Please shop the Hillcrest Farmers' Market Sunday 9-2 PM by YourEnchantedGardener .....

The Linkery: What the Farmers bring in, determines what is on the Menu! Chef Jem and I stopped in there after the Hillcrest Farmers' Market. A lot more restaurants are needed to shop the Hillcrest Farmers' Market, and shoppers. This is therapeutic quality food, local, organic, fresh picked. Tthe vital forces are still in the food. A lot of food was left over at the end of the market, still looking for a good tummy.

Date:   5/24/2009 7:29:06 PM ( 15 y ago)

2 PM, May 24, 09, This photos was taken
at the close of the Farmers' Market today
There was an abundance
of the finest local, organic food left over today


Please go out of your way to shop the Hillcrest Farmers'
Market, 9 AM-2 PM, Sunday. Much
food is being grown by some of our finest local,
organic farmers that is not being sold.

The market is located at the Hillcrest DMV. The address is
3960 Normal St (between Blaine Ave & Lincoln Ave) San Diego, CA.
Coming south on 163 from the North, get off at Washington East
and go right. Turn right at Lincoln. Go right one block. Park in the
DMV lot or on the streets. There are other ways to enter from
the South to the North as well. Google it. Get directions for yourself.

NOTE: May 31, there will be a Marathon
in the neighborhood,and some of the
normal access roads will be blocked.
Please enter from the farther East and head
West down El Cajon Blvd to where it intersects
with Washington Blvd. East. Lincoln is a few blocks
from Park Blvd.; or check the traffic reports.

DAVID LARSEN, our devoted Market Manager, has
turned the HILLCREST FARMERS' MARKET into one of
the showcase Farmers' Markets in the nation, written
up in national publications.

The Sunday event is an event--complete with music,
crafts, international vendors, massage, and an array
of local, organic food. Conventional food is also offered
for those who wish this.

You will find food for every taste and diet plan, be you a vegan,
vegetarian, or advocate of grass fed poultry, or high quality grown

There is good for every budget.
The freshest food is offered early in the day for those
who need fresh picked food of the highest therapeutic quality.
Often, there are discounts when you shop close to closing.
The food offered at the closing is still two to four days fresher than
food found in a commercial food store.

4:57 PM
May 24, 09

Spent from around 11 AM to 2 PM
best in San Diego County, and the nation.

I work with three farmers,
PHIL & JUANY NOBLE of Sage Mountain Farm,

Both Joe and Phil have CSA's. Joe's CSA is currently
full, and managed by the delightful JOANE, who
provides many recipes and teaches how to use
the many unusual foods.

Phil can handle many more members. His INLAND
EMPIRE CSA is a class act. He has more land.
Barry invites the community to a monthly
potluck where shoppers from all three farms show up,
as well as food groups, and community farm leaders.

MEL LIONS, once the owner of the famed LEANING TOWER
PIZZA, is often the pizza maker at Barry's event; and there
is an array of other outtstanding chefs. You can sit at the
edge of this delightful farm, enjoying the finest of potluck
faire, while the kids are having fun on the trampoline and
swings. Mel, is now the guiding hand behind ROOTS,
a sustainable food project, that aims to buy more farm land
soon for all of us. That event is held the third Saturday of
the month.

PHIL, has a gift for "smelling" out land with water. He currently
farms in Aquanga. His water would sell for $2.00 a bottle.
He has others properties where he will soon expand, likely
inviting his other farm friends to coop farm as well.
These three farmers are friends, as are many of the farmers
in San Diego. They know there are more mouths to fed
that healthy food.

The success of our local, organic farmers depends on you.
Tell your friends. Make this a weekly event.

Support The Hillcrest Farmers' Market.

Sunday, May 24,

I spent time gathering our food for the week,
luscious mulberries from BARRY KORAL,
and no spray cherries from the farmer right next
to Joe Rodriguez. I also got some lovely potatoes, and some
innards of pasture raised chickens from CURTIS.
I went to Barry Koral's, one of the greatest
advocates of vegan diet in the county,
looking for a perfect apricot,
but there were none. The other apricots at the market
were picked too soon, and others did not have
a the krisp fresh picked aromatic feel I was looking for,
although they had no sprays.

The rest of my food and time I spend with
my three main farmers.

Phil had an assortment of very specials squashes,
and unique onions. Joe had some very special
North Eastern Green Beans, and out of this world
strawberries that had been picked at 6 AM that morning.
These are the History Making Strawberries that I
in 05, after this market. They stunned the customers.
The likes of these strawberries have never been in any
commercial store that I know.

Barry had lovely lamb's quarters that caught my attention,
and his normal high standard of chard and beets are
grown with rock dust, a powerful supplement.

The three farmers are growing food that
would get a big yes from DR. BERNARD JENSEN
(19080-2001). For those who want to learn more
about these foods, I highly recommend you attend
our COME ALIVE! class, held each Wednesday, here
We meet from 7:30-9:30 PM.

We also have monthly Sunday meetings in the works
where are community of friends can garden together,
and experience blackberries now coming into full bloom.

This Hillcrest Farmers' Market food is therapeutic quality,
the kind that a person needs who wants to improve their
health through nutrition.

Here at our community, CHEF JEM, our resident
Raw Goat Kefir Maker, uses it for our steamed
greens, and various Nourishing Traditions fermented

At today's Farmers' Market,
the cabbage from LA MILPA ORGANICA FARM
was a work of art, but I did not get any,
maybe later when CHEF JEM has time to ferment it
into Sourerkraut. Cabbage like this does not
get into the supermarket. This is what an "untamed"
Cabbage in full expression, looks like.

I spend more time than I anticipated bagging and selling
the North Eastern Green Beans for Joe. I am amazed how many
green bean lovers there are. Lots of newby Green Bean eaters
too today. Many people did not know what to do with these delightful
green beans. They are delicious raw or steamed. I am going to
juice them.

LORETTA and I shared some good moments today.
She had been with DR. BERNARD JENSEN years ago.
He is my spiritual father. I wrote a number of his books
from his words. Those are Joe's Strawberries, locally,
picked that morning at 6 AM. The fragrance is delightful!

I sold a lot of green beans. The locally grown organic strawberries
sell themselves. The fragrance is rare and special. The strawberries
were picked at 6 AM that morning very ripe. They are sun ripe,
full of life giving minerals.

All three of the friend farmers had too much food left over,
and this was a heartbreaker for me.

We need more people to shop at the Hillcrest Farmers' Market.

I was determined to find a solution to the problem
of so much left over food going unsold.


I brought some things for friend CONNIE POWERS
who works the Body Care area. I brought
her some of Joe's beans and his eight ball squashes,
and the Lambsquarters from Barry.

I talked to Connie about having WHOLE FOODS MARKET
HILLCREST have a weekly Farmers Market from around 2:30 PM-
4:30 PM. I would bring over the best of the foods left over
and set it up on a table. That is the idea.
I would want to sell the food and split the profit 50-50
with the store. I would give funds to the farmers and keep some.

DAVE SANDERS, the Store Team Manager years ago, a dear ally,
onceoffered me the opportunity to have such a Farmers' Market.
He did not want anything for doing that. He just wanted to
help the local organic farmers. They really need a hand up now.
Our local Whole Foods Market Hillcrest supports our local farmers.
It will be interesting to see what unfolds with the proposed
Farmers' Market at the Hillcrest Whole Foods Market store.

Then, Chef Jem and I went to NATURE'S EXPRESS down the street.
We picked up the three crates I left there two weeks ago. I brought
in three crates of Joe's strawberries and MITCH gave me a check
for Joe. I gave that check to Joe the next week.

Mitch was not there until 4:30 PM. I did not want to wait.
There is still some work to do here, but this could be a drop off
point for the food that is looking for a good home in a tummy.
Mitch froze some of the berries for smoothies.

Then, Chef Jem and I went toward the LINKERY on 30TH Street.
I met JUAN, one of the food buyers, at the Hillcrest FM today.
Phil and Barry already provide him with food.
I introduced Juan to Joe.

I met KEVIN at the cash register and explained my idea.
Gather food and drop it off to the restaurant. He liked the idea.

This was the second visit to this lovely restaurant.

Then we spent a little time with STEPHANIE. She does the beer
menu. Chef Jem had offered her one of the berries from Joe.
She loved it. She told me that in the past. J.R. ORGANICS,
that's Joe, had provided some of their food.

Joe and Barry are both being impacted by severe
water restrictions that make it hard for them to
wake up every morning and say, "Happiness is Organic!"
Every unit of food needs to find a home,
that is the sentiment of KEEP The BEET Media
Star, the World's First Talking Beet Plant.

KEEP The BEET, is an inspired cartoon character,
who came to life out of a need to create a Moment
of Awakening, where more of us realize we each need
to "Know Our Grower." KEEP The BEET sez,
"Grow Your Food & Love Your Farmer."

She asks us each to get a beet from Phil, Joe, and Barry.
repot it, and grow the greens. For more on her program

At Sunday's Farmers' Market,
I brought in a few of Joe's beans and gave Stephanie some.
I took her photo.

I also looked around the restaurant.
Lots of lovely art and a welcome mat here
for Artisans. I plan to email Juan some of my
farm and food photos of our three top farmers

Stephanie said something very beautiful.
She mentioned some of the other farmers she worked with.
She named a farm I did not know. She said
they drop off food on a Wednesday.
The Linkery receives what the farmer has,
and that determines what is on the menu.

Ah Enlightenment!

Chef Jem and I left the Linkery
feeling uplifted. We were in process
of creating more community on this Sunday of Memorial
Day Weekend, and helping our local organic farmer.


1. Find the quote from DR. BERNARD JENSEN
that he gave to JOE RODRIGUEZ JR. Print up some
signage with the uses of the food. Pictures and
uses in the body.

2. Oh, I forgot! One of my excitements was
discussing the idea with JUAN of the LINKERY
about having my photos of the farm in the slide
show that is ongoing at the Linkery.

3. There are numbers of emails to add in.


Numbers of people knew my name at today's

One was LORETTA. She asked me about
a melon she ate from Joe last year, a very special
Melon from Japan grown by Joe. Out of this World!!!
She brought up the name of DR. BERNARD JENSEN.
That was a connect. She had met him and
had a few friends get iridology readings from him.
She bought some of the berries.

I had a tremendous breakthrough today
about wanting to do a next Sunday gathering
with a Shavuot theme, but the energies
I am working through at the house were in
my energy field and felt like a leak.

I discussed some of those with Chef Jem.
He is the ultimate good listener.

Time to put a way a few foods
and take a nap.

it is 5:38 PM

Still would like to enter in some of the
names and get a complete on this.

I am going to upload my photos now
from today. That will be grounding.


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