The Three Greatest Ideals To Truly Live By! by #29621 .....

"Truth Beauty and Goodness" & "Metamorphoses of the Soul Paths of Experience" Lectures by Rudolf Steiner

Date:   6/12/2012 1:57:14 AM ( 12 y ago)

Steiner said: "We speak of Truth, little realizing that a feeling for truth is connected with our consciousness of the physical body. ... If out of laziness or untruthfulness (an individual) forms an idea that is not in accordance with the fact, it is as if he cut(s) the thread that binds him to pre-earthly existence. ... And that is why man is subject to so many illusions as to his connection with cosmic existence."[3]

" ...It behooves us, however, to feel the true reality within us; we must be aware of our connection with the spiritual world. And this is only possible if the bond that links us with pre-earthly existence remains intact.

This bond is strengthened by a love of truth and Integrity. Nothing establishes man's true and original sense of existence so firmly as a feeling for truth and truthfulness. To feel himself in duty bound first to 'prove all things' he utters, to set due restraint on all his words — this helps to consolidate the sense of existence that is worthy of his being. To be aware of the spirit within the physical body — with this, indeed, the sense of being is connected. There is, in effect, an intimate kinship between the physical body and this ideal of Truth."

I immediately recognize this "feeling" - "in duty bound ... to 'prove all things' (that one) utters, to set due restraint on all (of one's) words" - in/as the "First Agreement": "Be impeccable with your word".

Steiner goes on to say: "We draw the forces of the etheric world together, as it were, to build up our own etheric body."

I would love to see all the references that may exist to date regarding this statement as it relates to curative Eurythmy.

"... Truth, alas, is only really present in pre-earthly existence. Here in this earthly world we have but her echo. Having left the pre-earthly life, we no longer stand within the essential substance of truth. Only enthusiasm for truth can help us to maintain intact our relationship with pre-earthly existence."

"Enthusiasm for truth can help us ..."! God is Truth - God help us! Love God!

"The world of spirit in which we live during our pre-earthly existence is always present. We have but to stretch out our arms, as it were, to this pre-earthly world of spirit. Although it is always there, a link can only be forged in the depths of unconscious life when man glows with enthusiasm for truth and truthfulness. And when his heart thrills with love for the beautiful, this too forms a bond with pre-earthly existence. ...

A good man is one who can bear his own soul over into the soul of another. Upon this all true morality depends, and without morality no true social order among earthly humanity can be maintained."

I immediately adopt these last two lines as part of the community vision that I have posted earlier at this blog plus at a new Blog devoted to my High (Community) Idea.[2]

More Steiner: "... just as the sense of Truth manifests in man's right relation to the physical body; just as a warm enthusiasm for Beauty expresses itself in the etheric body — so does Goodness live in the astral body. And the astral body cannot be healthy, or maintain its true position in the world, if man is not able to pour through it the forces proceeding from Goodness."

This came as a direct result from my search: "steiner+'sense of truth'" that I was inspired to make after reading my notes on: "The Angel of Service and Synthesis" in John Randolf Price's: "The Angels Within Us". On page 233 he says that "the initiation relating to the Eighth Door to Mastery" is preceded by "the birth of Truth in our consciousness". I also noted that I had first begun inquiring about the real nature of truth when I was about 18 years old. Waldorf pedagogy says the search for truth to comes in the later developmental stage of the child. I intend to revisit that soon!

All the above is further supported by "The Christ Mind":
"The birth of the 'Christ', is always a 'virgin' birth, a Spiritual birth, (the Spiritual Rebirth!) It is a 'conception' that is always initiated by the TRUTH (impregnated by the Holy Spirit).[4]

Update June 13, 2012 -

"All great truths have a health-giving effect on the soul.":
Metamorphoses of the Soul - Paths of Experience
By Rudolf Steiner[5]

March 10, 2017 -

So good to reconnect with this particular post especially after several years. A lot has transpired in my life since then and now I have updates for this posting through links[2] to some of the other new and good blog posts that relate to this one.

Before I do that I have the following quote to past here:

"The slowest or lowest frequency domain is the physical plane, which we occupy by virtue of the fact that we have a physical body. Bones, organs, tissues, blood, glandular secretions, nervous system, and DNA all fall within the purview of the physical body. As well, the five senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling belong to the physical body. But the gross physical body needs a power supply, a life force, in order to function. This life force is called the etheric body, and it is responsible for our vitality.

According to the model, the dense physical body and the etheric body must be understood as inseparably woven together, as two sides of the same coin. That’s why the physical-etheric is typically referred to as one body and not two. Without the etheric body to animate it, the physical body is a corpse. That Western medical science developed primarily through the study of cadavers helps explain how the etheric body was missed in conventional medicine.

… Most of us are familiar with the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of ourselves, but the etheric body, the foundational component of energy medicine, remains more of a mystery.”[1]


[1] "Energy Medicine and the Multidimensional Model" -
by Debra Greene published in Quantum Health, page 22:

[2] Community-building blog:
"Cheeta: Culturally Healing Eco-Enlightening Transformational Arts":





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