Excerpt, Romancing the Soul, Dorothy Thompson by #73810 .....
In order for our soul mate to appear, we must be ready for them. You will not meet your soul mate if you are still coming from a place of fear or jealousy in relationships.
Date: 12/27/2007 1:24:09 PM ( 18 y ago)
Snow White and Prince Charming. Romeo and Juliet. Beauty and the Beast. Harry and Sally. These are all names that come to mind when one thinks of the term soul mate. This ancient belief can be found in cultures the world over. But what does the term soul mate actually
In the dictionary, "soul mate" means
one of two persons compatible with each
other in disposition, point of view or
sensitivity; someone for whom you have a
deep affinity. This explains the basic
qualities, but we all know the soul mate
theory goes much deeper than that.
According to Celtic wisdom, our souls begin their journey together as one being that becomes broken apart. Two souls emerge and move on into their life journeys. Perhaps we find our twin soul in this life. Maybe we find it in another life. Throughout time, we seek to rejoin our Anam Cara, the Celtic word for "Soul Friend," our soul mate who was created as our perfect match.
In order for our soul mate to appear, we must be ready for them. You will not meet your soul mate if you are still coming from a place of fear or jealousy in relationships. You couldn't run before you could walk, and you won't meet your soul mate before you are ready to learn what she/he has to teach you. In order to find our soul mate, we must be emotionally secure and know what we want from life.
Did you know there are three main kinds of soul mates?
They are: Karmic, Companion, and Twin Flames. Study the different kinds and discover which category your soul mate falls under. This will give you a broader meaning of why he or she has come into your life. To help you understand this, I will explain the differences.
The karmic soul mate experience is very common.
You can have many of these in a lifetime.
They enter your life to teach you an
important lesson. Karmic soul mates can
be co-workers, family members or close
friends. One young woman particularly
close to me comes to mind. Her name is
Amanda Jane, and she is about twenty years
my junior. She jokes that I must be her
mother from another life. What makes
our friendship special is that we touch on a spiritual
I often wonder why Amanda was brought into my life. We are very close, but what lesson am I to learn from her? To enjoy life again? Amanda comes from a dysfunctional family. Am I here to teach her a lesson? Am I to show her that she is loved and cherished? It can and does work both ways.
Sometimes karmic soul mate relationships can be romantic in nature; but if so, they won't last long. That is because these relationships are solely meant for learning lessons and for growth rather than for obtaining a life partner.
Another thing we must keep in mind that not all karmic relationships are human. Sometimes, pets, whom we consider to be special members of our family, can display the same karmic characteristics as humans. An example of this is Avis Townsend's story, "Back With Eli," in the karmic section of my book. Ms. Townsend's story shows what special relationships we have with our pets to the point where the bond between pet and human becomes so deep that it's hard to dismiss that it's anything other than the true karmic soul mate relationship. Another point to remember about karmic soul mates, as well as other kinds of soul mates, is that each soul mate, whether human or animal, comes into your life for a reason and to teach us a lesson about ourselves.
A companion soul mate relationship can be romantic in nature. It involves your wife/husband or someone you are intimate with. Oftentimes, these soul mates are not destined to be together forever, but they
are brought into your life for a reason.
It is possible to spend a lifetime with
your companion soul mate if you haven't
met your twin soul. However, when the twin
soul is found, the companion soul mate relationship could suffer. When this happens, the companion soul mate relationship is generally short-lived in terms of longevity, or if it continues, a non-satisfying one. However, this is no reason to jump ship once this happens because there is a reason your companion soul mate has come into your life (as in raising children together).
When your twin soul comes into your life and you are in a companion soul mate relationship, this situation should be taken slowly. It may be that the companion soul mate may come to an end or it may not. One thing you must keep in mind is that ending an existing relationship solely because one feels one has found one's twin soul is never a good idea because only over time will you realize that both are meant to be and both have reasons why they are in your life.
An interesting aspect of the companion soul mate relationship is that we put more of our energies into it. The karmic soul mate relationship tends to go at an easy pace, without much effort from either partner, as it does with twin souls. The companion soul mate bond requires more work on our parts to sustain a healthy, loving atmosphere.
This is the highest form of the soul mates connection. Your twin soul is your other half; to find your twin soul is like finding yourself. We go through our life
searching and searching, and what we don't
realize is that we are looking for someone just
like us. Sometimes, we find them in this life
and, other times, in other lives. I believe they
are always in our lives but for some reason it is not
apparent. Perhaps we close our eyes to them.
We don't listen and observe. We go through
life at such a hectic pace we don't stop and
take in things that would otherwise be
apparent, so the presence of a soul mate could hit us flat in the face and we wouldn't even know it. This is sad, because we have missed that one, rare opportunity for total bliss and happiness.
Another interesting concept of the soul mate experience is what we call a Soul Tribe. This comprises a group of soul mates you have gathered, maybe unknowingly, in your life who are particularly close to you. Instead of one, though, there is a group of like-minded souls you feel mysteriously attached to.
Take my particular case, for example. There are millions of people in the world using the Internet. I paused one day and wondered why it was I have a particular group of people I email daily and help whenever they need me and who do the same for me.
Out of millions of Internet users, why just this group of people? Did I know each and every one of them in another life? Do we have the same interests in this life? I believe the answer to both those questions is YES!
In order to find your soul mate, you must know what to look for. I have compiled the ten most important traits in recognizing your soul mate. Read them to help you decide who your own soul mate(s) is.
Your soul mate must accept you for who you are. He or she must accept your weaknesses as well as your strengths. Your soul mate does not try to change you, nor do you try to change them. He or she lets you be yourself; for, the more you are yourself, the stronger your bond with your soul mate has a chance of becoming.
Your soul mate makes you feel good about yourself. He or she never criticizes, only encourages. If they cannot do this, then they are not your soul mate.
Your soul mate cares about you and what happens to you. He is the first to be by your side in accomplishment and defeat. He picks you up when others throw you down. He nurtures your spirit so you can roll with the punches, no matter where they fall.
Your soul mate is your best friend in the entire world. She or he laughs with you, cries with you, sings with you. They are there for you when life throws you those bad curves; they are there for you when you
surpass your highest expectations of
yourself. A soul mate will understand you
and give you what you want and need
without hesitation. She will make you feel at
home, comfortable and at ease.
As you would with any friend, take the
relationship slow. Savor each milestone of
firsts: the first time your eyes meet, the first
time his lips brush against yours, the first afternoon spent together walking through the park or along the seashore or even just in your own backyard. You have to remember that if you end up together, these "firsts" will be ingrained in your memory forever. Cherish them.
Your soul mate is generous. He gives freely of his time and his possessions. He will ditch whatever he is doing to be with you. He will give you your heart's desires. He will give you his heart and soul, if need be.
Your soul mate is interested in what you have to say and he/she is interested in what you have to say, also. My soul mate and I would spend hours contemplating the mysteries of the universe. Since we thought alike, we never did stop talking. We talked about our past, our present and our future. As we had so many things in common, each of us was interested in what the other had to say.
You may have premonitions of your future soul mate in dreams. Whether they are when you are asleep or when you are in meditation, you will picture your soul mate as if he or she were standing in front of you. You will note the color of their hair, the sound of their voice, their way of walking. You will picture your soul mate as you want them to be. If you are fortunate enough to be able to do this and it can happen anytime, anywhereremember it. For, in time, your soul mate will appear in front of you just as you envisioned.
One of the main ingredients for a successful soul mate relationship lies in the power of karma. In layman's terms, karma is basically the theory that whatever you do, there will be another event to follow that is directly consequential to your actions. Therefore, the law of karma teaches us that what we do today may come back to haunt us tomorrow. How does this apply to the soul mate phenomenon?
If you are in a bad relationship, and you continue to remain in that relationship, you are setting up a path of bad karma for yourself. Once you learn to set up a shield against this negativity, good karma will infiltrate your life and open your soul to a promising and healthy soul mate relationship.
However, not until this happens will you ever receive a satisfactory soul mate union. Both parties must bring good karma into the relationship. You have to remember that we are all souls, just pure energy "visiting" this planet; and we have been here many times. Neither partner can come from a place where negativity is present, or the soul mate experience just won't occur.
You will feel a connection with your soul mate, as if you had known him or her before. You will feel an energy radiating between you. You will look into each other's eyes and see each other's soul, for that is where the true soul mate connection lies.
Not enough can be said about the spiritual connection between soul mates. It is the most important quality in a soul mate relationship. You will feel this within the depths of your heart and soul. Without it, the soul mate relationship is doomed.
Your soul mate will love you more than anything or anyone he has loved in his entire life, although he will give you freedom to be who you are. "You cannot possess a soul mate any more than you can possess a person in your physical world," says Robert Egby, author of Thank You For The Flowers. "Soul mates are free and must always be so. Love cannot be possessed or controlled. Soul mates are together because they share an unconditional love, a mutual vibration. There are no exceptions."
Other things come into play in seeking your soul mate that you might not count on and that is perfect timing. If it isn't the right time for you and your soul mate to be together, then it will not happen. Sometimes that relationship becomes a reality; but in most cases, it does not.
It is some people's belief that there is a past life for everyone. While it is not a known fact to be true, there are real-life cases where past life regressions have been performed on people in which they do recall past life experiences. One such case, there was a woman who recalled a friend in this life that existed in their past life. In other cases, people are amazed that sometimes this friend may be their mother, father, sister, or brother in this past life; but they are there nevertheless. I believe that this group of souls follows you throughout your lives until it is time to meet your maker, whichever or whomever you believe.
Popular metaphysical author and hypnotherapist Richard Webster has regressed hundreds of clients. He discovered that everyone has a soul mate. In fact, his first researches into soul mates were done during his hypnotherapy practice.
I have learned in doing research for this book that many people do not believe in soul mates. They say they have searched and searched for the one person who will make them happy, and have given up. They have come to the conclusion they do not believe there is one, and only one, person who is perfect for them.
They are absolutely right. There is no ONE person who is your soul mate because as I noted earlier, there are at
least three types of soul mates. Those who do not believe at all are missing an important part of their life experience, for, it is our search for our soul mate that makes our spiritual journey complete. The bottom line is, don't give up. Our soul mates are out there. Perhaps, they are right under our noses and we don't even realize it.
Lisa Daily, author of Stop Getting Dumped!: All You Need to Know to Make Men Fall Madly in Love with You and Marry 'The One' in 3 years or Less, totally agrees. "Can you have too many soul mates?" she asks. "It depends on whether you're talking strictly in the romantic sense or not. In a romantic sense, I think a person has one, maybe two soul mates in a lifetime. On a friendship level, I think you can have several soul matespeople who come into your life with whom you have an instant connection. These soul mates sort of drop into your life at a time when you most need them (or they most need you) and you touch each other's lives in a way that feels almost pre-ordained. Sometimes these soul mates disappear as quickly as they arrive. Sometimes they are with you for the rest of your days."
I have been asked many questions about the soul mate mystique. For instance, I ran into a friend I hadn't seen for thirty years. The instant I saw Sharon, there was a connection. We reminisced about high school days and couldn't stop talking. It was as if that thirty-year span had dissolved into oblivion. We could almost read each other's thoughts.
She emailed me the other day and asked about my soul mate project. She believed her ex-husband was her soul mate; yet she despised him for his lies and deceit. I told her perhaps she and her ex-husband were soul mates, but their mortal experiences here on earth clouded their spiritual connection. I told her that her ex-husband could have very possibly been her soul mate if she were to connect with him on a spiritual level.
Perhaps if my soul mate and I had lived together, had kids together, had mortgages together, things wouldn't have turned out quite so rosy. Some soul mates meet in this life for a specific purpose and nothing more. Did I meet my twin soul? I don't know for sure, but I certainly did meet some form of soul mate who made a lasting impression on me.
All this said, the big question is still "Do soul mates really exist?" You will find the answer by the time you have finished the true stories included in this book, and the answer will be a resounding yes.
I have compiled more than sixty true stories and poems from people around the world showing that soul mates do indeed exist. The stories are compelling, often heartbreaking. They will touch your heart as well as your mind. You may even recognize some of the names here because they are creative people whose work you may have enjoyed. I would like to take the time now to personally thank each and every one of my contributors for opening their hearts and sharing their stories. For some, it was very hard to expose their souls to the world, and they only agreed after much coaxing. Later, they wrote and thanked me for allowing them this opportunity to "let it all out." I have divided the stories into three categories, Twin Flames, Karmic Soul Mates and Companion Soul Mates, for a reason. It is to give you a better understanding of the different kinds of soul mate relationships by using the stories as examples. Perhaps this will help you understand who your soul mate is and why they have come into your life.
Keep in mind that all soul mates are with us for a purpose, and no one type is more important than another; you need all of them to fulfill your spiritual purpose.
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