Power DAY on Earth 19 y
Power Day for Planet Earth.
Returning the Barley Omer
to the Jewish People.
May they now restore
the Temple.
The Temple is the Body.
Photo: Burt Bialik, who leads the Elijah Minyan Meditation Havurah,
wheels the Barley Omer Crop
to the Healing Temple area of the Enchanted Garden
Intentional Community. Eileen Kurlander plays the drum,
andRhonda Mason guides the flow.
”On this day, the great Mountain of the male and female began its trembling.
readying itself for total and complete transformation as we purify and become
the One Tree of Life and Knowledge!”
--Ellen Kaufman Dosick,
San Diego, May 21, 05
Barley, one of the seven plants of Israel, was once used literally in the days of the Ho ... read more
Imagine: John Lennon 19 y
John Lennon's Imagine
inspires me. Here are
the lyrics and a photo
of the song from Judy
Levy, an Imagine Fan.
Had the most incredible day
in the garden yesterday, fulfilling
deep Prophetic Feelings...
I will write on that soon...
And underneath all the pain
that religion can cause...
I am remembering this song
and the inspiration of John Lennon
a Godly man whose spirituality
went beyond limits that we allow
to confine us.
Sunday thoughts.
from John Lennon:
Imagine there’s no Heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too ... read more
Starchild Miracle 19 y
MIracle of the Starchild.
The Healing Story
of Ren the Starchild
and her creation of more Living Room
where the Christ and Mother Mary
came to dwell.
This Sunday morning writing
is in response to the request of
Ren the Starchild:
Date: 5/21/2005 11:18:21 AM ( 23 h ago ) ...
viewed 25 times Alert Webmaster
bedroom cleanup/den cleanup
fengshui expert advice needed help me leslie :-)
saturday clean up day
Leslie I am determined to clean
my room today onceand for all *LOL
How do I go about cleaning
my room and my CAR I forgot the car...
in a spiritual manner? Thanks :-)
Once upon a Time
in the History orf Peace on Earth
there came into the Mind of the most
Amazing Starchild that She
woul ... read more
Gathering of the Nations 19 y
The Gathering of the Nations,
and the Second Coming of Christ
are interlinked. Study the Cayce
Material on the Web on the subject
in this link. There are specific
Essene links for Cayce that I have
found helping on my Essene School
of Thought site as well...
Last night, in the middle of the night,
I wanted to remember more about
Elijah the Prophet.
I was inspired to do pull out the
Audio Cassette made for the
Essene School of Thought in
1979 with Kevin Ryerson,
the Trance Channel.
During the time, we worked together on these audio cassettes,
I would often ask questions about the Gathering of the Whole.
This was born from a sense that there was to be a time
in history when all the Tribes came together.
I use this term Tribes loosely.
I was surprised to hear in this Essene School of Thought tape,
John, Son of Zebedee mentio ... read more
Today is the Day!!!! 19 y
Today is the Day
of our gathering...
I am up too early
and going back to bed.
Lots of things I could do
but my mind is starting to get tired.
It is going to be exciting having 30 guests
or so come over today at 10 AM
from the Elijah Minyan for an outdoor
prayer time.
I am pleased with all the cleanup we have done.
There is lots more...
but it is a miracle so far
and feels really good.
Lots of help from lots of housemates...
have a great weekend!!!
Photos later...
Your Enchanted Gardener,
Leslie visit the page
Ragas @ Enchanted Garden 19 y
Ragas @ The Enchanted Garden
Sunday late afternoon program
May 22, 2005
Dan Blanchard, Ragas, Sunday, after Potluck...
and 2-5 PM Enchanted Garden Party.
5 PM-6 PM organic lite potluck, vegetarian.
around 6 PM. and Leslie Goldman,
Your Enchanted Gardener,
reading and inviting you to read
The Seven Love Cures
Please drop us an e-mail @
for directions to the
Enchanted Garden Intentional Community
San Diego.
at the Enchanted Garden Growing Grounds
Dan writes,
”Many times i play with yoga and things like
I usually play a raga... each raga has a certain ... read more
Toxins in Cosmetics!!! 19 y
Liora Leah,
Home Health Environmental Advocate
gave permission for her very thoughtful
E-Zine called "In Our Own Homes"
to be reprinted here.
Any Comments?
Leave a Note Below.
What kind of Chemicals
is your skin Subjected to?
Liora Leah,
Home Health Environmental Advocate
gave permission for her very thoughtful
E-Zine called ”In Our Own Homes”
to be reprinted here.
Any Comments?
Leave a Note Below.
What kind of Chemicals
is your skin Subjected to?
Your Enchanted Gardener,
More from Liora Leah:
What to DO about this Cosmetic Crisis:
Boycott Kleenex and Save Trees!
What do chemicals like diethanolamine and tri ... read more
Messiah at the Gate 19 y
A poem from
Rekindlng of Faith;
Messiah at the Gate
I cried a tear
because I knew
the man was outside town
on his donkey and I blamed,
and I resented ”them”
because they kept me
from the microphone
to welcome him in.
Couldn’t they see?
Couldn’t they know
what was inside me that I could say,
that I had to say for my own life?
And my tears turned to work
when I knew the truth,
that only I was keeping him
outside the gate
because I hadn’t laid
the foundation of his coming within me.
And I knew, that every slip of paper,
every bit of trash I put in order,
was bringing him closer into all of us.
October 25, 1983
fro ... read more
Caught Red Handed! 19 y
Bought a "Norm"
Challah at the Jewish Bakery
and felt bad.
I hope this is the last time
I have not taken time to
prepare a Sacred Challah.
This is a Sacred Essene Bread Challah
made by Shanti Gold Cousens at
An Essene Ecstatic Mystical Gathering
held in San Diego in October 2003
2:22 PM
Friday May 20, 05
Less than 24 hours
for the arrival of the Elijah
Minyan in the Enchanted Garden.
I am playing with Prophetic Fancies
in my head.
What if Elijah the Prophet
were coming here, and we had
less that 24 hours????
In the Jewish Mystical Tradition
Elijah comes as a Forerunner
for the Messiah.
There is a beautiful quote in the
Prayer book of Rabbi Stan Levy
that goes something like th ... read more
Six Pack of Beer 19 y
What is Trash?
What is Recycling?
What is Yard Waste?
It's all part of The Great
Earth Clean Up.
Knowing the difference betwee
What is Trash,
What is Recycling,
and what is Yard Waste
has Biblical Prophetic Implications
when I have my Essene
hat on.
Tomorrow the Elijah Minyan
comes to our Garden.
That is the name for one
of our local Jewish Renewal
Bought a Six Pack of Beer
for Stewart, the man who works for the
City and empties our Yard Waste barrels every other week.
I bought him Dos Equis.
Turns out he said he liked Heinikin.
He appreciated it anyway.
$7.99 worth of friendship and good will.
First time in my life I every bought Beer.
We had 15 barrels go out this morning,
not to mention all the yard trimmings
we took to the compost pile
this week that Mother Earth
will turn into new fertile soil.
Friday is can take out day,
and every other week,
there are three different trucks
that show up.
Every week the ” ... read more
Taking Action NOW 19 y
Take action now
for making a more
beautiful world starting
where you are.
In the Essene School of Thought,
we strive to be active points
in the universe.
Through beginning where we
are, we can create a whole new world
beginning with our own world.
Through every health improvement
we raise up the health of the world.
Through sharing our deepest stories
authentically, without cementing over
the parts where we feel vulnerable,
we pave the way to more openness in the world
and more Love.
Deep down, this is the Messianic
Mythos that shows up in numbers of traditions.
The Messianic idea believes
that through our own inspiration
we can create a ... read more
Coffee Substitute Success 19 y
Teeccino is a great coffee substitute,
This is a photo of my friend
Caroline MacDougall.
Her Teeccino Herbal Coffee
is a big hit and her web site
gives hundreds of reasons who
coffee is not good for the health.
Teeccino is now in Whole Foods Markets.
See Ill effects of Caffeine:
Coffee and Women’s Health:
#9, 5/20/05, 6:23 AM
read more
Kids Planting Barley 19 y
Kids planting Holy Barley,
This is a photo of children planting the Barley Omer
Seeds that are being harvested this Saturday
with the Elijah Minyan.
The seeds were planted last October,
and left in the ground a long time.
Go here for the Story:
read more
The Great Earth Clean Up 19 y
Photo backyard Clean UP
This is a photo from some of the Clean Up that was
done at the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community
this week.
We cut away branches that were blocking the Light
from reaching the Avocado Tree in the foreground
and the Ceramoya on the right.
Then, kelp supplement and 40 year old compost were added
at the base of the two trees.
IT felt like feeding Chickens when the soil was being fed.
I am excited about this.
The land is an extension of my Being.
Your Enchanted Gardener,
read more
Agenda of Dreams 19 y
Focusing of my work
as I see it now.
Email to a Friend:
Thank you for allowing me the gift of being your witness.
IT is all about transitions, our lives now.
My next growth pattern is focusing on the specific books I will be writing.
One is on the work I am doing with the Jewish people
because this is my original pain work.
I have a evolving sense of this book, and it involves my healing
work with my Father.
Going to my High School 40th was a major area of healing and writing,
and outgrowing my Childhood Traumas...these are sources of allergy
for me that led to arthritic immune breakdown.
Then is t ... read more
My Computer is Haunted!!!! 19 y
Found a film clip
unexpectedly on my desktop.
It shows the planting of the Barley
Omer Seeds that we will be harvesting
this Saturday with the Elijah Minyan.
This was NOT something I would
have gone looking for...
My Soul is running the show
and my Computer is part of
a Higher Law...
Two Events this weekend here:
Elijah Minyan 10 AM-2 PM
Saturday; Enchanted Garden Party
Sunday, 2-5 both with Vegetarian Potlucks.
Email PlantYourDream@cox.net for
Well, here it is 2:15 AM
San Diego time in the
History of Peace on Earth.
The Elijah Minyan,
one of our San Diego Jewish Renewal
Communities is coming over
this Saturday and you are invited too!
10-2 PM with a Vegetarian Potluck.
Email PlantYourDream@cox.net
for directions.
We are also planning an Enchanted
Garden Party for Sunday 2-5 and you
are also welcome. Polluck starts
at 5 with some poetry and music perhaps.
If you are one of my international
friends receiving this email,
just send your spirit.
The garden plants will let me know
you are Counted In ...
an R ... read more
Pesticide Alert!!!! 19 y
Pesticide Alert!!!
Liora Leah,
My favorite Home Health Environmental
Advocate is asking us to read this
and help the Malaysian People who are
being killed off by pesticides right now.
Take a look
and for more from
Liora Leah see
this thread:
Pesticide Alert!
Toxins in Cosmetics
by Liora Leah Home-Environmental Health Advocate:
Boycott Kleenex and Save Trees
by Liora Leah, Home-Environmental Health Advocate:
Resource Library
http://www.p ... read more
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