Helping Create a Healing Garden by YourEnchantedGardener .....

This PLANT YOUR DREAM BLOG describes the early inspirations to help create a Healing Garden for a Medicine Center. In this Plant Your Dream Blog, I am giving an intro to GETTING HIP, a brief overview of my own hospital experiences with Hip Replacements in 1975 and Hip Revisions in 2001-2002.

Date:   12/8/2009 7:24:56 PM ( 15 y ago)


For more than 30 years I have been
planting Seed Dreams. The ideas I have
begin as seeds, called Seed Dreams.
project is a Seed Dream. A concept, based
on a number of brainstorming sessions,
will be forthcoming. I use my blog
to focus and drawn together energies
for projects I see and want to seed.
The Healing Garden project
is at this time the size
of this beet and beet seedlings that were planted
into a bigger pot June 13, 2010
These photos express the state of the
project and the growth of the Seed Dream.

Deeper Root system planted,
January 12, 2010

Seedings growing in a sugar cane pot
June 14, 2010. Transplanted, January 14, 2010.

11:16 AM
January 14, 2010

The idea of creating a Healing Garden
a of a Seed Dream
planted at the Pacific Symposium November 7, 2010.

The imformation on the PLANT YOUR DREAM BLOG
is intended to build the inernal energy for the project.



During 2001 and 2002, I needed hip revisions. My hips replacements,
done in 1975, had degenerated to the place where three other surgeons
backed out of attempting a very complicated hip revision on me.

During 2001, I was walking in increased hip pain. When I committed
in Orlando, Florida, I did not have the strength to lift a plant. I thought
it would be good to do one more great event before going down into
surgery. I knew I was going to be in recovery for at least six months.
I put all my bets on asking the Disney folks at EPCOT
to help me put together than healing garden. MOREA GARCIA,
a natural born healer who offers her work at the HILLCREST
FARMERS' MARKET, was with me in Orlando. She brought me
to the hospital for my hip revisions.

The idea of helping a hospital have a Healing Garden was planted
during 2001 when I first visited THORNTON HOSPITAL, the place
where DR WILLIAM BUGBEE did his surgeries. The Thornton Hospital
is part of the UCSD hospital network.

I created a mindset around the two surgeries I did at Thornton:
I called the experience GETTING HIP. Through my getting hip revisions,
I wanted to help Western Medicine "Get Hip"--enlightened--to all
it could be. I created my room as a Healing Haven. Although my surgeries
were paid for under Medicare/Medical, I had a private room. I had
dear old friends, including "undercover" M.D.'s and M.D.s wife's staying
with me in my room. I was tended around the clock for all five days.

I did my homework. I made friends with the chefs
before I went into the hospital.
I visited the hospital and started to make friends with the staff.

I brought locally grown organic food to the hospital before
my surgeries. While I was in the hospital.
The chef's even prepared additional food for my overnight guests.

I had flowers from Joe Rodriguez of the Hillcrest Farmers' Market
given that decorated the nurses station.

My room was filled with the finest of local organic foods.
I gave these away freely to the nurses, and had DON CIRLIN,
a housemate at the time, shooting Video for a projected film.
I was reading my Love Poems going into surgery to the nurses.
Morea Garcia stayed with me the night
before my surgery and got me to the hospital. She monitored me
through the first hours of ICU. She was invited to do Reiki on me
by the nurses.

I had never heard of INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE at that time,
although I was already many years into getting acupuncture

I began projecting then for what a true Healing Haven would look
like as a regular experience for other patients. I wrote up numbers
of projections that including healing music from my allies as well
as STEVEN SPIELBERG/Disney type Color Healing ideas for the ceiling.
I became aware through my ten days in the hospital in 2001 and 2002,
that patients spend a lot of time on their back. Why not have the
ceiling projecting lovely images that promote healing?

I used the opportunity in the hospital to educate my surgeon
DR. William Bugbee and his students from UCSD about my ideas.
Dr. Bugbeeallowed me to be in the lead regarding what I wanted pain medications I wanted to use.

The first surgery, I went from Morphine during the first night to
BOIRON ARNICA MONTANA thereafter as my primary pain medication.
During my first hip surgery, during the first night, the nurses were shorthanded. I ran into low blood problems.
Morea was right there to make sure I was tended.
There was a minor emergency. I started
to feel lightheaded. I was given extra blood.

The second night both hospital stays, my caretaker was DAYLA MIRI
RALSTON, the wife of ANDREW RALSTON M.D. The sweetest of friends
and an editor for one of the original Plant Your Dream Books, Dalya
was with me during the second day, the worst and most painful

The third night, my first round, I felt like dying. My companion
during the night was DR. GARY HARTMAN. No one ever knew he
was an M.D. who had worked formerly for the Social Security Administration.
Gary was deeply involved in many spiritual teachings. My friends
would sleep in a cot, provided by the hospital. Gary brought me
chicken soup.

By Thursday of the first round of surgeries, I was out of bed walking.
My PT and/or guide was the wife of BILL HELM, the head of the TAOIST
SANCTUARY. She just "happened" to work at Thornton. I was talking
natural healing to the other PT's, and keeping my spirits up through
enjoying the company of the nurses aids who were delighted to reserve
fresh fruits.

By Friday night of the first round, one of my former sweethearts,
a Salsa Dance teacher came down from L.A. We made footage of me
dancing out of bed. Saturday, we had a celebration.

On Saturday of both hip revisions,
I had ARIELLA SHIRA, an Essene priestess with me
doing shabbat rituals with me. Ariella is also married to an
M.D. During the second round of surgeries, Getting Hip
occurred during the Jewish Holiday for Tu'bishvat, the BIRTHDAY

During the first round, on Friday, LINDA HILL, a great music healer
and personal friend for many years, played her harp in my room.
I invited her in to introduce her healing harp music to the staff.


One of my friends, a person with multiple chemical sensitivity and immune system, stayed in my room,on the final day, Shegave a review to the head nurse about the use of chemicals and toxins in the hospital. Highly Sensitive
to all chemicals, we were surprised to find that Thornton passed
the test. She had no reactions. She also gave a fingers up to the products
that were used to wash the sheets.

On the final day, I was making recommendations to the hospital
about setting up a healing room for the staff, including a body slant
for quick naps during breaks. I learned about the BODYSLANT from
DR. BERNARD JENSEN, one of San Diego's most esteemed natural healers.
Dr. Jensen is the founder of the HIDDEN VALLEY HEALTH RANCH in Escondido, He treated more than 350,000 patients. He was the
American father of Iridology, a non-invasive approach to look into
the iris and see various conditions within the body. Iridology is currently
undergoing a constant evolution of procedures, and is world acclaimed
in many circles. People of many cultures for thousands of years, including the Chinese, Native American, Meso American, ancient Eqyptian, Ancient Essenes have used non-invasive approaches to "look" at what is going
on inside the body without needing to do exploratory surgeries.

It will be a great day when the integrative leading edge thinkings
spend more time understanding how Iridology can be applied.


On my first or second round of surgeries, I was told by the aide
who wheeled me out of the hospital that they had never had a patient
before like me. A number of staff, joked that it would be a good idea
for me to have free room and board at the hospital to help keep
spirits up among the staff and patients.


Getting to know Dr. Bill Bugbee, my surgeon, was a profound healing
experience. I would give love poems I had written for his wife,


He said numbers of times that he could not guarantee that
I would walk again following the surgeries. His goal was to
have me be pain free. He was concerned and did not look
forward to doing my surgeries because of the extreme difficulty
involved. I was not a normal candidate for hip revisions because
of the severity of my hips, and the state of degeneration of both
the natural bone and the condition of the original hip replacements
that had worn down after more than 20 years usage.


IBS symptoms, including extreme diarrhea and sensitivity to
antibiotics and medicine had always been my medical signature.

During my hip replacements, twenty years or more ago in Utah,
I needed no pain shots whatsoever. I had met a woman who
was in touch with the remedies of a Native American healer.
I had heard of him during my years with Dr. Jensen. I used
his remedy of Peach Bark Tea as a pain remedy in 1975,
when both my hips were replaced 13 days apart.
My second surgery was on Columbus
day. I was in awe to be discovering new inner worlds
and the promise of being able to walk again.
I had been so committed to natural healing during my studies
with Dr. Bernard Jensen, and so devoted to alternative healing,
that I walked out of many surgery opportunities back then.
By the time I had my hip surgeries, I had unable to walk for 18
months and could not spread my legs apart more than 1/4 inch.
I was frozen prone in bed for any months prior to finally welcoming
the original hip replacements.

I took meticulous records and kept a journal during those times.
My healing relationship with the nurses was profound during
my first surgeries. Done in Salt Lake City, at the University Hospital,
DR. HAROLD DUNN, another world class surgeon, was part of my
healing team.

One of the nurses came to visit on her day off. I did a marriage
counseling session with her and learned a lot about the life
of interns and those going into M.D. training.


During my second hip revisions in 2002, diarrhea was frequent.
Dr. Bugbee had given me freedom to choice the foods and
supplements I would use, but there was concern that I had
diarrhea from the invasion of an virus I had gotten in the hospital

The nurses were concerned that I was takingdid a lot of research about Arnica Montana. Boirons 30C homeopathy remedy.
That remedy is available over the counter in WHOLE FOODS
MARKET. Arnica Montana has for a long time
been my pain reliever of choice.
The herb, Arnica Montana, is indeed poisonous. When they
researched it through their resources, you came up with information
about the poison. They wanted to talk me off taking it. The raw herb
arnica is not the same as the homeopathic dosage.

These interactions were highly stressful.

About nine months later, when I went
in for my checkup, one of the resident M.D.'s
thanked me for introducing him to Homeopathy,
I gave Dr bugbee a book later on from the Boiron company.


About six to nine months following my second
surgery, I was still using a crutch to get around
per the advise of Dr. Bugbee.

One day, I received a very curious invite in the mail.
It was an invitation to attend a gathering in a rather
posh part of Rancho Santa Fe. I had no idea why
I had been invited to an event hosted by the then
Chancellor of UCSD.
I decided to go anyway. The trip
along back roads made me uncomfortable.
I do not enjoy
finding new places in the dark.

There was valet parking at the event.
I drove in in ny 68 VW Van, that I call the
EG MOBILE, When I finally made it to the door,
walking up another dark road, I was relieved,
I knocked, I was amazed to find Dr, Bugbee
answering the door,

Everything became clear at that point,

"Why did you invite me here?" I asked,
"I invited you because I liked the way you
advocated for yourself.: Dr. Bugbee said.

That evening, I learned a lot about the nature
of modern medicine, The surgeon, the researcher,
the doctor, the PT, have little contact with each other
on a daily basis, They are each specialists.
UC was wanting to construct a state of the art
building where various entities actually had offices
in the same place, They were basically talking
about integrative medicine to some degree,
The purpose that night was to fundraise,

I gave my imput and met some great people,
I had the opportunity to explain some of my ideas
that could enhance a hospital environment,
I may have brought up the idea of an Enchanted Garden
Installation, a healing garden, as well as an
Enchanted Garden room for post surgery care,


Fast forward to Fall of 2009,
at the Enchanted Garden installation
at the Pacific Symposium 2009

Fast forward to the invite to
explore creating a state of the art
Healing Garden and getting to know staff.

Yes, my friend, Seed Dreams planted years before,
will inevitable take root before our eyes,

Plant a Seed, Grow a Whole New World,


It is now 7:25 AM
December 9, 09
This is a first draft
of a writing,

I remain,
Your Enchanted Gardener


in process...

THE FIRST WORLD's Talking BEET PLANT, November 2009.
My 62nd birthday is November 19. I plan to go back
to being the health I was when I was 42 It will take
me about five years to fulfill this seed dream,

in part on a stone plaque in the proposed


Bird Bath

There was once a bird on a sunny spring morning, warm enough after the dew long dried, who came upon a two inches deep puddle just outside my screen door. There before my eyes, mother nature invited me to witness a most sacred ritual. The bird was delirious with a deep-seated sensual joy, as if something was being fulfilled, something so instinctual, so essential.

The bird stood to the right of its makeshift pond and there
proceeded to take a bath, first stepping into the water leg length, testing the temperature. Liking it, the bird underwent the most exuberant frenzied immersion, first splashing, circling round and round. She dipped one side, wet it good, shook it, stretched. Then she continued her ceremony on the other wing, dipping, wetting, stretching, shaking. So touched with this entire experience, the bird could not contain herself, and continued her little water water bathing dance with variations on the theme, wetting its little tail feathers, rolling around on its under belly, doing little hops, skips and jumps.

I was so delighted by this unabashed explosion of life that the artist in me began spinning a detailed account of what I wanted to write yet the affairs of the day consumed me. When I returned to the word canvas of my mind, colors were muddied and i had nothing to say. A moment to be seized was lost, a gift given, unshared. I mourned for weeks, somewhere in the back of my being. Oh for the integrity when we take time in the midst of being too busy to create, to create wholly.

On this day years later, when the richness of possibility again threatens to be lost to the tasks at hand, to the chores that must be done ,to the churning wheels of commerce in my head, to the misspent energies of cares and worries that weeks from now will count for nothing, I'm remembering a bird and a bird bath, that chirps into eternity.


The Birdbath
by Leslie Goldman

On a sunny spring morning, warm and crisp after the dew had long since dried, a bird came upon a puddle formed in a two-inch-deep depression just outside my screen door. There before my eyes, Mother Nature invited me to witness a most sacred ritual. The bird was deliriously happy with a deep-seated, sensual joy, as if something was being fulfilled, something
instinctual and essential. She then proceeded to take a bath in the makeshift pond, first stepping gingerly into thewater to test the temperature. Finding it to her liking, the bird underwent the most exuberant and frenzied immersion, first splashing, then circling round and round. She dipped one side, wet it,shook it, and then stretched. She continued with the other wing, dipping, wetting, shaking, and stretching. She could not contain her excitement and continued her water-bathing dance with
variations on the theme, wetting her tail feathers, rolling around on her underbelly, andconcluding with little hops, skips, and jumps.
I was so delighted by this unabashed explosion of life that the artist in me began spinning a detailed account of what I saw; yet the affairs of the day consumed me. When I returned to the word canvas in my mind, colors were muddied. I had nothing to say. A moment to be seized
was lost; a gift given, unshared. I mourned that loss for weeks. On this day years later, when therichness of possibility again threatens to be lost to the tasks at hand, to the chores that must be done, to the misspent energies of cares and worries that weeks from now will count for nothing,
I’m taking time to write now about a bird and her bath that will chirp into


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