Day 7 of Water Fast by Sacristia .....

My daily Journey to a healthier life style

Date:   4/21/2011 4:32:46 PM ( 13 y ago)

April 3, 2011

I stayed up a bit late, but it didn't really affect my desire to get up on time to go to church. I must have gotten enough sleep, because I was awake and refreshed, without having to drag myself around before church. I was already to leave 5 minutes until 11:00 a.m. The service doesn't start until 11:15 a.m., but it is always good to get there a little bit early. I was surprised how easy it was for me to get up and want to go to church. This will be my first Sunday Church service since I stopped going a while ago. It has been a while since I have went to one, so I am a little excited about attending this one. It is a huge step for me, as of getting back to walking a more Christian walk with Christ.

Church service was AMAZING! I am so glad that I went. It was an awesome sermon about Satisfaction and our happiness. The opening clip was the a black and white video of Rolling Stones playing their song “No Satisfaction”. The pastor talked about how the choices we make in life determine how happy we will be or the “satisfaction” we will have when we are 40 years old. He gave us a worksheet to fill out. He said that the younger people, especially the teenagers, needed to listen to this sermon, as it will help them find happiness in their lives, that will mean something when they are older.

He went on to explain that Number one toward satisfaction in life is relationships. He broke it down into a list of three: A relationship with God (Mathew 5:6) , a relationship with our parents (Ephesians 6:2-3), and a relationship with friends (1 Corinthians 15:33 and Proverbs 13:20) He talked about the cause and affect of our decision and what ever you sow, you WILL reap them. Scripture focus was Pslam 90:12. He said that relationships play an very important part to an individual's satisfaction in life.

I realized that I had a good relationship with God, but when I walked away or wandered away from it, I found myself very unhappy. I have over the last couple months (since January) I have re-newed my relationship with my Dad, as well as my mother, which has given me much happiness. I also have a wonderful relationship with Christy, which in the last couple weeks, started going out and doing things with her. I have been doing this more now, then I have in the past. Unfortunately, I don't have many friends that I can work on this with, since I am no longer hanging out with my other friend, Katie. I stopped hanging out with her, because I felt it wasn't helping my emotionally state or even good for me. There was always drama going on over there, and a lot of time, I was ignored when I would visit. I have to say that I miss talking to Katie, but I feel that my life is better for it.

The pastor talked about how our choices in life, affect us. He talked about if people hang out with “stoners” they won't get anything out of the friendship/relationship. Those “stoners” don't own anything, have anything going for them, and they usually end up living in crappy apartments and jumping from job to job. It was funny, because the guy wasn't a “stoner” but he had the same characteristics as them though, as it seemed that he didn't every seem to own anything (he was always losing it by not paying his storage units off ), he was always moving, and didn't seem to hold a job for very long, unless it was some money making job, he controlled himself like his curb painting)

The next step was Finances. The Scripture reference was Luke 16:11. The pastor told us that we had to ask 4 questions when it came to finances. 1. What I owe, 2. What I own, 3. What I earn and 4. Where is it going. He talked about that Finances are the main reason why marriages don't work, as well as people spend $1.11 to every $1.00 they earn, so people are spending more then they are earning. He also focused on following 80-10-10. That is 10% Tithe to God, 10% to yourself (savings) and living on the 80%. I know that I am not good at the 10% tithe, but I do usually save 10% for myself most of the time.

The next step was Moral Boundaries. The pastor talked about worldly lies, that sex is everything and that hopping into a relationship after relationship is safe. He told use to focus on 1 Corinthians 18. That the sexua| decisions caused a lot of emotional trauma, when not holy and outside the bond of marriage. He even talked about how a man's focus is on the physcial and the women's focus is always on the relationship. A man will focus on briefly on the relationship to get to the physcial part of the friendship/relationship. It is how they are hardwired and we can't changed that. He just warned us to be careful.

The next step was focused on Values. He talked about how if we compremise our values, then we lose everything, as you can't go back to where you were before, once you let them go. He focused on Proverbs 28:27. He talked about being generous and admitting to mistakes, but without changing your core values.

He last step in his sermon was Truth. He talked about how if he don't look for the truth or keep to the truth, then our lives become blurred and unclear. He told use to focus on Proverbs 23:23. He said that this step in your life is very important.

After the sermon, he talked about that he have a gracious God and even if we are starting late, he is forgiving and gracious enough to repair and fix anything wrong with our lives, only if we make the change and follow him. It gave me great encouragement in what I am doing in my life and where I am trying to go. It was a lovely sermon, that I am going to get a copy of it and make sure that Christy and Ashley listen to it, as I feel that it can really make a difference in their lives if they apply. I just really wonder if they will or not.

After church I drove around a bit, as it was nice out. I parked a nearby park, and read a bit of my Bible (starting at Genesis 37). It was really nice to just focus on God and read. It was nice an sunny out, but it still was a bit nippy out. After my little relaxing read, I drove to Goodwill and Odd Lots to have a look at stuff. Sometimes doing a little bit of window shopping, helps pass the time, when I am alone. I wasn't planning on going over to Christy's house until around 5:00 p.m since she had to go do laundry.

It was about 3:30 p.m. when I finally went home, and took a nap. My body was feeling a bit worn down, and I needed a bit more water in my body. Mekong laid with me and slept with me until around 4:45 p.m., when I got up. I wondered if taking a nap would cause me to be up later then normal. I guess I would find out tonight. It still felt good taking a nap during the day. There is something nostalgic about taking a nap in the afternoon that just calms the soul. LOL

I went over to Christy's house after I woke up a bit. I took over a couple movies over to her house, so that they could watch them, since her son is really into watching the same over and over again. So I spend the rest of the night watching movies, reading my book and talking to Christy until I went home around midnight. We joked about how I needed to stop staying so late. Christy told me that she didn't mind, as it kept her company and we laughed a lot during those times. It is really nice spend time with someone that really talks to me and laughs a lot. Christy also knows that I am fighting the urge to want to sit at home and doing nothing but think about the guy as well. She knows that more time I spend with her, the less likely I will fall into a depression of it. She is such a good friend!

When I got home, I wasn't really tired, so I took a very long shower, with the hope of losening my muscles that it might make me tired. Well, it didn't help much, as I laid in bed and watching a movie and spent time reading for a couple more hours. I was nearing 2:30 a.m. when the last time I looked at my clock and finally turned my light off, to at least TRY to sleep. LOL. Mekong was all ready for it, as she was out like a light, while laying on me from the time I got into the bed. Silly kitty!

EXERICISE: walked 2.01 Miles,

WATER INTAKE: 25 ounces of water

WEIGHT: 116 pounds


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