Animal Eating "Vegetarians" among the Essenes? by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Current Research would like to mount evidence that the Essenes did not live at Qumran. What have we to learn from the Essenes? Why have so many, over the centuries, been intrigued by the Essenes?

Date:   12/17/2007 3:21:32 PM ( 17 y ago)

12:45 PM
December 17,07

I have been putting some energy into
Essene writing.

I hope you are finding interest in these Blogs.
They take time to write.

Why are the Essenes important?

Many writers including Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
considered the Essenes a community of vegetarians
who were agricultural masters of their day.

For many writers and intuitives, as well as scholars
over the centuries the Essenes have been a bright light,
Sons of Light. I would say Daughters of Light, as well.

They are noted in many pieces of literature through the
ages, long before the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered
in 1947.

There is a world class exhibit going on right now
at the San Diego Natural HIstory Museum.

You can get a lot of information about the exhibit
just through viewing the wonderful URL for the exhibit.

You can watch a video about the exhibit.

You will learn some things about Qumran watching this.

You can read bios of the scholars who are very much involved
in Dead Sea Scroll interest. The Curator of this marvelous
exhibit, the one interviewed in the video about the exhibit,
teaches at SDSU, a few blocks from this Enchanted Garden
Intentional Community. I sense an opportunity is going
to open up to meet her.

The San Diego Natural History Museum exists by memberships.
I am looking at joining the museum. I am inspired by their good
works. There are doing excellent work. I would like to offer
some programs for children here. I believe it is time to
inspire more gardeners. This is essential to moving forward
the Essene Message for today.

The Szekely Family, through the Szekely Foundation,
personal contribution, and also contribution from Rancho La Puerta
are patrons of this exhibit.
Rancho La Puerta was once known as the Essene School of LIfe,
Here Edmond Bordeaux Szekely taught many Essene teachings.
Rancho La Puerta is today the Number # Destination Spa.
One of its related foundations, Foundacion La Puerta, does
significant educational and environmental projects for the
entire Baja Bioregion.

I would like this exhibit to stir up renwed interest in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

I would like scholarship, archeology, as well as intuitive knowledge
to be utilized to come to terms with the earth shaking revelations
within the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Unedited versiions of what is known as the Old Testament
are found among the fragments of materials that predate
other extant biblical texts by 1000 years, according to
information provided by the San Diego Natural History Museum.

My intuitive researches during the late 70's and early 80;s
reveal many amazing bits of information about Qumran as well as the Essenes.

The source of this intuitive information prefers not to be mentioned on
the Plant Your Dream Blog. I trust he and his family have their own reasons;
the fact remains, that a tremendous resource intended to go out to world,
is sititng pretty much in hiding still in my possession. This seems
to be the trend. Much information about the Dead Sea Scrolls appears
to have been withheld.

In my possession are 100's of hours of information
that was gathered in workshops by the Essene School of Thought,
an Enchanted Garden Project.

Psychic Archeology is a field of study, as well as Conventional Archeology.

Psychic Archeology reveals there are still many other scrolls to be discovered
at Qumran, as well as other sites.

One of our CD's says that there is a 10 x 10 storage area, located
ten feet underground, that likely many have more Dead Sea Scrolls
to be revealed, perhaps more than have currently come to light.

The Essene School of Thought Library reveals as well:

There are other scrolls at Mt. Carmel.
This in ancient times was an Essene School of Prophesy
focalized by Elijah.

There were many Essene Communities predating the lifetime
of the man known today as Jesus. The Essenes as well,
according to the historical records of Josephus, an historian of
those times, were one of the three primary sects among the Hebrews.
This is historical record.

The Essenes were integrated in the culture of that period, according to
our researches in the Essene School of Thought.

Their industries were Knowledge and Healing.

They knew the Romans were coming. The Romans were called
the Hittities in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are full of Coded information
that only an astute intuitive or an Essene would understand.
There are likely seven levels of these writings. They are
Kabbalistic Teachings. A person, a scholar would have to be
an initiate into inner mysteries, to fully comprehend their message.

Scholarship, as well as intutiive knowledge shares
many Truths, that are not necessarily in agreement.
This is the Joke of God. This is the nature of Truth.
It is relative to the person looking. Laws of Quantum Physics
attest to that principle.

It is the old story of three blind men looking at an elephant,
touching it, and then attempting to tell the world what the elephant
felt like. The blind man at the tail had a totally different "Look" then
the blind man at the snout.

Why are the Essenes so controversial?

Why has information about them and the Dead Sea Scrolls been withheld?

What are the Hidden Mysteries buried not only in the Dead Sea Scrolls
but in the ground of Qumran?

What is the meaning of these archeological finds for you?
This is the most important question of all!

What messages are revealed about the life of Jesus
that can be ciphered from study of the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Why are there so many stories about Jesus?

Was he one person, or many, as some historians suggest?

Was Jesus the author of the Lord's Prayer?

Did the Lord's Prayer already exist, as an Essene Prayer,
at the time that he was born
into the Essene Community?

Were Joseph and Mary Essenes?

Who among the other 12 of Jesus were Essenes?

Current scholarship would suggest that animal bones were found
in jars in Qumran. What would the Essenes be doing with animal bones?

Read this Blog: The Enigma of Qumran

Is it possible that animal bones were stored there from other times?
is it possible not all the Essenes were vegetarians at Qumran?
Have the scholars researched that?

Have you read The Essene Gospel of Peace?
That book, attributed to Szekely, contains messages from
Jesus to those who are ill.
Why was it called the Essene Gospel of John
when it originally came out?

What does that book say about raw foods?

What does it say about fasting?

What does it say about enemas and cleansing regimens?

The little book, Szekely would say, inspired more people to become
vegetarians than any other book of its day.

Have you read from "Enoch to the Dead Sea Scrolls," where Szekely
describes the daily communions of the Essenes based on their metaphor
of the Tree of Life?

What central metaphor do you use to keep your own focus
on the Bigger Picture of your health and healing work?

Have you looked into the Tree of Life as a Map of Consciousness?
What is your Map of Consciousness? Is it nature based?
Is it in agreement with the 8000 years of nature wisdom that
has been revealed through countless different Spiritual paths,
all very Essene in nature?

What is the origins of this word Essene?
What is the connection between the word "Essene" and the word "essential?"

The word "Essene" also has been said to mean "expectant?"
What were the Essenes expecting?

Was Mary, the only woman among them, who was groomed
believing she could give birth to a Son of God?

How did the Essenes raise their newborn, one of the tapes
in our Essene School of Thought Library spoke directly about this.

Dr. Bernard Jensen, was one of the healing arts pioneers of the last century.
traveled the world many times over and studied many schools of thought of healing.
Why, on his last lecture, upon the sale of Hidden Valley Health Ranch (the old ranch down below)
did he speak of the Essenes? Why was he so moved by them?

Do you believe everything you read?

Do you trust the work of scholars more than intuitives?
Do you trust your own gut feelings?

Who is your doctor?
Have you met the doctor within?

What IF there was once a vegetarian community that lived not only at Qumran
but throughout the Palistine area? What if they were masters of near every healing
art that is currently in vogue today? What if you were alive back then, and have
some of these masterly skills within you that were attributed to Jesus? Is that possible?

Is it possible you have lived before?

What would compel a group of people--if in fact they did--to store away
writings--knowing the Romans were coming?

What do the Scrolls say about The Temple of the Body, or do you imagine
that the Temple Scroll, one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, was just about some Outer Temple?

There is much for you to learn--to remember--about who you are
and what you are meant to do with your life now--through taking an interest
in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

I would like to suggest you do.

Your Enchanted Gardener


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