Raw Milk & "The Very Source & Substance of American Freedom" by chef jem .....
Why I care about the current raw milk issue!
Date: 2/23/2012 3:07:37 AM ( 13 y ago)
I'm truly inspired with a vision while reading "Are all bugs bad?" by Victoria Coulter!:
The problem with our relationship with the microbial world is that we do not know what we are - or, more specifically - what's inside us (and in number of ways including what's gotten into our heads)! It seems to be that if the truth takes three stages before it is finally accepted then I believe that third stage regarding the truth of raw milk must be terribly overdue by about five or six decades!
I had no idea at age 13 when I first was asked about what I want to "be" when I grow up that I would be championing "real milk"! Especially when I grew up just an hour from "The Dairy State"! It wasn't until I moved to California another thirteen years later that I discovered raw dairy in the form of the dairy products from Alta Dena. Without public access to the internet at the time - the truth about the war against raw dairy was largely hidden. Now, the extent of all the hood-winkling has been seriously limited by way of this very technology that I am using now to comment here!
The issue with raw milk is truly one of the most amazing things I have ever known! I think it deserves to be a permanent feature in something like "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" or the like! How is it possible that people have let a truly life-giving food (which many estimate, has been a fundamental part of the human diet for many thousands of years) very suddenly (in light of milk's entire time line) be regarded as a form of "Russian roulette"? Apparently: "all is fair in love and war"! The war tactics that have been used to demonize raw milk are truly remarkable in the sense that the demonizers have appeared to convince 95% or more of all dairy consumers (given that only a few percent of Americans actually have raw dairy products in their diet).
At a raw milk symposium in 2009 "The statement that received the least support was this from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: 'Drinking raw milk is like playing Russian roulette with your health.'..." And rightly so! One out of six is absolutely not the equivalent "chance" that an individual has to (essentially) kill themselves by drinking raw milk and virtually anyone who can perform basic math can readily figure that one out! Sorry Charlie, maybe entertaining but "no cigar"!:
But why should I care about this "war"?
I believe that the demonization of raw milk (with all it's design to threaten the public by scarring, shocking and forcing unsuspecting people into accepting pasteurization) is not a single isolated "pageant". (A recent incidence by what is fair to call the "Food Police" is also blogged by Victoria.) "Enforcement" of "government" "recommended" "nutrition" is simply a continuation of the long history of Federal usurpation. That usurpation is at the core of the reason why I care.
The idea that the Federal government has a truly Lawful Authority to impose codes (or any other Acts of Congress) onto the American people who, essentially, are not living on Federal property is simply unfounded in our four-fold Organic American Law! IMO - the "Raw Milk" issue is not only about the milk. It is also not only about any number of Rights issues (from Food and Farm to Civil Rights and more)! I believe that it is about the very source and substance of American freedom whereby every American can live as a free inhabitant in any American state, free of all written law (just as it is declared in the first Organic Law: The Declaration of Independence)! The idea of which is never ever mentioned in any of the government schools and yet which is clearly declared in the four original Organic Laws! (1)
If it's is true - that the anti-raw milk campaign is more detrimental (beyond it's intent to virtually eliminate the availability of raw milk) and effects our fundamental freedoms, i.e "Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" than surely there is much more that can be said about this campaign and especially more that needs to be said about how we can respond.
I believe there many who do realize the truth of this and who are ready, willing and able to champion the truth in the best ways that they know of. This is the part for which I am more fully responding now! It is the part that more fully embraces what I know as the true American Spirit. I see the need for fully individualizing and expressing the true American Spirit as absolutely essential now because I also see that there is an anti-American spirit at work in the ant-raw milk campaign. The American Spirit that I am talking about can most simply be stated as the love for Individual Freedom in the forms of "Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness". Just like it is stated in our very first Organic Law that is clearly and very well known as "The Declaration of Independence of 1776"! That's the very same Spirit that I have, that I am individualizing in myself and that I will speak from to the very best of my ability.
I have a part in this process of speaking the Truth to my American brothers and sisters. My part is firstly based on the non-refutable/irrefutable fact that I am a true, red-blooded American man on free American soil. My part is also based on common sense that is plainly revealed in nature: "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" just as it says in the "Declaration" that I have referred to.
"We hold these Truths to be self-evident,
that all Men are created equal,
that they are endowed by he Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness -
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men,
driving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed,
that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,
and to institute new Government,
laying its Foundation on such Principals,
and organizing its Powers in such Form,
as to them shall seem most likely to effect
their Safety and Happiness."
This is the heart of the first Organic Law. If agents of any government entity does not recognize this as part of the very foundation for American government then just like Riki Ricardo said they are going to have "a whole lot of 'splainin' to do"! But before they do that, each and every one of us must know, love and embrace both the "heart" of what freedom is plus the knowledge of where it comes from as well as the convictions of what our responsibilities are to preserve our freedom!
In addition to this "heart and soul of America" is the need to know what "Form" of government came into being as of 1776 and so we can see where and how it has "become destructive of these Ends"! I have seen evidence of the need for this kind of knowledge with the food freedom communities for some time now and I have prayed for the knowledge and for ways to share this knowledge with others, especially with the farmers whom I have seen attacked, caught in legal battles and in some cases defeated in those battles on account of a lack of knowledge! After seeing a beautiful local organic farm close it's garden gates because of such a battle I "launched a rocket of desire" and determined to get the knowledge that I needed to share with the farmers! I am happy to say that as of a couple months ago I am officially enrolled in a course of Law that is already showing me the high-road I want to travel on from now on in regards to this and all legal issues!
The "Form of Government" is "Republican" and that is all based on written law. Everything that the government does has to conform to written Law otherwise it "becomes destructive of these Ends".
The first set of written Law that government must conform to is all Four Organic Laws. These are "The Declaration of Independence (1776)", The "Articles of Confederation (1777)". The "Ordinance of 1787: The Northwest Territorial Government" and The "Constitution for The United States of America (1787)" (1)
If you want to preserve your freedom then you need to know these Laws so that you know the limits of government. If you don't know these laws then you are going to have a very hard time trying to preserve your freedom. I won't say it'll be impossible but it will be much more challenging than if you know the Law. What you don't know will hurt you. Your ignorance will condition you into an acquiescence that will be to your detriment. However, government agents are subject to following the Law and to do that they need to see the Law and you might possibly be the only one who can show them the Law. You have to know it in order to show it!
One of the very first foundations of Law in each of the Organic Laws pertains to the territory that the government has jurisdiction over. You must know what that territory is as well as the limits of the jurisdictions. This is absolutely essential knowledge! Their are defined limits and just like Clint Eastwood said "a man has got to know his limits" and that applies to all of the governmental agents! When you know the limits of the agent's/agency's jurisdiction then you can very "kindly inform them of their rightful territory".
You don't argue, debate or even have much of a conversation with these agents. You very kindly inform them of their limits. That's all they need to know. That puts them on Notice and doing that means everything for the cause of your freedom! It can become the turning point in all encounters with government agents who act beyond their Lawful limits. By informing them - they know, that you know, that they have limits and that they now must stay within those limits. Because if they have been noticed and they proceed beyond their lawful limits they will automatically become personally and fully liable for all their unauthorized actions. Any trespass form that point on and all of their personal assets can rather quickly become subject to being forfeited for each and every trespass that they make! It can be a very serious thing for any agent to act beyond their Lawful limits against any private American who knows the scope of territorial jurisdiction.
(1)For further information on these Organic Laws see: "Four Pillars of Constitutionalism" By Richard H. Cox. Also talked about in my blog on the subject:
About the first half of the above was posted at:
The rest was added on Friday, February 24, 2012 and submitted at 7:24 PM
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