Label GMOs. Help in Keeping The Dream Alive! by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Label GMOs. Help in Keeping The Dream Alive!

Date:   3/28/2012 12:56:58 PM ( 12 y ago)

Needs a bit more editing...then out...
2:32 pm Friday, March 30, 2012

Pamm Larry, grandma heading the CA Ballot measure, told me March 27, that the measure has crossed the 500,000 signature point. On the same day, 1,000,000 told the FDA to Label it!

March 27, 2012
in the History of Peace on Earth

Label It campaign sends a message to the FDA
1 million voices and counting now want genetically engineered foods labeled

500,000 california voters have now signed the initiative to put
the California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act
on the Ballot

Raw Notes here

Raw Notes and lots more links to Study that I used before composing this story in progress are here

As of march 30, 2012--with 24 days left of a 10-week campaign to reach 850,000 solid signatures to get the California Right To Know Genetically Engineered Food Act on the California Ballot, the campaign crossed the 500,000 mark. This vital information, propels the signature drive forward, The information came on the same day 1 millon voices rose up to tell the FDA to Label it!

The national survey will give impetus to the California measure. Similar ballot measures are taking place in numbers of other states.

This is from the Label Site:

According to various polls and surveys, the vast majority of Americans feel they have a right to know what is in their food. Voter support for labeling of GE foods is nearly unanimous, according to the political opinion survey on GE food labeling conducted by The Mellman Group on behalf of JLI. The survey found nearly all Democrats (93% favor, 2% oppose), Independents (90% favor, 5% oppose) and Republicans (89% favor, 5% oppose) in favor of labeling. To learn more about the national survey of 1000 voters, read the Mellman Survey Results.


This is the FDA position that was expressed in the survey--according to the Mellman report:

The Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, should NOT require foods containing genetically engineered ingredients be labeled. Labels will just increase the cost of food, burden American companies with excessive, unnecessary regulations and add to the big federal government bureaucracy. Genetically engineered foods have been found safe by the FDA and there is no scientific evidence at all that genetically engineered foods do any harm. Genetically engineered crops have been planted since 1996 in the US and in many other countries. Hundreds of millions of meals containing food from genetically engineered crops have been consumed, and there has not been a single substantiated instance of illness or harm. What’s more, genetically engineered foods can help feed the world by increasing crop yields. When you think about the increased food costs, the lack of scientific evidence that there is even a problem, and the needs of hungry people all over the world, labels just aren’t worth it.


Voters also heard this argument in favor of mandatory labeling:
The FDA should require that foods containing genetically engineered ingredients be labeled so consumers can make an informed decision. We have the right to know what is in the food we put in our own bodies and in our children’s. Not only do we have the right to know, we also have the right to decide for ourselves whether or not we want to buy genetically engineered food. It’s not the government’s right to make that decision for us, and it’s not any corporation’s right to make that decision for us. But allowing these foods to be sold without labels takes away our right to decide for ourselves. Adding labels will cost very little. No matter what you think about the scientific facts, there is no doubt that we all have the right to know and the right to decide for ourselves.

Even after voters hear powerful arguments against labeling, support for mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods proves not only strong, it turns out to be exceptionally robust, with an 89% supermajority continuing to choose the pro-labeling position over the anti-labeling position -- including a 77% supermajority who say they “strongly” prefer the labeling position -- versus just 9% who take the opposition side (2% remain undecided). Once again, that strong support is very widespread and bipartisan, cutting across all demographic lines, with huge majorities of Democrats (85% favor,11% oppose), independents (93% favor, 6% oppose) and Republicans (88% favor, 10% oppose) continuing to favor the pro-labeling side despite having been exposed to strong arguments from the opposition.

TO Read the full Mellman Report Go here

Pamm Larry Steps Up Steps Up to the Plate

Pamm Larry, who calls herself a grandma who had to take action. Like many of us, she said she felt paralysis about the intrusion of genetically engineered foods into our food supply.

This is not only an issue of food safety, it is an issue that touched on the very survival of our species, and many American's are asking the same right to know that those in other countries have been granted.

Luther Burbank, whose name props up whenever GMO arguments are raised that we have always been doing plant Genetically Engineering, warned in "The Training of The Human Plant" (1907): The mere crossing of species, unaccompanies by selection, wise supervision, intelligent care, and the utmost patience is not likely to result in marked good, and may result in vast harm."

Between now and November's election, the people of the Unities States in many states including California have it in our power to back to a natural course of plant and human evolution.

An Honest Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food is Needed Now

I am calling out now for an honest Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food. O have listened to Dr. Robert Fraley, PhD, the father of roundup ready technology speak about the intended plan to increase Food Productivity by 2030 through Biotech Agriculture; yet increasingly day by day, nature herself is giving us indication that this is not the course to follow.

Our Government is Banking on GMO Biotechnology being the Answer

Clearly Uncle Sam right now is in the farmbed with science that is banking on GMOs and Biotechnology Agriculture getting us out of our current economic dilemmas. Monsanto, who owns the majority of seeds, that belong to all humanity is being allowed to dictate the rules that the FDA and portions of the USDA are following; yet there are other voices in government, within the USDA, and throughout our nation who are expressing how this failed path of science cannot lead to a sound economic future, not for us, or the world. Clearly, to all who hear the beat of nature, watch the rising up of superweeds, and roundup resistant bugs. we see that Uncle Sam needs to Marry "anti" GMO. Labeling is the beginning we we are to cultivate Food Justice. The very fertility of the soil as well as the womb of animals and humans is at stake here. Reports are showing exercise caution. Turn back to us our seeds.

Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food

Let those who feel they have the facts meet us face to face on podiums and in forums, and on the internet. I heard Dr. Robert Fraley speak at the esteemed AAAS, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, I urge our scientists, and those of AAAS to now hear as well the Organic and Non GMO points of view that have sustained our planet and can sustain our planet. Let science of all spectrum speak now. Give people and kids in our schools, science based on the time tested experiences of natural elders who have carried the dreams of humanity forward to this day. I sense nature will prevail.

PR and Sound Bites

We will hear great PR and the finest of sound bytes between now and November's elections, yet these will not secure our future, nor will science out of sync with the inherent laws of nature help us. This election and the presidency will be informed by the loud cry of people calling out for the truth, and the inherent right to have the seeds back.

Our future can only be organic and better. It is on this note that I encourage each and every person to now enter the Dialogue and become informed. Each of us now has the option to stand with the new generation of seed carriers who are moving organic forward.

History repeats itself. We born today face the most profound opportunity to secure our organic future.

We Need Prophet Motives now

When Luther Burbank dedicated modified genes and did his brand of genetic engineering, "creating new forms, modifying old ones, amd blending still others, " he based his intrusion into gene combinations on classical plant breeding. The presence of Angels were on his shoulders. With every move, including the desire to save the Irish from famine, he had prophet motives on his mind,

Michelle Obama today has set out to improve the foods our kids eat in schools, Burbank dedicated his work in "The Training of the Human Plant" to more than 16 million school children in US schools and the countless youth under other skies.

Roundup and Roundup Ready Technology cannot build sacred soil. It can never create an earth where the best in each of us can dwell, and it can not produce healthy kids.

The move to label Genetically Engineered foods is the next informed choice we can each make, that we might elegant begin to become educated about what food really is. Labeling GMOs is the next evolutionary step we can take.

Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener
March 29, 2012

5:39 pm
March 29, 2012

Stand with Us

i call now for 1.7 million to petition california to label ge foods. we have a right to know. i call for all to voice to the fda that we want our fda to stand with moving organic forward. this is the summit we now are called to reach.

leslie goldman
your enchanted gardener

march 28, 2012
10:53 am

join the dialogue on science,ethics, and food on facebook

do you feel ge food of biotech is the answer? express your self!

i agree you have a right to know what foods you can eat if you want gmos in your food!

i agree that, those of us moving organic forward, have a right to know that what foods are food safe for us in the supermarket.

the consumers will create the tipping point and dictate the kind of foods we can have.

the first step is securing our right to know

related links and plant your dream blogs

press release:
november 9, 2011

california ballot initiative to require labeling of genetically engineered foods submitted to attorney general
wide-ranging coalition seeks to secure initiative on november 2012 ballot

sacramento, ca – today, the grassroots committee for the right to know and a wide-ranging coalition of consumer, public health and environmental organizations, food companies, and individuals submitted the california right to know genetically engineered food act to the state attorney general for title and summary, prior to circulation as an initiative measure for the november 2012 election.

why genetically engineered food should be labeled

by dr ron epstein
san francisco state university
july 9, 1996

Upon this Foundation we Stand

In the last month there have been a number of historic events that have crossed by eye. i have commented here on the plant your dream blog.

“GMO Alert: U.S. Attempting Global Censorship of GMO Food Labeling,”
Mike Adams, Natural News, May 4, 2010.


March 27, 2012, was the 90th birthday of Charlotte Gerson. She is the daughter of max gerson, a man who showed that it was possible to beat cancer by practicing some of the rules of hippocrates, the father of medicine..

March 25, 2012, would have been the 104th birthday of dr. bernard jensen, who always spoke highly of the work of max gerson. jensen himself beat cancer at the age of 87, at an age when conventional m.d.s said he had six months to live and was too old for chemotherapy. he went home and took his own medicine--the path of nature cure.

march 10, at #expowest, i witnessed the 100th anniversary of the bragg work and its monumental health crusade. patricia's dad, paul bragg was the founder of the modern health food store.

in recent weeks, i have also had my inspiration ignited through watching monumental films including "dr. bronner's magic soapbox," "hungry for change, a beautiful truth, dr jensen's quest for health and happiness, and more.

i want to honor the symphony of the soil, kristin canty who is showing farmagdeggon, and new released sure to knock our socks off: the symphony of the soil, and jeremy siefert, whose film gmo omg (untitled)
is sure to give monstanto a run for its money in the pr department.

ammunitions for the shift that is inevitable

edmond bordeaux szekely, the 20th century prophet of essential truths, once called his own book ammunition. we now have all the ammunition we need to push across and teach millions.

the future of foods, food inc, and the world according to monsanto, are tools to transform lives.

i dedicate this plant your dream blog to these wayshowers, and to the new generation of seed planters.

beet keepers, return!

i want to add my own contribution--encouraging one million more children, college youth, and adults the inspiration to get our beat back with nature through regaining our confidence that we can each become an organic uprising, standing up for nature's original technology.

stand with us

i bear witness to the following seed carriers and their good works

Raw Notes for this Plant Your Deam Blog are here
Research from March 27, 2012

Naomi Starkman on Label it on Huffington Post

March 27, 2012

Dear Leslie,

it is 3:04. You have been sitting here all day and it is time for a nap.

Please do that. You are starting to get depressed anfer a great session.

I know there is a lot over you now.

Please go nap.

Then, Go over.

work on email to David and Gary.

All is well.

Great inspirations this morning.

love, KEEP the BEET.

How Fast Can a Dream Grow?
As Fast as a Blade of Grass!

Big Seed Dreams for 2012!!!

When I Touch Grass, I touch The Infinite..."
--George Washington Carver

What is the key for living in the most GMO Era and Getting There?

One of the most radical growth spurts needed now to get beyond our current
Food Emergency is learning to discern again what healthy Food is. Developing a sense of what is good for us comes as we get our beat back with nature. Beet Keepers, Return! Get your beat back with Nature. Animals will choose whole, pure, organic food without GMO's if given the choice, Jeffrey Smith tells us!

In 2012, there are two plants I am asking you to study. Begin by growing Kamut in a pot. This is an ancient form of wheat.

This is a Favorite Quote for the 2012 Season from George Washington Carver. I found this quote in the books of Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, who I see an the foremost Essene Renaissance Prophet of the 20th Century. "Essene" means many things, including, Expectant of the return to wholeness. It means, holding to the Essential. It means each of us being an Organic Uprising, Standing Up for Nature's Original Technology.

Photo of Edmond Bordeauxz Szekely
Art rendered by Leslie Goldman
Your EG

Uncle Sam Marries "Anit" GMO

Join the Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food on Facebook


Read more about Your Enchanted Gardener here

Find me at Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener, Facebook

"Thrive Organically!" is the theme of the Organic Farming Research Foundation in 2012. I believe that local organic farmers are key to a health agriculture. I believe that many people are called now to enter Urban Agriculture.

Here are photos of the journey of America returning to its Roots.

Friend of the Farm San Diego on Facebook

Quintesential Solutions for the Compelling Health Issues Facing Us

These are the products I use in my personal journey for improved health from more than 50 years working with arthritis naturally, and striving to keep my soul in the driver's seat of my life.


Stronger Together....


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