Day 6 of Water Fast by Sacristia .....

My daily Journey to a healthier life style

Date:   3/16/2011 8:20:16 AM ( 13 y ago)

March 14, 2011

Ooooh, I didn't sleep well last night at all. I have a crink in my neck, and it never helps when you have a cat that likes to drape herself over it like a scarf. LOL. She is truly a lovely cat, but at times she can be really trying because she wants to close to my face. I created my own monster, because when she was a kitten, I kissed on her and held her close. So now, she loves to be close to my face and wants to be held/or lay on me. LOL Plus it is her breed that is affectionate and loyal to me. It is funny that she will be 8 years old this year, yet she still acts like a little kitten. LOL

My body was not happy. I felt really light and willowy, but a bit achy at times. My urine was frothy, my breath smelled horrible and my tongue was a nasty piece of work! Eeeew the smell is horrible that comes off of me. I wish I could escape it, but I know that it is part of the process, which is a good thing. I don't have any urges to eat or anything, but I am craving avocados and tomatoes for some reason. LOL. Maybe I will find a lovely healthy avocado recipe that I can post.

For the first time since sometime in December, I didn't make my bed. It is probably because I laid in bed as long as I possible could, before I actually got up, so not making the bed was the only thing I could really fudge in not doing in my daily routine.

I didn't drink a lot of water today for some reason. I know that in the past, I have worried about not drinking enough while my body is trying to flush out toxins. But I try not to push myself to drink when I am not really thirsty. I think I drank about 8 ounces of water all day. I don't feel dehydrated, as my lips are not chapped or anything. They are usually the first thing to let me know that I need more water.

Today's Lenten Focus for March 14, 2011

Give us ears to hear Your voice

Read: Luke 10:41-42

Today I focus on praying for the Christians in our community to stop being too busy to listen to God and that discovery what Jesus has to say will become important to people who have never known Him.

I know that it seems odd, but I feel closer to God then I have in months. I find myself saying “Good morning Lord” when I wake up in the morning. I used to do that all the time before the move-in, but some how got away from communicating with God first thing in the morning. I have to say that I am slowly being drawn back into the arms of the Lord, with each day.

My day was a bit busy, as Monday morning found that I had mis-scheduled something with the Court, and a bit of work had to be done to fix it. The head attorney was a bit irritated with me about it, but he forgot that I was running back and forth all week, that sometimes things get crossed in the confusion, when a one person is running the office of three attorneys alone. I wasn't happy myself that I made that mistake, but I was surprised that was the only mis-calculation in the entire week.

When I was running my errands for the office to one of the Courthouses (which was down a ways) I was looking around and doing a little bit of praying for my friends and family. I happened to to spy a roundish stone have buried in the dirt by one the trees. Just before I spied the stone, I thought about how I am journeying, always coming across new things and learning something new about my surroundings. When I saw the stone, I thought about my mental, physical and emotional trip being much like walk over stones, as every day is different and feels different. I kind of like the sound of “Journey Stones”. I liked it do much, that I dug the stone out of the dirt and took it with me. I liked the feel of it in my hand. It was all gritty, yet smooth. It made me think about how my own journey in my life is just emerging from the dirt and taking a peek around, yet still unwilling to budge where I am at. I know that some days my life with be rough like ragged rocks that I see along the road way. Other days in my life will be pleasant like colorful stones, that I see hidden in grassy areas.

I found a lovely avocado recipe to add to my binder:

A meal in a Avocado half

Ingredients (serves two)
1/3 cup CUP black beans, rinsed and drained
1/4 cup CUP corn, drained
1/4 cup CUP packaged shredded carrots, lightly packed
6 tsp. chopped fresh cilantro leaves
1/4 CUP prepared chunky salsa
1 green onions, thinly sliced
5 drops red pepper sauce
1 ripe Fresh Hass Avocados, cut in half and seeded
2 small bunches of radish or alfalfa sprouts


1.In a bowl, combine beans, corn, carrots, cilantro, salsa, green onion and red pepper sauce.
2.Fill each avocado shell with 1/4 of bean mixture.
3.Garnish with sprouts and serve.

Nutrition Facts:

Per serving: 187 calories; 11 grams fat (1.3 sat, 7.2 mono, 1.3 poly); 0 mg cholesterol; 565 mg sodium; 20.7 grams carbohydrate; 6.3 grams fiber; 5.6 grams protein

Serving Suggestions:

Tip: Cut a thin lengthwise slice off of the bottom of each avocado half to make the avocados stable on the plates.
*Large avocados are recommended for this recipe. A large avocado averages about 8 ounces. If using smaller or larger size avocados adjust the quantity accordingly.

I know that I shouldn't think about food much since I am fasting, but at least it is not bad cravings like french fries or something like that. Funny thing is that I can't remember that french fries even taste like. LOL. Well I am not always thinking about food. I just really enjoying having a healthy relationship with it now, which I don't believe I had before. I have learned over the months how food nourishes my body and how my body needs particular foods to function better. I also learned that putting unhealthy foods like potato chips and fast food, I rob my body of the nutrients and vitamins that I need to function properly. So when I eat unhealthy, I am only hurting myself in the long run, as a body can only function for so long on nutrient lacking foods, which many people eat.

I guess that comes to the topic of cancer, diabetes and other illness that are popular with people now a days. I say popular instead of common, because it cover the general public. I wonder how many people could have avoided having medical or health issues if they only slowed down, purchased fresh food and cooked their meals rather then buying them from fast food restaurants or purchasing quickly meals in box. You can kind of say that my motto nowadays when it comes to the foods that I eat is: If it comes in a wrapper (other then butcher's wrapping paper), or a box, it is not for me. The world now a days have become a society that they want everything right now and in an instant. We have instant coffee, instant potatoes, instant meals (TV dinners and other frozen concoctions) but no time to really take the time and cook a good healthy homemade meal. Thus each day, people are robbing themselves of good healthy by taking the quicker way out of things, such as picking out the food and preparing the food. If things could get any easier for us, we will end up looking like the bloated, useless slabs of meat moving around hover chairs in the movie “Wally” I guess that is one reason why I want to try to exercise more then I do, because since I do have a sedentary job, and I am no longer getting most of my exercise from a 2nd retail job (which I quit two years ago), where I was lifting, stack and always moving all the time. I am very glad that I really took this step toward a healthier lifestyle. I think that maturity comes with really learning things, as well as doing them hands on. I am just glad that I didn't wait until I had some major health problem, in which some people do.

It makes me wonder if most of America is just uneducated about how to really eat healthy or it part of it just ignorance and not wanting to take the time to cook. I remember growing up, my mother cooked food for dinner. That is why it took so long at times, once she got home. I don't remember eating hamburger helper meals or dinner in a box (as my best friend, Christy buys). My mother separately cooked a meat, a starch and a veggie. Of course, the veggie might be fresh, frozen or in a can, but my mother cooked it on the stove. It wasn't microwaved. I guess my mother instilled in us something healthy by teaching both my brother and I to cook from scratch. I learned how to cook beef stew that way. Nothing in a can. Fresh meat, seasonings, flour, a pan and veggies. Most of all time! Time has to be the major issue on why people don't eat healthy, as they don't have the time. Well, eventually, they will have the time, when they are laying in bed recovering from a heart attack or waiting for some surgery to remove some type of cancer from their body. They will wish they had the time then.

I had gotten way from cooking for myself in the last couple years. (I should say more then a couple years!) I guess that is what society taught me. That in order to have time for college and three jobs, then I don't have time to cook. Thus, I have to grab what I can on the run. I didn't eat too much on the run while in college. I couldn't afford it, but when I did eat, it wasn't always healthy either. I did early on, I did devise a good plan to cook two or three meals and freeze them in TV dinner like plastic microwavable trays on my days off. I did that so that even when I got home late from college, I could pop one in the microwave and at least have a home cooked meal. Well, that plan only worked for a couple months into college, as it was hard to do, as I wasn't that motivated on my days off, as I slept and studied. You can say that is how I collected the little fat leech, which most women fight with, that sits below my navel.

I swear I will get rid of it! I will sometime this year. I have shrunk it down some since November 1, 2011. It will go because I don't want it housed on my body any longer. That means I need to exercise a little bit more then I have been to help it move out. LOL

When I got off work, I was feeling pretty good, that I decided to go out on the town and window shop a bit to keep myself busy and active. As I was driving to my first little store, I was watching the car in front of me while at the stop light. Funny thing was, that underneath the car, it looked like there was a couple wires hanging and something that looked like tufts of grass. From my vantage point, I thought it was funny because it looked like some type of type of hair. It made me think how it would be funny to create a little store, about a troll living under a car, in the underworkings. I further thought about how it could be a funny way to explain the pings and whizzes from under the car as it drove along. I pictured the funny troll and how I could tell the story to a child. I then got a bit depressed, as I realized how I could love to tell little stories to my own children, which I do not have. I made me realize how much I was missing out in life. I guess that is one reason why I stopped thinking about it and push my attention to something else while I waited to drive on.
Oh well,

So, first stop was the bike shop, to see approximately how much it would cost to get the tires on my bikes fixed. I probably have my mountain bike fixed first and then my 10 speed. I then went to the Salvation Army and looked at clothes and books and stuff. It was pretty much boring, but at least I was up and walking around. I then stopped by the newest store in my town called Ollie's. It has been open since November, if I remember. I had never been in it, but I was really impressed by it. They had TONS of books!

While I was in Ollie's, I found a lovely thing that was prefect for the Lenten Season. It was a little book of God's promises from the gospel. What was more lovely, that it comes with a CD in which Jim Caviezel speaks all the words of Jesus. It regularly is about $14.95 but at Ollie's I got it for only $2.99 While I was there, I saw that they also had Words of Promise Audio Bible that is ready by over 600 actors and actress in a dramatic way. I can't remember how much it cost, but I might thinking about getting that in the future, as I would love to listen to it. After I left the store, I called my Dad, as I hadn't spoke to him in a couple days. I called on Friday, but all I got was voice mail and no one called me back. They were probably busy with my younger sister, as she was still visiting.

I talked to my Dad for about an hour which was nice. We talked about various things like weather, his health, and just funny things like animals and pets. We talked a bit about what is happening in Japan as well. It is really sad that there has been so many deaths, as well as so many people are stranded, homeless and without basic needs. It really makes me think how utterly blessed I am.

After my long talk with my father, I put my new CD in in my radio and played it while I took a very long shower ( I used up all the hot water). I dry brushed a skin a bit before I hopped in the water, so that way it would help me detox a bit easier. I just enjoyed the water hitting me, even thought it made me feel a bit more weak and tired. It was lovely listening to the CD while I was trying to relax and focus on God. I really loved it. Just as I got out, it stopped suddenly, and I once I was a bit drier, I looked to see why. Mekong jumped on the top of my CD radio and popped the top open and that is why it stopped. I laughed and told her that she was a bad kitty. She just looked at me and cried that innocent cry she does when I talk to her. LOL . I brushed my teeth and tongue for the third or fourth time I shut it off for the night, and I plan on listening to it in the morning as well, as it is really lovely. I put in one of my favorite movies and played it while I was busy brushing my hair. The movie is called Joshua (2002) is based on a by Joseph F. Girzone. It is a captivating film about what if Jesus came back as a human. I watched it for the first day last year, as I was trying to find new and interesting movies for watch at Family Video. I came across this one, and I was really surprised how much I loved it. So I rented it again so I could watch it during my fasting period.

It was almost 11:00 p.m. when the movie ended and I was really too tired to turn the TV off (as my remote is not working anymore, so I would have to get up). I was still a bit cold, but being snuggled down in 4 blankets helped, along with my neck/shoulder warmer of a cat, Mekong. I just lay there and thought about what I fail to do daily for God. I thought briefly about maybe volunteering at a nursing home to keep some old people company, but I don't know anything about doing it or even how to start doing that. I think I might like meeting newer older person and talking to them and listening to them. Elderly people always fascinate me, as they always have to many stories to tell.

EXERICISE: walked 1.97 Miles,

WATER INTAKE: about 8 ounces

WEIGHT: 124 pounds


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