Day 18 of Post Water Fast by Sacristia .....

My daily Journey to a healthier life style

Date:   2/9/2011 4:38:09 PM ( 13 y ago)

February 7, 2011

I slept a little bit better then I did over the weekend. I guess I slept enough to have a nightmare. It was one of those horrible ones, which I am trapped in a house, and anytime I try to get out, I find out that it is a false door or the windows are just painted in or lead into another room, but not to the outside. I hate dreams like that, as I can ever get out and escape. I was happy to wake up leave that dream behind.

My wrist was feeling a little bit better then it did. I took off the wrist guard and checked out my forearm. I could really tell that the swelling had went down. When it was hurting,, it looked like I like I had a bulked up muscle in forearm, just a couple inches below my wrist. I put it back on, and did various things like get dressed, brushed my teeth, and washed my face, which wasn't easy with the guard on. LOL Making my lunch was even harder, as I had to cut up a bit of veggies. My dishes are building up, as I haven't done them since Saturday, as I didn't want to aggravate my wrist until it is a little bit more healed. I will see how it feels tonight and if I feel good about it on Tuesday, I will do them when I get off work.

I was still in a little bit of pain. I really didn't want to take any pain reliever, but I don't think it would hurt too much to take one tablet of Excedin, where the night before I took two. I stuck another one in my pocket, in case I needed it later in the day if working aggravated my wrist/forearm a lot. I put on my forearm band as well, so that I could really allow my muscles and tendons to rest as much as possible. I was really craving eggs and milk and I had none in the house, so I decided that I would get my myself ready and stop by Subway to pick up a lunch container of milk and a egg white multi grain English muffin, on my way to Krogers to pick up some fresh Ginger root and some Lemon Ginger tea.

I can't say that my body was really motivated to want to do all this running there and there in the morning in the cold before work, but I did it.

I ended up eating my breakfast at the office with was different, as it wasn't fruit or beans on my part. It was delicious as it just was exactly what I wanted. Especially the milk. I have learned to really listen to my body when it craves something. So I am going to step up the a little calcium, as my body is craving milk. I won't be buying too much milk as my water fast is suppose to be coming up soon. (This coming Sunday.) I am thinking about picking up some more brown rice and a bit more milk, so I can make a little brown rice pudding. I found a great fast recipe that just calls for quick and simple items:

½ cup of cooked brown rice and a ¼ cup of milk with a little bit of maple syrup, cinnamon, a sprinkling of sliced almonds and raisins; heat the mixture in a sauce pan for 5 minutes

I think that I will have a little bit of brown rice cooked up just for a little bit of rice pudding treat once and a while, I am done with my up-and-coming water fast. (Of course, after a good time of re-feeding is over with)

I have been trying not to think about what I am going to do on Friday that day since I really don't want to think too much about it. I have a feeling that I will be either be bored or lonely, since I normally dislike my birthday. I will miss last years present. Phil brought me breakfast (McDonald's) in bed. LOL. I guess I didn't realize how much it meant to me until now, since he is out of my life now. I figured that I could treat myself out and go out to eat or buy something nice to cook for my special birthday meal, since I have been doing really well on following a healthy diet.

I got a surprise today that I wasn't expecting. My cousin, Wendi, got a hold of me and told me that a woman from my past was trying to get a hold of me. My dad's old girlfriend was wondering if we could talk. I was really surprised. Of course, I got a hold of her and said “Yes!” Rhoda was my Dad's girlfriend before my current stepmother, and she really made a mark on my life, and when she left, I missed her as I had her, my father and my Gram. I knew as I got older, she stayed away since my step mother was married to my Dad now. We exchanged emails and I awaited a call from her but for some reason my phone was not working right. As I was waiting, I got a little bit worried if it was the right thing to do right now, being so emotional regarding things. I have been thinking a lot about Phil, and things of the heart.

The day went quickly at work as I always keep myself busy and got all my stuff done, as usual. I took my time going home, as there was nothing exciting about going home. If anything, I dreaded about going home since I would be alone. When I finally got home, as least my two kitties were there to greet me, and Mekong was waiting for me to finish preparing my dinner and getting it into the oven so she could sit on my lap while I waited for it. LOL That cheered me up a little bit Between watching/listening to a movie and reading a book, it was pretty much a boring affair.

Dinner was delicious as usual, but lonely as I had no one to talk to or even ask how their day was. I was really missing Phil and PJ. I looked at the board games that we once played and how I wished we could play “Risk” again, but now that game will probably sit there and possible never get played again. I probably should have told them to take it, since it looks so pathetic sitting in my living room with all the other board games. Games I have no one to play with.

I stayed up as late as I could, because I hoped that Rhoda would call me. I almost called my Dad, but it was getting late and I didn't want to disturb him. I can always call him tomorrow if I still have the urge to do so. I guess this is the time of year, which is the hardest for me, as I have nothing to do, and I get so very lonely, that I just wish I had another person in the house to spend my time with. It really makes me wonder at times, what could be wrong with me, that I am alone. I makes me wonder what I need to do to change that. All I do know, is that I did tell God that I wouldn't look for someone, because I was going to focus on Him, so I can't go in that direction. I guess that is one reason why I did a lot of praying and talking to Him during this bout of loneliness.

A good thing is that Mekong and Lammy keep me company as I finally fell asleep. I can't deny that I have been blessed, even thought at times, at a quick stand point, it doesn't feel like it at times, especially when I feel lonely like this. But it is the quiet times, as I drift off to sleep, that I can really see that I am.


BREAKFAST : One Whole wheat English muffin, egg whites, spinach, green pepper, 2 onion slices, a couple black olives, a tomato slice, a sprinkle of cheese, dash of Sweet onion sauce and Oregano.

DRINK: 12 ounces of 2% milk


LUNCH: 1/2 cup bean stew (15 beans, barley, lentils, carrot, and onion) with my special mixed hot sauce and 3/4 cup of steamed veggies (broccoli, carrots, green beans, and peas)

DRINK: A cup of Lemon Ginger tea (a coffee cup)

SNACK: A Wasa multi grain cracker with Jarlsburg cheese dip with slices apple (It was sooooOoo delicious!)

DINNER: A serving of wild caught salmon and 1 cup of steamed veggies (broccoli, carrots, snow peas, celery, green beans, peas, and asparagus)

EXERICISE: walked 0.88 Miles

WATER INTAKE: less then 10 ounces of water

WEIGHT: 129 pounds


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