Why the thyroid gland is not functioning - Obesity and the rest of it, more from Dr. Alex Van Der Beek by #73810 .....

Forgive your need to push through life in anger and all the doors will be opened for you. You will have no need for a big belly then.

Date:   2/21/2008 3:28:18 PM ( 17 y ago)

"Why the thyroid gland is not functioning - Obesity and the rest of it"

Better and worse anger

Anger is a sign of stress. For example, anger felt for a specific person is something that nobody has a problem to understand. But the anger felt for a situation, a problem, an obstacle can make you confused. When I tell somebody that this, too, is anger, he will slumps over with sadness – he would have never thought of it himself. “Why do I have to suffer so? Who did I harm with it then? He will ask.

Analyzing the nature of doing good to others may, at times, cause the patient such a spasm in his thinking that it becomes dangerous to continue to conversation. “I have done everything wrong in my life then? Are you saying that I have never done nothing right?” he will despair. Such a person won’t be able to understand that everybody is just learning from his mistakes the way it has always been. Instead, the same thought keeps buzzing in his head and making him mad as hell – someone had dared to tell him that he had done something wrong.

This way somebody otherwise meek and submissive may grow unexpectedly aggressive: “How dare you just sit there and say that I have lived my life all wrong!” He has been so good, so nice all his life and now someone is trying to turn his principles upside down. This cannot be allowed. He would rather suffer. During the course of history, many wars have been known to break out because the lesson of life had to be re-evaluated.

In a situation like that, instead of continuing to sacrifice oneself, trying to understand others to do them some good, it would be much more effective to release one’s own stresses. Understanding others takes so much more effort and anyway, you might get it all wrong. By releasing our own stresses on the other hand, we are allowing the good we need to come to us. For example, having forgiven our anger for nobody needing the good thing I have to offer, very soon someone will appear, who does.

A stress will remain a stress when it is held a prisoner inside of us. When we release it by forgiving, it can be transformed into love energy. Any energy that is allowed to move without hindrance is love energy. And we will feel the change as a blissful feeling in our body.

Released anger is good anger. Anger kept locked up inside is bad anger. When someone keeps something locked up, it can’t feel good.

Among other stresses, anger is the stress that weighs the most.

Somebody with a protruding upper belly is an angry fighter. Having to force oneself makes one’s stomach bulge. His belly is like an icebreaker’s prow, pushing everything aside on his way. Gritting his teeth in angry overexertion a person like that will go on to prove his superiority. If he can’t make it this time, he will get drunk and noisy, letting the stress of failure out of his system (much better than bursting with suppressed rage). Then he will just try again. His anger keeps on growing and whipping him on as the second and third effort fail too and the result is still nowhere to be seen.

Forgive your need to push through life in anger and all the doors will be opened for you. You will have no need for a big belly then.

A dream grown beyond all limits of reality will enrage you because of its impossibility, egging you on at the same time. It is like a burst of anger in its nature and will result in a hernia. As the majority of dreams have to do with economic matters, ruptures most often happen in the lower belly and old scar tissue. When a person, greedy for achievement and disappointed in his past, rushes on towards the future, a ruptured diaphragm will be the outcome. In other words – if you push towards the future, feeling angry for not getting what you want anyway, then your body will cut down on your breathing. In this way, it keeps its owner from running for the lack of air and sharp pain and causing himself more harm.

A person who starts noticing the hidden side of life and acknowledging his natural negativity will begin to lose weight. He will feel more light on his feet and have more strength to run around and do his good deeds – in the right place and the right time. There’s no sense in letting positivity go to waste.

A person who manages to release his desire to impose his will on other people will start losing weight from the back of his body. Somebody who lets go of his feeling that nothing will move on without his interfering will start losing pounds from his belly and chest.

A person declaring with malice that from now on, he will just sit around on his backside and not move a finger for the other’s sake will grow himself a large backside. This stress used to be unusual among men, but not any more. Manliness means moving forward and as long as a man has some strength left in him, he always wants to progress.
Somebody angry for not being able to sit around on his backside and do nothing the way others can because of his financial situation, will grow himself a still larger behind.

The fat of a person angry for having to be on the move all the time because others won’t move a finger without him will move up from his behind and circle his waist. This is anger very characteristic of men. It makes their waste area so tense; it will interfere with their breathing.

The desire to entice men with love makes women’s breast grow larger. The chest of a woman who loves men without any hidden agenda will never grow unnaturally large.

A woman feeling hurt because men are so slow in showing their love and determined not to be the one to take the first step will have very small breasts. The small chest of a woman who lets go of her defiant attitude will start growing. Age has nothing to do with it.

The fatty tissue of somebody, who has come to the conclusion that he won’t be able to get what he has been dreaming of and let’s go, will grow flabby. Flabby soul – flabby body.

You won’t notice what I have done for you, anyway – and the waist will lose its tone.

I am not worthy of love – and the face, neck, chest grows flabby.

I will never be wealthy – and the buttocks and thighs grow flabby.

An angry “I’ll show what I’m capable of” – and cellulite appears. Usually on the thighs and buttocks as this is the region of work – the main means of self-realization of people today. Work is used to prove one’s worth.

Positivity can be measured and weighed with anger

Anger is stress, demanding most energy.

When your body is demanding to be fed, think what has made you angry, what would you not think about but rather, eat. When you feel that your stomach is full but you can’t stop eating, start forgiving your anger for the people who won’t accept what you have to offer. Forgive your angry desire to step over them, to be better than them. Forgive your anger for those who consider themselves better than you because you are overweight as they have nothing else to feel superior about.

The more passionate you are in releasing these stresses, the quicker your appetite will disappear. You have been feeding your stresses – only they never will have enough. They have come to teach you that your good will be accepted if you let go of your need to force it on other people and that by forgiving everything will be all right. The correct way would be to release your stresses regularly and not only in the case of an emergency.

I myself come from a long line of overweight people from my mother’s side of the family. There was only one aunt who was a bit thinner than the others. This aunt used to slave away night and day hounded by her fear that maybe her neighbors have more than her or in other words, by the fear of not being loved if I am any worse than others. She was always nice to everybody, ready to help – a generous and optimistic person. She couldn’t have any children, so she brought up a lot of her relatives’ children as well as others who had lost their parents in the war. But somehow, when those children grew up, she found herself all alone again. She didn’t blame them for not caring more and never spoke of what she had done, even to other people. She whipped herself on to be better than others. Her need for recognition and wealth was such that it drove her to an early grave at the age of 54 with a cancer of the stomach. Actually, she was ashamed of her drive and to cover up for her obsession, she used to work nights when everybody else was sleeping. The cancer of the stomach, as you may recall, is the malicious anger towards oneself for not being as efficient as needed, despite all the trying. And so the excessive good grew into excessive bad while obesity grew into destruction.

It was my heartfelt wish to redeem the karma of this particular family – I wasn’t born for nothing. In addition to the karma of my family and clan, I have naturally taken on my own stresses.

For example: some time ago when my workload had grown beyond all reason, I felt particularly reluctant to deal with patients who refuse to see their situation for what it really is. They collect such amounts of anger that it is making them blind and deaf but all they will do is insist that they are right. Irritation was growing in me and kept attracting more such people to me. And of course, I kept gaining weight.

I cheated myself with work. Long working hours left me no time for a lunch break. As if being without food made me any thinner! Quite the opposite – when I went home after work and out of curiosity, stepped on the scale, I had gained yet more weight. Fed up with all of it, suppressing my irritation not to hurt my family, I sank down at the table and the amount of food enough for a whole day, disappeared unnoticed at one sitting. And all this in just a fifteen minutes.

I am quite aware that food that isn’t chewed properly will gather fat. I am also quite aware that when overweight people declare that they don’t eat much, this is not true. Fat people are capable of devouring enormous amounts of food in a very short time. Naturally, they are equally capable to do the very opposite – their fatty tissue allows them to starve for some time, although usually not for long. Every calorie that passes the lips of a fat person gets transformed into more fat – how else could he keep on his fight for a brighter future?

On the outside I am a perfectly nice person: calm, well-balanced, kind and self-sacrificing in my wish to help. But excessive loads of work can make anyone mad. Working too hard is trying to earn love on the physical level. Although I was well aware that anger makes you fat and kept forgiving my stresses every day, nothing helped. The more I released my stresses the more work I toke on. I was driven by the fear of not being loved if I fail to help everybody in trouble.

“I didn’t mean it,” people say when I draw their attention to their wrong thinking. I didn’t mean it too, and it was wrong. I wasn’t aware of my thinking but one always has to be, so that noble thoughts would not turn out crooked.

One morning I woke up with a strong pain in the nape of my neck and my shoulders. Analyzing the situation, I realized that the pain was caused by the anger for the patients who refuse to accept the divine wisdom I give my all to pass on to them. I felt it was the same thing as people not appreciating my effort, not caring for what I have to give them and accordingly – not loving me. The impulse I had to turn away from them, to look the other way, to step right over them, to ignore them – if only I could be free of them – was sending me a clear warning, “You are in for a very hard time today if you don’t do anything to prevent this. If you fail to set your anger free, something much more serious will happen to you than a few more extra pounds.”

I knew my body to be right. So I forgave my anger with all the passion I could muster and asked it to forgive me for having grown it in me for all those years. It was the same stress that had been living in me since I was a child in the form of a fear and disgust for human ignorance. It had just grown more complicated in time, more characteristic to the moment’s situation. The same anger has made me learn everything there is to learn – this is its positive side of it. The half an hour I walked to my office I talked to my stress as a friend who has come to teach me something but who in no event wanted to harm me. My anger was like a friend with a very clear message. Only up to now, I had failed to pay attention.

Human ignorance is a despicable thing, isn’t it? We all have to agree. Or would you like to contradict. Wouldn’t it be terrible if ignorance would be something to boast about! I used to think like that, too.

Now I no longer do. If someone wishes to remain ignorant then it is his sacred right. So I let my wrong thoughts go by forgiving and the pain disappeared, too. I thanked it for allowing me to learn something new.

What followed was the most difficult day in my practice of alternative medicine. The concentration of angry materialists, sick people with no wish left to live, people who believed in nothing, people hating God and their parents – and all this in one day – was unbelievable.

I looked into their being with calm concentration and didn’t feel the least disturbed by the fact that they didn’t believe what I was telling them. I knew they had to continue learning through suffering and I told them so. The disillusionment of a lot of patients who had made themselves sick with their angry demands and now expected me to make them well, turned against me when I failed to cure then and there so that they could go on doing their harm. I, on the other hand, knew if they didn’t like what I told them, then that was their problem.

I also know that due to my peaceful frame of mind, at least half of the patients I saw that day had started thinking reasonably by the end of the consultation. The ice had been broken.

I was happy that not once during that day had I experienced even the slightest irritation. In the evening, I felt lively. I enjoyed my spiritual strength. The feeling could best be described as a joy in “pure being’.

All my exhaustion, grown to frightening proportions during the last few months, was gone. I was free of my anger for the ignorant who refuses to learn. And as of this day, my uninhibited appetite in the evenings disappeared.

Should you now ask, how come I still get angry as I, if anybody should know what’s right and what’s not then I’d like to tell you a secret – I’m still human, that’s why.

Whoever manages to release himself of all stress – and accordingly, of all emotion – will cease to have a physical body. And this doesn’t have to mean physical death. But we will not go into this any deeper during this teaching.

A human being doesn’t have to be without negativity – his negativity and positivity has to be in balance so that negativity is continually transformed into positivity.

You shouldn’t be ashamed of your negativity, nor should you flaunt it as a challenge to take on the whole world. You have to acknowledge it is there and release it because this is the lesson of your present life that you have failed to learn through your countless previous lives.

I would like to remind you and repeat once again: a person is the sum total of his mother and father. Obesity is the problem of soft tissue. Somebody whose mother has gathered huge amounts of stress in her, whose life is an angry battle, tends to gather fat easily. According to the laws of life, somebody always has to be first, while somebody else is second. The one left behind does everything to catch up and pass the first – that’s why women rush onward in life with such passion, destroying everybody who stands in their way.

As we ourselves have chosen our mother then, among all other problems, we have come to learn to keep a normal weight. And if, up to now, you have failed to do so then make a start right now. In the first place, begin by forgiving your fear that everything is not the way you would like it to be.

A materialist has trouble in understanding the concept of healing by thought as he has not been taught it at school. We all are – some more, some less – tied up in materialism. However a materialist has a positive trait in him – he will conscientiously study everything practical and logical in the name of a good cause.

“A truly great book, everything in it sounds so right that you just read and enjoy. Five pages and you're fast asleep, it makes you feel so peaceful and your health really seems to be getting better for it. but as for the economic problems – well, it really can’t be that my purse will get fatter if I let go of my fear for money matters. Oh, I see – you want me to add to it my anger for not being able to buy a tractor because of the economic slump,” a farmer chuckled. He found no reason why two perfectly nice people (that is, himself and me) would have to argue over anything. And if all this nice talk would improve his health – even better.

A materialist always starts thinking, he will doubt but not deny. His purposeful will-power is amazing. As the health of our farmer improved, he decided that it wouldn’t be so bad to try ironing out his money matters too – just for fun. His health got better, didn’t it – so, who knows what will come of it. The exact manner, how this inner battle with himself was fought, will remain his secret. The next time we met he told me, “I would have never thought that a sleeping cat could catch a mouse – but it seems that this is really possible if the cat’s brain is awake.’ He had earned a considerable sum thanks to his releasing of his negative thoughts.

The only thing that really comes to nothing but destruction is anger and disbelief.

Day in, day out, I keep repeating: if you really take the trouble to release your stresses, a profitable offer will come your way even when you are sleeping. People who have released a specific fear for economic matters, for example the anger for not being able to make an important purchase will, as if by miracle still be able to buy the thing they wanted – and there will even be money left over.

I personally managed to make a large purchase for 60% of the normal price because I believe in the power of forgiving. I know that when I open up my spirit by forgiving, it will show me the right direction.

By forgiving, I am opening up myself – to myself. My spirit who is trying to help me all the time, my spirit who keeps tied up with all my stresses – that’s myself.

The negative - positive

The negative positive people are the people whose negativity hangs on the outside, unhidden. The typical representatives of this extreme are men and criminals. I guess you all have seen how someone protesting loudly has been made more enraged by everybody telling him how bad he is.

A negative person is someone whose fear of not being loved has grown into anger. The bigger the fear, the more the individual feels he has to fight for his existence and the larger his anger will grow. By the way – every one of those people has been born from a womb of a mother.

The more fearful a person, the more aggressive he will become. As he doesn’t know that the fear that the world doesn’t love me is the greatest fear there is, his fear will grow into angry self-defense: “All right, don’t love me then – see who cares!” A wish to revenge for all the hurt appears. The desire to pay back may grow so overpowering that if a person like that is provoked he may lose all self-control. An act of violence on whoever made him angry will follow. Now the first step has been taken and his anger can grow still bigger. With each following time, his anger will be easier in coming, growing more and more blood-thirsty in time, until erupting in intentional crime.

An unbalanced individual may become mad at anything: someone telling the truth right in his face, the arrogance of a bully or the weepy face of a helpless woman. Everything depends on where his biggest hurts in life stem from.

In principle, everything starts with accusations. A person who has suffered from accusing has become so sensitive to it that he won’t need words to feel blamed. Therefore, it would be wise for all of us to be very aware of our thoughts, not to evoke trouble.

Whoever is frightened by criminals will attract a criminal to frighten him.

Whoever hates criminals will attract one to suffer by him.

If a negative positive person would understand that the more he keeps sowing his negativity the larger his hidden good will grow, he could become aware of his true worth. A person like that has the potential to come out of the most extreme situations with flying colors as his hidden store of good is that large. As we often see in movies, the biggest criminal is often the greatest lover. If only someone would truly love him! Unfortunately, society remembers criminals only in extreme danger when a need to spare the so-called normal people arises. The merciless society raises criminals and then treats them as they were not human.

I have been accused of speaking in favor of crime. As for those accusations – everybody is entitled to his opinion. But there is one thing I have certainly done: on more than one occasion, I have prevented parents from raising a criminal. Through me, it is possible for them to take a look into deeper nature of crime. I am sure that people who have a friend or relation convicted for a crime understand what I am speaking about. It would be best if all the people, involved in a situation that has something to do with a felony, would take it upon themselves to start consciously improving themselves.

All a criminal would have to do is to start moving his energy in the right direction and a destructor would become a creator. I hope this teaching will offer some support and practical advice to those who have been rejected and misunderstood by the so-called good people.

If the criminal would forgive his anger and fear of not being loved, he could start attracting true love, drawing to him the person who wouldn’t care what the rest of the world thinks. He would find a lover who would love the world through him – the one that the rest of the world despises. It may seem incredible but it is the truth.

Recently I had trouble in explaining the concept of good and bad to a patient, too good for his own sake who was ill with an extremely serious disease. I gave him the following example.

Imagine having fallen into a deep pit. The only way for you to be saved is if someone would come along to help you out. In your distress, you would cry out to God, “Please send me someone to pull me out of this hole. Send me anyone even a criminal, may he be fierce and terrible to look at but at least all his kindness is still intact in him – he hasn’t blown it in the wind the way good people do! I want to live, dear God, please don’t send me a good man!”

And out of the blue, a criminal appears and pulls you out of the hole but you, in your unthankful-ness, start whining and scolding him for having ruined your clothes. He, naturally, will give you a black eye and march away cursing. And he has every right to do so! If you didn’t understand before why you has fallen into the hole, then at least you’ll have to start thinking why you got a black eye. This is the way criminals are teaching the world but the world, already at the brink of disaster, still refuses to understand.

The larger the number of seemingly balanced people, the larger the amount of unbalanced individuals will become. The more of the seemingly good, the more of the seemingly bad.

The amount of good people is rising all the time but the condition of Earth is steadily getting worse. Only the unity of opposites will bring a balance. A criminal, whom the world has some use for, cannot perish. A criminal, negative to the extreme, will attract destruction to himself. May it be by law, or by the weapon of another criminal, but he will find his end.

But as long as the criminal is still alive, life loves him just the same as it loves us, the nice people. It is everybody’s obligation to understand a criminal and think about our own mistakes that trigger criminality.

PS: It has made me very happy to hear from all those who have - some in small proportions and other in bigger proportions - benefited from my teachings.  It has been a pleasure.



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