Secret Door To Success, Chapter 10, Florence Scovel Shinn by #73810 .....

Chapter 10 - I Shall Never Want

Date:   12/27/2007 10:25:13 PM ( 17 y ago)

Chapter 10 - I Shall Never Want
"The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want." --
Psalms 23:1
The 23rd Psalm is the best known of all the Psalms
-- we might say that it is the keynote to the
message of the bible.
It tells man he shall never want, when he has the
realization (or conviction) that the Lord is his
Shepherd; the realization that Infinite
Intelligence supplies every need.
If you get this conviction today, every need will
be met now and forever-more. You will draw,
instantly, from the abundance of the spheres,
whatever you desire or require; for what you need
is already on your pathway.
A woman suddenly had the realization: "The Lord is
my Shepherd, I shall never want." She seemed to be
touching her invisible supply, she felt outside of
Time and Space, she no longer relied on the
Her first demonstration was a small, but necessary
one. She needed at once, some large paperclips,
but had no time to go to the stationers to buy
In looking for something else, she opened a
little-used chest, and in it, she found about a
dozen large paperclips. She felt that the law was
working, and gave thanks; then some needed money
appeared, things large and small came her way.
Since then she has relied upon the statement: "The
Lord is my Shepherd, I shall never want."
We used to hear people say, "I do not think it is
right to ask God for money or things."
They did not realize that this Creative Principle
is within each man. True Spirituality is proving
God as your supply, daily, not just once in
Jesus Christ knew this law, for whatever he
desired or required, appeared immediately on his
pathway, the loaves and fishes and money from the
fish's mouth.
With this realization, all hoarding and saving
would disappear.
This does not mean that you should not have a bank
account, and investments, but it does mean that
you should not depend upon them, for if you had a
loss in one direction, you would have a gain in
Always "your barns would be full and your cup flow
Now, how does one make this contact with his
invisible supply? By taking a statement of Truth
which clicks and gives him realization.
This is not open to a chosen few, "Whosoever
calleth on the name of the Lord shall be
delivered." The Lord is your shepherd and my
shepherd and everybody's shepherd.
God is the Supreme Intelligence devoted to
supplying man's need; the explanation is, that man
is God in action. Jesus Christ said, "I and the
Father are one."
We might paraphrase the statement and say, I and
the great Creative Principle of the Universe, are
one and the same.
Man only lacks when he loses his contact with this
Creative Principle, which must be fully trusted,
for it is Pure Intelligence and knows the way of
The reasoning mind and personal will, cause a
short circuit.
"Trust in me and I will bring it to pass."
Most people are filled with apprehension and
dread, when there is nothing to cling to on the
A woman came to a practitioner and said, "I'm only
a poor little woman with no one but God back of
me." The practitioner said, "You need not worry
if you have God back of you," for "all that the
Kingdom affords is yours."
A woman called me on the phone and said, almost in
tears, "I'm so worried about the business
situation." I replied, "The situation with God
remains the same: The Lord is your Shepherd, you
shall not want." "If one door shuts, another door
A very successful businessman who conducts all
affairs on Truth methods said, "The trouble with
most people is, that they get to relying on
certain conditions. They haven't enough
imagination to go forward - to open new channels."
Nearly every big success is built upon a failure.
I was told that Edgar Bergen lost his part in a
Broadway production because they did not want any
more dummies. Noel Coward got him on the Rudy
Vallee radio hour, and he and Charlie McCarthy
became famous over night.
I told the story, at one of my meetings of a man
who was so poor and discouraged that he ended it
all. A few days later came a letter notifying him
that he had inherited a large fortune.
A man in the meeting said, "That means, when you
want to be dead, your demonstration is three days
off." Yes, do not be fooled by the darkness
before the dawn.
It is a good thing to see the dawn once in a
while, to convince you how unfailing it is. It
reminds me of an experience of several years ago.
I had a friend who lived in Brooklyn near Prospect
Park. She liked to do unusual things and said to
me, "Come to visit me and we'll get up early and
see the sunrise in Prospect Park."
At first I refused, and then came the hunch that
it would be an interesting experience.
It was in the summer. We got up about four
o'clock, my friend, her little daughter and
myself. It was pitch dark, but we sallied forth
down the street, to the entrance of the Park.
Some policemen eyed us curiously, but my friend
said to them with dignity, "We are going to see
the sunrise" and it seemed to satisfy them. We
walked through the park to the beautiful rose
A faint pink streak appeared in the East, then
suddenly we heard a most tremendous uproar. We
were near the Zoo and all the animals were
greeting the dawn.
The lions and tigers roared, the hyenas laughed,
there were shrieks and howls, every animal had
something to say for a new day was at hand.
It was indeed most inspiring. The light slanted
through the trees; everything had an unearthly
Then, as it grew lighter, our shadows were in
front instead of behind us. The dawn of a new
This is the wonderful dawn which comes to each one
of us, after some darkness.
Your dawn of Success, Happiness and Abundance is
sure to come.
Every day is important, for we read in the
wonderful Sanskrit poem, "Look well, therefore, to
this day, such is the salutation of the dawn."
This day the Lord is your Shepherd! This day, you
shall not want, as you and this great Creative
Principle are one and the same.
The 34th Psalm is also a Psalm of security. It
starts with a blessing for the Lord, "I will bless
the Lord at all times, His praise shall
continually be in my mouth."
"They that seek the Lord shall not want any good
thing." Seeking the Lord means that man must make
the first move. "Draw near to me and I will draw
near to you, says the Lord."
You seek the Lord by making your affirmations,
expecting and preparing for your good.
If you ask for success and prepare for failure,
you will receive the thing you have prepared for.
I tell in my book, "The Game of Life and How to
Play It," of a man who asked me to speak the word
that all his debts be wiped out.
After the treatment, he said, "Now I'm thinking
what I'll say to the people when I haven't the
money to pay them." A treatment won't help you if
you haven't faith in it, for faith and expectancy
impresses the subconscious mind with the picture
of fulfillment.
In the 23rd Psalm we read, "He restores my soul."
Your soul is your subconscious mind and must be
re-stored with the right ideas.
Whatever you feel deeply is impressed upon the
subconscious, and manifests in your affairs.
If you are convinced that you are a failure, you
will be a failure, until you impress the
subconscious with the conviction you are a
This is done by making an affirmation which
A friend in a meeting said that I had given her
the statement as she was leaving the room, "The
ground you are on is harvest ground." Things with
her had been very dull, but this statement
"Harvest Ground, Harvest Ground", rang in her
ears. Good things immediately commenced to come
to her, and happy surprises.
The reason it is necessary to make an affirmation
is because repetition impresses the subconscious.
You cannot control your thoughts at first, but you
can control your words, and Jesus Christ said, "By
your words you are justified and by your words you
are condemned."
Every day choose the right words, the right
The Imaging faculty is the creative faculty, "Out
of the imaginations of the heart come the issues
of life."
We have all a bank we can draw upon, the Bank of
the Imagination.
Let us imagine ourselves rich, well and happy.
Imagine all our affairs are in divine order, but
leave the way of fulfillment to Infinite
"He has weapons ye know not of." He has channels
which will surprise you.
One of the most important passages in the 23rd
Psalm is, "You prepare a table before me in the
presence of mine enemies."
This means that even in the presence of the enemy
situation, brought on by your doubts, fears or
resentments, a way out is prepared for you.
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall never want.


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