Day 10 of Water Fast by Sacristia .....

My daily Journey to a healthier life style

Date:   4/21/2011 4:35:36 PM ( 13 y ago)

April 6, 2011

Morning was hard, as I didn't want to get out of bed, but it seems that during a fast, the later I stay up the more rested I feel when I do sleep. I laid in bed until around 8:30, which is my cut off point, since it doesn't take me long to get dressed and do my daily toiletries. My tongue is so nasty, that I am brushing my teeth and tongue at least 3 or 4 times a day. I still have a whiff of acetone coming from me, but some how I am dealing with it okay, especially since it is Day 10. I can't believe that I feel so great. I have a bit of energy, but it comes and goes at times.

I have been very busy, and I have been feeling more complete, the I have been for months. I realized as I was overlooking my schedule for the week (as I just recently been putting my plans on my cell phone's calendar which is LOVELY), I realized that I need to have a child. I say that lightly, as most of what I had planned, was child based. I have plans to take Christy and her son, Jesse to a Easter Eggs-travaganza at Blue fusion Entertainment (which is like a arcade/restaurant) on Saturday. It is free for children. And afterward around 7:30 p.m., we are probably going to go see a movie at the Palace (Moms for Mars). I realized if I had a child of my own, I would be doing this stuff with my child, instead of planning things with my best friend and her child. I do realize that I have a lot to give a child, as well as a man that could be my husband, but I should just be happy with what I have been given instead of focusing on what I don't have. Of course, I am playing for the movie, as I did last week. It wasn't too bad. Two adults and one child was only $10.00. Christy told me that she would have her daughter, Brianna, this weekend. I told it wasn't going to be a problem. Thursday, I have plans to take Christy to drop off her job applications, and possibly go to the Salvation Army to looking at clothing, that we could alter for medieval garments, that we will wear to Ren Faire this year. I know that it is quite early, (September & October) but if I don't start on it now, then Christy will never get prepared to be ready. I think this is a good step for me, as I am getting into something I dearly love (History), and very much enjoyed when I was dating Travis. After we broke up, I didn't participated in SCA (society of creative anachronism) again. I really enjoyed it and I might seriously thing about finding a local branch that I might hang with.

I have been seriously been thinking about getting another job, so that way I can supplement my savings account, get old bills paid off, and save some money for another car, in case my Neon dies. I has been worked hard without any up keep for at least a year (thanks to the guy) and I know due to the miles he put on it, driving it back and forth to Columbus almost everyday, it will need some work eventually. I am not looking forward to work again, as I enjoy my evenings and weekends off, but then again, I know that I need to do to get what needs to be done. I picked up (or Christy did for me) an application at Subway (which I think I would love making subs for people) and Fairfield Inn (as I have worked at a maid when I was in my early twenties, as it was one of my 2nd jobs while working a factory). I am hoping that maybe I could get a job at the Motel as a counter manager, as I could work evenings and even late, later evenings, while keeping my job at the office.

The day at the office was okay, as it ranged from being very busy at first and then slowing down. You can say that I got quite antsy at times, as I wasn't be “active” enough. LOL. I drank a bit of water, as at times, I feel yucky, but I know that was due to my ketones flooding my system. Things have settled down a bit at the office, but it is still up in the air, regarding what the attorneys are going to do regarding the office. I don't feel stressed out about it, as I am learning thought out this fast, that it does not good to worry about things one can't control or change.

Honestly, I am really looking forward to Easter, so that way I can start eating again. I really miss it. I miss cooking and tasting beans. I think once I finished my specialized diet for re-feeding, I want to make a pot of beans, to eat as I really miss those! When I talked to my Mom on Sunday, I told her I really love my beans now, when she asked if I had eating hummus (as a form of a snack). She knows that I wouldn't touch beans to save my life unless they were green beans. I told her that one good thing about the guy living with me, is that I learned how to love beans, which I had never did before. LOL. I am a bit anxious to eat again, but at times, I remind myself that I will eat again, and this fast is doing be good, both physically and mentally. I have come so far mentally and emotionally, that I almost feel brand new, as I am unloaded about a lot of things I had been carrying around for years, and even for the last year and a half. I am learning and most importantly, forgiving myself for my own high standards that have prevented me from moving forward. Yes, I am a wonderful, strong, resourceful and intelligent person. And that I have learned a lot regarding about verbal and emotional abuse. Regardless if the guy knows it or not, but he was VERY abusive to me, as I have been reading. He had a lot of characteristics of an abuser, which he pulled on me. I guess that is one reason why I HAVE NO DESIRE TO WANT HIM BACK OR MISS HIM! I realize now how much better I am without him. He was holding me back to the true potential that God made me to be. The guy slowly lead me away from my friends and family (mostly my mother) and finally God.

I went to the library during my lunch time to look at books and get an idea what medieval time period that I want to base my outfit on. I realized that I am very much a 1200's and 1300's person, as I believe that was the time period that I followed when I was with Travis, and we ere part of SCA. I, at least got a good idea what direction I really wanted to go it. I really believe that I would love to wear a gorget, with my hair down up nicely. I think it will make me seem very elegant. I will just have to see, how things go first with an outfit.

Yeah! I got my taxes down. I wasn't happy, because I will only be getting a refund of $55.00, but I guess I can't complain, since I don't have to pay out. At least I got it down. It was very quick, as I sent it out the long way (snail mail) as it gave me something to work on, rather then just doing it online. Anyway, it was free to do it by hand and it would have cost me 12 dollars to do it online anyway. Yay for me!

Great news, I went to church again! I can't imagine how easy it is for me to get back into it. I find myself loving it that I am back into reading my Bible and learning how God is moving in my life. I never thought it was going to be so easy for me to move into the “Christian” circle again, but I found it very easy. Probably because my soul was yearning so much for it and I am definitely sowing good things in my life now. At tonight's church service, they sang lot of older hyms, but that was okay, as I really enjoyed them. Also, the Associate pastor, Mark did a little study regarding failures. I guess I missed the first one, which was over two weeks ago, but he gave enough of a re-cap that I was able to take enough notes to figure it out. It was about Jonah, and that God is a God of second chances. That was lovely, as I love this song in the Veggietales' movie “Jonah”, called a God of Second Chances. I have it downloaded as an MP3 on my player. I decided that later that night, I would watch that movie while I am ready to go to sleep.

Before church, I went to Christy's for a while until it was ready to go. Ashley was there. Christy kind of invited her to go to Ren Faire with us. I am not happy for various reasons: She doesn't have a job to help pay for things, so she leeches a bit when she really wants something plus she is really heavy, which anytime she gets in my car she puts stress on my already needed shocks. I told her that if she was going, she was going to have to pay her own way as well as some of the gas money, as Christy was going to be doing the same. I find out that she invited her so called boyfriend too! I wasn't happy and told her that my car is small, as well as I don't want to load it down full of people, while I will be driving 2 ˝ hours away to this. I was hoping that this Ren Faire was going to be fun for Christy and I, but I guess not. Well, I am just seeing how it is going, because Ashley believes that I am sewing everyone's outfits too. I told her to look at medieval dress designs, go to Goodwill or the Salvation Army and find clothing that could be altered to look like them. In no means am I going to be creating and sewing whole outfits for everyone. It is too expensive, and time consuming. Ashley's problem is that she is so heavy that she complains that there are no clothes that will fix her. Well, I can't solve that problem, she will have to figure something out if she wants to dress up to when we go to Ren Fair.

I called my Dad and talked to him a bit after church, which was really nice. I told him that I excited about the whole Ren Faire thing as well as I had to explain it to him what it was. I told him that I was doing a lot better then I was earlier in the week, because I am keeping myself busy and now I am posting events on my cell phone's calendar to remind me of all the things I am doing. It was a lovely conversation. I love talked to my Dad!

After I got off the phone with talking to my Dad, I went to the the local Goodwill, to check out clothing, because I had ideas on how I wanted my outfit to be. I am going to go as a highborn lady, so I needed to have a floor length dress in one solid color (short sleeve or not) to serve as my surcoat, a possible another thin dress to be my tunic dress, a possible petticoat, if I don't use a second dress. A dress jacket for its sleeves (for the decorative removable sleeves). I found the prefect dress jacket that I could used for those decorative removable sleeve! They were mostly tan, but they had a embroidered design on them with pale green. The jacket is very pretty, and I would have to take the sleeves off, just to use them, but they are PREFECT! Now, I just need to find the prefect dress that I can alter for the sleeves, and make it a lovely pulled-together outfit. While I was there, I keep my look out for possible ideas for Christy and Ashely. I was able to more or less figure something out for Christy, as I can judge what size she wears, but Ashley is another matter, because she is so big. I didn't know if she wore a 2X or a 3X, which would make a difference. Plus, I don't know what type of time period or style they want to go at quite yet. It still is early on in the game, as we are going to get together and discuss that. Chirsty and I will probably have to go to the library and check out the books regarding period clothing and such.

While I was Goodwill, I realized there was a better possibility at the Salvation Army, which is a much bigger store then Goodwill, on finding a couple ideas for a medieval outfit, so I didn't buy anything from Goodwill, until I was certain what I was actually going to do. I did find one good thing. I found a lovely TV. I didn't buy it, because I wanted to think about it over night. I left Goodwill around 8:45 p.m. (they closed at 9:00 p.m.), so I could make my decision by my lunch time tomorrow. It was a lovely 20 inch Flat screen TV for only $22.00. I had been wanting to buy a new TV for my bed room, but I had been planning on going to the Delaware Goodwill (which is bigger and better, plus as lovely TVs) on Saturday, but if I bought this, we wouldn't have to go, other then if we just wanted to check things out.

When I was driving home, I thought about the guy again. I find myself doing it more when I am in my car, I guess because it is a time where sometimes I do a lot of thinking. As well in the past, the drive home was always important to me, as I was going home to (hopefully see, but rarely did) the person that I loved. You can say that driving home is a very lonely time for me. It is when reality hits and I have to come to grips that I am once again along and I can't fix/repair what the guy an I once had. It is makes my heart heavy to have to face that almost every day, but I know that I am moving toward a better plan in my life, even thought I can't see it. I have to allow my faith to build. I have to re-learn how to walk by Faith and not by sight, which is the hardest to do.

When I got home, I took a quick shower, and got in my pajamas. I then went looking around in my books to see if I had anything that was slightly medieval in nature, that I had in hand and not stocked away in my storage unit. I found two books, one “the the daily life of Medieval times” and a book on how to draw various fashions (they had a very good selection of medieval outfits and ideas). I even took one of my black decorative scarves and pinned my hair up, and created a gorget. The black wasn't great looking, but it was the only color that I had at the moment. I could still see the elegance in it. I definitely want to do that for my outfit, what ever I choose from.

I can't remember what time I went to bed, as I got in bed to relax and read a bit, but I must have conked out so after. It was a busy day for me. I felt very happy about that.

EXERICISE: walked 3.82 Miles,

WATER INTAKE: 29 ounces of water

WEIGHT: 115 pounds


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