Youngevity this Weekend! Great Broadcast from Mark Victor Hansen and Friends by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Art Linkletter, 94 Years Young, joins Mark Victor Hansen and great teachers on a weekend internet Telebroadcast. I will be listening in and reporting. You going to listen in too?

Date:   7/30/2008 12:38:49 PM ( 16 y ago)

Hello Leslie,

The days are counting down to the web broadcast of MEGA
Youngevity and support for this innovative project keeps
pouring in and warming my heart. The movers, shakers and
pioneers of health & wellness have embraced this new
concept and are not only joining the faculty, they are
creating new and exclusive material for the broadcast!

This will be an amazing event that you need to be a part of.

I announced last week that Art Linkletter has joined our
esteemed panel of experts and will be sharing his wisdom
with you during the MEGA Youngevity web broadcast. I
gave you a brief glimpse into Art's genius in my email last
week, where I shared five of the ten Empowerments from the
book that Art and I wrote together "How to Make the Rest of
your Life the Best of your Life." This week I will be sharing
the remaining five Empowerments with you.

We'll get to that in a minute... but first, you and I need
to have a little heart to heart. Your health and mental
wellness is the single most important thing in your life.

Wealth is great, relationships are essential, but without
your health, it's all wasted.

You deserve to live a longer, healthier, happier life.

You need to commit to living a longer, happier, healthier

You need the knowledge and guidance that will be shared
during MEGA Youngevity.

If you haven't registered for the broadcast yet, what the
heck are you waiting for?!

The program is only $49 for 60 days of access and the
information could save your life.

It will definitely improve the quality of your life and
open your eyes to the possibilities!

This is a slam dunk no-brainer!

Commit to living a MEGA life!

Click here to register now:

Alright, for those of you who have registered to come
on this journey with me, congratulations! Your life will
never be the same.

For those of you who haven't yet... really think about
what's important to you.

Invest in your health. Invest in your life.

For all of you, please enjoy the second excerpt from
"How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of your Life"
and make sure you share this with at least ten people who
you want to live long and healthy lives.

As a refresher, here are the first five Empowerments
from last week:

Empowerment #1: You can defy the stereotypes of old age.

Empowerment #2: You can determine your longevity.

Empowerment #3: You can make new friends and create rich
new relationships.

Empowerment #4: You can be financially secure for as long
as you live.

Empowerment #5: You can be more fit than you were at thirty.

Empowerments 6 through 10, from "How to Make the Rest of
Your Life the Best of Your Life":

Empowerment #6: You can keep your mind agile and sharp.

Art Linkletter here. This section is written from my
perspective because as a 94-year-old (now 97) who's also
Chairman of the John Douglas French Foundation for
Alzheimer's Disease, I can say that there is nothing more
important than keeping your brain active and challenged.
The brain is just like a muscle; if you don't work it,
it will atrophy, and you'll lose function...

... You must always be thinking, solving problems, engaging
other people, challenging your brain to work and struggle.
Do games and crossword puzzles. Take on volunteer work in
an area you know nothing about. Dedicate a summer to
reading a dozen new books, or learn a new language. You
cannot spend too much time giving your brain a good, hard
workout. Our brains are our minds and our minds are who
we are.

Attitude is just as important. Avoid "catastrophizers,"
people who feel victimized by life, who always see the
cup as half empty: those grouchy, grumpy old people you
see rocking on their porch and complaining about the
world. They're letting their minds rot because of a
negative attitude...

Empowerment #7: You can make a difference in the world.

... if you see something that you feel needs to be changed,
whether it's a new law or a boarded-up building that would
make a perfect community center, you have the power to make
it happen. There are many community, state, and national
activist groups dedicated to mobilizing people to effect

... If you don't have the time or the inclination to get
involved, give your money to a cause you care about. You
do not have to sit idly by... You have the power to change
policies, support or oppose political candidates, and even
advance legislation. Never doubt your own ability to shale
the halls of power. All you need is the willingness to act.

Empowerment #8: You can discover and nurture your

... the point of trying something creative is not to be
good at it; creativity is its own reward. We think 90
percent of human beings have creative energy inside them.
People are creators by nature, but most become sidetracked
by the demands of making a living and raising a family. A
lucky few get to make a living writing, singing, sculpting,
or acting, but most of the rest of us carry that secret
longing to be creative around inside of us for the rest
of our days.

If you have a longing, don't keep it a secret. If you're
no longer working on someone else's schedule, why not try
the creative field you've been watching with envy for forty
years? It doesn't matter if you haven't picked up a guitar
since high school or only painted the siding on your house.
The aim is not to produce great art but to let loose your
creative spirit and the power of your ideas...

Empowerment #9: You can look forward, not back.

Raise your hand and repeat after us: "I will not be an
old crank." You know the people we're talking about - the
crotchety seniors who live in the past and complain about
the present. Nothing is good enough, everybody is dishonest
or stupid, and the hurts of decades before are more
important than their lives today...

... You're not that kind of person. You have the ability to
make peace with what's gone before, savor each moment and
live in the now, and look forward to a bright future...
approach each day with relish and joy. Stop and live in
the moment...

...Most of all, look ahead. If you're fifty-five today, you
have a good chance of living into your 90's. What are you
going to do with all that time? What will be your purpose?
If you have the freedom that comes with controlling your
time, your future is a blank slate where you can create
anything. Dream big. Sail around the world. Start a company.
Write the novel that's inside of you. Run for congress.

Empowerment # 10: You can create a life filled with new
experiences, inspiration, and great achievements.

There's another bit of conventional wisdom that says as
you grow older, you become more conservative. Hogwash!
When you're seventy, you have all the money you'll need
to live until you're a hundred, and have no boss to answer what have you got to lose by taking a risk or two?
Risk makes great things possible. What's to stop you from
trying skydiving for the first time, investing in a start-up
company that you believe in, or getting on stage to do
stand-up comedy?

Old age is not the time to sit back in your comfort zone.
It's when you should rip big, dripping chunks out of life
and let the juice run down your chin. It's the time when,
as long as you're in solid financial shape, you should
embrace the uncertain. Uncertainty makes you grow, keeps
your mind young, and electrifies your spirit. Mastering a
new skill or getting through a new experience - even if it
makes you uncomfortable - is one of the most exhilarating
feelings in the world. It becomes addictive. That's the
ultimate independence. You become unstoppable.

The Ten Empowerments are your alternative safety net. But
unlike entitlements, which are out of your control, the
Ten Empowerments are completely within your control. You
can choose to be fit and healthy, creative and passionate,
vital and active. If you do, you will have the choice to
depend on those entitlements or reject them. The key is
choice. Get old or grow old? The choice is yours. It has
always been yours...

It is my sincere wish that this glimpse from our book has
opened your eyes just a little bit to the reality and the
possibility of your golden years. Even though the book
was written to target the baby boomer generation, the
principles apply at any age. The key is choice.

Choose MEGA Youngevity.

To your enlightened future,

Mark Victor Hansen
Founder, MEGA Seminar Series

P.S. MEGA Speaking 2008 is selling out quickly. The
fresh line-up of trainers I have put together will ensure
that this will be a life changing event! Be there! Go to
for more information.

P.P.S. Remember to share this email with loved ones. It
will open their eyes, expand their mind and change their
life. They will appreciate it and thank you for it.

MV Hansen & Associates, Inc.
P.O. Box 7665
Newport Beach, CA


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