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    Plant Your Dream!

Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

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  • Plant Your Dream! by YourEnchantedGardener
    • Job's Tears by YourEnchantedGardener  18 y
      • Job's Tears -- Beads   by  Dazzle     18 y     2,626
        • Re: YES!!! Job's Tears   by  YourEnchantedGardener     18 y     1,116
          • Re: YES!!! Job's Tears   by  Dazzle     18 y     1,033
          • Re: YES!!! Job's Tears   by  Dazzle     18 y     1,724
            Subject:   Re: YES!!! Job's Tears
            Username:   Dazzle     contact Dazzle
            Date:   2/17/2006 1:05:46 PM   ( 18 y ago )
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            Yes, I do believe Job's Tears are edible.  I have included several reports below for your perusal.  Some have pics, some don't, but I have also included the URLS so you can see the pictures on the websites.  I hope this helps!

            ~ Dazzle



            Jobs Tears, Wild seeds, organic  

            Onosmodium virginianum  (Virginia Marbleseed)

            Herbaceous perennial. Native to the Gulf States and on up the Atlantic seabord to southern New England. Occurrences are few and mainly in protected sites--Wild Job's Tears is as scarce as a hen's tooth in the country.

            After over a decade of work with this plant, we have established a fine stand, and the new harvest is much more abundant than ever before, so we have upped the seeds per packet to a more generous (20) as opposed to the old packet count (5). No price increase. The plant is hairy, with light yellow, tubular flowers arranged in scorpioid inflorescences, with projecting stamens.

            The straight herbal use is as a strong diuretic and tonic, and the homeopathic indications are: "Want of power of concentration and coordination; migraine; sexua| dysfunctions in males; uterine pain and lack of sexua| desire in females." Plant prefers full sun and dryish, sandy soil but humid atmospheric conditions. Sow seed in fall for germination in the spring. 1 to 3 feet tall.

            20 seeds/pkt organically grown

            "We have in Onosmodium a remedy with some peculiarities, and occupying a sphere unique, a curative range differing from that of every other drug."
            Dr. William A. Yingling, homeopath, 1893



            Job's Tears As Food

            Native to tropical Asia, Job's tears (also called Adlay) are used for food, particularly by peasants of the Far East. The distinguished 17th century naturalist Georg Eberhard Rumphius stated that in his day Job's tears were planted in Java and Celebes on the margins of rice fields. According to Agnes Arber (The Gramineae, 1965), Job's tears were introduced into China in the first century A.D. by a Chinese general who conquered Tongking, where the grains were widely used as a cereal. The general became so fond of Job's tears that he carried back several cartloads of the seeds to his own country.



            Like other cereals, there are many cultivars of Job's tears, including soft-shelled, easily-threshed types with a sweet kernel. In some, the hulled grain is adapted for parching or boiling like rice, while in others it can be milled, ground into flour and baked into bread. Reportedly, the grain has a higher protein content than most cereals. The grains are also utilized in soups, porridge, drinks and pastries. In India, the Nagas use the grain for brewing a beer called zhu or dzu. A Japanese variety called "Ma-Yuen" is brewed into a tea and an alcoholic beverage, and roasted seeds are made into a coffee-like drink. According to Agnes Arber, the leaves are used as fodder in parts of India, and are especially relished by elephants.



            Assorted Job's tears trinkets. The Honduran seed doll has legs, arms, and a neck made of Job's tears. The head is from a cashew nut.
            Job's tears are called many things, but that is the correct name. Its
            botanical name is Coix lachryma-jobi L. Not only are
            Job's tears edible
            but they may well have been cultivated before rice. There is disagreement
            on where they were first cultivated, Indians opting for the Northeast of
            the country and Vavilov (the brilliant Russian geneticist who was
            persecuted by Stalin's Lysenko because he disagreed with him --Lysenko was
            the brain who kept cutting off mice tails .......... Vavilov thought
            Job's Tears
            originated in the Greater Sundas (the four large Islands of
            Indonesia). The earliest one I know of came from Timor (Indonesia) ca.
            3000 B.C. The earliest use for beads is from a site of the Harappan (Indus
            Valley) Civilization about 2000 BC or earlier. I also know some strung on
            a wire from South India several centuries B.C.

            Job's Tears The seeds of Job's Tears (Coix lachryma-jobi L. var. ma-yuen) have been used as anti-inflammatory medicine. The plant Job's Tears has been known to assist paralysis of body and to aid in fatigue and tonicity. It's been used as a beauty food to assist facial discoloration, freckles, moles, and acne. It also helps with labor pains, weight management, and boost energy. It can suppress body swelling, severe respiratory, and inflammation. Job's tears contains a large amount of vitamin B, calcium, and iron.



            Job's tears

            by Peter Loewer

            Coix lacryma-jobi, or Job's tears (also known as "Christ's tears"), is a close relative of the corn family that has the distinction of being one of the oldest ornamental grasses in cultivation. It was probably being grown for pleasure by the 14th century, especially around religious institutions. Plant this grass in your back yard and you'll have history growing just outside the door. The genus, Coix, is a Greek word for a palm or reed-leafed plant; lacryma-jobi literally means "Job's tears."

            In The Gramineae (Wheldon & Wesley, Ltd., New York, 1965), Agnes Arber writes about a Chinese general who, in the first century of the Christian era, conquered Tongking and became so fond of Job's tears that he carried several cartloads of seeds back home. An annual grass (or a short-lived perennial, in very warm climates), Job's tears is native to Southeast Asia and is also found in grasslands in the foothills of the Himalayas.

            Culms are knobby, often bending at the nodes, and bear glossy, deep-green leaf blades up to 2 feet long and sometimes 2 inches wide, graced with wavy edges. In very warm surroundings, plants can reach a height of 5-6 feet.

            The flowering and fruiting terminal spikelets are nondescript but eventually mature into shiny, pea-sized receptacles that hold very hard, beadlike, gray or mottled seeds resembling teardrops. The seeds bear two feathery female stigmas, with two green male flowers just above.

            Although Job's tears is considered a weed by many farmers, its seeds are actually a valuable foodstuff (and the way things are going, we artists – after being pounded and threshed by the Washington politicians – may be reduced to relying on them for our daily sustenance). After pounding and threshing the seeds, you mix the resultant powder with water to make an edible cereal (or a nutritious drink, akin to barley water).

            Old travel books describe locals husking and eating the seeds like peanuts. They're also used to make fermented drinks. Throughout the tropics, the seeds are often tinted, then strung and sold as rosaries. Certain Burmese tribes use the seeds as jewelry, in combination with squirrel tails, beetle wings and hammered silver. And grass authorities report that under cultivation, the shells soon lose their hard, pearly quality and rich gloss and become relatively soft. This fact is fully recognized in Burma, where, as soon as deterioration sets in, a fresh stock is obtained from the jungle.

            The plants will easily adapt to wet ground, so they do well growing next to ponds or streams. They also tolerate soils that lack fertility, but they don't respond to heavy clay soils. Remember to soak the seeds for 24 hours before planting. Job's tears grows well in Zones 8-12; in colder areas, start the seeds indoors (using individual peat pots).

            Rarely, a variegated variety with longitudinally striped, green-and-white leaves is sold under the name 'Aurea Zebrina'.


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