Corporation Domination of Voting vs. Grassroots Growing by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Corporate Domination of the Voting Process vs Being Part of the Greatest Grassroots Movement in CA History. Are You One of the 7.5 Million + 2 simple majority that Helped Win the Right to Know Nov 6. Whatever the outcome, Nov 6 was only the Beginning. COME VISIT LESLIE GOLDMAN AND OTHER BEET KEEPERS AT BOOTH 49 ROUSSEAU ROOM, PACIFIC SYMPOSIUM 2012, For Sale: QuintEssential 0.9 and 3.3, The original Quinton Marine Plasma available in a consumer friendly Vial, as pure as it has been for the last 100 years.

Date:   10/12/2012 11:03:47 AM ( 12 y ago)

Corporate Domination vs. Growing Grassroots. Where Will You Stand?

Corporate Domination of the Voting Process vs Being Part of the Greatest Grassroots Movement in CA History. Were you One of the 7.5 Million + 2 simple majority that helped Win the Right to Know Nov 6? November 6 was only the beginning.

In the Rock Your Soul Opera called Life, this is what I saw less than one month before Nov 6.

The People had their way. We got out of the Gate first and expressed our will. We wanted the Right to Know. Near one million signatures had been gathered to get on the ballot. Then, as we came closer to November 6, money started to speak. More than $35 Million attempted to sway public opinion and convince us we did not need to know.

For more than 100 years our food supply has been dominated by FDA and corporate thinking that have slowly eroded the family farm and awareness that what we ate actually mattered to our health.

Then came, an excess of chemicals left over from WW2. Industry saw money to be made. Farmers thought they could grow more food with less work thanks to the Science Lab entering the Farm Field. Science gave us the ability to make war on nature as never before--chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and and era of herbicides were born.

The People continued to buy into the commercials through my youth, and more and more youth started to get sicker and sicker. Coke became the real thing, and school lunches, gradually went downhill, till finally students on their own stopped eating at their corporate seeded lunch halls. Pizza became the #1 most popular food in America, and Special Interests on the No on 37 side, spoke the FDA party line that imagined Geneticially Engineered equivalents were basically the same as food grown organically by nature's intent.

Food in the World

Then the last generation came in 1996. Science entered the gene pool as never before. Through gene engineering we blasted our way into the gene. The war against Nature stepped up and we began to plan "Genetic Roulette" without even knowing it.

Washington was convinced by special interests that Genetic Engineering was safe, and the bankruptcy of American Health was secured.

Where did you stand entering the election of Nov 6, and where do you stand now?

Here is your continuing choice: The success of corporate domination of our voting system, or an continued Organic Uprising. Organic Uprising is everything Democracy Stands for. Organic Uprising means Unity in Diversity. It means Biodiversity. It means Tomatoes and Pizza ingredients grown out by smaller farmers. It means tomatoes and people who do not fit in boxes, and know they are born to tear open any Package that attempts to contain them.

Grow A Healthy Pizza is the Rally Cry of this Organic Uprising. The People, Unity in Diversity, come together to demonstrate to the world, that Youth in America, and the people who tasted of Fresh Local Food would win out.

As a Nation, We have taken the slippery slope.

Most people in the US have been intoxicated by now Genetical Engineering. They do not even know what was being sold and what they bought. We were attempting to live on Dead Money, when the real Value was in Seeds--generations of Heirloom Seeds that still could save us.

All Nature resounds now with the promise: Nature will support us if we grow some of our own food and reclaim now only the Right to Know, but Knowing how to Grow some of our own Food.

We can do this.

The power of intention, followed by Action in concert, will Win The Right to Know.

What say you?

What will History Record about you?

What did you do the weeks before Nov 6 to help evolution shift back on course? Did you even know Sacred Seeds were being lost? Were you part of the solution that became to grow some of your own food?

Whatever the outcome was November 6, the People will not lose the battle.

Eventually enough of us will see that Dreams grow from the Ground Up when they are planted, so Plant Your Dream.

There is no turning losing out here. Victory is ours because it belongs to us. The Journey to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds continues..
Our Rally Cry is "Grow A Healthier Pizza!"


The FDA, and Special Interests that have dominated our Food Reform for more than 100 years. It is in our hands now to choose the outcome.

Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener

From "We are Seeds of Peace"
Images and Videos that Capturing a Moment
in the History of Peace on Earth

Draft One
October 12, 2012

When I wrote this: The Pepperdine Survey Showed this



Meet me in the Catamaran Bar, November 6 for a Shot of Original Quinton Marine Plasma! Do we have a date? RSVP.

Featuring Quinton Shots....Have you discovered them Yet???
QuintEssential 0.9 & 3.3 keep my inner and outer Bioterrain talking to each other! How about yours?


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