I AM That I AM by Liora Leah .....

The two week lunar cycle of New Moon August 30 through Full Moon September 15 is a time of focus on dissolving the "little self" or self-identity and allowing the "Greater Self" or I AM presence to emerge.

Date:   8/27/2008 2:39:15 PM ( 16 y ago)








Dissolving self identity

Rebirth into the Greater Self
It has been a very heated summer in the alchemical cauldron. False perceptions are burning up in and around us as the pot continues to be stirred. As the new energy gets stronger, so do the fires of transformation.
As Children of the Sun, we are on a dedicated path of Self Mastery. This is overcoming all human condition and limitation that binds us to a plane of duality. In this mastery of the small self, we are focusing on the realization of the True Self as an eternal and limitless creator being, one with Source, as Source. Our focus is now authentically shifting from the personality "me" or "I" to the Greater Self ~ the I AM.
In this new moon cycle, we are initiating rebirth into the Greater Self. In this initiation, we are asking for continued dissolve of all illusion including attachment to our own self identity. We are calling into awareness all false ego patterns which hinder and limit our understanding of the eternal True Self. We are asking that these patterns be clearly reflected and mirrored in our daily life.
As we advance into expanded awareness, we can now safely leave the masked facades that have served us well yet now express as great distortion in our field. We are letting go of all attachment to self identity and perceived self importance. We are surrendering all notion of who we think we are and where we think we are from. We are no longer focusing on our identity to supposed past lives, parallel lives, future lives and our dimensional selves. We are dropping identity and attachment to any supposed mission to save the planet or to heal humanity.
With our inner awareness as the only guide, we are letting go of the need to confirm our identity and forward movements through external resources. We are letting go of everything that feeds the attachment to self identity and that which directs us away from understanding the Greater Self as pure awareness which is here and now.
This new moon, we are initiating into dissolution the small self identification in order for the Greater Self to be unveiled in greater expression and divine influence.

Going Deeper into Self Inquiry

ramana bwRamana Maharshi, one of the greatest spiritual teachers of modern-day India, stated that the sole cause of all human suffering is a false belief about what we are. For Ramana, there is no "True Self" from which you are separated, there is only you, just as you are.

In this new cycle, we come into a state of unwavering, razor sharp focus in our intention to purify and dissolve the layers of false perception that we attach to self identity. We are inspired to seek the truth of our true nature through more devoted inquiry of the self. From a place of humble naked innocence, we are encouraged to again and again and again contemplate the question, "Who am I".

In truth, all that we really know is that we are here, now. All the rest is story. Self-inquiry assists us to see the truth of who and what we are now in present moment awareness. It is placing conscious attention to the simple, single knowing of our "hereness" for no other purpose than to see it and experience it directly for ourselves.

In the absolute sense, there is nothing that we really need to do. We are already "self realized". We are only covered up in the layers of maya that prevent us from this simple understanding. We are masking our Greater Self through attachment and identity to the dualistic world, and, who we think we are on this plane of illusion.
There is nothing external that can bring us into Self Realization. There is no practice that we can undertake that will help rid us of our false beliefs, apart from directly seeing the truth of our true nature directly for ourselves. There is no teaching, teacher, activation, transmission, class or book that can give us or show us the truth of what we really are. Teachers and other means of support serve to simply guide and inspire, however, the bottom line is that we each must do the direct "realizing" for ourselves.
Self inquiry is one of the most important activities during these accelerating cycles of purification and dissolution. We can greatly benefit from constant and rhythmic focus placed upon deeper self reflection, self examination and self contemplation as we continually call forth the divine understanding of the true nature of the Greater Self.
In our transcendence from the dual plane, the mind is being retrained to serve as a follower and not the leader. When the mind stays in the heart, the names, the forms and the stories and even the personality begin to disappear. With the mind naturally resting in the heart, the "I" dissolves and the Greater Self emerges. The I AM that I AM.

DAILY INTENTION FOR TWO WEEKS (or longer if you choose)
New Moon, August 30 until the Full Moon, September 15
During this upcoming two week lunar cycle, we are joining in Unified Field and placing great devotion upon our Greater Self. We are invoking the I AM Presence to guide us into deeper reflection and contemplation of the nature of the True Self.
In this reflection, we are asking for continued dissolve and transmutation of all false perception including attachment to self identity. We are calling into our awareness all false ego patterns which hinder and limit our understanding of the eternal True Self. We are asking that these patterns be clearly reflected and mirrored in our daily life.
violet flame shastaEach morning and each evening, we are invoking the alchemical fires of the violet flames for consummation and transmutation of all patterns and conditions that bind us to an illusion of self identity and self importance.
This is a collective intention; however, we each will do this
in our own time and daily scheduling.

Please join us in Unified Field and in the alchemical cauldron of Self Truth. The New Moon Planetary Grid Transmissions: Saturday, August 30 and for two weeks beyond.


From the Heart of the Sun,
     Children of the Sun

Sources for Understanding and Support:
The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi
(Much information on the net)
Children of the Sun Educational Course:
The Contemplative Heart: A Path to Self Mastery
Byron Katie: The Work


The Planetary Grid Transmissions
New Moon
Saturday, August 30
new moon  
A full 24-hour transmission period of New Earth energy 

With Unified Meditation and/or Ceremony  

During 3 world times: New York 9 pm, Paris 8 pm, Sydney 8 pm

Unified Planetary Focus:
Dissolving self identity
Rebirth into the Greater Self


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