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    My Quest for the Truth of Life, by Kerminator!

Blog: My Quest for the Truth of Life, by Kerminator!
by kerminator

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  • My Quest for the Truth of Life, by Kerminator! by kerminator
    • sin? by kerminator  15 y
      • Re: sin?...against what?   by  been there done that     15 y     1,559
        Subject:   Re: sin?...against what?
        Username:   been there done that     contact been there done that
        Date:   5/18/2009 3:50:59 PM   ( 15 y ago )
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        been there done that

        God has given you the gift of courage (the courage to sin against human nature's status quo and "seek common sense"). Common sense thinking about many things in life often seems to be outlawed and left to the philosopher/thinker.

        Offhand, I would say the best story (Godly philosophy) in scripture is the parable (learning experience) of the prodigal son. The prodigal son sinned against HEAVEN/rightness (a sin is simply a violation of a code...table manners, etiquette, dress codes, etc.). The prodigal son learned the error of his way, TRUSTED in his dad's loving kindness enough to return home and "fall on the mercy of the court" (dad is the judge). He also confessed to his dad AND recognized the true wrong that was done (that the victim was DAD). The violation of a CODE is merely a TECHNICALITY, but sinning against a PERSON causes pain and suffering (this is what God cares about...the suffering of PEOPLE). So, even though the code of rightness/heaven was violated, it was that dad's gift had been ruined that mattered (dad was a VICTIM). Since the son confessed and recognized the pain he caused to the victim (LEARNING sorrow from his mistake), the dad reacted the same as God.

        Many CODES can be sinned against (violated), but God is not bothered by our violations of (sins against) propriety, it is our unjust sins against A PERSON that will count against us.

        If we TRULY love God, we will also love His ways of good and right and true. If we love His ways, we will WILLINGLY be "as He is" (willingly being Godly will not require "OBEDIENCE"...common sense). It is the "ungodly at heart" that will need to OBEY (this is why truly Godly people are told to live according to the "law of liberty" (James 1:25 and 2:12). Jesus abolished the sin laws (Ephesians 2:15) and did ALL the works necessary for our return home...

        John 6:28
        "Then they said to him, "What must we do, to be doing the works of God?".

        John 9:3
        Jesus answered, "that the works of God might be made manifest in"...US.

        ...but many Christians want to do works of their own (pride/vain ego)...even though Jesus is our ONLY foundation (it is apostasy to set another foundation, and that will not be overlooked at the final judgement, Hebrews chapter 6...VERY IMPORTANT). JESUS Himself is our sabbath rest (Luke 6:5). The Israelites never knew Jesus as their sabbath rest in their lifetime (Hebrews 4:3).

        The "Christian" teachings about God have always been taught WRONG/in error (the "strong delusion" is NOT a FUTURE event, but has been in effect all throughout history for those who rather love the bible instead of GOD ONLY...He is a jealous God).

        There is a second/deeper message in scripture ("depths of God", 1 Corinthians 2:10) for courageous Godlovers ("bravehearts of God" if you will) whose heart/mind is deep (Romans 12:2).

        In scripture, God gives the brethren of humanity (our fellow human being, "neighbor") alot of good advice (wise counsel), but few can see it as "wise counsel" because they are UNWILLING (rebellious) to be truly GODLY ("children of light", Ephesians 5:8).

        1 John 1:5
        "God is LIGHT and in Him there is no darkness AT ALL".

        The other characteristic of God is that "God is LOVE" (1 John 4:8)...THAT is what the parable of the prodigal son is all about.

        So, if you can avoid becoming obsessed with sin/law/commands/commandments/fear and LOVE Him only (perfect love, 1 John 4:18, Mark 12:30), choosing to be GODLY SPIRITUAL instead HUMANLY SPIRITUAL, then develop eyes to see and ears to hear, because, as a "babe in Christ" (1 Corin. 3:1), you already were "trained" (2 Timothy 3:16, Titus 2:12) in the "doctrine of Christ" Hebrews 6:1) and as a thinker, you can learn the real word of God so that you will correctly discern (as a "sword" would divide) between what is genuinely good (Godlike) and what is not genuinely Godly behavior/thought (the "sword" of a Godly spirit/character).

        Ephesians 6:17
        "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God".

        ...because it is OUR SPIRIT/character that must be compatible with God's so that we can "enter BY THE DOOR" (John 10:1 and 9) and have ETERNAL LIFE (the ultimate objective, Luke 3:6, Ephesians 1:14).

        It has always been the preference of man to "earn" their way to heaven with "works"/deeds, prideful "scholar study" ("Christian of the year"), offerings/prayers to flatter and patronize God in order to figuratively "force" the kingdom to come to them...

        Matthew 11:12
        "From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and men of violence take it by force".

        ...but we must "ENTER BY THE DOOR".

        The bible has always been said to be THE FINAL AUTHORITY, yet it did not suffer any pain on the cross nor shed water and blood (1 John 5:6, John 7:38, Rev. 7:16, Acts 1:5, Ephesians 4:5).

        Matthew 28:18
        "And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me".

        JESUS'S BODY is our ONLY worship temple (the outer temple) and we are the inner (John 2:19, 21, 1 Corin. 3:16 and 6:19).

        Their should be no public prayer and we should not worship with "lips"/sound...

        Matthew 6:6
        "But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door".

        There is much more to the "depths of God", but because you have already been "trained" (using also the "spiritual teachers" of man), you need simply to recognize your heavenly heritage (we figuratively have the same DNA) and that "anointing" will teach you (1 John 2:27).

        Romans 8:16
        "it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with OUR SPIRIT that we are children of God".

        All verses are from the Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the bible (the word "bible" is not found in scripture, it is simply man's designation of scripture).

        Many modern versions of scripture have been corrupted because the publishing companies have changed the words to become politically correct so that they sell more.

        Look up all these verses in the RSV (the following link) and you will see that concern about "sin" is not for those who are truly Godly (a Godlike spirit/character/nature is Godly).


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