SOM Affirmations
You are the greatest creator/creation, there has never been a more perfect you, AND there will only be a more perfect you if you decide that you are that...
Date: 10/9/2005 7:44:29 PM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1519 times Dr. Ernest Holmes
In celebration of the seventy-eighth anniversary of Science of Mind magazine, the Daily affirmations this month are excerpted from Creative Ideas by Ernest Holmes. First published in 1973, this compilation of short affirmative prayers was republished in 2004 because of popular demand.
Dr. Ernest Holmes was the founder of Science of Mind magazine and the United Church of Religious Science. He taught the life-changing philosophy and principles of Science of Mind to thousands of people around the world, through his lectures, radio and television programs, his many books, and Science of Mind magazine.
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Your Daily Affirmations for the
second week of October, 2005
Saturday, October 8, 2005
I am one with the infinite Spirit of love, one with the outpouring of the divine life. I am governed by the perfect law of the inward man, made in the image and likeness of that which is pure, whole, and perfect.
I know that the law of good is absolute; it is complete; it is operating in and through me now, bringing about everything that is good, everything that is right.
Since this law must be perfect as well as exact, and since it must know how to bring everything about that is necessary to my good, I place my whole trust in it. And so today and every day, I accept the perfect action of the law of good as governing and making all things right in my world.
Sunday, October 9, 2005
It is God's good pleasure to give me the kingdom. Today I accept this kingdom, and I accept it in its fullness.
I lay all weariness aside and accept the life-giving, invigorating, dynamic activity of the Spirit, knowing that It vitalizes every organ of my body; It flows with power and strength and purpose through everything I do as It leads me gently down the pathway of life.
Every sense of doubt of any kind is wiped away in the knowledge that today is the day that God has made, and I am made glad in it. Running through me is the silent power of spiritual wisdom and love harmoniously governing my thoughts and actions.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Today I accept with joy and gratitude the divine promises of riches, abundance, and success. I accept the enveloping presence that sustains me as now manifesting in my experience a greater supply of all those things which make living a greater joy. My increased good deprives no one, for God's good knows no limitation.
I now know that as God's creativity flows in and through me into complete expression, I experience a good beyond my fondest imagination, beyond my greatest dream. I am given to even more abundantly than I ask, for the promises of God are as certain as life, as immutable as law, as personal as my heartbeat. And so it is.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Realizing that there is a law of good that governs my experience, I lose every thought of doubt, fear, or uncertainty and accept the good I desire, here and now.
Realizing that this law of God not only knows how to create, but must contain within itself all the details of its own creation, I let go of every thought of outlining and accept the perfect answer today. And because there is no sense of strain in this, I relax in quiet contentment, while at the same time realizing that what the law does for me, it must do through me.
I declare that I not only know what to do, but am impelled to act, to move objectively. I move into a greater sphere of action and life with certainty, calm confidence, and limitless trust.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Today I affirm that I forgive everyone and am forgiven by everyone. I affirm that the eternal Spirit harbors no malice toward me or anyone else. Forgiving and being forgiven, I have an inward sense of peace and tranquility. There is no anxiety, no sense of guilt, no fear of judgment. All the mistakes of the past are now wiped out of my consciousness, and I am freed of all oppression.
I look forward to the future with joy, in peace and gladness, and live in the present with an inner assurance of being one with life.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Today I do affirm that I am divinely guided and that the Spirit goes before me and paves the way. There is that within which knows what to do and how to do it, and it compels me to act on what it knows.
I accept this guidance as now flowing forth into action through me. Therefore I shall do that which I should do, I shall know that which I need to know, I shall encounter those new ideas I need. With nonresistance and complete acceptance, I let the inward stream of life carry me safely and surely to the accomplishment of my every good purpose.
Friday, October 14, 2005
I know how to meet every situation in calm trust and with the complete conviction that divine intelligence is guiding me. I am always impelled into right action.
I wish to do only that which is constructive and life-giving; therefore I know that everything I do is prospered. Everything I touch is quickened into a newness of life and action. Every constructive purpose in my life is fulfilled. I have a deep sense of inner calm, a complete assurance that all is well.
The same intelligence that guides the earth around the sun is now acting as the law of good in my personal experience. I do accept divine guidance and thank God for the inspiration, joy, and harmony that are now being established as my experience.
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