Questions answered about blood clotting, IBS, parasites and freeradical damage by #108691 .....

Q:How can blood clotting that causes migraines be stopped. Q: What causes IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)? Q: How do we get parasites and how do we keep from getting re-infected? Q: How about information about stopping free radical damage? Q: Do reverse osmosis filters remove important minerals from the drinking water?

Date:   2/23/2009 9:40:42 PM ( 15 y ago)

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Natural Health Q&A
February, 2009

Don't miss our lecture March 7th!

In This Issue:
Welcome to Natural Health Q&A
Q: How can blood clotting that causes migraines be stopped.
Q. What causes IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)?
Q. How do we get parasites and how do we keep from getting re-infected?
Q. How about information about stopping free radical damage?
Q. Do reverse osmosis filters remove important minerals from the drinking water?
Food, get the real thing!
Answers to survey responses
How you can help others get better with a simple gesture
Lecture Schedule and Announcements
What to expect in the next issue
Closing and Disclaimers
Contact Info
Welcome to Natural Health Q&A

This month, we have a lot to cover and Diana and I want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who participated in the survey last week. It was kind of you to take the time out from your busy schedules to answer the questions.
We will first start off with answering some health questions we received through our survey this past week. Next, Janelle Deeds, Certified Nutritionist and I have been working together closely over the past 8 years and to my delight she has offered to add content to this newsletter. You will find her article below. Also I have addressed some of the responses that were returned from the survey we sent out.

Lastly, We have a couple of special announcements that we would like to share with you. Don't skip over this part if you like saving money and/or would like to attend our lectures!
Click here to see how to get a coupon for $25 off of your next visit with Dr. Smith!

To submit your health questions or concerns to Dr Smith just hit reply, type your question or concern and he will respond in the next newsletter. This is a great way to participate in helping others. Don't think you are the only one with that "weird" question!

Q: How can blood clotting that causes migraines be stopped.

Why blood clots form has been a bone of contention with many doctors for decades. While no one really knows why this happens exactly, there are some pretty good theories.

My personal thought is that there is deterioration going on in the body tissue somewhere and the platelets are forming to repair perceived damage especially to the arterial walls. Usually, 100mg to 300mg of CoQ10 taken 2-3x a day will heal the damage and reduce the build up of small clots. Usually, the results are pretty fast.

The eventuality is that the client, after a few months, probably can reduce or eliminate the supplement. If, however, there is an outside influence causing this, like poor diet, chemical exposure, etc., this must be eliminated before any real healing can be done.

What are these exposures? Well, many people do not realize the inherent dangers in something as simple and comfortable as wall to wall carpeting. Chemicals used to make these and the chemicals used to lay the carpets, over time, out gas and release toxins to which some are very allergic. We do not have carpeting in our home for that very reason.

Diets that contain additives, chemicals and antibiotics are also an issue. I know it can be difficult to buy organic due to its higher price, but it simply has to be done. Organics are getting cheaper as we speak. I find it interesting that we have made organic food a niche market when the Europeans (not all) have organic foods simply because they never did factory farming to begin with! (When will the U.S. ever get it)? Find an organic farm in your area.

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Q. What causes IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)?

Like many colon diseases (diverticulosis, diverticulitis, celiac disease, Crohn's Disease, leaky gut) the primary cause is the Standard American Diet and the overuse of antibiotics. Because our food supply is full of antibiotics and dangerous chemicals, it really is a wonder that the entire U.S. population hasn't succumbed to this.

These additives reduce the friendly flora in the colon thus causing these diseases. The first answer is to avoid antibiotics whenever possible. That means eating as organic as possible and avoiding foods that contain chemicals and or derivatives such as MSG (which now goes under the pseudonym of partially hydrolyzed soybean oil). There are also new foods on the market that can also contribute to this and these are the GMO or genetically modified foods that are appearing more frequently. These foods incidentally, are not regulated by the FDA so it is up to the consumer to beware. READ LABELS!

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Q. How do we get parasites and how do we keep from getting re-infected?

Which supplements do you recommend for ongoing maintenance?

First, undercooked or raw foods are a huge culprit. That means steak tartar and sushi are high on my list of "no-no" foods. These make me want to pull out my hair. Parasites, of course, are killed by high cooking temperatures so cook your food!

That caveat applies to salads, as well. This is especially true of salads in restaurants. In a survey done some ten years ago by the FDA, 100 restaurant salads were checked and every single one had human fecal material. Restaurants are a notorious source of parasitic infections.

Some parasites enter the body through the soles of our feet, through orifices in the body when swimming in contaminated water (9 young boys under 13 died last year alone swimming in the warm water lakes of Arizona and becoming infected by a parasite that entered the ears).

Drinking water that is "treated" can also be an issue. Standard methods of water treatment such as chlorine will not kill pathogenic parasites like cryptosporidium. Hundreds of people die each year due to cryptosporidium in the water supply. Drink only water you know for certain is pure and labeled as such. Your own treatment system is a plus especially if it treats with reverse osmosis and UV.

For ongoing maintenance, I suggest (after an initial cleanse of 90 days), a 7 day cleanse every 6 months. We use Cumanda, but you may also use Black Walnut Hull tincture with wormwood and both are effective. Cumanda is a bit more broad spectrum for some of the more exotic critters.

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Q. How about information about stopping free radical damage?

Free radicals are part of the natural healing process of the body. However, when free radicals go crazy, they can cause premature aging and diseases such as cancer.

Free radical damage occurs when the body cannot properly utilize oxygen. The oxygen left behind in the system attaches itself to the red blood cells and causes a breakdown in their ability to perform their function in the system and this is called oxidation.

This occurs when we exercise, eat chemical laden foods, exposure to pesticides, radiation or during an illness like a simple cold. This is why taking antioxidants like vitamin C, grapeseed extract, SOD (Super oxide dismutase) etc., is so important, especially to athletes. Regardless of what mainstream media reports, taking supplements can and does reverse many illnesses. Even the American Cancer Society recently admitted that Resveretrol ( grapeseed extract) reverses and prevents melanoma!

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Q. Do reverse osmosis filters remove important minerals from the drinking water?

How do we re-mineralize the water?

There are many good supplemental mineral products on the market that can be added into the water once it passes through the reverse osmosis filter. One of these can be found on the Biocytonics website as Trace Minerals.

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Food, get the real thing!

Food ~ Get The Real Thing!
Janelle Deeds, NC
Nutrition Consultant

When we consider the consequences of our actions,we can determine the best choices to create the outcome we desire.

So, what is this real food thing all about? Well, the real thing is not coca-cola, for those of you raised in the 70's! God designed us in an amazing and intricate fashion. In a nutshell, our bodies were meant to eat from nature to provide fuel to our cells which in turn run the metabolic machine that keeps us going.

Things like chemicals, food dyes, pesticides, herbicides, plastic, trans fats, fake sugar and such actually clog, congest and confuse our internal body functions. This is generally what the Standard American Diet (SAD) is made up of. This is why so many people feel crummy and are on one or more prescription drugs, act crummy- depressed, angry, have a hormonally unpleasant disposition and are generally cranky butts - stuck in their lives watching reality tv, gossiping about others, no sex drive, hate the neighbor and never really smile.

Most of us know there is a problem out there, but what can we do about it? Well, we can WAKE UP and get informed. We have been trained and misinformed on so many issues. The media has educated us brilliantly. Now it is time to think for ourselves.

The basics for healthy food choices:

  • eat foods that are fresh, seasonal, local and in their closest to natural state.
  • eat foods that are grass-fed, pasture raised, without hormones or antibiotics
  • eat foods that are free from chemicals, food dyes and pesticides
  • eat foods that are local organic over industrial organic - yes, there is also a tiff going on inside the organic world these days...the point is to be conscious and not get hung up on it.
  • eat foods that are non-GMO and non-irradiated, this is a significant issue - how much corn and soy do you see along the side of the road in your community?
  • eat foods that support your local grower, sustainable agriculture and reduce your ecological footprint

Most of these things you have already heard of, but maybe don't know how to transition in your home. That is our journey. We have to start at the beginning.
Where does your food come from? Most of it comes from processing plants and factories thousands of miles away, if not from another country. It takes more fuel to get it here than you put in your car on a weekly basis. It was once food, but has been denatured or ripped apart and put back together...kind of like Frankenstien. The difference is, our food gets dressed up real pretty with shapes and colors and packaging before it goes out in public, but Franky, well, you've seen him. Not a pretty site and that is what you put into your body.
Sustainable - Sustainable agriculture integrates three main goals--environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity.
Translation - Sustainable agriculture is a way of raising food that is healthy for consumers and animals, does not harm the environment, is humane for workers and animals, provides a fair wage to the farmer, and supports and enhances communities.
If we don't get our food from 'home' or our local community we will become dependent on other countries for our basic survival. Sounds extreme, but look at what happened with the ecoli spinach ordeal. One location, one mishap, one big deal. Are you ready to make a change?
Action for today:
Look up your local grocer. You will find farmers markets, farms and stores from the links below. Maybe take a field trip in and see what it looks like. This is only the tip of the iceberg. There may be stores like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods in your area too, but they usually won't come up on this site. It doesn't mean they aren't good, it just means that they are a chain. We are looking for options include them all!

We are in a time when forming a community is important. Getting together, exchanging ideas, resources and recipes and relying on your neighbor, getting aquainted. This is the place to get connected. Keep an eye out on the calendar for upcoming lectures, local tours and build your network. Don't hesitate to visit my website for more information!

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Answers to survey responses

I want to take some time and answer some of the feedback we received.
An individual asked if I could keep each slide for comparison in the office. While that is a great idea, it presents a difficulty. Blood over time deteriorates and after a few days, it is pretty much useless. So keeping slides on file would be pretty difficult as well as a filing nightmare. I could do a DVD of each session, but that takes real time recording, adding in another step that adds an additional time element that can be problematic since it "cuts into" client time and adds additional cost.
The other difficulty is that without a running commentary on each DVD, we have the added problem of the client understanding each section and sample. (There are legal issues, as well). If anyone has a suggestion, I would appreciate your input.

Another question was: "Could you hand out brochures on treatment modalities and/or supplements?" From a client standpoint, that is a great idea. It presents a couple of issues we have long considered. One is that there are so many different issues, a brochure for each is almost impossible. Second, the cost of keeping these on hand would be prohibitive. So, our solution (so far) is to begin putting more "brochures and information" up on the website so that you can download these at your leisure. We will start doing that right away.

Finally, a couple of you asked about the difficulty finding some of the supplements I recommend. I have now put the most often recommended supplements up on our website at click here to link directly to that page. You will be able to purchase your supplements directly from there at a discounted rate. This will help eliminate the difficulties in finding recommended supplements and save you money!

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How you can help others get better with a simple gesture

One person answered in the survey that she wanted referrals from people who had gotten worse, before getting better and, because she didn't get these, she went back to conventional medicine.

There are several answers to that response. First, we cannot give out referrals without first checking with a client. That can be a bit of a challenge since I have seen literally thousands of people and trying to remember each one is nearly impossible. That is why feedback is so important. We can publish your feedback or testimonials on our website and people can see these without my disappointing someone.

To our friend my apologies for not providing referrals. Unfortunately, unless someone accepts a request, I cannot give out client names.

Those of you who said they would write a testimonial, this would be your chance to help others. First, I think Feedback is a better description of what we are looking for. We do appreciate it and others will too. You never know how many people your words of encouragement will help.

We are thankful for the input your answers provided. Trust us, you are important. Please write any feedback (testimonials) that you believe will help others and we will publish them on the website (without your name...only your initials city and state).

To submit your feedback just hit "reply" to this email type your feedback and send.
Diana will be receiving the emails and they will be kept confidential, with only your initials, city and state mentioned.

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Lecture Schedule and Announcements

During these trying times it is more important than ever to maintain your health and learn more effective ways to intervene before a problem arises. Beginning this March, I will be having our once a month seminars at Dr. Dette's office (Pacific Family Chiropractic) in Vista and will be joined by ThermoMed Digital Thermography, and Janelle Deeds Nutritionist. We encourage you to bring a friend.

There will be discount coupons available for each attendee Dr Smith is extending a $25 discount for your next visit with him. Special discounts for attendees may be available from Dr. Dette, ThermoMed and or Janelle. Discount coupons will only be given to those that attend the lecture!

Next Lecture: Saturday March 7, 2009

Questions & Answers
3:20PM - ?

Pacific Family Chiropractic
123 Main Street
Vista, CA 92084

Please RSVP at 760-613-8645


2:00PM - 2:40PM
Dr. Hugh Smith
Demonstration of Biocytonics (listen to audio)

2:40PM - 2:50PM

Dr. Kevin Dette
Chiropractic care and your health
2:50PM - 3:00PM

Janelle Deeds
Nutrition and your health
3:00M - 3:10PM

What is Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging?
3:10PM - 3:20PM

Also (just in case you missed it above) I have now put the most often recommended supplements up on our website at click here to go directly to that page. You will be able to purchase your supplements directly from there at a discounted rate.

Last but not least, only because I am a "gadget" freak I would like to introduce you to my new audio presentation of an introduction to Stealth pathogens and vital hematology click here to hear my voice.

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What to expect in the next issue

Unfortunately, due to the length of this newsletter and the nature of the questions remaining, I am not able to answer all of the questions we received from the survey in this newsletter. But rest assured next month I will get to those questions. Here is a preview of next mont's questions to be answered:

Question #1 Why do hormones make you go so crazy?
Question #2 How do you get rid of candida?
Question #3 Can you explain how to do a colon cleanse?

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Closing and Disclaimers

Nothing in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice and, as always, you should consult with a physician concerning your health.

The forum is simple. Send us a question and we will endeavor to answer it in as simple a manner as possible in the upcoming issue. I have always believed that simple is usually the answer.

If you are buying into the "let's treat every symptom now" routine, you are probably going to be disappointed. I have seen people leave a "natural care" practitioner's office
with hundreds of dollars of supplements only to have nothing happen except a somewhat lighter bank account. As always, buyer beware and remember that natural healing is a process that can take some time.

There are many factors that lead up to a chronic condition and, without seeing a client, it is often difficult to make hard and fast rules and solutions. So please understand that we will try to give you the answer with the available information you supply.

Thank you
Dr. Hugh

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visit us on the web at
Please Call Diana (Editor in Chief) (Hugh made me put this in here)
to RSVP for lectures or
to schedule an appointment


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