Keep the "Beet!" Campaign Launched!!! by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Keep the "Beet!" The "Beet" Goes on! launched at Whole Foods Market HIllcrest, April 5. Here is a press release.

Date:   4/7/2008 1:18:46 PM ( 16 y ago)


Photos from
Go Organic Day
Saturday, April 19, 10-5
at the Imagination Workshop-
Temecula Children's Museum:

Professor Phineas T. Pennypickle and Your Enchanted Gardener
get together!
11:41:57 AM

10:54 AM
April 7, 08

" I know we can do it!
We can Keep the "Beet"!
The "Beet" Goes on!
A new Enchanted Garden
Consumer Education
Campaign begins."

"The Enchanted Garden is a name
for the New Earth we can plant,
one Seed and Seed Dream at a time
organically," said Lesle Goldman,
Your Enchanted Gardener.

AKA Your Enchanted Gardener, has been
seeing and seeding dreams of success for super ripe people
since 1972. Leslie writes daily on
the Plant Your Dream Blog that has more than 670,000
page views.

Here is the story behind KEEP THE "BEET."

Local organic farmers in San Diego and So Cal
are under a mandate to reduce water usage by 30%
or be severely fined.

Joe Rodriguez Jr., AKA Joe the Farmer,
is a national symbol for the local organic small family farmer.
His desire is to grow the finest quality foods in the face of enormous
pressures. He is among those effected by
the water regulations.

Rodriguez, a fourth generation local farmer,
geared up in recent years to provide more of his high
quality local produce. Doors opened for him at the Southern Cal
Whole Foods Markets and other outlets. Due to the current
restrictions, Joe is leaving 15 of his 40 acres fallow.
He has no other choice. This year, there is little food
for Whole Foods Market. Joe is making every unit of food
he grows count through encouraging consumers
to join his and other CSA's in the region. CSA
stands for Community Supported Agriculture.

Both Rodriquez and Phil and Juany Noble of Sage
Mountain Farms have CSA'S, as do numbers of the
local organic farmers.

"The trend at the local Farmers' Markets, where we meet,
is for all of us to work together," said
Rodriguez. "We are growing food out of our
love for people and the earth."

Sage Mountain Farms runs the Inland Empire
CSA with Gary and Melodee Leavitt of De Luz Farms and Nursery.

"As I see it, there are enough people
in our county to support every CSA.
It's just a question of how many members
each farmer can support," said Leslie

"In future years, I will be promoting the
CSA's more. The only competition between
them will be on the volleyball court.
I can see a major county competition
between volleyball teams from each CSA.
The Inland Empire CSA Team will go heads up
against the J.R. Organics CSA Member Team

All the local farmers are working for the same thing--
Earth Ball. Keeping this planet and its people
healthy. Farmers are some of the greatest
people around, and San Diego has some of the best.
Our job as consumers is to make sure they
all wake up every day and can say
Happiness is Organic! One of these
days, I want to have a competition
between the food grown that shoppers
at Safeway/Vons get, and those provided
by farmers such as Phil and Joe.
Freshness wins!"

"Whole Foods Market, the trendsetter,
with their Green Mission that makes compost
from all their food left overs, is going to be getting
a run for their money from the new O Organics
that are in Vons. I like that Vons has a sign
up that tells the customer how much organic
produce they have each day."

Food was never meant to be treated
as a commodity. I prefer it be a non-profit endeavor.
Every body deserves the finest quality food.
In San Diego County that means local and organic."

Whole Foods Market's Dave Sanders, who now
runs the La Jolla store, once asked Goldman to
create a mini-farmers Market at the Hillcrest
Whole Foods Market when he worked there. All funds would be
gifted back to the farmers involved and projects
to help promote local organic agriculture.
Sanders understood the importance of supporting
locally grown organic farmers.

The water regulations are effecting number
of the San Diego growers.

Barry Logan of La Milpa Organica Farms had turned off water
in one field last year and the meter read
0. This year is allotment for that meter would have been zero minus 30%.

Ron Treethowen, another farmer, provides fruit for the J.R. Rodriquez CSA.
He had cut back his tree watering last year to conserve.
Now he is being asked to cut back another 30% more,
He is not sure if his trees will survive. "I survived the fires of
october. I'm not sure I can survive the water regulations."

Melodee Leavitt saif, we are use to water the trees swveral tiomes a week.
Now we water once a week. This is going to effect friut production nest year.
We have to be a lot more careful. of what we ate doing." we have about 2000
trees. avocado, guavas, jjubees, apples, peaches.

food growing more the house making is a priority here,
We can'y allow pour remaining foods and farmer to become
an endangered species.

The Organic Center is a national group spearheading a movement
to increase organic usage up from 3% to 10%.
A national concerns for Home Land Security
and Energy Independence now exists, yet the trend is to outsource
the growing of organic and conventional foods to other countries.

San Diego County local organic farmers, including
Rodriquez, Logan, Dennis Stowell, Noel Stehly, and others
have the skill base to teach gardeners and farmers.
Most farmers agree we could have enough land
to feed every person within 100 mile radius on both sides
of the border if we gardened and farmed with that intent.

The Enchanted Garden Consumer Ed Program is called
The campaign launched
April 5 at Local Vendors Day at Whole Foods Market Hillcrest.
Many customers who enthused with the idea.

"It is time to raise public awareness. As we all work
together on our water issues on a County, City, and State Level, we will
conserve water at home and in the field and still grow enough food.
That is what KEEP THE "BEET" is all about.

I see where the Governor is now going Solar.
We have all the water we will ever need in So Cal.
We just need the technology to get it from the ocean.
This is a priority.

In World War 2 we had Victory gardens. We, each grew food.
I am asking each person-- adults and children-- to buy a locally grown
organic beet, or the best beet they can find. Grow it
in a pot. Eat the Beet Greens.

Whatever you do to grow that beet, do the same! This is called Plant Parenthood.
Both beets and their gardeners need good water, sunshine, air,
and their roots in the soil. One person, one Pot!
That's all it takes call yourself a gardener!" said
Your Enchanted Gardener Leslie.

"The more we garden, the more we
will know remember our innate mentality
that makes it the highest priority to make
sure than every farmer wakes up each day
and can say Happiness is Organic."
True earth based home land security is
grounded in happy thriving local farms
and gardens."

"As a temporary measure, we need to
conserve water on the farm, but at the same
time, make sure our local organic farmers
are growing as much food as possible.
This is no time in history to be asking
them to cutback. This is not the solution."

It takes eight years to develop healthy soil
in harmony with buglife.

"Keep the "Beet." The "Beet" goes on!"
is dedicated to Dr.Bernard Jensen (1901-2001)
who would be 100 this year. Dr. Jensen
called the beet the greatest food of all, and
celebrated local organic farmers.

Keep the Beet will be featured at a Centennial
Celebration to Dr. Jensen this June 6,7,8
at the Town and Country.

Keep up with the History of Peace on Earth on the Plant
Your Dream Blog.

Plant Your Dream Blog on
Educating Rather than Medicating:

Centennial Celebration honoring Dr. Bernard Jensen,

Farm Report....


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