I agree with you in that there are not any... ANY real so called religious people who can speak for GOD!!
I am not any kind of religious leader; and I do not or does GOD need me to speak for HIM!! I am only a mentor or truth barometer; one who has witnessed the workings of GOD in my life and spoken to a few of hos messengers... But I do not speak for GOD!!
I also agree that there are not really any actual Church building or other place ( you) anyone has to go to know GOD and HIS WILL in your life... Prayer unlocks the mysteries of the Kingdom of GOD!!
Each and every person must seek his or her own salvation!! There is not any person, church, religion, or place that can do that for you!! First the individual must come to terms that they are lost and seek GOD in their life... Then repent and turn from evil ways... Accept the GRACE of GOD; which is forgiveness and them turn your heart toward helping others...
Visit the sick, those in prison, help cloth the naked, feed the hungry, give drink to those who thirst!! You get the picture... If you are confused then email me or reply to my web site @www.simplytruth.com...
No; I do not know it all; I try to be a humble helper... Seek GOD in prayer!!
Suggest your read the Bio of one John Newton... Author of Amazing Grace: the most popular and best know Hymn in the entire world... Recommend the one from Heroes of the Faith by Anne Sandberg; @ http://www.barbourbooks.com... No I do not get a commission!!
Best to you and any who seek the truth in their life... May God bless you is my prayer... Kermit