Carrizo Root Only $1.00 an Ounce Discounted!!!! by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Carrizo Root Only $1.00 an Ounce Discounted!!!!

Date:   5/31/2012 3:41:25 PM ( 12 y ago)


It appears their is some other kind of plant called
Carrizo Citrange....I am not sure if this is used in the aromatherapy
that attributes the qualities of this to Arundo Donax.

We do not know too much about our plants, as yet.
We know more about pharma drugs.

Arundo Donax, however, or Carrizo is held sacred by the Mayans.

I was told by a Mayan that there are various species, some that do flower...
in the mountains. The plant may be smarter than us humans, who want to kill some varieties of it, as along the Rim of The Arosa Canyon, bordering my home in San Diego.

I will keep you posted on my research...

Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener

New Wellness Formula will be Traditional Medicine of the Year, Your Enchanted Gardener Predicts

Nadine and I are working on Carrizo Enterprises right now.

it is 1:18 pm
May 31, 2012

One of my favorite Traditional Medicine Healers at the recent 2nd Festival of Traditional Medicine of the Americas, Don Simon, was asked from the stage about the healing properies of the Carrizo Root.

He elucidates in a forthcoming Video to be issued by Your Enchanted Gardener.

Today, I began to wash one of our rare Carrizo Roots in rain water. At this time, Nadine has taken the Carrizo root into the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community Growing Grounds Kitchen for a Pre-washing.

We will boil the root to get off the very special soil still attached to the rootlets.

Then, we will do a second boiling.

There are many uses for the Carrizo Root and we will discover them one by one.

Don Simon, in the Video, explains that it can be used in a bath. The results are the following....(See the Video...)

Bringing Carrizo to the 2nd Festival, Identified me as an "Important Person," I Heard Jesus Alvarez say to his Carrizp Teacher

.....interruption....1:25 am or so...

¿ Nadine has a Question?

Nadine has asked me a question. What time are we leaving for the North Park Farmers' Market? I tell her it is not set in stone. I want to bring the Carrizo Root with me to get Feedback or Trade for valued food.

Nadine now says, "I have a theory."

I must listen, because she is speaking.

This is what she is saying:

"Here is the dealeo: Kay! Once we boil the Carrizo, it we give the water to the plants...they might grow?:



It is also called NALA in ayurvedic Medicine

NALA in ayurvedic Medicine

2:15 pm
May 31, 2012


Arundo donax is grown as an ornamental for the its striking appearance, purplish stems, and for the huge feather-like panicles of purplish flowers. It is the largest and tallest ornamental grass other than bamboo, and the tallest grass that can be grown outside the tropics. The large, thick and fluffy flower plumes are used in floral arrangements.

A. donax is also used to make reeds for woodwind instruments and were once used for organ pipes. Giant reed is commonly planted in wet soils to reduce erosion (Christman, 2003).

In Folk Medicine

In folk medicine, the rhizome or rootstock of Arundo donax is used for dropsy. Boiled in wine with honey, the root or rhizome has been used for cancer. This or other species of Arundo is also reported to be used for condylomata and indurations of the breast. The root infusion is regarded as antigalactagogue, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic, emollient, hypertensive, hypotensive, and sudorific (Duke, 1997).

From the Global Invasive Species Database

Taxonomic name: Arundo donax (L.)
Synonyms: Aira bengalensis (Retz.) J.F. Gmel., Amphidonax bengalensis (Retz.) Nees ex Steud., Amphidonax bengalensis Roxb. ex Nees., Amphidonax bifaria (Retz.) Nees ex Steud., Arundo aegyptiaca hort. ex Vilm., Arundo bambusifolia Hook. f., Arundo bengalensis Retz., Arundo bifaria Retz., Arundo coleotricha (Hack.) Honda., Arundo donax var. angustifolia Döll., Arundo donax var. coleotricha Hack., Arundo donax var. lanceolata Döll., Arundo donax var. procerior Kunth., Arundo donax var. versicolor (P. Mill.) Stokes, Arundo glauca Bubani., Arundo latifolia Salisb., Arundo longifolia Salisb. ex Hook. f., Arundo sativa Lam., Arundo scriptoria L., Arundo versicolor P. Mill., Cynodon donax (L.) Raspail., Donax arundinaceus P. Beauv., Donax bengalensis (Retz.) P. Beauv., Donax bifarius (Retz.) Trin. ex Spreng., Donax donax (L.) Asch. and Graebn.

Common names: arundo grass (English), bamboo reed (English), caña (Spanish), caña común (Spanish), caña de Castilla (Spanish), caña de la reina (Spanish), caña de techar (Spanish), cana- do-reino (Portuguese-Brazil), cana-do-brejo (Portuguese-Brazil), cane (English), canne de Provence (French), canno-do-reino (Portuguese-Brazil), capim-plumoso (Portuguese-Brazil), carrizo (Spanish), carrizo grande (Spanish), cow cane, donax cane (English), E-grass, fiso palagi (Samoan), giant cane (English), giant reed (English), grand roseau (French), kaho (Tongan-Tonga Islands), kaho folalahi (Tongan-Tonga Islands), la canne de Provence (French- New Caledonia), narkhat (Hindi), ngasau ni vavalangi (Fijian-Fiji Islands), Pfahlrohr (German), reed grass (English), river cane (English), Spaanse-riet, Spanisches Rohr (German), Spanish cane (English), Spanish reed (English), wild cane (English)
Organism type: grass
Giant reed (Arundo donax) in

cc. Jesus, have you every seen an orange colored flower on the Carrizo?
Is this another variety of the plant?


I came across this information on your website.

Carrizo roots also known as Arundo Donax are cultivated for therapeutic purpose and are wildly found grown near damp areas and wet soils. It has orange colored citrus fruits over its leaves; these have good sourcing as citrus fruit essential oils. Carrizo essential oil has an astounding antifungal property that makes it just perfect to be used in antifungal creams and lotions. Carrizo essential oil belongs to the family of citrus parentage and like all of them possesses astounding antiseptic properties.

The oil has great astringent properties that form a great component of cleansing and toning gels. These are very effective to be formulated for oily skin concoctions in addition to act as a great healer in anti aging and anti wrinkle creams. A gentle massage of Carrizo essential oil on face would provide it firming and golden radiance. As it is citrus family has a boon of being rich source of vitamin C that aids precisely in most of skin problems and gums.

Please let me know what you know about this.

Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener

Plant Your Dream Blog

Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener,
sees and plant seeds of success for super ripe people and their dreams.

Leslie Goldman

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Herbicidal warfare is a form of warfare in which the objective is to destroy the plant-based ecosystem of an area for the purpose of destroying plants which provide cover to an enemy. In the current “War on Immigrants and Drugs” the Department of Homeland Security and Border Patrol were not using imazapyr because they were concern about the ecological effects the carrizo cane had on Laredo, they had one goal in mind – simply to eradicate the plant because they felt the plant provided cover for undocumented immigrants.

Prior to Janet Napolitano becoming the new Homeland Security Secretary, Michael Chertoff had waived over 20 federal laws and overturned court orders to make sure the construction of the border wall would be complete. The laws waived included environmental acts, historic preservation acts and the entire Administrative Procedures Act. Chertoff cited his authority to do so under Section 102(c) of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act.

All of this was to curb illegal immigration. Last July, presidential candidate Barack Obama took a stage in Berlin and told the crowd that a wall erected between people would best be knocked down.

The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes; natives and immigrants; Christians and Muslims and Jews cannot stand. These now are the walls we must tear down.

Today, the Obama Administration reversed itself when it comes to pushing for comprehensive immigration reform this year. Two weeks ago, Vice President Joe Biden told a group of Central American leaders comprehensive immigration reform was not top priority because of a slumping economy and soaring unemployment. However, today the Obama Administration has decided they will.

Mr. Obama will frame the new effort — likely to rouse passions on all sides of the highly divisive issue — as “policy reform that controls immigration and makes it an orderly system,” said the official, Cecilia Muñoz, deputy assistant to the president and director of intergovernmental affairs in the White House.

The Border Wall is part of the immigration debate. Despite pleas from some Democrats, activists, and local communities to halt construction until the wall’s impacts can be better examined, the Department of Homeland Security under President Obama has so far maintained the same border fence policies as the DHS under President Bush.

The military use of herbicides in Vietnam began in 1961, and reached a peak from 1967 to 1969. Agent Orange was part of the so-called “Rainbow Herbicides,” the group of herbicides that contained dioxins that were meant to destroy jungle canopy. As result of this herbicide warfare, 4.8 million Vietnamese people were exposed to Agent Orange, resulting in 400,000 deaths and disabilities, and 500,000 children born with birth defects.,2933,307078,00.html#



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