The Ringing Cedars of Russia by YourEnchantedGardener .....

The Ringing Cedars of Russia My friend and I made a little Dachnik Day celebration in his garden on July 23. After spraying healing biodynamic droplets all around the garden and infusing the atmosphere with positive thoughts, I suggested that we see if we could make a connection with Anastasia. We stood on the edge of the garden and held hands. I attempted a connection with Anastasia. Soon I felt her vibration. It passed through me and through my hand into my friend's. I felt Anastasia say, "May you be blessed". Then it was over. Afterwards my friend said that my hand had been tingling. Shanti, Missouri, USA

Date:   6/15/2008 7:04:10 PM ( 16 y ago)

5:00 PM
June 15, 08

Just got off the phone with Rhianna Dove Rose.
I was asking her if she thought that Keep The Beet's Request
to go 100 Organic by 2025 was unresonable.

She asked me if I heard about

I did not.

She mentioned a lady named Anastasia.

Oh Yes!

When I was at Author 101 Renee Jensen said
something about Keep the Beet and her Ministry
being like that. She mentioned this woman Asastasia
of Siberia. I believe Renee was working with this woman.

Anyway, here is the info:



In 1996 I spent a day in the Australian bush with an aboriginal woman. This was my first encounter of what I call a 'natural human'. Her connectedness with nature blew me away and I wanted that for myself and all mankind. Likewise, Anastasia is in total harmony with nature and gives practical steps to rekindle in us that which is our true essence. I cannot even begin to describe the depth of the effect Anastasia has had on me and I have only read Book 1. For the first time in my life I feel affirmed on a very deep level and feel free to be me. I am so excited to have discovered these books and am fully committed to doing what I can to help spread their message.
Mary Dwen, New Zealand

Anastasia and subsequent volumes tell the story of a return of mankind to a state of grace through love, actualizing real love to everything around us and keeping our thoughts, hearts, minds in the place of love, touching with love the earth and celebrating the God's creation through loving it and caring for it. I think the most important lesson for us is to move back to the work of the Creator and away from ways which destroy it. That is what I take from the Series and find myself inspired to work harder and being joyous, thankful and loving.
In my own life, our family works toward goals that aren't measured in dollars, which is a much richer life than working for material wealth. We have a certified organic and wild crops farm, so I am very receptive to the medicines of the earth and see the importance of people interacting in a healing way with God's Creation - the earth. In a very humble way, our work with native plants on our farm could be seen as demonstration of a way people can take some of the Ringing Cedars ideas and put them to work.
I think if people find a larger purpose for their lives than collecting material goods, everyone will be happier rediscovering the scope of humanity's tools from the Creator. The Ringing Cedars books help with explaining ways to have a richer life, raise healthier children, filling one's heart rather than one's pockets. I do not agree with everything written, and many people will find ideas threatening. Yet if we don't discover new ways of being human beings and put them to work, if we don't have a spirit rich enough to live with love and respect for God's creations, we have no future.
Penny Frazier, Missouri, USA

Anastasia's messages throughout the Ringing Cedars Series have further illuminated the Divine work of birthing, caring for, and parenting children. I am a doula, a home-birth mama, a dancer-singer who has been inspired by Anastasia's reminder that we all are born to know and share our Light.
I became aware of my own womyn-power after the home waterbirth of my son in 2001. From that moment on, my heart was open to the song of my Ancestors and a purpose in sharing my birth story with other womyn. This developed a desire to share my light with pregnant womyn in childbirth. As a doula and a midwife-to-be, I am surrounded by peace-making at its finest. My community of homebirthing sisters share in powerful stories of self-discovery, enlightening parenting skills, and blissful fun.
All this womyn work is invigorating to my peace-consciousness, and I feel Anastasia, the first in the Series, actually sent me Light, as I was reading the book. Having read it in March of 2005 for the first time, and after the homebirth of my daughter in 2004, I feel like the book's messages have found a natural home in my being.
Anastasia is a being who I know lives, and she desperately wants us to feel how ALIVE we are and how ALIVE the Earth is. We belong to the Earth, and we must find our happiness so that the Earth will feel her happiness as well.
Elise, Missouri, USA

I'm reading Anastasia now. It came as a gift from a good friend. I'm so thrilled to have my knowings verified. I communicate with plants and trees now.
Claudia, Colorado, USA

This book is awesome. The messages within it are very thought-provoking and essential for future generations. A must-read if you are concerned about the future of our children.
Durand, Minnesota, USA

Yes, at last, truth that has not been distorted by dogma or someone's ego! I might explode from emotion if I read any more! I had a hard time getting myself to just stand still. I was jumping all over my garden saying hello to all my trees. (I've always talked to trees but I didn't know they were listening!) I then ran off and bought loads of seeds and spent days putting whole packets of them in my mouth, only to get very sick indeed, for little did I know that seeds bought in a supermarket are covered in rat poison! Have we gone mad?
I've got this strange reputation of a person who lives in a pink world, a dreamer believing in an unrealistic utopia of happiness, a witch, a madwoman... Well thank you Anastasia, finally I can take my place as just a normal Man, a woman. I'm so excited, fancy me not knowing that there was a whole bunch of 'pink worlders', just around the corner!
Vladimir is a true hero. He went all the way to the bottom of despair and he used his suffering to change. Merit and achievement, success and glory belong to those who have managed to change the most in their lives.
Ana, Portugal

My acquaintance who paid a visit to the Altai several years ago, received a few tiny scraps of cedarwood from a local woman. She told him to wear it on his body: he would need it, it would protect him. This summer he did some major 'housecleaning', sorting things he didn't want around anymore. He stumbled on a matchbox with these slivers of cedarwood, and thought: ah! is this true or mere superstition, shall I finally do away with them? The next day, by 'coincidence', his friend offered him the Anastasia book as a present. He read, gasped and made a pendant out of the pieces. A few weeks later he showed me the pendant and it was breathtaking! I really gasped for breath, even though at that point he hadn't yet told me his story. My guess would be that he received some shivers of a ringing cedar - it was so moving to see it...
Many more stirrings over here, really trust that this will be worldwide.
Dickie, Netherlands

As a 75 year-old American who finished the third Anastasia book by Vladimir Megre, The Space of Love, I am in the process of digesting its substance.
The American must pick up and go to a place that Vladimir Megre shows him. Megre shows him wonders. But those expecting wonders to be valid only if found on American soil will be taken aback to learn they are in a land that rarely thinks of the New World.
Anastasia's Siberian taiga is a land that measures history in millennia instead of decades. There, Vladimir meets those who have a mystical affection for their country and culture. He finds values resting on rock-solid Christian principles not bearing Christian labels. They are values descending from ancient insights, approved by generations faithful to the soil of their forbearers. Their love for Mother Russia is a love not understood even by the most patriotic American.
Christians will recognize much from the Old Testament as well as from the New, especially Isaiah, Chapter 11. This is not to say the Anastasia Series promotes or detracts from that teaching. Instead, it parallels and edifies. The Christian emerges with his faith firmer and a respect for Megre's Anastasia.
After three books, I am digesting, and there are moments when my credulity vanishes. Then, lines appear that can have been written only to me. Then my unbelief is overturned. It is like the story of Lazarus. I believe, but help my unbelief! Coincidences are endless.
Gallagher Rule, Ponca City, Oklahoma, USA

Thank you for the book! It arrived before yesterday and I just cannot put it down. How fantastic! It makes me even more "homesick" for I love living close to nature and yet am forced to be associated with a city like Chicago. What an irony of life! My "wild" imagination takes me right into the taiga and as I lose myself in reading, I can actually "see" in my mind Anastasia and her beautiful "home!" Fantastic story, the more fantastic as it is really true!
Anna, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Anastasia's wonderful! I truly believe this is the book that will make all religious systems and all social structures respond. It is so much in tune with mankind's transformation that takes place and will immensely contribute to that transformation in the best possible way -- practically, metaphysically, theologically, philosophically... The freedom that this book carries in its life-concept for individuals and the society as a whole is so beautiful that everybody who reads the book will respond and will become a better person than what he or she was before reading it! It only takes to have an open mind and be ready to accept Anastasia not as a fiction but rather as a living person next door! Just a bit different from you and me. Of course we, "very well educated people", find it hard to admit that the lifestyle we have in this society is pretty close to slavery compared to the potential for freedom, for love, for compassion, for God in ourselves. We are losing sight of higher values and are running after dollars, mortgage and garbage...
Thanks a lot for bringing this wonderful book into the English language! Thanks for the joy and love this book will trigger in the souls of people in the English speaking world! I sincerely hope it will help to avoid some of the 'predestined' paths for us people on this continent. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to become a better person myself and offering this gift to us all!
Rada, Toronto, Canada

Anastasia has been sending me loving vibrations all the while, and my medicine work, pregnancy and midwifery work have been touched lovingly. But I am still journeying with what I have carried over from my ancestors, and Anastasia reminds me that I have the power to heal those hurts they carried. I have been giving friends the copies of Anastasia, speaking about Book 2 all the time, and enjoying the invigorating conversations within. I am having one-on-one conversations with womyn friends about the books. Sarah is so turned on by the series but feels confused about what she will do with all this light. I am rejoicing at the interpersonal connection that Anastasia has gifted me with.
If you can get a chance, try to see a movie (new release on video) entitled What the BLEEP do we know? It is so well-done, basically talking about the Universal Mind within each of us, combined with discussion of quantum physics, energy workers, and some fun animation included. Very Anastasia-feeling, and I'm sure the movie's director is one of our 'Light Activators'!
Elise, Columbia, Missouri, USA

We are enjoying Anastasia and The Ringing Cedars of Russia -- though not quite sure what to make of them! Megre has such a startling philosophy and view on life, it's hard to get one's head round it, but it certainly makes for fascinating reading. Congratulations on your translations -- they 'read' with an easy smoothness that makes one forget they were written in an alien tongue.
David, Wales, U.K.

What a blast that Anastasia is! I couldn't sleep after reading it; I went on the web and read every, and I mean every, reference I could find. I have been dreaming about this for years! I have been deeply engaged in esoteric work since the early 1970s when I discovered a School here in Sydney. I am most familiar with Advaita Vedanta teachings and have been studying the esoteric grammar of Sanskrit and the Veda as well as the Bible and other great texts since that time. I have also had strong, ongoing dreams of assisting people to find their way back to nature by providing them with all the necessary tools they might need to live simpler, more connected lives. Now here it is! I intend to do whatever I can to help spread this urgent and important message of Anastasia in Australia.
Bruce, Sydney, Australia

Last night I finished reading Anastasia, Book 1 of the Ringing Cedars Series. I just let Anastasia be in my life. And here comes a question. I know I can get the answer by myself after reading all the books, but I can't wait. Does Anastasia teach people how to create reality? How to fulfill one's dreams, how to manifest anything you want?
My husband finished reading Book 1, too. Today he said he had read hundreds and hundreds of books on spirituality but no one book had made such an effect on him like this one. Knowing him I will tell you that this quite a statement! As for the translation, he described it in one word -- "exquisite". Thank you very much for all your effort in making possible this exquisite translation. We are now reading Book 2.
Olga, Colorado, USA

When I embark on a new learning experience such as reading Book One, Anastasia, I am interested certainly in gaining new knowledge and of course in discovering new perspectives on consciousness and life in general. And on those two fronts, I will say that what I have absorbed from Anastasia by all means fulfills my interests.
However, there is an added, rather magical quality to the experience of getting to know Anastasia that I do not recall ever �experiencing without being in someone's actual physical presence. It was not so much a book that I read but rather reading the book allowed me to meet a truly remarkable being whose love is beyond measure. In fact, her love is beyond what I could ever imagine a human being could experience. She has added to the depth and breadth of my beingness beyond what knowledge alone could impart. She has added to the lustre of my soul with the song of her being.
I am deeply impressed by her attention to the importance of everything. She notices the grandiosity of God's Vast & Wonderful Creation in even the smallest detail, even details I have never noticed as having anything to do with the vastness of Love in action. I take from this, my first reading of Book One, a profoundly deeper sense of the sacred in every living detail occurring all around me as well as in every detail of possible discovery within me.
In a highly lucid spiritual moment today at the conclusion on my morning disciplines, I was easily able to connect with Anastasia through her bigger-than-life eyes. She awaits our inquiry across time and space as to the issues and perplexities we'd like to rise above.
As for the translation, proofing and editing... wow, what a superb job you have done! It is almost as if the original discussions between Vladimir and Anastasia took place in English! Your team has chosen words and nuances that are so uniquely English, and I know how challenging that can be. I know how tough it can be to intuit a direct translation from Russian to English and visa versa. You have overcome that challenge creatively and with great insight. Thank you.
Garrett, Colorado, USA

I found Anastasia to be one of the most thought provoking books I have ever read. I found myself with a new revelation on nearly every page and it brought many of my thoughts / beliefs / instincts? full circle. Anastasia reinforced many of my deepest beliefs while also providing me with many new perspectives on our interconnectedness with the natural world and each other. I have found myself referring back to and reflecting on Anastasia daily and it has given me much insight and plenty to think about and act on in my daily life. I'm very thankful I learned of this book. I really look forward to digging into the second book.
Lawrence, Rutland, Ohio, USA

I loved the first book so much I named by new puppy, Anastasia. I'm serious about that. She is beautiful and full of love.
Sandy, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The Ringing Cedars Series will impact a new generation of readers, like the works of Carlos Castaneda did for a previous generation - only this time through awakening the latent spiritual connection each of us has with nature. This is not about a walk in the woods, rather these books catapult us to an entirely new way of being on planet Earth.
Steven Foster, Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA
Author of A field guide to medicinal plants and herbs

Full of ecological common sense and profound wisdom, The Ringing Cedars Series reveals a genuine spiritual path to a world where Love is the primary creative force behind real physical events. It shows how our thoughts and lifestyles affect the destiny of the whole planet and guides us in creating a space for happiness and Love for ourselves, our children and our Earth.
Dr Richard Bolstad, Christchurch, New Zealand
Author of RESOLVE: a new NLP model of therapy

I took two copies of Anastasia to share with friends. My closest friend, an omnivorous reader, read it immediately and responded with total disbelief. She insisted that the entire story must be fantasy, pure fiction, made up in the author's imagination. Including the number of copies sold and translations recorded. She wants to know where are the newspaper or magazine lists of "best-sellers", etc. and where can one find an authenticated list of translations. I was very disappointed in her response, and came home eager to read The Ringing Cedars of Russia, which did clarify several of the other questions she had...
I find the ideas so fascinating, that I am willing to accept them whether it all has actually happened, or is a timely fantasy. But the few friends I have been able to encourage to start this series simply don't accept either the ideas or the authenticity. Maybe Americans are too literal, skeptical, or more to the point, more materialistic!
Marie, Missouri, USA

Anastasia is the prophet of our time... I first learnt about the Ringing Cedars from my aunt who lives in Germany and had read the German translation. It is quite a bestseller over there. She would call me from Germany and read entire chapters (in German) over the phone! I was particularly impressed by the homeless colonel chapter from Book 2. I will be sending a copy to my aunt, so she can compare the translations.
Noah, Columbia, Missouri, USA

Anastasia is real... I think the book is going to sell itself in English.
Steven, Brixey, Missouri, USA

A friend gave me the book Anastasia. I first read it outdoors while the sun shone warmly and the birds sang sweetly. My heart knows such an essence as her spirit and I am still basking in the glow of the presence. After reading about her injury from healing against the forces of nature, I decided to send her healing distant reiki energy. Usually reiki energy is transferred with hands on the body, but I have been taught a method to send it to people who are not present. I have experimented with my children and they confirmed that they could feel healing happening even though they were a long way away from me.
I sent Anastasia distant reiki. When I was finished I clearly heard her say in English, "Thank you". I was quite surprized, as this had never happened to me before in a reiki session. I said, "Anastasia? Is that you?". She confirmed that it was her and she sent to me a loving energy and the sweet scent of a flower that I later found in my yard. The scent went into all my sinuses. My sinuses feel different now. I feel such an inexpressible feeling of love and joy. It is like being in love, but in a totally different way.
I sent Anastasia distant reiki every day for several days. She conversed with me afterwards. I began writing down what I was hearing her say. I thought I would share with you some of it.
Anastasia said:
"The reiki speeds up my healing. I thank you for sending it. The vibrations add to the healing I am already doing and it boosts my level of energy. I can do more when I feel better."
I have had a difficult transition moving from a marriage-type relationship with my partner that we enjoyed for many years to being a casual neighbor with little or no interaction. Anastasia said to me one day:
"Today you are sad. This I feel. You are sad for the past which cannot come again. You do not want it to come again, but yet it is hard to not be sad sometimes. Your Mother understands. She knows how you delight in Her. Let Her embrace you and dry your tears. Look for how she tries to delight you. Look at how Nature tries to make you happy. The flowers burst into bloom because they knew you would be here to look at them and delight in their beauty. The flies are clowns saying, "Look at me!". Now you are laughing. Do you feel so sad? No? It is possible to be happy every day. Nature wants you to be happy. Your happiness gives nature delight. When Nature is delighted, Mother feels better. Her healing comes from your healing."
On another day Anastasia said:
"The beauty of the planet is so special. Iridescent green, the sweet smell of crisp air. Nature gives and gives. Today you are healing. Letting go of an unneeded past is a natural cycle, like falling leaves in the autumn. New buds can't burst forth with old growth on the stem. Your new cycle is much different from the old. The challenges are sweeter. Your vibration is higher. You can hear me better in that cycle."
...While I was reading Anastasia yesterday I suddenly felt Anastasia's vibration in my room. I 'heard' her say to me, "Tomorrow go to the forest and meet me there. I have a gift for you." This morning I walked to a favorite spot in the forest that I found last winter. I waited to see what would happen. Ants and critters were getting at me so I started walking around. I could feel myself walking in and out of a positive energy field. When I would leave it, I would go back in. I wandered around weaving in and out of the energy field. My attention was caught by a sunny grassy glen off in the distance. I walked to it and when I was in the middle of it I knew that this was the gift. I was overjoyed with delight. I said, "Oh, Anastasia, thank you." It is a small clearing in the forest, encircled by cedar trees with a pretty little dogwood right in the middle. I'm going to hang a hammock between two cedar trees and go there for energy refreshment...

My friend and I made a little Dachnik Day celebration in his garden on July 23. After spraying healing biodynamic droplets all around the garden and infusing the atmosphere with positive thoughts, I suggested that we see if we could make a connection with Anastasia. We stood on the edge of the garden and held hands. I attempted a connection with Anastasia. Soon I felt her vibration. It passed through me and through my hand into my friend's. I felt Anastasia say, "May you be blessed". Then it was over. Afterwards my friend said that my hand had been tingling.
Shanti, Missouri, USA

I have just finished reading the book. The last part I read very slowly because I didn't want it to end! It truly is a masterfully translated volume. I am working on it that I can buy more books and posters to give to friends and people of influence in regard of community concerns or plannings. It's time for me now to dream my beautiful future into life - good night - and best wishes.
Petra, Yelm, Washington, USA

The monumental ideas of the book still hold me under their spell. I have given the book to many of my friends and of course my husband. We are making a lot of changes in our life as a result of it as well... I must say the translator did an excellent job... Congratulations on your edition and good luck to you in your noble venture of delivering this most important text to the English-speaking world, which probably needs it the most due to its heavy technocratic dependency.
Tatyana, New York, New York, USA


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