The ultimate cleanse by Walter Last by mo123 .....

This ultimate cleanse is designed to rid our body of pathogenic microbes and parasites, and at the same time regenerate our immune system.

Date:   3/6/2009 1:48:03 PM ( 15 y ago)

See your naturopath before treating any health problem with drugs or surgery!


by Walter Last

Most diseases are caused or aided by microbes and parasites. Due to antibiotics, steroidal drugs and chemotherapy our natural intestinal bacteria commonly have been replaced with pathogenic microbes. Also microbes from childhood vaccinations may still be present, and there tend to be infection foci in root-canal treated teeth and possibly in scars due to surgery. All of this greatly weakens our immune system and allows fungi, viruses, bacteria and parasites to invade the blood and internal organs. Now we become susceptible to frequent acute infections, or to chronic infections and immune disturbances such as autoimmune diseases, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

This ultimate cleanse is designed to rid our body of pathogenic microbes and parasites, and at the same time regenerate our immune system. The necessary steps are intestinal sanitation or re-establishing a healthy intestinal flora, followed by a longer period of systemic antimicrobial therapy. A powerful antimicrobial combination is a 3-week course of Lugol’s iodine solution followed by water that has been purified with MMS. For long-term healing also root-canal filled teeth may need to be removed.


The first step of the ultimate cleanse is re-establishing a healthy intestinal flora. For this we reduce the pathogenic microbes in the intestines with a suitable microbicide before immediately afterwards introducing probiotics or healthy lactobacteria. I prefer fresh, raw garlic which has powerful antimicrobial and especially fungicidal powers. To minimize unpleasant reactions, such as headaches, nausea and other gastro-intestinal discomfort it is preferable initially to take the garlic together with a strong laxative. This is called a flush. An effective flush is with a tablespoon of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) in a large glass of water. Drink some more water afterwards.

If you are constipated or overweight you may take 2 tablespoons when using it for the first time to make sure that it quickly comes out at the other end. To make it taste less bitter you may refrigerate the dissolved Epsom salts overnight. In the morning you crush a large clove of garlic, mix and drink it with a small amount of water, and follow this with the refrigerated drink and some more water.

During the following mornings you may use less Epsom salts or take a milder laxative instead, such as psyllium. If you dislike garlic you may put the crushed or chopped garlic into gelatin capsules. If you seem to be allergic to garlic, then use another antimicrobial, such as hydrogen peroxide, olive leaf extract, pau d’arco extract or wormwood. Similar if you can use garlic only during the weekend because of social restraints. Alternatively you may start directly with Lugol’s iodine solution.

Other laxatives that may be used for a flush are Glauber Salz or sodium sulfate, castor oil or senna. You may need to experiment with your chosen laxative to find the right amount to take with the garlic so that it is effective within a few hours.

Psyllium is excellent and most recommend for long-term use. If you are not overweight or constipated you may start the Ultimate Cleanse this way instead of using Epsom salts. Psyllium is especially effective for removing endotoxins from the intestines and reducing allergic and autoimmune reactions. Take a heaped teaspoon of psyllium hulls, mix in a glass of water and drink immediately followed by another glass of water. Until you start with the systemic antimicrobial therapy add chopped garlic or another antimicrobial to the psyllium drink and, if overacid (sensitive skin) and with intestinal discomfort, also add a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate. Do this Intestinal Sanitation for a minimum of three days before starting with the systemic therapy and continue with it until you feel well again.


This leads us to the next step: replacing the decimated pathogenic microbes with desirable lactobacilli. This must be done in a massive dose 30-60 minutes after each flush; otherwise the unwanted microbes may grow back to full strength after the next meal. Commonly probiotics contain acidophilus and bifido bacteria in addition to other lactobacteria.

These bacterial cultures are available from health food shops as powders or capsules that should be refrigerated. Preferably buy milk-free cultures, especially with Type 1 diabetes and allergies. High-potency cultures should contain 10 Billion or preferably 25 Billion live bacteria per gram or per capsule (keep refrigerated). In addition you may use cultures as a starter to make your own ferment from goats’ milk or bee pollen. This does not set as solid as cow’s milk because of the lower protein content, but that does not matter as the beneficial bacteria are in the liquid. You keep it warm for several hours, and it is ready to use when it tastes somewhat acid and starts frothing, keep refrigerated. Try to obtain a wide variety of different strains of lactobacteria. For more information see Recipes: Yogurt, and also Seed Cheese in HEALING FOODS (

Take a cupful of this ferment after each flush, and use more before other meals. Continue taking either the cultures or ferment several times daily during the intestinal cleanse and during the systemic antimicrobial therapy. Live ferment is much more effective than capsules or powders, preferably keep taking it daily until your health has fully recovered.


Systemic antimicrobial therapy involves cleaning the bloodstream, lymph fluid, and internal organs of pathogenic microbes. I believe the best and most powerful combination presently available is a 3-week course of Lugol’s iodine solution followed by water that has been purified with MMS. This method may not be suitable in high doses during pregnancy, in this case consult a health professional.

Methods and remedies that have traditionally been used, and may still be used in addition are olive leaf extract, pau d’arco extract, grapefruit seed extract, wormwood, oxygen therapy, coconut oil or caprylic acid (Capricin), and an electronic blood purifier. Some other good antimicrobial remedies are propolis, extract of Neem leaves, and the oils of tea tree, Neem tree, cinnamon, eucalyptus, mustard, oregano, shark liver, and thyme. You may try using 1 to 2 drops of essential oil four times daily ingested or kept in the mouth. Also try direct treatment of affected areas, such as douching, gargling, enemas and skin applications. Colloidal silver may be used for direct treatment but not for ingestion as it tends to form insoluble silver chloride in the stomach.

Frequently, especially with Candidiasis, there is a die-off reaction during the intestinal sanitation or during the systemic therapy. You may feel weak and nauseous. In this case temporarily interrupt or reduce the intake of antimicrobials, but make special efforts to clean out your bowels.

Lugol's Solution

Compared to MMS, iodine is much better tolerated. Therefore you can use iodine to remove much of your microbial load in a relatively easy way, and with fewer side effects than with MMS. Furthermore, iodine has a special affinity for mucous membranes which are also an attractive hiding place for fungi. Iodine is an all-round microbial and an excellent fungicide. It is commonly used as Lugol's solution with 10% of potassium iodide and 5% iodine, which is the same as 10g of potassium iodide and 5g of elemental iodine per 100 ml. Each drop contains about 6.5 mg of iodine/iodide. It may also be called Aqueous Iodine Solution.

After more than 100 years of use by the medical profession it has now been outlawed by the FDA in the US. In Australia it is difficult to obtain but still available from some compounding chemists or from
Regular Lugol’s solution has 10% total iodine while the highest concentration permitted by the FDA is 2.2%. Therefore if you can buy 2% iodine solution take 5 times more than the amount recommended for Lugol’s solution. In the US you may also buy Iodoral tablets, each with the equivalent of 2 drops of Lugo’s solution. Internally use iodine only in water, not dissolved in alcohol or other solvents, which also cause more reactions if applied to the skin.

Always read the label and compare the iodine content with the 10% of total iodine in regular Lugol’s solution. Commonly very weak products are now being sold by chemists/pharmacists. In New Zealand a product is being sold as 4% Lugol’s solution. Users assume that it contains 4% iodine compared to 10% in regular Lugol’s solution, but this deceptive labelling actually means that is has only 4% of the strength of real Lugol’s solution, therefore users need to take 25 times more or 10 ml instead of 10 drops In Germany Lugol’s solution has been sold with a concentration of 0.7% total iodine which requires 15 times more drops than regular Lugol’s iodine. If you cannot obtain enough Lugol’s solution to last for 3 weeks then try to use a full dose for at least 5 days.

To test for allergy take a drop of iodine in liquid other then just water. If there is no reaction, gradually increase to taking 6 to 8 drops 4 times daily or 10 drops 3 times daily in liquid or mixed with food. Do not take the iodine directly with antioxidants but it is fine to have antioxidants five or more minutes later during a meal. You may use more or less iodine according to body weight.

Continue for 3 weeks with the full dose, but interrupt or temporarily reduce the dose if you develop a serious reaction; if necessary repeat the course after several months. In the meantime continue with several drops daily for a much longer time see Iodine: Bring Back the Universal Nutrient Medicine.

MMS – Sodium Chlorite

Sodium chlorite is being used in many countries, including Australia, as an antimicrobial treatment in the food industry and for water purification. As a 3.5% solution it is known in natural therapies as Stabilized Electrolytes of Oxygen, and as a nominally 28% solution it is now being used as Miracle Mineral Supplement or MMS.

In solution sodium chlorite (NaClO2) is very alkaline and stable but when acidified it forms the gas chlorine dioxide (ClO2) which is one of the strongest all-round antimicrobial and parasite remedies. The only residue left in the body after treatment with MMS is a small amount of table salt or sodium chloride.

After intestinal sanitation and a course of iodine start with 1 or 2 drops of MMS and gradually increase up to 15 drops one or two times a day. Mix with five times the number of drops of lemon or lime juice but preferably with a more effective10% solution of citric acid in water. You can make this yourself by dissolving 1 part of citric acid crystals in 9 parts of water. Less recommended is white vinegar (but not cider vinegar which may aggravate fungal problems). Three minutes after adding the acids add half a glass of water, and possibly herb tea, or juice without added vitamin C, e.g. apple or grape juice but not orange juice. Also cinnamon, on its own or with some honey stirred into the water, helps to disguise the taste of the solution. Do not take any antioxidant supplements close to MMS. If it tastes too acid for you, then you may neutralize it with sodium bicarbonate shortly before drinking.

Drink the diluted MMS, possibly spaced out over an hour or two to minimize nausea. It acts best on an empty stomach but that also easily causes nausea. Generally it is better to have some food in the stomach and be able to take a higher dose. If nausea occurs temporarily reduce the dose. Commonly nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may occur sooner or later and are beneficial for cleaning out but may be avoided or minimized with the preceding intestinal sanitation and iodine therapy.

With an acute and serious infection, including malaria, influenza and urinary tract infection, you may immediately use a high dose, such as 10 or 15 drops, possibly followed an hour later by the same amount. You will vomit and be very uncomfortable for about a day but it may immediately overcome the infection. However, for chronic conditions and general health improvement it is best to increase by 1 drop each day until you feel some nausea. The next day cut back by 2 drops and stay at this level for several days until increasing again by 1 drop a day. In this way you gradually work your way higher, reducing and then increasing again to keep nausea under control. You may reduce problems by dividing the daily dose into a morning and a bedtime portion, but after some time always try to edge higher until you start feeling the nausea.

The original recommendation is to stay on the maximum dose of 3 x 15 drops of MMS for one week and then reduce to a maintenance dose of 6 drops once a day or twice a week for several months longer. Many or most individuals will not be able to reach 3 x 15 drops or even 1 x 15 drops. In this case just remain longer at the highest dose that you can use. With a serious infection you may use a lower dose several times during the day, and especially at bedtime but for general health improvement you may just take a lower dose once a day for several months.

To stop nausea you may take 1000 mg or more of vitamin C, but this also stops the antimicrobial activity. Other methods that may help against nausea are vitamin B6, ginger, pressing 2-3 cm below the wrist in the middle of the underarm, and also reflexology: pressing the foot reflex for the stomach - just below the joint of the big toes, press against a pointed stone/rock, step or corner of some furniture. Furthermore, I found that much of the nausea can be relieved by cleaning out the bowels before taking the drops or immediately when nausea starts. This may be done with an enema or colonic, or by taking a suitable laxative before the nausea starts.

To avoid or minimize oxidative damage I recommend taking MMS only in the morning and evening or only once a day and use a combination of antioxidants, including vitamin C, at lunchtime or several hours away from the MMS.

Nevertheless, after a while nausea may become so pervasive that MMS intake needs to be interrupted for a longer period. If you have a serious condition, then use other antimicrobials during this time, especially olive leaf extract, pau d’arco extract or wormwood. In regard to other side effects also read The Healing Crisis. For an Internet supply of MMS and Lugol’s solution based in Australia see,
in the US see
and in Canada

Before using MMS inform yourself further by reading SODIUM CHLORITE – The Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), and also visit


Some additional remedies for systemic antimicrobial treatment are concentrated olive leaf extract, concentrated Pau d’arco extract, and wormwood. These are generally not as effective as the combination of Lugo’s solution and MMS but may be used if one or both of these are not available, or if you need a break from high iodine and MMS.

The recommended herbal dosages are for average body weight, overweight individuals may take more and underweight individuals or children less. These remedies may not be suitable in high doses during pregnancy, in this case consult a health professional.

Further supportive methods are oxygen therapy, coconut oil or caprylic acid (Capricin), an electronic blood purifier and magnetic pulser. Some other good anti-microbial remedies are propolis, extracts of Neem leaves, and the oils of tea tree, Neem tree, cinnamon, eucalyptus, mustard, oregano, shark liver, and thyme. You may try using 1 to 2 drops of essential oil four times daily ingested or kept in the mouth. Colloidal silver is best for direct treatment of affected areas, such as douching or gargling, as after ingestion it may not be effective past the stomach. For details see other articles on this website.

Olive leaf

Olive leaf is an effective anti-microbial. It can be used as tea or powder but commonly it is now used as an extract. The active ingredient is oleuropein. Preferably use up to 1000 mg of oleuropein daily as part of the anti-microbial rotation program. Dried olive leaf has about 30 mg of oleuropein/gram.

As the tea is bitter you may use part of it as powder stirred in juice. Simmer 30g of dried leaves in 1 liter of water for 1 -2 hours, top up, strain and refrigerate, and drink 3-5 cups daily.

Preferably use extracts in powder form and stir half a teaspoon in water or other non-protein liquid two or three times daily and take before meals (oleuropein may be inactivated by high amino acid levels). The normal retail form is as 500mg capsules. In this case you may use 10 capsules daily. Commercial liquids commonly contain only 4 mg of oleuropein per ml. In powder form olive leaf extract has 200mg to 220mg/g. For a supply of Olive Leaf Extract powder on Australia see

Pau d’arco

Pau d’arco (also called taheebo or lapacho) is a strong anti-microbial from the inner bark of a South American tree. It has the advantage of tasting reasonably pleasant. Either use extract or make tea: one tablespoon of bark or a heaped teaspoon of powder in a large cup of water. Bring to boil and let simmer or steep for 5 to 15 minutes; drink 3 cups a day. Powdered pau d’arco in capsules or cold water does not work but you may use the extract in capsules. Use 3 capsules of extract 3 times daily.


Wormwood is effective against most microbes and parasites. Commonly used for Candida is Artemisia absinthium, but also Artemisia annua or Sweet Annie can be used. Both herbs have different active ingredients, and it may even be good to use a mixture of both. They should not be used during pregnancy.

To avoid the bitter taste of A. absinthium stir a rounded teaspoon of powder in some cold water or juice and drink immediately. Use a teaspoonful three times daily. However, the bitter qualities of wormwood tea stimulate the digestive system - stomach, pancreas, liver and gall bladder. It has been used as a folk remedy to cure jaundice.

Therefore, in addition to taking it in cold water, frequently drink some as tea during or after a meal. Make wormwood tea by adding 1 heaped teaspoon of the herb (or 1 rounded teaspoon of the powder) to 1 cup of boiling water and allow to steep for ten to fifteen minutes. You may sweeten the tea with xylitol or stevia, and add some peppermint.

Generally, it is easiest to take by getting it down quickly and, before breathing again, drinking something pleasant afterwards. For children you may also use wormwood powder in capsules (3 to 5 capsules 3 times daily), or use only Sweet Annie.

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods in the treatment of illness and health improvement. The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease, or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.


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