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    Plant Your Dream!

Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

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  • Plant Your Dream! by YourEnchantedGardener
    • Family Plot Gardens for a Sustainable Planet by YourEnchantedGardener  15 y
      • Re: Family Plot Gardens for a Sustainable Planet   by  VestnikRA     15 y     1,563
        Subject:   Re: Family Plot Gardens for a Sustainable Planet
        Username:   VestnikRA     contact VestnikRA     email VestnikRA
        Date:   12/4/2009 6:54:13 AM   ( 15 y ago )
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        We received so many lovely comments to the UN Petition that we decided to publish some of them in Fall Issue of SOL Magazine
        And I cannot resist to place some of them here - for your inspiration!

        ~ ~ ~ "YES!! This is the path for a bright future for our children and their children. If we do nothing, they will be headed for a hell, we can hardly imagine!" Erich Kory
        ~ ~ ~ "We have a hectare in the UK. It works. It is something that is possible right now for everyone!" Dr. Eva Maria Chapman
        ~ ~ ~ "We will be truly blessed when the world adopts this lifestyle. Then will we truly experience Heaven on Earth." Katherine Coles
        ~ ~ ~ "This is a very important issue, please move to make it happen as it will help so much for humanity." Stephen Bard
        ~ ~ ~ "Family Gardening Plots are the answer to the corporate farms that are supplying food that has little nourishment in it." John Bowman

        ~ ~ ~ "Not only does this plan create the answer for sustainable living, it will also positively influence the economy and the lifestyle of all people. Food being one of our most critical expenses, if we are growing our own food in an environment that is self sustainable and nourishing, it takes care of part of our financial pressure and creates a more balanced and peaceful lifestyle among people. It will create better health among all people, as food is fresh and organic. There is also support of the community on a local level. Strengthened support among communities and therefore among nations. Even those of us in large corporate jobs, that rely on the profit made from large corporate food selling and farming, cannot deny what is best for all people. When they too have their own family plot and self sustainable garden, they will not need any kind of high end job to 'make ends meet' and they can do the work they enjoy, have more time with loved ones, be happy, make a positive difference to all nations." Brinley Meyer

        ~ ~ ~ "My gratitude to the petition author for appealing for this vitally important happening." Jasmine Braun
        ~ ~ ~ "To have one's own family-plot is an excellent solution to the current economic crisis." Vance Halstead
        ~ ~ ~ "The time for this is NOW. It is not appropriate for governments to halt or interfere with viable solutions put forth by the citizens of the country they are elected to serve. I feel this petition sets forth a new way to establish what the preamble to our constitution set intended to set forth. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Susan E. Hall
        ~ ~ ~ "Yes, what a simple yet, earth caring, people caring plan for sustaining our planet." Ann Rayner

        ~ ~ ~ "It really works! We are doing it in the Brazilian drylands..." Marsha Hanzi
        ~ ~ ~ "I never usually sign online petitions - but this is no usual online petition: it's the future of our planet." Matty Zijlstra
        ~ ~ ~ "My heart is fully in the idea this petition is asking for, a hectare of land given to anyone who wishes for one, to heal the people and the Earth." Paul T. Blake
        ~ ~ ~ "THIS IS THE ONLY WAY WE CAN GET BACK TO REALITY IN OUR WORLD! ONE HECTARE at a time!!!!!! Mitch Erskine
        ~ ~ ~ "To all the brothers and sisters out there, Paradise on earth has begun with this movement. Lets go create right now!" Samira Butt
        ~ ~ ~ "Assisting the vision of this movement is vital to the future existance of man on earth."
        Anita Mitchell
        ~ ~ ~ "I sign this as a Californian." Robin Bedell-Waite
        ~ ~ ~ "I am an American citizen who agrees wholeheartedly with this vision." Melanie D'Arcy

        ~ ~ ~ "Possibly the most important thing we as a people can do today, brings tears to my eyes." Bradley Marks ~ ~ ~
        ~ ~ ~ "This is the only sane way to live on this beautiful planet. I am already busy creating a sustainable space and can verify that this solution works!" Dwight Anthony Muller
        ~ ~ ~ "Forest gardening combined with permaculture surrounded by a food & fuel producing micro nature reserve. The plan is genius and is crying out to be implemented everywhere. I live in the UK and have started practicing on a smaller scale in my own garden. You'd be amazed at how much can be done with just a small area (I need my hectare though to do it properly!). Please help us gain support (and land!) so we can start creating our 100% self-sufficient forest gardens now." Lucas Davey
        ~ ~ ~ "Please do everything in your power to make this happen." Joseph Dominic McMillen
        ~ ~ ~ "Eco villages of Kin's domains is best way forward in the present world situation and the changes that are coming. So important to re-connect to the Earth, our bountiful mother." Araura Berkeley

        ~ ~ ~ "Please, please give this wonderful proposal you fullest commitment and support. Thank you." Carole Brook
        ~ ~ ~ "Very Inspiring, my family is also living together here in South Africa. We are working hard to become entirely self-sufficient - I support this with all my heart!" Pauline Susman
        ~ ~ ~ "Happy to become a member of great movement to create spaces of love. Living in San Francisco support with all my heart. Please, let me know if there is anything I can help with." Svetlana
        ~ ~ ~ "I sign it, because I see it as a very good way to avoid people suffering from money dependency in our fast changing world. I think this can help people to survive any type of the financial crises. And not only survive, but also make our Earth healthier place to live." Anastasia Ionicioiu
        ~ ~ ~ "I feel in my heart that allowing every person free access to their own space of the Earth, to grow their own food and provide for themselves would solve many of the world's most dire problems and go a long way in establishing peace on our planet. Thank you." April Coburn

        ~ ~ ~ "Please don't lose this opportunity. It should be pretty clear that it's now or never. I understand the praxis part is quite a tricky one. However, if the intention is genuine, you can invite suggestions, and many kind souls would be too eager to put their heads together." Rishi Miranhshah
        ~ ~ ~ "We now have a clear vision of a potentially wonderful future for mankind. Let's use this powerful idea and make it happen." Shirley McCarthy
        ~ ~ ~ "This movement is going to save the WORLD!" Michael Gourley
        ~ ~ ~ "There is no solution more singularly important and essential as this one. Food is the great leverage. How one attains it determines who we are as a society. This MUST occur. This will occur. This is my dream." Jolie Syllstah
        ~ ~ ~ "This is the only sane way towards a harmonious and healthy future for the planet and every living thing." Maureen Boustred

        ~ ~ ~ "This is critical awareness for all members of the planet Earth. Please consider this request with great care and heartfelt thought." Brenda Cartwright
        ~ ~ ~ "I suggest this be implemented in my country Zimbabwe by independent organizations with immediate effect... it would shift the whole of Africa into democracy. Will you dare to do it!?" Margaret McLeod
        ~ ~ ~ "I fully support this petition - we have nothing to lose but much to gain." Tessa Foote
        ~ ~ ~ "This should be top priority for the governments - creating ecologically safe future for our children, for future generations. Those who would volunteer to build this future should be treated as heroes and forerunners of the upcoming new age." Lenny Rossolovskiy

        And so we say YES! to each other and to this blessed, very possible Space of Love vision for every human being on earth. May the Force be with us, as they say.

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