Our Names and Our Relationships To Them by #29621 .....

A treatise on the use of an all caps name.

Date:   8/2/2012 4:37:17 AM ( 12 y ago)

March 5, 2020 - Names and Obligations By: Anna Von Reitz -

The world created by Nature is unincorporated and actual. In the actual world, we don't have a name--God doesn't write one on our foreheads-- and we have an unknown Creation Day which is, on average, about nine months before we make our separate appearance on Earth. This is our genesis, our true state and beginning. So the correct answer, the truthful answer in court, is that you don't have a name and you don't have a birthday --- you do have a day when you were created, but neither you nor anyone else but God knows exactly when that was.

Upon our arrival, we enter the corporeal world created by men and are given a Name by our parents or other responsible adults. This Proper Name is "corporate" but not incorporated. It has a know birthday and a known point of origin known as a place of birth--- but it is separate from you, a point that many people miss. A Proper Name is a convenient utility like a bicycle or a chest of drawers, a Thing that belongs to you, if you accept it, and which you can use for many different purposes.

This first level of "fictionalization" is the least understood, in part because people don't understand that their Proper Name is a fictional Thing to begin with. Your Proper Name can function as a Lawful Person on the land or as a Legal Person on the sea. So, when you write or say your name it is difficult to tell the capacity in which you are acting, especially because sailors can come ashore, and landlubbers can be found on the sea.

An important point for Americans is that we are protected under the auspices of our States and our Federation of States while on the land, and, if we are "recognizable" as Americans, we are protected by HRM Elizabeth II and her Government while on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.

When we are acting on the land, people are supposed to print their names in Upper and Lower Case as we learned to do in Grade School, and when acting "at sea" we are supposed to sign our names in script, but because we are never taught this or any of the surrounding circumstance, people routinely sign things without being made aware of the implications of the act---- which invalidates all signatures that are not specifically and explicitly and knowingly executed at sea and all signs that are not specifically and knowingly executed on the land.

Beyond this basic level of fictional personhood, there are actual "incorporated" entities that we recognize as "corporations" which are chartered under Articles of Incorporation, have Boards of Directors, and are subject to Statutory Law, Codes, and Regulations. These are the "Strawmen" used as Trademarks of the Persons created in the first level of fictionalization. These incorporated entities can assume the character of all manner of incorporated organizations --- trusts,(i) foundations, cooperatives, public transmitting utilities, etc.

Let me break this down for you:

John Albert -- your Given Name. (Your copyright.)
Peterson - your House Name (Family copyright held by State.)
John Peterson - Lawful Person (on Land --supposed to use printed name as signature)
John Peterson - Legal Person (on Sea --supposed to use script name as signature)
John Albert Peterson -- your Estate Name/Patent
JOHN ALBERT PETERSON - your Estate's Probate Name /Trademark
JOHN A. PETERSON - your Public Transmitting Utility
JOHN PETERSON - a Pauper who is a member of the Commonwealth Public Charitable Trust

When the same process is applied to a State, this is what you get:

Wisconsin -- name of the (national jurisdiction) sovereign state of the Union, with borders defined by landmarks, populated by people = state nationals, private persons.
Wisconsin - name of the (international jurisdiction) State of the Union, with borders defined by survey/patent, populated by People = Lawful/Legal Persons
The State of Wisconsin - doing business name of Confederate State, an unincorporated but corporate mercantile State, Legal/Lawful Persons, which are M.I.A. since 1865.
the State of Wisconsin - doing business name of a British Territorial State of State, Territorial Legal/Lawful Persons
the STATE OF WISCONSIN - doing business name of a Municipal STATE OF STATE, incorporated PERSONS of various kinds, LLCs., Trusts, Foundations, etc.

As you can see, when the Confederate States went missing in the Civil War, the British Territorial States of States substituted themselves for our intended American States of States and have been secretively occupying the proverbial catbird seat ever since, while claiming that a "National Emergency" necessitates this.

In fact, the States, like Wisconsin, have an unincorporated Federation of States known as The United States of America; this original Holding Company that holds all powers of the States in international jurisdiction is more than competent to receive back and exercise all powers delegated to any Confederation of States of States like The State of Wisconsin, and there really is no "National Emergency" ---- just like there is no "National Debt".

Because we are never taught any of this, we are "incompetents" ----left unable to decipher the codes being used by the courts to prosecute us, and our signatures have no particular meaning or jurisdiction because we can't possibly know the ins and outs of what we are signing, when, where and in what capacity ---- or so they think. This circumstance then requires the interjection of a Middleman, a lawyer or an attorney, to act "for" us. This is a position of constructive and actual trust that many attorneys abuse.

Putting an end to this "state of ignorance" and thereby preventing these abuses is Job One. Declaring our proper political status is Job Two. ...[4]

(i) There also exists the unincorporated trust form.

August 2, 2012 -

"There are no official or unofficial English grammar style manuals or reference publications that recognize the use of all caps when writing a proper name. To do so is by fiat, within and out of an undisclosed jurisdiction by unknown people for unrevealed reasons, by juristic license of arbitrary presumption not based on fact. The authors of the process unilaterally create legal fictions for their own reasons and set about to get us to take the bait, fall for the deceit."[1]

June 16, 2017 - All Caps Name -

To participate in The Great Deception is to act through the legal fiction PERSON identified by the ALL-CAPS NAME. All of your government ID will show your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Your bills will show your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and your bank accounts will show your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.

This is your secular personality for the secular world. The separation of church & state resulted in two jurisdictions and each jurisdiction has a subject for which the law operates.

"A name spelled in all capital letters or a name initialed, is not a proper noun denoting a specific person, but is a fictitious name, or a name of a dead person, or a nom de guerre." (Gregg's Manual of English).

Fictitious name. A counterfeit, feigned, or pretended name taken by a person, differing in some essential particular from his true name (consisting of Christian name and patronymic), with the implication it is intended to deceive or mislead. (Black's Law Dictionary).

Fictitious names exist for a purpose. Fictions are invented to give courts jurisdiction. Snider v. Newell 44 SE 354.

Oxford Dictionary:
"nom": Used in expressions denoting a pseudonym, a false or assumed name.
"Guerre": War, and as a verb, to wage war.
"Nom de guerre": War name. A name assumed by or assigned to a person engaged in some action or enterprise.

Assumed name . See ficticious name. (Ballentine's Legal Dictionary 3rd Edition).

This PERSON is your contracting legal entity, and it isn't created by God and it has no God given rights. It is a government created legal fiction (consent is authorized by your signature). The government provides the rights and duties and laws for this person.

James 2:7 Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called?
Deuteronomy 4:16 Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female.

The United States Government Printing Office Style Manual clearly defines the rules of grammar for recording of a proper noun in Chapter 3.2, Capitalization. “Proper nouns are capitalized [examples given] Rome, Brussels, John Macadam, Macadam family, Italy, and Anglo-Saxon.” It further defines, in Chapter 11.7, that “Names of vessels are quoted in matter printed in other than lower case roman…[examples given are] LUSITANIA [or] Lusitania.”

The term vessel, is a legal description not limited to ships or vessels engaged in commerce pursuant to case law like St. Hilaire Moye v. Henderson, C.A. Ark., 496 F.2d, 973. (Black’s, 6th Ed).

The U.S. Government Style Manual, Chapter 3 requires only the names of corporate and other fictional entities, or those serving in corporate capacities to be in all capitalized letters.

Man voluntarily or unwittingly steps down and into the shoes of the fictional “PERSON”. Man has unwittingly fallen for the trap and taken up the identity of a legal fiction in a secular society. A physical man attaches himself by representation to a state created fiction. The state created “legal fiction - person” is subject to all acts and statutes of the state (country).

Maxim of Law: The Law of Like kind = Disparata non debent jungi = Unequal things ought not be joined.

... but we go ahead and attach ourselves to legal fictions regardless.

(The above) Content Free to Distribute .....[2]

August 14, 2019 - The Subject Matter of What Is Named -

"Objects get named; their uses are understood; eventually they are mastered."[3]

Comment and Public Notice:

This blog-writer is not an "object (that was) named." He is not a "person" that is identified by any name. He does not recognize any name that is unauthorized by him. He absolutely demands all his unalienable Rights to be left alone!


page 7 of "THE NAME"
Your choice of several "sources":

[2] http://aetherical.blogspot.com/p/p-margin-bottom-0_15.html

[3] "How Reality Is Made: The Play of Consciousness", By: Deepak Chopra, MD:

[4] http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/03/names-and-obligations.html


The Name, PERSON, name spelled in all capital letters, Fictitious names, nom, Nom de guerre, Assumed name, legal entity, legal fiction, Names of vessels, fictional entities, state created fiction, The Law of Like kind, unalienable Rights


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