My astrology these days.
Date: 2/11/2008 12:13:46 PM ( 17 y ago)
Starts today; Exact Feb 14; Leaves Feb 19.
It’s a day for activity. Unless challenging
transits at this time strongly contradict, you
should be feeling extra energy. Assert your-
self, and take the initiative in whatever you
want to do. You can jump-start a new
project or spark new life into an old one.
This is a day to be effective, and your self-
confidence will thrive through your accom-
Venus quincunx (inconjunct) Natal Pluto
Where love, sex, finance or self-indulgence
are concerned, halfway measures are just
not your style today. Watch out. Com-
pulsive behavior can get you in trouble.
Balance your desires with self-control.
Power struggles in relationships signal a
need to probe within. Relationships are
often mirrors in which to see yourself.
FEBRUARY 6, 2008 Wednesday
Mars trine Natal Ascendant
Starts today; Exact Feb 14; Leaves Feb 19.
This transit could be overlooked if other
longer term transits dominate with different
themes, but don’t waste it. If you are
planning ahead, this could be a good time to
improve an ongoing challenging situation.
When Mars energy flows harmoniously with
your Ascendant you are likely to be active,
looking for something to do, and are able to
work especially effectively in a group situa-
tion. Seek to make a strong contribution in
a manner that serves the group, and
creates good team spirit. You are probably
feeling good today, and even vigorous. Get
out and do things. For leisure, you might
really enjoy participating in a sport.
New Moon--Solar Eclipse
New Moon in Your 4th House
Because this New Moon is an eclipse, its
themes are more significant and longer
lasting. It may indicate a major focus in
your life for months to come.
Home improvement time? If you’ve been
putting off that project that will make your
home environment more comfortable, don’t
put it off any longer. The New Moon is a
good time to start, and in the month ahead
you can continue the focus. Your "new
beginning" could be as small as reor-
ganizing that messy, cluttered area or as
large as initiating the buying or selling of
real estate. On a less mundane level, the
fourth house has to do with the foundations
of your being. This means that other areas
that might be in focus during this lunation
are your relationships with your parents, or
an examination of your own habit patterns
that emerge from past conditioning. If there
is something that you can do to improve
yourself in these matters, this is an excellent
time to take the first steps.
New Moon opposite Natal Saturn
Responsibility and discipline are the
keywords for this time period. The focus
is on REALITY and that involves aware-
ness of your limitations, the effort that
you expend in achieving what you set
out to do, and your self-discipline (or
lack of it) in persisting. A great deal can
be achieved through a practical, serious
approach and steady, persistent
progress. You are concerned about your
security, and you could be inclined to
translate worry into stress, anxiety and
negative thinking. Recognize that it may
be your mood rather than the true reality
of the situation. Don’t magnify your
problems, and avoid making decisions
that are based on emotional issues
during this time. Instead, concentrate on
the practical. If work vs. your emotional
life is a CAUSE of your stress, however,
Planetary Guide to Future Leslie Goldman
quiet reflection on your priorities is
called for. Saturnine aspects and
transits have no need to worry you
unless you wish to avoid dealing with
your own responsibility for your life. If
this is a tough time for you, take an
honest look at whether you might be
evading responsibility for that which you
have created, helped to create, taken on,
failed to do.Think about it, accept the
consequences, if that is called for, and
then forge steadily and sensibly onward
to do what you can to improve. Saturn
symbolizes that which is solid and
stable, and some of the most concrete
gains you will ever make can take place
when you accept and work with your
Saturn energy.
New Moon opposite Natal Pluto
Your power to create transformative
changes in your life is in focus during
this period. Also at issue may be your
ability to eliminate that which no longer
serves you, to bring matters to comple-
tion, or to deal with compulsions, either
in behavior or in obsessive feelings.
Power and control issues in your interac-
tions with others may be of concern.
Your emotions are likely to be more
intense than usual. If you feel very
stressed, take it as a signal that there are
changes you know you should make.
Suppressing them will not work; it will
only increase your tension--and change
is probably inevitable, anyway. Your
choice is to claim your power to take the
lead, or to give it away by your
avoidance. In the latter case, you may
attract a situation or person who will
force the issue. Blame and excuses
won’t help. If something must end, let it
go. One door may close--but another
one opens. If you take charge and do
what you must do, this can be a very
powerful time for you. A new, more
fulfilling life may be beginning.
FEBRUARY 7, 2008 Thursday
Mercury sextile Natal Venus (Retro)
This is such an easy transit, it is most likely
to slip by unnoticed--especially if more
challenging transits occur at the same time.
Of itself, it’s likely to reflect a time when you
"lighten up" and are friendly and sociable.
Your ability to express yourself is better
than usual. Speak of love to someone
special, or write that letter you’ve been
meaning to write. Do something you really
FEBRUARY 8, 2008 Friday
Mercury opposite Natal Pluto (Retro)
Deep thinking is required today. Something
must be confronted, or a decision or com-
mitment made. Ambiguity just won’t work.
You could feel stressed, or even irritable,
but it will be a big relief when that thorny
issue is resolved. Say or decide what you
must, but try not to come on like a "heavy."
In listening, be alert for what is implied, as
well as what is stated directly. Smile, both
for you and others. Avoid manipulating
others or allowing yourself to be
manipulated. This is a good day for investi-
gations, research or uncovering secrets.
You won’t be content with superficial
approaches to anything.
FEBRUARY 9, 2008 Saturday
Venus octile (semisquare) Natal Jupiter
This is a good day for pleasure and sociabil-
ity. You’re feeling generous with others and
yourself, but be aware that you have a
tendency to overspend or overindulge. With
that small caveat, this is a time to enjoy.
Plan a party--or go to one. Give a gift to
someone--or treat yourself.
FEBRUARY 11, 2008 Monday
Sun opposite Natal Saturn
This transit is short-term, only lasting a day
or so. It is likely to be a day in which your
energy level is low--you feel just plain tired--
or in which you are feeling frustrated by
some limitation, obligation or responsibility.
At best, your mood is serious, and not
particularly sociable, so if you are planning
ahead, this is NOT the right day to pick for
an event where you must be outgoing and
"up." It could be that the circumstances of
today will cause you to take a hard look at
an imbalance between what you want for
yourself and what others expect of you. If
so, learn from that realization. It’s probably
best not to choose this particular day to
assert yourself, but you can certainly plan
how you will improve the situation. Realize
that no one can impose upon you unless
you choose to let them. If you are feeling
"down" today, recognize that it may be only
a temporary mood. Don’t spend the day
just brooding, though. It’s by far a better
choice to get to work. You can even take
on a task that might otherwise seem
onerous or tedious, complete it and cross it
off your list. That will give you a great deal
of satisfaction, and can turn this into a good
Venus quincunx (inconjunct) Natal
Work and pleasure may be in conflict.
Uncomfortable feelings signal that you are
out-of-balance. Think things through, don’t
take it all too seriously. This is only a one-
day transit and you might feel more sociable
Mercury trine Natal Neptune (Retro)
Intuition and the imagination are stimulated
during this transit. You are more sensitive
to others, and may be able to help. It’s a
good day for dreaming and fantasy, so if
you can "get away from it all," do it. You
won’t feel much like working anyway, and
we all need time for the soul. Wander in na-
ture, create art or poetry. Explore a
metaphysical topic or just curl up with a
good novel.
Mars enters the 9th house Feb 11, 2008
Your enthusiasm is high, with Mars in your
Ninth House. This is good for promoting
your ideas and beliefs. You’re feeling
assertive and energetic, and that can sell.
But don’t try to force your ideas, for pushi-
ness or dogmatism can defeat your
purpose. This is also a great time to
expand your mind and open yourself up to
new ideas. You are restless and may
travel, or if you can’t, you’ll travel in your
mind. If you are involved in a legal matter, it
could prove challenging, unless concurrent
planetary aspects are very favorable. If
you’re involved in writing or education, you’ll
be working extra hard.
FEBRUARY 12, 2008 Tuesday
Mercury conjunct Natal Moon (Retro)
This is a day in which communication
matters are in focus. Your mind is extreme-
ly active, but be aware that it is the emo-
tional, feeling side of your mind that is likely
to predominate over the logical, objective
side. You may be impelled to get that
problem you’ve been holding back "off your
chest," and this may well be an excellent
time to do so. It’s important to convey
feelings, and this transit favors honest and
sensitive communication. Be sure, though,
that you are prepared to listen--and feel--the
issues of others involved. Seek common
Mars trioctile (sesquisquare) Natal Moon
Starts today; Exact Feb 17; Leaves Feb 22.
If you’ve been suppressing frustration, it
is likely to surface today. Be very aware
that your actions are driven by your
feelings, and feelings are not always ra-
tional. You can’t hold it all in today, so
don’t try. Express yourself directly and
frankly, but try to do so in a manner that
is considerate of others. You might
expend some of your excess energy in a
good workout or in a competitive sport.
FEBRUARY 13, 2008 Wednesday
Venus quincunx (inconjunct) Natal Mars
Your assertive nature is stimulated by an
urge for enjoyment. This could take the
form of teasing, active play, enthusiastic ac-
tivity in the arts, expressions of affection or
good sex. The challenge could be in the
need to balance what you want or desire
with someone else’s mood. Creative art
expression can flourish.
Mercury trioctile (sesquisquare) Natal
Uranus (Retro)
Try a new approach today. Tension or
disputes could result from boredom or con-
finement. This could be a fast-paced day in
which a great deal of flexibility is needed, or
you may end up feeling frazzled. Take care
about being too quick, or you could trip over
feet or tongue. Try to take a break from
normal routine and explore something new
and interesting.
Venus quincunx (inconjunct) Natal
Potential excitement in romance, so enjoy!
Possible challenges: love relationships can
conflict over stability versus freedom. "Love
at first sight" could look differently tomorrow.
Risk appeals, in romance or finance. Watch
impulsiveness. Artists may try a new
Venus square Natal Ascendant
This is an excellent day to enjoy yourself
with others--or with that very special "other."
All of your relationships are generally
harmonious and love is in the air. Show
your affection. Get out and be with people
today. You’re probably feeling quite good
and that radiates out and attracts others.
Someone new could come into your life, if
you are open to it. The challenge: to have a
good time, but avoid a tendency to over-
indulge or overspend. What appeals today
might not necessarily look as great
FEBRUARY 14, 2008 Thursday
Venus sextile Natal Sun
A lovely day for love--and that includes you
for you. Indulge yourself a bit. Get out with
friends and be sociable. Give and receive
compliments. Express your tender feelings
for a special someone. This is also a good
day to choose if you need to make a good
impression on someone or ask a favor. Art
activities are favored.
Mars quincunx (inconjunct) Natal Sun
Starts today; Exact Feb 19; Leaves Feb 23.
Energy is high today. Keep active.
Dealings with others may test you.
Impatience could lead to conflict. Assert
yourself, but do so with consideration,
tact and respect for others. Your
endurance is good today. Competitive
urges are heightened--and you can win,
if you keep your cool.
Sun opposite Natal Mars
Competitive or confrontational situations
could arise today. Ego conflicts are likely.
Your energy is high and you can accomplish
a great deal of productive work--so long as
you can maintain your awareness of your
own motivations. The challenge: not being
clear about what may be stirring around in
your subconscious could result in rash ac-
tions that you’ll regret later. You need an
outlet for your feelings, it’s true, but if you
can’t express them constructively, it might
be better to wait for another day. Curb
impatience, and steer clear of anger or
defensiveness. If you do experience irrita-
bility or hostility, from within yourself or from
others, you are receiving a strong signal
from the Universe to take a break, calm
down and think through a possible com-
promise. Working out your aggression
through vigorous physical activity might be a
prime option for today.
Sun trine Natal Uranus
This is a wonderful day to be individual, to
be different and to express your freedom.
Expect the unexpected--be alert for it.
Create it! If you can, do plan to do
something on this day to break from your
normal routine. Try a change of scene.
Visit someplace new. Open your mind to
learn new things. You might begin a
stimulating new course of study--something
you wouldn’t normally think of to try.
Perhaps you could make a change in your
surroundings, or even yourself. Try that
new look! You are probably more inquisitive
than usual, and your imagination is
stimulated, so if you are at work today, you
might come up with a good, new approach.
This is a day when you can make changes
more freely than other time. Be open. Be
Sun trine Natal Ascendant
Harmony and ease in your relationships and
any encounters with others is a likely
experience of this transit. You’ll probably be
feeling good, perhaps more relaxed or
rested than before. This could be a good
day for a social occasion, and it could also
be a favorable time to put your best foot
forward in dealing with others in business.
It’s not inherently an "action" transit, though.
Your mood is more likely to be easy-going.
Find some time today to play.
FEBRUARY 15, 2008 Friday
Sun square Natal Sun
Today you shine--or at least you want to, or
think you should. Your ego is in the
forefront, and if you don’t get attention
effortlessly, you’re inclined to do something
to draw attention. Yet, this is a good time to
push yourself onward. If circumstances or
others challenge you, understand that it is
only a test of your goals, and you have the
will and energy to pass that test. Your
challenger also wants to shine. Respect
that, without denying your own needs.
Show how brightly you can shine through
constructive effort. Take pride in doing your
Venus opposite Natal Midheaven
Although listed as a challenging transit, this
one is usually easy. You are likely to want
to be with people, and may enjoy
entertaining at home. One caveat is over-
indulgence, and another, for some, could be
balancing needs of career and home. This
may be the case for those whose careers
are involved with creativity, art, beauty or
entertainment. Usually, though, this is a
pleasant day for relationships--one in which
you feel like expressing affection--or a new
relationship could begin. You’ll probably be
happiest if you spend this day with others,
or one special "other."
Venus enters the 4th house Feb 15, 2008
Unless planetary aspects during this same
period have very contradictory themes,
Venus in the Fourth House reflects a
peaceful time in your homelife. Relation-
ships with your parents are good--show
your love. It’s a good time to entertain in
your home--have a party! Or this might be a
time when you are inspired to take on a
redecorating project and make your home
more attractive.
FEBRUARY 16, 2008 Saturday
Sun trioctile (sesquisquare) Natal
A day when you could feel discouraged or
just plain pooped. You could be "tuned in"
for psychic, spiritual, or artistic activities, but
with the strictly mundane, you are not clear,
or you are not seeing others clearly. Not a
day to choose for negotiations, contracts or
the like. Take some time off, if you can.
Take a meditation break. Heightened
empathy may motivate you to help someone
in need.
FEBRUARY 17, 2008 Sunday
Sun quincunx (inconjunct) Natal
Not the easiest day to be a "team player."
Your own concerns are in the forefront. If,
in a group situation, you push too hard, you
could alienate others, and threaten a con-
sensus that you need. If you are working
with others, strive to be considerate. You
might do best to work alone, for then you
can concentrate fully on your own goals with
no conflict!
FEBRUARY 18, 2008 Monday
Venus octile (semisquare) Natal Venus
You probably don’t feel much like working
today. More likely, you are feeling mellow
and self-indulgent. The challenge is the
potential of overindulgence. Try to take
some time off to do something you enjoy.
Artists may enjoy working--or you might like
to visit the galleries, attend a concert or a
FEBRUARY 19, 2008 Tuesday
The Sun enters the 5th house Feb 19,
With Sun in the Fifth House, more than at
other times, you’ll be looking for fun and
leisure activities. That’s great! Go for it!
Romance may even be "in your stars." If
you are a parent, plan some activities with
your children. Play together. Let your inner
child come out and play, too. This period
favors all creative activity. Shine by
expressing yourself in art, or drama, games
or sports. You’ll likely feel more light-
hearted than usual this month--enjoy!
FEBRUARY 20, 2008 Wednesday
Full Moon--Lunar Eclipse
Full Moon in Your 11th House
Because this Full Moon is an eclipse, its
themes are more significant and longer
lasting. It may indicate a major focus in
your life for months to come.
Full Moon in the eleventh house illuminates
your friendships, your group activities, the
goals of your life’s work and your hopes and
dreams for the future. You are integrating
these matters with a New Moon focus on
your own individual creative expression.
This may be a time when you can
successfully put yourself forward by taking
on increased responsibility within your
group activities. Perhaps you could head
that committee or even run for a club office.
Plan and evaluate your future goals, and
take some step toward achieving them. If
you feel a lack of progress, try a creative
and original approach. Do something in
which you can express your own individual-
ity in contribution to a larger, perhaps a
humanitarian, goal.
FEBRUARY 21, 2008 Thursday
Venus sextile Natal Jupiter
This is a good day for pleasure and sociabil-
ity. Unless other challenging transits con-
tradict, it might also be good for financial
investment or a legal matter. This would be
a good day to plan a social activity or begin
a vacation trip. You might give or receive a
gift or create beautiful art. Or perhaps an
idealistic or philosophical pursuit will bring
you joy and satisfaction.
FEBRUARY 23, 2008 Saturday
Venus square Natal Mercury
Among challenging transits, this is one of
the easiest. If you’ve had tension in a close
relationship, this could be a good day to talk
things over. The only caveat is that you
could be inclined to agree to a compromise
where you really aren’t willing to give
ground, thus not really solving the issue but
only sidelining it for now. For the same
reason, this day may not be the best for
business negotiations, for you might give
too much. Activities that combine the men-
tal and the aesthetic--art, music, theater--
are good choices for today.
FEBRUARY 24, 2008 Sunday
Sun square Natal Jupiter
You should feel good today--expansive, in
fact, and generous. It’s a day when you
should put your "best foot forward," for you
can more easily succeed. Your confidence
radiates and attracts. Give business initia-
tives and presentations a "jump start."
Reach for the stars, but keep in mind that
your desire to get ahead must be balanced
with good principles, fairness and common
sense--and therein lies the challenge. This
is a transit where the warning bell is on a
tendency to overdo whatever you are doing.
If what you are doing is positive, it should go
well; if it’s not, it could get you in trouble.
Expansion with moderation is the key: con-
fidence, but not arrogance; generosity with
yourself or others, but not extravagance or
waste, enjoyment, but not overindulgence.
Social affairs and celebrations can be
joyous on this day--so long as you don’t
Mercury trioctile (sesquisquare) Natal
Try a new approach today. Tension or
disputes could result from boredom or con-
finement. This could be a fast-paced day in
which a great deal of flexibility is needed, or
you may end up feeling frazzled. Take care
about being too quick, or you could trip over
feet or tongue. Try to take a break from
normal routine and explore something new
and interesting.
This is from my Planetary Profile to your Future
from Astro computing Services.
Neil Michelsen, the founder,
was a good friend.
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