon in bread, sugar, coal, and the diamond is the same. Yes, one disease can be cured (?) the same as another, unless the organ acted on by toxemic crises is destroyed.--Dr. John H.Tilden MD, in Toxemia Explained,first published in

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5:55 am
January 27, 2013


Drugging pain of any kind checks elimination and prevents the human organism from cleaning house. In this
case of megrim, every time an eliminating crisis developed’ the doctor slammed the doors of egress shut and barred them with morphine. My prescription reversed the order; it opened all the doors, with the result that she never had another headache after the one that the hot bath relieved. Of course, I tinkered with her eating and other habits afterward. People are never sick who have no bad habits.

"it is a real pleasure for the doctor who knows that he cannot cure anything, to watch nature throw off all these symptoms by elimination, if he is willing to do a little “watchful waiting” and “keep hands off.” The patient will he comfortable most of the time, and will say, when asked how he is: “I feel all right; I am comfortable.” Patients never answer in that way when drugged and fed. Yes, when nature is not hindered by officious professional meddling, sick people can truthfully say, when well over a crisis of house-cleaning: “I had a very comfortable sickness.” Nature is not revengeful. Great suffering, chronic and fatal maladies, are built by the incorrigibleness of patients, and the well-meaning but belligerent efforts of the doctors who fight the imaginary foe without ceasing. The people are so saturated with the idea that disease must he fought to a finish that they are not satisfied with conservative
treatment. Something must be done, even if they pay for it with their lives, as tens of thousands do every year. This willingness to die on the altar of medical superstition is one very great reason why no real improvement is made in fundamental medical science. When the people demand education—not medication, vaccination, and immunization—they will get it."--Dr. John H.Tilden, MD, revised edition on the Soil and Health Library Site



Is there nothing for a doctor to do? Yes, of course! He should enter the sick-room with a smile and a cheerful word, free from odors, and neat and clean; be natural, and free from affectations. He should not tell at how many confinements he officiated the night before, or how many thousands he has had in the past ten years. Professional lobbying is not appropriate in the sickroom. Patients should have confidence in their doctor; and if he does a lot of medico-political lying, the patient will know it, and it sloughs confidence.
He should advise an enema daily—a stomach-wash if it is needed; something warm to the feet; perfect quiet; no food, liquid or solid, and positively no drugs, but all the water desired; a warm bath at night; a hot bath when necessary for pain, and as often as necessary to secure comfort. Rest, warmth, fresh air, and quiet are curative. Then the physician should educate his patient into proper living habits, so as to avoid future crises of Toxemia.
When this regime is carried out, and Doctor Nature is allowed full control, the pessimistic statement of “Anonymous” that “a few diseases may be cured or ameliorated” can be changed to read: All acute so-called diseases can be cured; and the patient will stay cured if he will practice self-control concerning the enervating habits that brought on his crises of Toxemia. Where this is carried out faithfully, so-called chronic diseases will never be built.



I do not know the author or editor of this revision.

It appears from viewing Amazon, that some new intro pages have been added.

Toxic Load on My Mind---Influence on Flu and Cold58 min

Toxic Load on My Mind---Influence on Flu and Cold

INTRO This is the second in a series. I just had a strange early morning dream and got up to write this. The dream was about something impossible, asking a person who needs a lot of space to live in a very tiny very confined space. That would be impossible for all concerned. I was being shown something yesterday when I attended a group gathering. The level of Toxic Load in the road was very large. I knew I was adding to it. I knew that I needed to be there. I am glad I was given the opportunity to express myself. Part of the message that came through I have attempte ... read more

Up to Our Gills in Toxins and GMO Salmon with Eel Genes11 h

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