Peanut allergy and antibiotics by #109814 .....

OK, now that I have covered vaccines, formula and peanuts fairly well, I need to tackle antibiotics and peanut allergies.

Date:   1/18/2009 3:20:16 PM ( 15 y ago)

Peanut allergy and antibiotics

OK, now that I have covered vaccines, formula and peanuts fairly well, I need to tackle antibiotics and peanut allergies.

I have a case of a 3-year-old who had no vaccines, was breastfed, and developed an allergy to cashews and peanuts. He is always stuffed up. The parents took him in for the skin prick test and nuts came up but not milk so they eliminated cashews and peanuts. The eczema cleared but the stuffy head did not.

This woman had a similar case with her child:

Recently, my son has been sick with the typical cold type virus going around. He also had an ear infection and went on amoxicillin. He did fine with it until about 7 days in to it he broke out in a rash on his bottom and then the next day on his cheeks. He already did have a bit of eczema all over his body. I took him to the dr. and he said it didn’t look like an allergic reaction to anything, but could just be a flare up of eczema. [And just what is eczema? Maybe it is an allergic reaction! - bfg] But then a couple days later, my when he woke up, he had hives all over his thighs. [And hives is an ALLERGIC REACTION! - bfg] We had finished the amoxicillin 2 days before that, but I was now taking it for a sinus infection, so he was still getting some from breastfeeding. And he has been breaking out in hives for 2 days now on and off through the day. So I did a short trial of just giving him formula instead of breastmilk and that didn’t seem to make a difference, he’s not breaking out right after I feed him, it seems pretty random. So my initial thoughts of the hives being due to an allergic reaction to amoxicillin does not seem to be true.[Actually she needs to go with her first thought. Yeah, it probably was a reaction to the amoxicillin. - bfg] I also stopped giving him solid food for the time being, he wasn’t that in to it yet anyway. I called my Dr. office when he first broke out in hives, and they said that if it happens once or twice it was ok, but if it persists then they want to know about it. Well of course it is now a weekend and have to wait until Monday to call them again. He doesn’t have a fever, and he’s not overdressed to become overheated. Has anyone experienced these kinds of symptoms with their child? Is it an allergy? Or is he just still fighting off this virus?

Why? Why would children develop peanut allergies after being sick and given medication?

Well…. what about antibiotics and medication having peanut products in them? We give them to the baby when sick and most vulnerable?

Whenever the baby got a fever, he was given Tylenol. When he got sick, he got antibiotics.

Each 1.0 mL contains 80 mg of acetaminophen.

NEW Infants’ TYLENOL* Concentrated Drops - White Grape Dye Free
Butylparaben, carboxymethylcellulose sodium, cellulose, citric acid, corn syrup, flavour, glycerin, propylene glycol, purified water, sodium benzoate, sorbitol, xanthan gum.
Infants’ TYLENOL* Concentrated Drops - Cherry Flavour
Butylparaben, cellulose, citric acid, corn syrup, FD&C red no. 40, flavour, glycerin, propylene glycol, purified water, sodium benzoate, sorbitol, xanthan gum.

Glycerin? The derived from peanut product glycerin?

Book called “Glycerine, a key cosmetic ingredient” mentions that
Page 196
It can be manufactured from vegetable oil soap- stocks derived from the chemical refining of soybean, cottonseed, corn, canola, peanut, sunflower, …
Page 212
… derived from the chemical refining of edible vegetable oils like soybean, cottonseed, corn, canola, sunflower, safflower, peanut, and olive oils. …


Peanuts: The Illustrious History of the Goober Pea - Google Books Result
by Andrew F. Smith - 2002 - Cooking - 234 pages…

Because peanut oil was needed to manufacture glycerin, a compound used in making explosives, the US military ordered peanut oil from domestic manufacturers. …

So it is possible that glycerin is the peanut derived ingredient fed to a baby to relieve his fever at a time that his gut is more porous causing the medicine to leak into the bloodstream (see below).

When a baby is small, his gut is more porous, causing food proteins to leak into the bloodstream. The baby’s body will not know if these proteins are “friend or foe,” and may attack them, causing an allergic reaction to the food. As a baby is older, the proteins stay in the gut and are broken down by enzymes.

He also had earaches and was given antibiotics for that.

Looked for the ingredients of Amoxicillin

Neonates and Infants Aged ≤ 12 Weeks ( ≤ 3 Months): Due to incompletely developed renal function affecting elimination of amoxicillin in this age group, the recommended upper dose of AMOXIL is 30 mg/kg/day divided q12h.

As with other penicillins, it may be expected that untoward reactions will be essentially limited to sensitivity phenomena. They are more likely to occur in individuals who have previously demonstrated hypersensitivity to penicillins and in those with a history of allergy, asthma, hay fever, or urticaria. The following adverse reactions have been reported as associated with the use of penicillins:

Infections and Infestations: Mucocutaneous candidiasis.
Gastrointestinal: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, black hairy tongue, and hemorrhagic/pseudomembranous colitis.
Onset of pseudomembranous colitis symptoms may occur during or after antibiotic treatment.
Treatment with antibacterial agents alters the normal flora of the colon and may permit overgrowth of clostridia. Studies indicate that a toxin produced by Clostridium difficile is a primary cause of “antibiotic-associated colitis.”
After the diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis has been established, appropriate therapeutic measures should be initiated. Mild cases of pseudomembranous colitis usually respond to drug discontinuation alone. In moderate-to-severe cases, consideration should be given to management with fluids and electrolytes, protein supplementation, and treatment with an antibacterial drug clinically effective against C. difficile colitis.

Frequently Reported Side Effects of Amoxicillin
headache, sinus infection, fever, hives, diarrhea, insomnia, vomitting, sore throat, fatigue, rash, mood swings, yeast infection, night sweats, dizziness, diarrhoea, upset stomach, constipation, skin rash, drowsiness, feeling unwell, tooth discoloration, vomiting, short temper, allergies, bags under my eyes, stomach problems, chills

All AMOXIL preparations contain the active ingredient amoxycillin. AMOXIL syrups also contain the inactive ingredients disodium edetate, sodium benzoate, saccharin sodium, xanthan gum, colloidal anhydrous silica, silicon dioxide, sorbitol and lemon/peach/strawberry fruit mix flavour PHS-141289. AMOXIL Paediatric Drops also contain the inactive ingredients sodium benzoate, carmellose sodium, peach trusil flavour (17-3449), strawberry trusil flavour (17-8729), lemon trusil flavour (16-8162) and sucrose.
AMOXIL preparations do not contain lactose, gluten, tartrazine or any other azo dyes.

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic in the penicillin group of drugs.

I searched on “amoxycillin culture production peanut meal”

Industrial production of b-lactam antibiotics - [don't have access to the actual article]
between 6.4–6.8 during the active penicillin production. phase. Corn steep liquor and cottonseed or soybean meal,. ammonia and ammonium sulfate represent …
As potent inhibitor of p-lactamases, clavulanic acid is able to avoid this mechanism of resistance, widening the antibacterial activity spectrum of several antibiotics. Clavulanic acid presents good synergetic activity when associated with antibiotics such as amoxycillin, ampicillin, carbenicillin, ticarcillin, benzylpenicillin or cephaloridine, against ß-lactamase-producing organisms….
The organic nitrogen complex sources can be seed protein such as soybean meal, peanut meal, cottonseed meal and linseed meal, fish meal, hydrolysates and filtrates of such proteins, meat extracts and hydrolysates such as peptones, being, preferably, soybean meal. The amount of organic nitrogen complex source to be fed in a continuous or semicontinuous mode can be in the daily concentration of 0. 1-1. 5%, preferably between 0. 18 and 1. 0%, and/or may be such that the protein concentration in the filtered broth is between 200 and 3500 mg/L, preferably 400- 1500 mg/L throughout the fermentation.

Recombinant bacterial phytases and uses thereof - Patent 7452706
Depending upon the host employed in a recombinant production procedure, …… Antibiotics, Amoxycillin and Its, Treatment Against Bacterial Diseases Caused …
The mutant strain was designed as Nocardia mediterranea M-120. In submerged fermentation, 48 hours old (5% v/v) inoculum gave the maximum yield of rifamycin B when the culture was grown in medium containing (g/l) glucose 94; soybean 10; peanut meal 21.4; calcium carbonate 9.5; potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.4; magnesium sulphate 1.0;

Cannot find out exactly what I want. Penicillin is a mold. Amoxicillin is also a mold. To produce these molds they have to grow them on something to feed the mold. Peanut meal is often used for this purpose. If peanuts or nuts are used to grow the mold for this medication, then there can be small particles of nuts in the medications.

We do use peanut oil in other antibiotics…

Antibiotics produced by a new microbe, Catenuloplanes japonicus …For purposes of subcutaneous administration, solutions of the antibiotic in sesame or peanut oil or in aqueous propylene glycol may be employed, …
Adding 10-50 mg/l of synthetic unsaturated lipids or natural oils to the nutrient media during antibiotic fermentation increases the yield of antibiotics 10 to 20 fold. Very high concentrations of lipids are sometimes inhibitory to antibiotic production.
[Don't have full access to article. Search page also had: "most effective in stimulating antibiotic production, lino-. lenic acid is the major constituent fatty acid, whereas. in soybean oil, peanut oil and ..."]

Process for the production of antibiotic Cephamycin C - US Patent …This invention relates to a process for the production of an antibiotic …. peanut flour, cotton seed flour, yeast, fish flour, corn steep liquor, peptone, …


So, my first conclusion about antibiotics and peanut allergies is the antibiotic contains minute particles of peanut protein. When you give an antibiotic to a very young child whose “gut is porous”, the peanut protein leaks into the bloodstream and causes an allergic reaction.

But there is more…. remember the part about antibiotics causing yeast overgrowth???

Let’s examine some of the most common characteristics of Candida Yeast Overgrowth, you will notice the similarities to ADD/ADHD symptoms immediately:

1.) Cravings for grains (simple carbohydrates), dairy and SUGAR.
2.) Hyperactivity/Hyperexcitability.
3.) Anger, Mood Swings, Instant Irritability, “Spaciness”.
4.) Depression and/or Anxiety.
5.) Inappropriate behavior (odd noises, talking loudly, etc.)
6.) Memory problems, and/or Poor Attention Span.
7.) Dry, Itchy, Flaky Skin.
8.) Food & Environmental Allergies.
9.) Jock Itch, Acne, Canker Sores, or other Skin Problems.
10) Heartburn, Poor Digestion, Lethargy, Leg Pains.
11) Difficulty falling asleep.
12) Recurring cystitis/vaginal infections.
13) Premenstrual tension, and menstrual problems

Excessive antibiotic use in a child’s early years can create symptoms that will manifest as focusing or hyperactive problems….

Alana: Hi, the candida seems to really like my sinus passages and lungs. I get stuffiness, post nasal drip, painful throat and also asthma too. Of course, all of this was treated for over 8 years with antibiotics, steroid sprays (both nasally and most recently 1 year of inhaled steroids for my asthma symptoms). Now that I am more informed, I am off ALL steroid sprays, which I suspect, along with two courses of antibiotics in January, really caused the yeast to overgrow. I will never go on an antibiotic again unless something is cultured first and something is growing. I really learned a lesson here. Perhaps I did have sinus infections in the past that really needed the antibiotics, but now is the time to address why I keep getting them in the first place.


Fungal infections in the sinuses have not been given much study by the medical profession. I think the antibiotic usage caused the food allergy and created an overgrowth of yeast that eating sugar-sweetened yogurt ain’t gonna fix!—Want-To-Know-Why-Your-Sinus-Infection-Keeps-Coming-Back?&id=806829

According to the good folks over at The Mayo Clinic the primary cause of 95+ percent of all sinus infections is fungal. That’s right, fungal. You know- like yeast, mold, athletes foot, jock itch ect.

If you think about it makes perfect sense. Your sinuses stay dark, moist and warm-the perfect environment to grow mold. There is a fungus amongst us and it lives in your head! Here is what’s happening: You are carrying a fungal infection all the time and it KEEPS your inner sinus passages irritated. So-you are much more likely to get sick than folks who have healthy “fungus free” sinus passages.

Antibiotics-Why they are part of the problem:

Because the antibiotics are not treating the problem! The problem is the fungal infection-The other infections (the ones you keep treating with antibiotics) you keep getting are really just symptoms (or side effects) of the fungal sinus infection you live with all the time.

And to make matters worse, the antibiotic medication you keep taking is killing your bodies natural defense-the good bacteria. And it’s the good bacteria that keeps the bad bacteria from taking over.

Let’s summarize:

You (95+ percent chance) have a fungal infection in your sinuses.
The antibiotics are actually making it worse.
It keeps coming back because antibiotics don’t kill fungus-they kill bacteria. Good and bad bacteria. And when you kill good bacteria-anything thats ready can jump in there and set up shop!
You need to find a way to put your body back in balance so you can get off the sinus infection merry-go-round!

Here is what I recommend:

Find a good natural program to put your body back in a position to take care of itself by beating back the fungal infection that is the true cause of your sickness.
Follow that good natural program even when you feel fine-so you don’t find yourself here again.

If You want to check out the program that helped me here is the link:

The problem of the earaches and sinuses starts early. The medications that are taken have side effects that include setting up the body for allergies and killing off the beneficial bacteria that keep the natural yeast in your body from overgrowing and becoming a new problem.

So here is my conclusion about my theory about peanuts and antibiotics: Antibiotics contain peanut protein because the “penicillin-type” mold is grown on a peanut containing culture. Giving these medicines to young children when they have an immature digestive system that “leaks” protein into the bloodstream creates peanut allergies in some children. It also kills off the beneficial bacteria creating an overgrowth of yeast that creates symptoms similar to allergies.



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