Illness and Dis-ease - more from Dr. Alex Van Der Beek by #73810 .....

Illness or physical “disease” is a state where negative energy has crossed the critical line and the whole system is out of balance. The body informs us of the situation so that we can do something to correct it.

Date:   2/21/2008 3:17:48 PM ( 16 y ago)

Illness and dis-ease

Illness or physical “disease” is a state where negative energy has crossed the critical line and the whole system is out of balance. The body informs us of the situation so that we can do something to correct it. Our body has tried to send us signals of discomfort for a considerable while but we had just neither paid attention nor taken action, so the body falls ill. Mental anguish, when not taken into consideration, grows into physical pain. It draws our attention to the situation that has to be mended. Suppressing the signal of pain with analgesics only deepens the pathology. The disease has to grow in order for the person to notice the alarm signal.

Every illness has it roots in Stress. The amount of accumulated stress determines the nature of the illness. For example, when a person is tired, he has to sleep. The largest amount of energy is gathered in sleep. If the period of sleep is abnormally long, a serious leak of energy can be suspected. If there has been no physical over-exertion, the reason lies in an accumulation of stress. Excessive amounts of stress cause insomnia, a state where physical tiredness is no longer experienced – in that event sleep will not bring relief so it is no use taking a sleeping pill. You have to release your stresses and the illness will disappear. You’ll do your body no good by finding the culprit and blaming him for the situation – that is self-deception.

Each body has its own demand. Not every body can be trained to be a racehorse and not every racehorse can be turned into a farm horse, and neither of them can be made into a circus animal.

Each body has to accomplish its own mission. You have to calmly estimate your potential and live your life peacefully and in good health by using what you have and doing good. Should you now argue that you yourself would be satisfied with much less but your family demands more, then let’s be honest – your words and actions don’t speak the same language. Your family has been drawn to you because of your way of thinking – you resemble each other.

Illness is the result of wrong action, where the scales of good and bad are tipped in favor of the bad.

Man is born to learn, not just to enjoy a happy existence. We are born into a physical body and each lifetime is like a step in a school where we have to follow a certain curriculum before we deserve a vacation. At the end of each existence we leave behind our well-worn body and go on to the Spirit world to sum up your life, draw conclusions from it and make plans for our development in the next existence.

We have to learn life in all its diversity. Now you are pauper, now a king, now a criminal, now a saint, in one life you may be a simple worker, in the next, a creative genius, at one time an idler, at another, a tireless wanderer then a man, then a woman and so on and so on…

All the knowledge acquired is accumulated and kept safe in the Spirit’s consciousness. Each time we are born, we come back to learn something new, something characteristic of that particular period in history. Time does not stand still. The development of mankind spirals upwards, towards greater wisdom, on and on. Each time there will be people at our side, in some ways very similar to us, but still quite different in their actions and views. I am here to learn my lesson, another person to learn his, and somebody else has its own learning process to go through. On top of all this everybody is a teacher to everybody else. I am doing it my way, you are doing it yours and somebody else has its own way of learning. I am in no way superior to any other man.

Nobody has given us the right to compare ourselves to any other man or to compete with anyone else. We have the right to compare ourselves, as we are now, with the people we are yesterday. We have the right to compete with our selves. Why are famous sportsmen often so ill? Because they are acting against the Laws of Nature.

These laws are inevitable, eternal and have no exceptions. Remember Christ on the cross and the two robbers at his side. God did not forsake any one of them. We are all God’s children whatever or however you perceive as your God, we are all particles of It. Of All That Is and our wisdom is the wisdom of (y)our God.

The one, who, deep in his heart and not only in his words, really understands another person, has learned his lesson. He who passes judgment on his fellow man still has his lesson to learn and he will learn it – by personal experience.

There are endless ways to learn. One learns from books or from the words of a teacher – but anyone learning the wisdom of life is a teacher. Another person watches the next person to stub his toe on a rock and learns from that – he doesn’t need to go through the same process. A third learns only by personally stubbing his toe and usually not the first time. Everyone makes his own choices. He, who gets angry at the stone and keeps on blaming it, will continue stubbing his toes, and it could be that, like in school, he will continue doing the same thing in his next existence – until the lesson is finally learned.

Everything man meets in life is necessary to him in some way. No one is at fault. The bad that comes my way has been attracted by my own wrong thinking. Every difficulty is the result of incorrect thinking and if I hadn’t learned earlier, I’d better do it now. Also, if I don’t bother drawing any conclusions then my body will suffer until I do.

My body loves me, if it didn’t, it wouldn’t care what happens to me. Illness is a sign of love. Our body is unable to inform us in any other manner except by disease. Our Spirit has just not evolved enough. And yet, the more a person learns, the more he understands that mental distress hurts more than physical pain. He has learned a simple truth – a small mistake is followed by light punishment, a big mistake by a more serious problem. If somebody falls and breaks a leg then obviously he has let something of importance unnoticed – the fact that the sidewalk was slippery. The bone is fractured and the lesson learned, once and for all. If he were also to realize that he brought the accident on himself by being scared of falling, then he would become even wiser,

Mental agony accumulates until the last drop falls, the cup is full, and physical illness makes its appearance. The more stress is accumulated, the more serious the disease. Slow accumulation may result in cancer; a more rapid process may end in a heart attack or a stroke. In both cases the body became buried under a mountain of stress.

If the disease is not serious, we can burn up the accumulated negative energies in the process of ailing. In the case of chronic disorders the burning goes on continually, while new stress keeps flowing in, preventing the person from getting well, but all in all, sickness is still a lesson to give us greater wisdom. We are free to choose the way we learn, so that if I prefer to learn through suffering and illness, like the majority of mankind at the moment seems to, it’s my choice, and should I prefer to learn through teaching, by making it sing in my heart and using it with wisdom, it is still my choice. People often say, “That’s just not true, I don’t want to be sick”.
I believe them but they have to make their body believe it too. Let the sickness go, then your body will see that you really mean it.

Spirit is eternal – the body exists in time. Spirit is feeling – body is the thoughts. Spirit is ideal – body is material. But both of them have consciousness. Remember – thoughts are of the physical body.

All That Is develops through the progress of the Spirit. The Spirit acquires more elementary knowledge on the planet Earth. Man is the lowest reasonable being in All That Is. The wiser the Spirit becomes, the more complicated the lessons. Learning is accomplished through negativity, and yet there are always has to be good to balance evil.

Good is the evil learned in previous lives!

All that we used to perceive as bad in this life, and that after a while became understandable. Is the evil that has been learned in this life.

Everything that we are unwilling to understand in this life, that is, all we keep judging as evil, has to be learned the next time around.

The person who greets hardships with happiness is worthy of being a man.

If a person overcomes his difficulties with grace, then he can be called a Man. He is ready to move on in his development, knowing that the next difficulty will always be harder than the previous one. The greater the man, the greater the difficulty. He, who heaps small problems in front of himself so that his view is blocked by this mound of troubles, has not yet become great.

The divine laws says: the more that is given, the more will be expected.

Everything you do should be done with joy, no matter how insignificant the job may seem, then everything will run smoothly and you will be waiting to start the next task. The person who does his job well, as it should be done, has learned his lesson. The person who does it wrong is in the process of learning – through mistakes. Therefore the mistake serves a purpose. As such, it is punishment caused by wrong action. Every punishment is wrong – it equals double punishment. Instead, we should ask ourselves, “Did I learn from the mistake?”

Regret, pity, moaning, crying, guilt, despair or punishing yourself just makes it worse. You live – you make mistakes. You learn from your mistakes. These proverbs often come up in conversation, but its better to remember them promptly when you or someone else makes a mistake, and be happy when you have a right thought. Can you do that?

How often people say to me, “What’s there to be happy about? I would rather have my health like I used to – then I would be happy.” As long as you continue to think this way, it will be very difficult to help you.

There is no such thing as equality in the Spiritual realm. If you expect to get paid before you even begun doing something to earn it, you’ll be sorely disappointed. The level of the Spirit is always equal to the amount of work put into its development. Deceit is not possible in this work – in your own eyes a lie will always be a lie. It is no use fighting the laws of Nature, and as for fighting, you should fight for good, not against evil. There is a basic difference – one is good, the other is evil.

Love is the absolute and greatest power there is, but still few people know how to love.

Consider how you would feel if somebody told you, “I love you. I just do. I demand nothing. You can always count on me.”

Or imagine someone telling you, “I love you. Why can’t you love me the way I love you. Prove to me that you love me. If you loved me, you’d do anything for me.” Endless words, demanding, controlling, driving you into a corner.

The first version seems like something out of a fairy tale, but there is much more of this kind of love around than we would even dare to think. We Latvians (or even I Dutchman) don’t say those things very easily, but we feel them. If only we could trust our feelings more.

The other version is the everyday, oh-so-common possessive love, which destroys people, families, society, the Earth. Most of us have felt the sadness and defiance that the words, “I love you, I put food on the table and a roof over your head. You have to be good!” you are obliged to be!” arouse.

This is not love, this is possession. The tool in my hand belongs to me, too – but it broke anyway and there’s nothing I can do about it. You might have noticed how an old craftsman handles his ancient tools and how tenderly he picks them up and puts them back in their places again. Clearly he would never trade them for new ones. Then the time comes for the craftsman to leave this world… Someone else wants to use his screwdriver or chisel, but it literally falls to pieces. It was old and dried up, or so we think. No. the only thing that dried up was the source of loving care and attention.

If we could feel for everything, including other human beings, the way an old craftsman feels for his tools, we wouldn’t be have any sickness and the material side of life would be provided for as well.

The single state – one of the alternatives of human existence
For aeons, mankind has been yearning for perfection and yet, it is still unable to achieve it the right way.

It is a law of life that somebody will always be ahead, while somebody else has to come second, waiting to pass the other by to become first. If you are wise enough, you know that if you are second, it will only be a matter of time and patience when you will be able to pass him by as it is common human behavior for the leader to begin feeling comfortable in this position and to start taking it for granted.

Single people are the ones who are in the greatest hurry to become the first. Unmarried, divorced or widowed, they all are in a rush to achieve perfection before they have learned the lessons of the material life.

Each and every one of us has the wondrous yearning for being alone in us, but looking at single people, we see that only a few of them are really happy in their alones. Even those who, more than anything, wanted to free themselves from the painful burden of their marriage, don’t know what to do with their single state, now that they have it. What they would really want is to be still living in a family and continue their earthly lessons if only someone would provide them with a good husband or wife.

Why do we want to be alone so much? Why are we still so afraid of it?

We yearn to be alone because, for a man of feelings, this is the ideal state of being. We all have feelings and a desire to increase positivity.

We are frightened of being alone because we are still not free of our fear of not being loved. We are unable to grasp the inner meaning of being alone and value only what is on the outside.

Each woman has a man in her and each man has a woman in him. If you are able to balance your inner self with your outer self, then in this civilization, you have reached the level of perfection. To achieve this, you have to fully understand your parents. The term of understanding is forgiveness. It doesn’t matter how you do it – the way I teach or in some other manner suitable to you. Maybe each one of you will find his own method. And if sitting in meditation for hours does the trick for you then – go for it.

There aren’t too many of true spiritual giants around and those few don’t let their presence known by complaining. Their health is good. They go on their way, seeking for ways to grow in wisdom and to put it to work for the benefit of all. We never hear much about their doings. People consider them an oddity. Only in our spirit, we recognize the true value of their being and appreciate their greatness. But on the conscious level, we are still unable to read our spirit but if you release your stresses, you’ll be able to learn. You’ll become one of those spiritual giants and all the troubles of your soul and body will drop away from you.

A sense of mission has become a favorite topic lately. If you have come to this world to achieve wholeness on your own then this is your mission. You needn’t live by anyone else’s standards but your own. What you need is to do good to yourself and help others by doing that. Do you have such a goal? If not, then release your stresses so that the opposite sex could come to make perfection together with you. This way you’ll be helping others by helping yourself.

Recluses and saints are seen as the symbol of a solitary existence. They are usually pictured, meditating in a cave or on top of a mountain, far from the maddening crowd. But it is a hundred times harder, to hear the song of silence in the middle of a noisy marketplace. It is possible but only for someone who releases all his stresses, caused by emotion.

The person capable of that is a strong and wise spirit. Being one with everyone, he is still alone. For him, being becomes action.

There are a few serious young people, wise beyond their years who are unaware of their true being. They are sad because of the superficiality of others; they are unable to find a suitable partner. Mainly, we are talking about young men but there are girls, too with the same kind of problem. They don’t realize that they have set very high standards to themselves and others. They are the real men and women of the future but they are wearing themselves down with their stresses. If you feel that you are one of those then let go of your distress for the sake of all the empty phrases and senselessness, your fear of being left alone in the world, your feelings of hopelessness, etc.

On the other hand, imagine a young single woman declaring, “Who needs men anyway.” This is her mother’s “wisdom of life” speaking. The daughter is living it and not even suspecting that she does. Her mother was a wise woman – so wise in fact, that she had to suffer for her wisdom.

This is not wisdom, this is dogma. What the mother doesn’t realize is, that
- a woman needs a man to be a woman,
- a man needs a woman to be a man,
- the so-called wisdom of an embittered woman can never beat the wisdom of nature.

Truth can be hard to take. The fear to see and hear the truth makes people lie. The same fear makes one even lie to oneself without understanding how insincere and puffed up – that is, false – one becomes by doing it.

Animals and the so-called primitive people can see the truth very well – the so-called civilized man much worse.

What would you tell a middle-aged unmarried woman who knows all, has read all, who has had her gall-bladder removed together with all the stones in it, whose face has been covered by disfiguring skin-rash since she was a child?

The doctors have not been able to help her – what would you say to make her better? She is dead certain that she hasn’t the slightest fear of not being loved nor any anger in her. She thinks of herself as a nice person, through and through. All one can do for her is to write her a prescription. She may want it very much but despite everything, it is not possible for her to reach the spiritual level yet. She has to begin admitting her mistakes to herself first.

Painful loneliness is the privilege of a society of material well-being. Let’s think about what we consider good and what we perceive as evil. Let’s admit that we see the outer surface of things as the only reality there is. A person loving another human being with all his heart is never alone. A man who values material wealth above all is always alone as material values have no loving soul.

Your lack of understanding and incorrect evaluation of life has made you sick or to begin with, helpless. Admit it to your self and re-evaluate what you believe. It is easy to deny everything and hold your head high in the beginning but later on it will be very difficult to cure the wounds of your heart.

Ask yourself, “What do I want to be?” if you find the answer to be “a human being” then you have to make a choice between the natural and the human way of life and the unnatural dream. Realize that freedom is recognizing the inevitable. Man cannot alter the laws and course of life – he has to abide them.

Know that in reality everyone is alone. This is to be taken for a fact of life. In our everyday life someone wants to be alone, the other is afraid of being alone and the third hates being alone. One’s attitude will dictate the nature of his experience. Let go of your negative attitude towards loneliness and you’ll feel good. If you love life and people then the fact that you are physically alone will have no meaning – you will not feel lonely as you have your love that, flowing from you to other people, can only grow in time.

Some people – no matter if they are young or old – always seem to complain about being bored, having nothing to do and waiting for someone else to amuse them, to invite them, to talk to them, to care for them, to remember them… The best social care system in the world wouldn’t keep them satisfied. Their egotistical fear of not being loved has closed their reasonable mind. Their fear of dissatisfaction destroys their senses one by one – their vision, their hearing, their taste and feel as well as their memory and their mind. They are all suffering from the same kind of fault – they don’t want to give, they only want to get.

I’m sure you also know another type of person – the maverick, never bored by his own company, happily busy in some solitary and curious undertaking. One can only look by and wonder! I recently heard about an old lady soon to turn 100 who above all wished for a book about the history of Spain for her birthday. This is the sort of person who is living for eternity. Her eyes have not grown dim with shed tears. She is happy to sit in her room and read about Spain – the land of her dreams. She uses every minute God grants her to learn and God is sure to grant her many more as she has made good use of her time. And should someone be interested in sharing her life’s wisdom then, tenderly putting aside her book, she will gladly tell what she has learned – just like the good student of life she is, reciting her lessons. Only the ignorant would not find the time to listen her out.

this was just a little text which I normally send to my patients as part of their learning , it is of course much more detailed and is arranged according to the patient.

forgiveness opens the door, so that the healing can begin.


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