REVISED:Kyron 2001 Current Events! by Liora Leah .....

READ IT NOW! Written channeling of Kryon, through Lee Carroll, speaks of current events: The Middle East, Japan, nuclear energy, new forms of alternative energy, the potential for world peace following more political upheavals, compassion as the "fuel" of God, and a surprise prediction involving China and the Koreas!! READ IT NOW!

Date:   4/5/2011 8:54:29 PM ( 13 y ago)


This live channelling was Given in Gaithersburg, Maryland April 2, 2011

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Gaithersburg, Maryland, April 2nd, 2011.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There are those who would say it should take longer for the Human Being in the chair to assimilate that energy that would be Spirit. They say that in order to have this energy encompass his body, to have a confluence of energy that is remarkably like the Higher-Self, it takes longer. And we say to you, this is the way of it in this new energy. You're looking at it.

There's an old paradigm of linearity that says that you worship and you pray in specific times and you play in specific times. This is compartmentalizing God, isn't it? What if you always had that which is the Higher-Self ready to go? What if you carried it around at such a high level that it became you? Every word you spoke came right from it. Every time a Human Being looked at you, you had compassion in your eyes for them... with the one who argues with you, the one who calls you names, the authority that you don't like. How would you like to be able to look at them and first see compassion, then disarm everything else that happens emotionally? So when I sit in the chair, I have instructed my partner to become compassionate for all, and it allows me to come in instantly. And here I am.

There's a tradition that when I sit in this place [Gaithersburg], I provide a summary of what is happening on the planet. So I'm going to follow that tradition. Some of the things that I am going to tell you and discuss with you now, I have said before, and recently on other continents. Some I have said even in this one. This becomes, however, a summary of things in a way we have not done before so you can hear them together.

We speak in love. We tell you the things that are happening from our perspective and we remind you of what they are. But in all that I am going to say to you, we emphasize this: All of the things that are happening on the planet happen slowly. You must start thinking and observing in groups of generations and not simply year to year. Dear old soul, use that wisdom that you have collected in the many times you've been on this planet right now in order to understand this message better. Understand that time must pass, for no other reason than for the children to come in that do not have the same consciousness as their parents. So you're looking at that which is generational, but it's happening before you.

So again, all of the things that we discuss this day are given in love. Predictions I give will be based upon that which is most apt to happen because it is the strongest potential of the synchronicity of consciousness on the planet. Consciousness is developed daily. Even though we have just spoken of something that takes a very, very long time, consciousness changes. It changes radically, since it is a reflection of Humanism. It propels things in directions that sometimes are quick and sometimes are not. So those things that I give you today may change tomorrow. But as I sit in the chair, I will give you the strongest potentials that are there. The ship may turn quickly and surprise everyone, but it still takes a very long time to get to its destination.

We speak of many subjects. But before we do, I am aware of the listener; I am aware of the reader; I am aware of the one in the chair right now. Aren't you glad you came? Can you feel the energy that pushes in this room to you and prepares you for a message that is beautiful, that congratulates you for one of the hardest things you ever did? For almost everyone in here is over 11. [Laughter] You had a choice. At the Wind of Birth [Kryon's name for when we are about to come into the planet], we looked at you and said, "The Armageddon looms. Take a look." There was nothing when you came into this planet that gave you any hope that you would sit in a chair in 2011 and be safe. Nothing. Your fathers and your fathers' fathers suffered the wars and the conquering on this continent, on other continents, and the hatred of man to man was just as great as it always had been. There were no signs it would ever get any better. Yet you came in anyway, because there was the potential of what indeed has now taken place.

In 1987, a Harmonic Convergence literally pushed consciousness into a place you didn't expect... then, everything changed. Even before that, things were getting ready to change. But not when you were born. And so not only do I look at old souls in the room, but I'm also talking to many of them as they hear this with their ears later in your time and read this later in your time. I'm talking to courageous old souls. For the idea of a confrontation, an Armageddon, a nuclear war was upon you and you knew it when you agreed to come. I've reviewed this so many times. Then the Soviet Union fell over by itself. And then, and then - so many things that you didn't expect.

Gaia and the Rumors of Old

Here's where you stand today. Let us talk about Gaia first, and if we're going to talk about Gaia, we have to talk about the conspiracies. So we talk now about those things not necessarily believed by the old souls in this room, but some of those who are going to listen and going to read. There is talk that all these changes on the planet are getting ready for something horrible, and that many have talked about it and some have even prophesied and channelled it: The earth is going to stop its rotation for three days and then start up again. Ah, some say that the earth will turn over, that the south will become the north and the north will become the south. And then there are others that say, "Even before this happens, there are going to be ships that you call from space, to come and get you. Of course, not for all of you, just some of you."

So let's discuss this, and put it away once and for all. It's time for spiritual responsibility. You can believe these things if you wish because maybe they were channelled and maybe they sounded good to you at the time. But let us talk about the reality of these things. First prophecy: If the earth turned over, everyone's dead. The oceans fly off into space, all life ceases to exist, and the planet becomes a hot rock. How do you like it so far? Second prophecy: The earth stops rotating for three days. Now, at the equator, you are travelling approximately 1,000 miles an hour. Everything stops. Again, if it suddenly stops, everything flies off into space, including the oceans and atmosphere, and all life is terminated. By the way, it doesn't matter when it starts turning again, everybody's gone. So the three-day start again is moot. How does that sound so far?

If you begin to use spiritual discernment and use what has been told by the ancients and by recent channellings, do those prophecies sound like the future of Earth? Is that why you sit in these chairs or you're listening to this channel? Is that the love of God at its best? Do you really think you were born to die in this fashion? We say to you, it's time to feel the love of God.

The doctor knows something and he seldom discusses it [speaking of Dr. Todd Ovokaitys in the audience]. The astronomers know something, too, and they don't discuss it. Everywhere they look in the Universe, there is a confluence of energy that is creative and benevolent. Astronomers call this attribute intelligent design. Statistically, there just had to be somebody designing all this, they say. It's too good, and against all odds, it's too remarkable. It's outside the possibility of random chance. Ask them. Check it out!

The doctor has a quantum invention and everywhere he points it, it heals. What are the odds of that? Why would it be that way? Just because it's a quantum energy doesn't mean it's always good, does it? Is the quantum energy in physics always benevolent? If it is, this tells you there's something in the creator energy that is quantum and that knows who you are! There is an intelligence involved in the innate energy of physics that is biased for life. Think about that. So in those prophecies, do you think for a moment that all creation on Earth is going to come to a crashing halt?

Oh, by the way, let's talk about the spaceships that are going to come get you. It's time you saw all of that mythology for what it is. Every single culture all through the ages had some kind of rescue plan. And whether the masters were going to come and get you and pull you out of your seats or whether spaceships were going to come and get you, all of it is the same scenario. Look at it for what it is. The mythology that says you're no good, Earth is going to crash, and you've got to be rescued. Do you see the pattern? It's with you today in modern belief systems and was with the ancients as well. It is a totally Human-based attribute and comes from fear. So it's time for you to understand that this is the mythology of an old energy.

The truth is that you're rescuing yourself every single day because you're changing the consciousness of this earth and planting the seeds of peace on Earth that your children and your children's children may actually see and be part of. You sit in the chairs today knowing that. It's time to see things for what they are. All of those of you involved in all these conspiracies, we cry for you, because some of you are old souls. Oh, look at what you could be doing instead of looking for doom! It is time to stop, turn your eyes upon your Higher-Self, and use your compassion for thousands who are homeless. That helps the planet. Turn your eyes on those who have lost their families in the last month or so! That helps the planet. Fear doesn't help anything. Compassion creates quantum energy. Fear creates darkness.

The Illuminati Today

There's more. Let's talk about the elephant in the room. There are many Lightworkers who still feel that there is a group of financial powerhouses, and you call them whatever you want to - the Illuminati is the most common - that are supposedly controlling everything. For those who think this way, all the financial markets are controlled. All the governments are controlled. Elections are controlled, and all the money is controlled on the earth. So now we're going to ask you to use some spiritual logic. If such an organization still exists today with that kind of power and who controls everything, they're doing a very bad job! Because the way they make their money is in stability, not in chaos.

There are those who will say, "Oh no, no, no. They make their money selling weapons." No, they don't. Normal Humans do. Do you know how most of their money is made? Money exchange! Shipping. All the things that need to be there in a stable economy. If they are controlling things, they are failing! Do you know how you can tell when there is control of a stock market? Because it doesn't move much. It's always the same, with small adjustments to benefit those who control it. It goes up a little and down a little, just like in the days of your father and his father. And when it crashes, it crashes big. Then it creeps up very, very slowly. That is symbolic of a controlled market, where it loses its balance and can't sustain the control, so it crashes. So when that is happening, there is a stable economy, and lots of money being put in and pulled out very gradually on purpose, in order to create the desired swings. But never too much, never too little - to keep it stable. Now, why don't you draw the curve of where your stock market has been lately? Then take a look at the curves. Does it really look like anyone is controlling it? A hundred points here, a hundred points there, and nobody knows what it's going to do because it's no longer controlled. You've got to start using spiritual logic for these things and see the truth.

One of the worst things that ever happened to the Illuminati was the European Union, because that idea took away the money changers! They're about ready to do it in South America in the next generation. You watch, because they're thinking about it now, even as I speak.

Human Nature is Changing

There's a new concept afoot, a change in Human nature. We've spoken about this before. How many of you studied European history? And in school, did your mind fill up with all of the dates you had to memorize? Who conquered whom and when? Over and over and over, every single country had their turn conquering another country. Borders moved constantly. As far back as you want to go, that's what Humans did. They separated, gathered, and conquered. But as little as 50 years ago, it all stopped.

We've said this before. Fifty years ago, a seed, an idea, was planted at the end of World War II. "Let's put these European countries together," they said. "Let's even drop the borders and eventually give them one currency." Do this and they'll never war again, they predicted, for countries with common economic sources don't go to war! And that's exactly what's happened. Did it work? It's fairly fresh, but their money is threatening to take over the strength of your money, did you notice? It's worth more than yours. They still struggle to make it work and balance it. But then again, you do the same in the United States, always fine tuning the unity.

South America is considering the same thing right now. The seeds are being planted in Brazil. Within a generation, they would love to see the borders dropped and one currency. Can they do it? Perhaps. Perhaps it will take longer. Why do it? Because they see the European Union with the strongest currency on Earth. We've said this before. Here is a prediction: Perhaps not in your time, but there'll come a day when there are only five currencies in the world, because continents will start understanding that unification creates peace and prosperity. Separation creates chaos. What a concept.

The Weather

Let's talk about the weather. We retreat to exactly what we told you before in this very chair. The water cycle is a cooling cycle, not a heating cycle. You're going to have more severe winters and storms. It's going to get colder. But it gets warmer before it gets colder. That is the cycle, and it has always been the cycle. You can see it in the rings of the trees and the cores of the ice. Don't let your scientists pull the political wool over your eyes for their own purposes. Start seeing these things for what they are. It's a recurring cycle based on four Earth alignment attributes, including the wobble (the precession). You're in this cycle. Prepare.

The beginnings of it will be with you from now at least until the end of the 2012 36-year window, and you can watch it work. The first thing that happens is that the ice melts at the poles, but not completely. It's the way it has happened before. As the redistribution of weight from the poles to the oceans of the earth takes place, the weight is redistributed to the crust, and that creates earthquakes. And the earthquakes that will be the most powerful are the ones that are closest to the poles. We told you that some time ago. So it's not a mystery that suddenly you have some of the most powerful earthquakes that you've ever had. Not only that, but a cooling ocean creates larger storms.

What do the conspiracists do with all this? "See? We're doomed. Here it comes," they say. "Here it comes! The end is here!" Twenty-two years ago, we gave you the information that is happening today. We told you about the weather. We told you to get ready for it, but we still haven't told you why the water cycle is needed. We've hinted at it since it is very controversial, and we'll lose many readers right here and now. Here's the prediction: The scientists are going to laugh and biologists are going to scratch their heads and roll their eyes.

The Refreshing of the Cycle of Life

When you change the temperature of the waters of the planet, it changes the life cycle of the ocean and it eventually renews itself. The life cycle of the planet has a limit to its viability over time. There has to be a refreshing of the very cycle of life, and this is what the water cycle does. Are there any places you've seen too many fish lately? Yes. Millions of salmon in the north. Odd that it was in Alaska, isn't it? Alaska is very close to the poles where the water temperature is being felt first. Oh, again the experts will tell you that this is not the reason. It's about hatcheries and rivers. But nobody predicted this, did they? Science is fast to give you reasons, but slow to give you logic in advance. They always seem to be surprised.

We are saying things we haven't said before. Again, watch for this, an actual change in the life cycle of the planet's oceans because of the water temperature shift. Biologists are going to have to start redesigning the paradigm of how everything works, including reefs, ocean bottoms, and how plankton survive and reproduce. Listen, this is not the first time that the life cycle has been refreshed! But again, this may take generations of humanity to complete. In the process, you may again lose species. This is normal. Gaia is slow, and Humans are impatient. Your textbooks may someday tell of how naive humanity was back in 2011 when they tried to blame weather changes on everything but a natural cycle. Now you know why there is a water cycle.

So what does that tell you about Gaia? Gaia is beginning the cycle of refreshing life on over-fished oceans. It tells you that in the cracks, there is love and caring about the Humans who live on the earth. There's a reason you're here. There's a plan here, and a benevolent Universe and quantum energy with intelligent design. All is there for you, precious, sacred Human Being.

The New Consciousness

Look at the planet historically over the last 50 years and you will see a gradual healing of humanity - a putting together, not a tearing apart. After the fall of the Soviet Union, much of this kind of consciousness started to happen, except in the Middle East. Twenty-two years ago, I told you, "As go the Jews, go the earth." So you know, don't you, that at some point in your future there would have to be radical change in the Middle East? You cannot have societies teaching their children to hate a certain kind of person as they're born and then expect tolerance in their culture. For thousands of years, they were actually taught at birth to hate each other. However, suddenly there's a new kind of child being born, a far less linear child and far more conceptual. This is a child that does not receive these kinds of informational instructions and act on them the way they used to. Instead, they ask, "Why?" Instead, they look around and see the darkness that this creates.

I want you to look at what happened in Egypt. There is a new kind of paradigm of socialization developing on the planet and the young people know it. It's mostly coming from those who are under 35. Many older adults don't understand it, for to them it just looks like a fad. They say the children are spending far too much time on the Internet. What is this thing about the face? Go back over a decade and listen to what I told you. I said, "When everybody can talk to everybody, there can be no conspiracies." Do you remember that? Well, here it is!

A New Social System

There is a new kind of social system, a new way of communicating where everyone can talk to everyone all at once. Millions can do this, without borders or culture clash. Take a look at Egypt. It confounded all of those who sit in the power seats not far from here [Washington, D.C.]. The old energy thinking is afraid because there's a vacuum with no emerging leader. You see, everybody knows there has to be leadership, there has to be hierarchy. There has to be all of these things in order to create a revolution. Well, let me tell you, that's old, old thinking. Because you just saw revolution of consciousness without leadership, without hierarchy, without any one person whipping the others into a frenzy to convince them of anything. It just happened together, almost like there is a wave of consciousness that is spreading over the earth. There is. When everyone can talk to everyone, this is what you get. Dictators know this, so the first thing they wish to shut down are the new communications tools.

I want to go further than that. Let's get personal and interview a Syrian or a Libyan. Let's talk to an Egyptian for a moment. Let's find the man on the street and ask him some questions. I'll give you the question. "What do you want?" Here's what they're going to tell you. "We want to choose what we do in our own land. We want the glory of our culture back. We want abundance in our homes and towns. We want schools. We want to have some of the things the rest of the world has. We want to take some of the things that our country has in abundance and share it with the citizens. We want our grandchildren safe. We want good hospitals." That's what they're going to tell you.

So why do I tell you this? Because nowhere in their rhetoric is, "And we want to kill the Jews!" Because they're smarter than that, and they're becoming conceptual and beginning to understand this premise: War is hell. It leads to sorrow, death, destruction and heartbreak. It creates poverty and famine - and they know it. They're looking at Europe. They're looking around and they're starting to see unification being an answer to that which is what they want for their children. They don't want war. They don't want war! They may not like the Jews, but they now understand that in order to really have what they want, they must work with them.

So the uprisings you are seeing, dear ones, are not what you think, or what you are being told. Don't worry, thinking, "This is the beginning of the end." Oh, it's going to have a seesaw of energy; it's going to have fear. It will even have those terrorist leaders who want to control it. You're going to be told this and that, but in the end, in a decade, when you can go there and take a look, you're going to have states that are at peace with Israel. One of the most controversial things we have told you is this: Peace in the Middle East is not going to come from anything Israel does. It's going to come from that which the Islamic states do. The young people there don't want a war. Now, all you have to do is convince the Jews of this so that they don't create one of their own. Do you understand the sense of this? Higher consciousness and conceptual thinking brings about revolution that is not replaced by another dictator. The dictators are falling. Human Beings in these third-world areas want to raise their families the way you do - in peace and safety and stability.

The Evidence is Everywhere

What has happened in the last 50 years? Go to South America with me. How many dictators were there then and how many are there now? There is one left and his days are numbered. Watch him, for he'll want to ally with other dictators and there won't be any! A controlled economy will absolutely fail. His is starting not to work.

These dictators are falling because they represent an old energy paradigm, an old Human nature. A new consciousness is taking over. Look at the big picture. Get out of fear and understand again that time is slow to you and these things are generational, not seasonal! There will be battles won and lost for high consciousness. There will be one country that may even seem to go backwards a little before they go forward. This is the way time works and consciousness works. Here is the prediction we've given you: You're beginning to see the seeds of peace in the Middle East. Not in the news, but in the new social areas with young people. And when it settles, the biggest issue will still be the Palestinians. But perhaps for the first time, their Islamic brothers in countries around them will begin to include them instead of not including them as they are now. Watch for a compassion of brotherhood - not for war, but for eventual peace and stability.

And yes, there'll be those who tell you just the opposite, dear one. This is what we see. Turn on your news and you are seeing it. But you see it graphically, do you not? And you see the sorrow and the death, for that is the most dramatic. Just think of those who have come into this planet to give their lives and sacrifice for something grand - peace in their own land. It's just what you did to create this United States. You had to fight your way through it, didn't you? It seems like an old paradigm that sometimes you have to involve the bridge of swords between old and new. But sometimes you just do to slog through a Human nature which has been a certain way for thousands of years.


Let us talk for a moment about Japan, and then I'll close the day of messages. There are thousands of souls on my side of the veil and they're just fine, more than fine. We have spoken so often of what happens at the Wind of Birth. I told you, before they even came in, they saw the potential. I looked in their eyes. "You may not last long. You know that, don't you? You're coming into this planet and you may not be here very long. And the passing that you will have with your family will not be pleasant, if any ever are. Why would you come in anyway?" I want to tell you what they said. When a soul has the mind of God, it understands fully what generates peace and what generates energy shift. You can clearly see what generates what the planet needs the most when you are about to arrive. So they said, "We're going to be part of one of the biggest compassion events the planet has ever seen." One earthquake, one tsunami. All of those who left that day will change the earth forever. And it already has. It was the same for the last tsunami as well.

Every single one of them on my side of the veil is getting ready to come back. Many old souls were involved, and just for a moment, if they could give you any information, if they could talk to you right now, if they could speak your language and look into your eyes, they would thank you for your compassion for them and those who are left. And they would say, "Be with those family members who are still alive. Enter their hearts every day and give them peace and keep them from crying, because we're OK."

Nuclear Power Revealed

So let me tell you what else they did. They just showed you what's wrong with nuclear power. "Safe to the maximum," they said. "Our devices are strong and cannot fail." But they did. They are no match for Gaia.

It seems that for more than 20 years, every single time we sit in the chair and speak of electric power, we tell you that hundreds of thousands of tons of push/pull energy on a regular schedule is available to you. It is moon-driven, forever. It can make all of the electricity for all of the cities on your planet, no matter how much you use. There's no environmental impact at all. Use the power of the tides, the oceans, the waves in clever ways. Use them in a bigger way than any designer has ever put together yet, to power your cities. The largest cities on your planet are on the coasts, and that's where the power source is. Hydro is the answer. It's not dangerous. You've ignored it because it seems harder to engineer and it's not in a controlled environment. Yet, you've chosen to build one of the most complex and dangerous steam engines on Earth - nuclear power.

We also have indicated that all you have to do is dig down deep enough and the planet will give you heat. It's right below the surface, not too far away all the time. You'll have a Gaia steam engine that way, too. There's no danger at all and you don't have to dig that far. All you have to do is heat fluid, and there are some fluids that boil far faster than water. So we say it again and again. Maybe this will show you what's wrong with what you've been doing, and this will turn the attitudes of your science to create something so beautiful and so powerful for your grandchildren. Why do you think you were given the moon? Now you know.

This benevolent Universe gave you an astral body that allows the waters in your ocean to push and pull and push on the most regular schedule of anything you know of. Yet there you sit enjoying just looking at it instead of using it. It could be enormous, free energy forever, ready to be converted when you design the methods of capturing it. It's time.

So in closing, do you understand what you're seeing? You're seeing intelligent design, quantum energy and high consciousness. You are seeing changes in Human nature. You're seeing countries putting things together instead of separating. You are seeing those who don't want war and instead want peace, good schools for their children, safety in their streets and a say in their government. We told you it was going to happen this way. I want my partner to teach these things that I have said in his 3D lectures for awhile. Many won't be able to know these things otherwise.

Give energy to those who are in struggle. Help them to get through these things in an easier fashion than not. That's what old souls do. Use your Human compassion engine! Change that old paradigm of struggle, and instead accelerate the differences that are going to happen without strife, without death. Be in the right place at the right time and understand your compassionate place on this earth. You are an old soul standing on this planet giving compassion wherever you can. That's the core. That's the fuel of God, and that will plant the seeds of peace on Earth. You've never been closer.

Finally, try to ignore that which may change to the negative. We said it. Some things may not go as smoothly as you think, for these things need time and mistakes are made in order for you to learn.

The Recession

The recession is the result of you deciding to change your banking. The Illuminati told many that this could never happen. Why? Because big money can't be touched. It's just too big for any culture to change it, and they counted on that. Well, it just was changed. Do you understand what you're doing here in this country? It affects the whole planet. You are trying to realign the integrity of the way money is used, printed, and loaned. It's not about one party or one government idea. Both had a hand in creating this shift. Maybe it puts another spin on that which you've been told about your economy? When you prune an orchard, for awhile it looks wounded and ugly. Then over time, it blossoms into something far greater than it was.


I am Kryon. I've just given you the potentials. "Ah," you say. "But Kryon, right before you leave, you left out the big one. Nobody talks about China." All right. I'll give you still another prediction. China is very interesting, is it not? Suddenly this very old country finds itself in an odd place. They hold the debt for the United States! Some of you would say, "This is not good. This is not going to work." So let me tell you what this is about. Synchronicity has struck, because now China understands that if they're ever going to get paid, they're going to have to ally themselves closer with Western values and help create abundance. Here is the prediction: China will turn North Korea loose soon. The alliance will dissolve, or become stale. There will be political upheaval in China. Not a coup and not a revolution. Within the inner circles of that which you call Chinese politics, there will be a re-evaluation of goals and monetary policy. Eventually, you will see a break with North Korea, allowing still another dictator to fall and unification to occur with the south. How do you like it so far?

I look at old souls who came into this earth courageous, who are sitting in chairs before me. There was a time when you never thought you would even make it to 2011. But because of what you've accomplished on this planet, you are not only still here, but are moving through the shift. Hard times are ahead. But this is all part of planting the seeds of peace. It doesn't come easy. It slowly, slowly moves in a direction that is positive. Your grandchildren will look at you, the ones who are not even born yet, who are on my side of the veil, who are looking at you now. They are saying, "Keep it up! Because when we get there, it indeed will be a peaceful place."

And so it is.


To listen to the channeling, go to:
40 minutes of great information (follows a brief meditation)!

One of the best Kryon channelings I've heard!

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My favorite Kryon channelings posted on this blog:

2011 and Beyond:

Spiritual Evolution:

History of Humanity

Channeling movie "Tuning In"(the whole movie posted on this blog); Lee Carroll (Kryon) is one of six channelers who talk about what it is they do and how they do it:


Kryon speaks of Tidal Energy--Here are some facts:



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