Blog: Experiments with electricity as a healing tool
by Freeformcreation

Pattern emerging?

Electrical test continued

Date:   11/29/2011 8:45:22 PM   ( 13 y ) ... viewed 1818 times

I recently arranged The circuit I have been testing so that I could use a hand crank to power it. The power output as a result of less input. The effect from the change has been interesting I am in the realm of emotional feedback right now but it seems pretty tangible as I have been monitoring my emotional and physical changes while conducting these test for a few years now. You start to get a sense of that language your body uses to communicate with you in that amount of time. In any case the results seem positive. I realize that a pattern of benefitial alterations have been made. As output power drops to what seems like almost nothing the effect seems to have increased. It almost seems impossible that the electricity itself could be responsible at this point. I believe it may be interacting with some other energetic situaltion within the body. Possibly stimulating it. Also after noticing a spark come off my hand after I was off the circuit. As I walked to the kitchen to turn the water on a small flash. I wonder if the capacitance of the body may be a factor. Maybe the electrical energy only interacts with the bodies energy as it is charging that capacitance. In any case the pattern so far = less power better results. I'll make a 5, 3, and 1.5volt power supply to see how results change. Original supply was 12.

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Comments (4 of 4):
Re: Results of ele… fasti… 12 y
Re: Results of ele… fasti… 12 y
Re: Some thoughts … Freef… 13 y
Re: Some thoughts … kermi… 13 y
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