Well most if not all people do not want to give up their supposed control in life!
But we should learn to live with the DID principle...
The acceptence or total surrender to The Will of God; is not only required but absolutely required if you or anyone is receive The fullness of His Grace which simply means to Trust Him Totaly!
This is what we all should do; but unfortunatily we allow everything get in the way...
So it is not the where or the what, rather it is that you do attempt to serve God within your life! Because it our trust and then attempt at obeadence that reflects our true heart!
Here is a post from the writings of Brother Lawrence that should help:
« on: 19,Jul2010,15:52*:EDT »
Although he was assigned to the most humble task; he never complained.
The Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ sustained Brother Lawrence in everything that was unpleasant or tiresome. His faithfulness to God was exemplary.
Even when told by one of his supervisors that there was talk of dismissing him from the monastery; he replied,
" I am in the hands of God; He will do with me as He pleases. If I do not serve Him here, or I will serve Him else where!"
** This should be the goal in each of our lives... It is not where you serve Him, but that you do! Just maybe you will have a better and more satisfactory journey on your pathway of life!