Attraction and Destiny by #73810 .....

The mother says to the child, "You have a choice here You can do this calmly and peacefully and maybe even have a good experience, or you can do it kicking and screaming, but YOU WILL DO IT!"

Date:   12/18/2007 11:32:22 AM ( 17 y ago)

The mother says to the child, "You have a choice here  You can do this calmly and peacefully and maybe even have a good experience, or you can do it  kicking and  screaming, but  YOU WILL DO IT!"     I think of  God saying that to us after we have signed our contract to come into this lifetime and face the obstacles we have chosen to face.

The Law of Attraction by Robert Ohotto 

"I have been involved in the study of metaphysics for nearly sixteen years, and remember when I discovered the law of attraction right at the very beginning of my studies. I remember feeling like "Yippie, the key to everything I want!" Boy was I headed for a crash and burn…not unlike many of those out there who are currently buying into the law of attraction as if it were the only law in the universe.

Nonetheless, the law of attraction is indeed real. It is a universal law of creation that posits like energy attracts like energy in this universe. And as we all, in essence, are energetic beings pulsating at certain frequencies; the law of attraction causes your personal vibratory frequency (which is a by-product of what you do, focus on, believe, and think about) to attract to you people, situations, events, and opportunities that are a match.

In their book based on channeling the teachings of Abraham, The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent (Hay House, 2006), Esther and Jerry Hicks write this about the law of attraction:

In the same way that the law of gravity consistently responds to all of the physical matter of your planet, the Law of Attraction consistently responds to all vibrations. Every projection of thought, whether you are focused into the past, present, or future, is vibration and has attraction power. Each thought offers a signal, similar to a radio signal, that the Law of Attraction recognizes and matches. This powerful, consistent Law of Attraction (that which is like unto itself is drawn) offers consistent results in response to the vibrations that you offer.

So the law of attraction is about consciously aligning ourselves vibrationally to thoughts and intentions that carry frequencies which hold the most affirming creative potential in any circumstance. To use the law of attraction we must learn to manage our thoughts, engage our imagination, and master our perception of reality. Essentially we learn via the law of attraction that what we focus on is empowered and animated, attracting to us a quality of energy and informing how we experience events.

The power of the law of attraction can't be denied. How many times have you woken up in a bad mood that you couldn't shake off? The next thing you know, your day just keeps getting worse as you draw to yourself one accident and frustrating scenario after another! Heck, this just happened to me the other day as I had a car accident, which led to a bad mood…I then watched as I attracted more accidents and frustration the whole day long!

That said, how many times have you woken up with a smile on your face; only to be greeted by the smiles of others and positive happenstance at each turn of the day's corners? I am still waiting for that to take hold of my day! lol!

So alright, we can all relate to this law, but just how powerful is this law, and what are its limitations? After watching 'The Secret' DVD you'd wonder if there even were any limits at all. Yet to say that it has no limits of operation absolutely negates our own experiences here on this Earth.

For example: what do you tell the parents of a one year old that has leukemia? That their child or they as parents attracted the disease because of the law of attraction? Or if they just focus on positive thoughts without counter-intending with negative ones that their child is guaranteed to heal?

What about those who died in the massive tsunami in Indonesia a couple years ago? What do we say to them about the law of attraction? Come on now folks, things happen in life because of other laws; and sometimes because of a law like Fate.

I must suggest that we embrace the law of attraction in a more mature way by integrating what's often missing in our understanding of this law, which is something very crucial regarding our soul's agreement with Fate: The law of attraction can only be effective, both in positive and negative ways, within certain limitations of our soul's agreements with Fate and Destiny. Therefore it has limits of operation within our life's purpose, and can only transform Fate into Destiny when it is connected to the intentions of our soul and the Divine.

In other words, the law of attraction is a creative power of the soul and simply can't be used to acquire what the ego wants if the soul is not on board, for better or for worse. And positively speaking, the law of attraction can only magnetize the greatest potential that your life was designed to hold per your life's purpose. It can only bring to you that which can be contained within the fated limits put in place to support your Destiny.

Having said that, I hope you can begin to grasp the enormous importance of discerning the Divinely designed circumference within which the law of attraction can magnetize your potential.

For example, I have met many people in workshops who have approached me and asked, "Robert, I'm using the law of attraction, and still I can't seem to get what I (ego) want, what am I doing wrong, am I 'counter-intending' against what I am trying to manifest?"

I have often given them a quick intuitive once over and had to tell them that they are pursuing the manifestation of something that was not intended for them this lifetime. Rather, their ego, often driven by a cultural spell to want something, is chasing something the soul is not on board with - and if the soul is not on board, the law of attraction can't blow wind into their sails and move the boat of their life forward toward the next shore.

In addition I have also been asked, "If I can't stop focusing on my desire to see harm visits someone that I am angry at, will that attract to them or myself disaster?"

To which I have often said, "You're not quite that powerful that you can change the course of someone's life negatively simply because you are mad at them, and if your soul's contract demands otherwise."

Can we send others funky negative vibes, or constructive positive vibes, and does that have an affect on them? Absolutely! But there are certain limits that protect us when it comes to how we can use the law of attraction to achieve both what seem to be positive and negative ends. And please be clear that I am not speaking here to Divine interventions resulting from the power of prayer…that's a whole other alchemy completely. Moreover, I am addressing how we use our own personal power to affect each other through the law of attraction.

Yet still, I find it poignant that most people only think of using the law of attraction for material gain or ego based agendas-which makes sense as that is the primary focus of much that has been put out there in the media and books regarding this law. Let's face it, you don't hear of many folks using the law of attraction to simply be closer to God, but why?

Law of Attraction and Western Capitalism

To get a grasp of how we can truly use this wonderful universal law of creation, we must take a much needed cultural assessment of how we are interpreting it through our Western mindset. Though many spiritual teachers and motivational speakers today stress the importance of using the law of attraction through positive thinking, visualization, and affirmations to manifest abundance; unfortunately, I have noticed that quite often one is taught to focus on using this powerful law via a capitalist drive for attracting more stuff. This is not surprising as we are in a capitalist culture after all, and are bound to first interpret life through that filter.

Thus, many people begin visualizing financial abundance, new cars, homes, or perhaps soul mates, and healing of illnesses (often exclusively defined as the result of negatively mismanaging their thoughts.) To be sure, what we focus on is expanded via that focus and the thoughts we empower, and the healing of certain illnesses can be aided (and often healed) by positivism.

But what about the illness that comes as a necessity to the soul's awakening? What about the creative depression that must be experienced as an initiation into the unlived life inside of us? What about the financial straits that must be endured in order to squeeze choice out of our lives, not allowing us to choose out of the ego's pride-ensuring that the soul's journey is kept on course?

Can the law of attraction take away these necessary situations intended to grow our soul into our life? Does visualizing and acting 'as if' these situations of necessity are as our ego would like them to be always objectively change them? Does simply deciding to see them differently make them go away? No. They are sometimes there for a very important reason per our Fate that is integral to our Destiny and must be accepted as such.

In other words, there is a difference between the denial of reality-such as having one hundred dollars in your bank account, though you keep visualizing a million and acting 'as if' it's there, while nothing changes-and the reorientation towards events and experiences in our lives as affirming and meaningful, such that we can empower ourselves to co-create reality through our inner response to them.

Thus, though you may want a million dollars, maybe you're simply not meant to have a million dollars this lifetime, but you can still see your life as abundant regardless of your outer wealth. So how then should we use this law? It's in choosing to see every situation as being infused with meaning, guidance, and grace that the law of attraction is really meant to be applied.

Which means the best way to access this fantastic law is quite simply through 'an attitude of gratitude'. In this way the law of attraction is always effective in activating the highest potential of our lives, and will bring to us the greatest abundance our lives are designed to hold-yet this abundance means nothing if it's not transformed into service which gives back to humanity. That said, I can't say I've heard to much talk, if any at all, of service within the material out there about this law. But that's not the only thing that's not talked about!

Our Cultural Fate Phobia

Let's face it folks, we in the West do not like limits. The way the law of attraction has primarily been embraced by the masses in our culture is a clear symptom of our Fate phobia. We say here in America that we can become anything we want to be, right? Well, not exactly…we can become what our Fate and Destiny will allow, but not anything we want to be, no matter where we live.

For example: Can I just decide that I'm going to use the law of attraction to be the next American Idol? I'm an ok singer, but believe me, that's not within my Destiny and ain't gonna happen! Or better yet, can I use it to live forever or change my race?

But don't take my word for it, look at your own experience…extrapolate something from this for yourself that's less obvious - where do you falsely believe you can use this law to change what your soul is growing toward?

I actually find it ironic that the law of attraction is actually one of the most powerful tools we can use in transforming our Fate into Destiny; yet we can't even begin to use it to that end as we are so fate phobic that we can't even look our Fate in the eyes and greet it!

Nevertheless, because using the law of attraction means that we become responsible for the ways we choose to see our Fate; it can be used to energize the gifts (the Destiny) inherent within our Fate. This is indeed done through what we choose to focus on-making each challenge an opportunity to bring forth the best of who we are and can be.

And though we may want a limitless life regarding our desire for earthly things-whether that be financial wealth, a new house, a new car, to be married, or a healthy body-in my experience its best to first ask the soul/God what's possible within our life's design.

I mean, who among us hasn't wanted to erect a manifestation board and paste on it our wish list? But we must really be clear on what part of us is doing the wishing, our ego or soul? Surely you have heard of the saying, "Want to know how to make God laugh? Tell God your plans!"

Please don't get me wrong. I'm all for going after the best life you can on all levels-including earthly abundance (Bring it on! You know what I'm sayin'?) But, when we try to be or have something other that what our inner design dictates, then we fate ourselves to the exact opposite-an unfilled life, a life of suffering; an idea that I greatly explore in my upcoming book.

In closing; after all these years and hundreds of readings, I have realized that what I primarily do as an intuitive and astrologer is function as an interpreter of Fate and Destiny. In addition, I feel my greatest service to clients is to offer helpful guidance on how they can best participate with the contract they have with Fate. Once the contract is understood and worked with consciously, Fate can become Destiny; and once that alchemy is in place, Fate and Destiny join forces in sustaining the motion of your life-cutting down all obstacles on your path like noble warriors so that you can fulfill your purpose.

The law of attraction is meant to help that process along, not negate it. It simply can't change that which was written into your soul before you came here that must be lived out as part of your purpose. And if you could see your life with your soul's eyes, you wouldn't really want it any other way.

Whether your Fate shows up as conditions and events that happen to you that are out of your control for better of for worse (it could be Fate to win the lottery too ya know!), or unconscious archetypal allies that sabotage you because you have yet to befriend them; if it was ordained as your Fate and chosen by your soul as necessary experiences of spiritual awakening, then it must be.

I think the 'real' secret is that the law of attraction can be quite seductive to the ego, yet is rendered impotent without a connection to the soul's plan and a higher source. An ego lacking in humility is rendered vulnerable to this seduction because it often experiences the choices of the soul as a defeat, and must continually wrestle with the dualism of Earth.

Initially it can be quite painful for the ego to absorb that the soul likes to awaken the personality to its presence through the contrast that polarities like pain and pleasure offer. Therefore to fully appreciate the intentions of our soul and its contract with Fate, we must be willing to relinquish our allegiance to the dualistic ideas of the ego such as, fair/unfair, pain/pleasure, right/wrong, and good/evil. Furthermore, we must approach the law of attraction as a powerful ally, but not as the only law in the universe, so that we can unleash our Destiny.

Suffering and duality, as the Buddha taught, are part of the agreement that Fate often brings to our soul's incarnate journey in this world, and until we include them in our understanding of consciousness, we are not complete. Rather, we are chained to the suffering that polarizing into opposites produces.

I must admit, it's quite tempting to adopt the law of attraction as yet another ego defense against our necessary, purposeful limits and mortal suffering; but to do so is not only ineffective, but does a great disservice to our own humanity."


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